finite. for the life of me I can not think of what it means. I think it is being particular. if you are finite. I may be wrong. Possibly so off. It sounds simple. and clean. finite. a martha stewart word by chance. put on a not card simple and neat with a bow. finite. clean. nice. crisp.
cassie Boorn
Is the universe finite or infinite? It’s the sort of question that requires framing your idea of the term “finite” as much as rethinking how you conceive of the universe. How can we ever say definitively, whether it’s finite or not? And what does “finite” mean if the universe can be it?
finite. nothing is. so much potential why do we limit ourselves? why
don’t we act ?there is beauty in the action in the conversations–
so many wonderous paths–
Her patience with him had to be finite, didn’t it? She couldn’t be capagle of endlessly putting up with this shit.
daniloth (Dawn)
infinit without in
I’m feeling stifled by this green line, it’s sucking all the creativity out of me. Yet I try to write anyway.
Everything is isn’t it. It’s not like there is an infinite. Is there? Would I even want there to be? I’m not sure how I’d occupy myself. Boredom would surely set in at some point. Maybe that’s what happened with god. He got bored. She got bored. Decided to shake things up.
There’s only so much one can do in a day, hour, minute, lifetime. It’s just that we have to learn to accept that and flow with it. Things will go unanswered, tasks undone. But yet, life will keep flowing on and on. It’s just we won’t be part of it.
There’s only so much time in the world, as there is space and matter. Yet all the while, there seems to be an infinite amount of stupid. An infinite amount of unnecessary consumption and a big ol’ never-ending pile of panic.
There is a finite amount of words in the english language, (or any language, for that matter) and yet we are able to communicate and relate to one another and share our lives. And yet, it is far harder to sum up any single thought when given only sixty seconds. Sheesh.
i dont even know what this work is. What the hell ummm i think it means the end but I can’t go and google search it because my time limit is almost over. No matter how many times I reload the page it is the same word. Now I feel utterly retarded not knowing this poor word. Why can’t this just give me another word to work with. Times up now I am going to look up what this word is so I won’t feel so dumb for not knowing it.
My life her life his life
so long so short and here’s hoping there is more after
And who the hell knows maybe they’ll be there too
who knows?
Time – this year, this week, this day, this moment is finite. It will end.
And when it ends, you will not think to ask…
Did I do OK with what I had?
catherine Sabonis-Bradley
The end of the world is a very finite thing, it is very scary. Will it be a rebirth or will it just be the end? The time of Noah’s ark seemed pretty finite to all of the people around then. What is this whole 2012 being the final point of our lives thing anyway. What am I supposed to do?
In in fact. Infinite because everything is infinite sun sky love laughter. there’s always more, there’s always too much, too many, too often. Finite is a phrase that’s useless to us: it doesn’t exist as a matter of fact. sorry to tell you, but nothing will ever run out as long as you’re alive, which might as well be an infinite amount of time for you.
There is a limit to most things in life. A finite amount, if you will. My limit for the capacity of people is fairly small; smell enough for me to want to drive a nail through her eye right now. That heavy yammering she does when she doesn’t get it her way drives me nuts–infinitely.
AJ Brown
finite is the end of something you may have thought would outlast you. like the death of your mother, or your kitten that you got when you were 5. you watch it go and then you sit alone for a while contemplating existence. you tiny brain doesnt know how to wrap around the whole world so you setlle for a tree. your mind crawls up its trunk and gets lost in the leaves. veins like the ones in your own eyes. skin think like that over your lips. the tree will, infact, outlive you.
i thought once that everyone desrves infinite amounts of whatever they desire. i grew up with that in the back of my brain, “IM ENTITLED”. because im here and im greedy, and so is everyone else, and we all should eat cake all the time, and we all should wear gold around our wrists, and we all should marry out lovers and lie in bed with them untill we depart holding hands.
every leasting, never ending
finite, forever and ever. if i could die today, would my last thought stay with me? my soul floats around the world, seeing what my eyes never could.
i will miss him, and such a tearing thought it would be to be forever without you, not knowing how faithful, not knowing how honest your words were, or whether i could love you. the treacherous what if that would linger for eternity, not knowing..
infinite uncertainty
amanda ott
Time’s arrow piercing through a human life. A short walk to the end and the clocked ticked, marking your steps.
Does it matter?
mrzim talijanski :D
everything ends.our life,our hopes our dreams.everything runs out eventually.but we dont want to believe that.there is something about the word that we cant relate to.
not finite again. I got finite last time and it didn’t even register because you said I’d had too many comments on the page already. odd, since I hadn’t actually tried to make any comments. maybe it’s becasue of the word “finite”. meybe the whole site is just a nerdy joke by some sad no-life
oh, the possibilities are endless. we are not limited, we are not finite. love is endless and we are endless and we can be free if only we could find the path of love and not hate, forgiveness and not anger.
let go of your grudges and your greed.
be free!
Things like gas and natural resources are all finite. One day we won’t have them anymore. We will be stuck to live in a world that is falling apart and we won’t know what to do.
I don’t blame anyone. It was purely meant to happen or less it wouldn’t.
uhh dont know the word must be french, but i know i heard the word before. it sounds like the word finish in english.
eric collodel
No way. Couldn’t be. Can’t. He’s not dying. He can’t be dying! Just Monday, four days ago, he was fine, just fine. He jumped over the rail. He was fine. The eyes are wrong though, when he says that word. He’s scared, adn I’ve never seen him that way before.
I can’t shake the feeling that our tim with him is finite.
Yona Yurwit
The world is a finite site. God’s brain is so big that he could continue on this trail forever. I wish I could think like Him but for right now I can only imagine. In the meantime, I will enjoy His handiwork. WOW! What will You be up to tomorrow…better yet, when I turn around?
t barrow
i dont know what it means but it sonds like finnish.
um….what is this?!!! this is confusing i hav no idea what this strange word means….it kinda sounds like well i forgot what its called but it starts wit an f and it is like some kind of metal….furnite i think….
the finite world is bounded by the imagination. I have no real sense of what lies beyond….perhaps my most secret imaginings. There is no limit to the power of the human mind, just the shackles of the physical world.
Every last thread was interwoven in reds and blues, but the edges were frayed. She looked at it sadly.
“That’s it, then?” she asked.
“That’s it. Time to throw it out.”
Finite fragments of a winter morning that she would never forget. She let the scarf fall on her white neck.
She’d have her make another one soon. For next winter.
The Poet
Time’s up, one day. Existence is finite. Fuel’s all. Nothing lasts forever.
Let’s make the best out of what we have. Not worth contemplating next month, next year, far away future. There’s a chance we won’t got there.
johnny chicago
So I went to the hockey game and the ducks lost
Finite mind. Find time spending love in a limelight rhyme.
All good things will eventually come to an end. nothing is infinite, they are all finite.
Your lifespan, your money, your time. All of the above are all finite. so we should cherish the time spent doing them and live a ahppy life.
I don’t even know what the word means.- I think – or maybe I do. Maybe it means terminal – finite – I do like the feeling it evokes, even without knowing it’s purpose. Strange. This is great though. And I have no clue why I am here. I am sad. But not because of this word. For many reasons. One being my relationship might be finite. Yes, that is it. Finite. Sad and terminal. Or is it?
something that doesn’t last and probably only gives satisfaction in that moment for that moment and whatever else that happens after that is beyond anybody’s comprehension. it is the opposite of infinity where forever is the only constant.
again, finite.
linear, non-linear.
conventional editing of traditional hollywood cinema. oxymoron.
our vision is changing and we are embodying a new dimension sprung from color and clarity.
finite. for the life of me I can not think of what it means. I think it is being particular. if you are finite. I may be wrong. Possibly so off. It sounds simple. and clean. finite. a martha stewart word by chance. put on a not card simple and neat with a bow. finite. clean. nice. crisp.
Is the universe finite or infinite? It’s the sort of question that requires framing your idea of the term “finite” as much as rethinking how you conceive of the universe. How can we ever say definitively, whether it’s finite or not? And what does “finite” mean if the universe can be it?
finite. nothing is. so much potential why do we limit ourselves? why
don’t we act ?there is beauty in the action in the conversations–
so many wonderous paths–
Her patience with him had to be finite, didn’t it? She couldn’t be capagle of endlessly putting up with this shit.
infinit without in
I’m feeling stifled by this green line, it’s sucking all the creativity out of me. Yet I try to write anyway.
Everything is isn’t it. It’s not like there is an infinite. Is there? Would I even want there to be? I’m not sure how I’d occupy myself. Boredom would surely set in at some point. Maybe that’s what happened with god. He got bored. She got bored. Decided to shake things up.
There’s only so much one can do in a day, hour, minute, lifetime. It’s just that we have to learn to accept that and flow with it. Things will go unanswered, tasks undone. But yet, life will keep flowing on and on. It’s just we won’t be part of it.
There’s only so much time in the world, as there is space and matter. Yet all the while, there seems to be an infinite amount of stupid. An infinite amount of unnecessary consumption and a big ol’ never-ending pile of panic.
There is a finite amount of words in the english language, (or any language, for that matter) and yet we are able to communicate and relate to one another and share our lives. And yet, it is far harder to sum up any single thought when given only sixty seconds. Sheesh.
i dont even know what this work is. What the hell ummm i think it means the end but I can’t go and google search it because my time limit is almost over. No matter how many times I reload the page it is the same word. Now I feel utterly retarded not knowing this poor word. Why can’t this just give me another word to work with. Times up now I am going to look up what this word is so I won’t feel so dumb for not knowing it.
My life her life his life
so long so short and here’s hoping there is more after
And who the hell knows maybe they’ll be there too
who knows?
Time – this year, this week, this day, this moment is finite. It will end.
And when it ends, you will not think to ask…
Did I do OK with what I had?
The end of the world is a very finite thing, it is very scary. Will it be a rebirth or will it just be the end? The time of Noah’s ark seemed pretty finite to all of the people around then. What is this whole 2012 being the final point of our lives thing anyway. What am I supposed to do?
In in fact. Infinite because everything is infinite sun sky love laughter. there’s always more, there’s always too much, too many, too often. Finite is a phrase that’s useless to us: it doesn’t exist as a matter of fact. sorry to tell you, but nothing will ever run out as long as you’re alive, which might as well be an infinite amount of time for you.
There is a limit to most things in life. A finite amount, if you will. My limit for the capacity of people is fairly small; smell enough for me to want to drive a nail through her eye right now. That heavy yammering she does when she doesn’t get it her way drives me nuts–infinitely.
finite is the end of something you may have thought would outlast you. like the death of your mother, or your kitten that you got when you were 5. you watch it go and then you sit alone for a while contemplating existence. you tiny brain doesnt know how to wrap around the whole world so you setlle for a tree. your mind crawls up its trunk and gets lost in the leaves. veins like the ones in your own eyes. skin think like that over your lips. the tree will, infact, outlive you.
i thought once that everyone desrves infinite amounts of whatever they desire. i grew up with that in the back of my brain, “IM ENTITLED”. because im here and im greedy, and so is everyone else, and we all should eat cake all the time, and we all should wear gold around our wrists, and we all should marry out lovers and lie in bed with them untill we depart holding hands.
every leasting, never ending
finite, forever and ever. if i could die today, would my last thought stay with me? my soul floats around the world, seeing what my eyes never could.
i will miss him, and such a tearing thought it would be to be forever without you, not knowing how faithful, not knowing how honest your words were, or whether i could love you. the treacherous what if that would linger for eternity, not knowing..
infinite uncertainty
Time’s arrow piercing through a human life. A short walk to the end and the clocked ticked, marking your steps.
mrzim talijanski :D
everything ends.our life,our hopes our dreams.everything runs out eventually.but we dont want to believe that.there is something about the word that we cant relate to.
not finite again. I got finite last time and it didn’t even register because you said I’d had too many comments on the page already. odd, since I hadn’t actually tried to make any comments. maybe it’s becasue of the word “finite”. meybe the whole site is just a nerdy joke by some sad no-life
oh, the possibilities are endless. we are not limited, we are not finite. love is endless and we are endless and we can be free if only we could find the path of love and not hate, forgiveness and not anger.
let go of your grudges and your greed.
be free!
Things like gas and natural resources are all finite. One day we won’t have them anymore. We will be stuck to live in a world that is falling apart and we won’t know what to do.
I don’t blame anyone. It was purely meant to happen or less it wouldn’t.
uhh dont know the word must be french, but i know i heard the word before. it sounds like the word finish in english.
No way. Couldn’t be. Can’t. He’s not dying. He can’t be dying! Just Monday, four days ago, he was fine, just fine. He jumped over the rail. He was fine. The eyes are wrong though, when he says that word. He’s scared, adn I’ve never seen him that way before.
I can’t shake the feeling that our tim with him is finite.
The world is a finite site. God’s brain is so big that he could continue on this trail forever. I wish I could think like Him but for right now I can only imagine. In the meantime, I will enjoy His handiwork. WOW! What will You be up to tomorrow…better yet, when I turn around?
i dont know what it means but it sonds like finnish.
um….what is this?!!! this is confusing i hav no idea what this strange word means….it kinda sounds like well i forgot what its called but it starts wit an f and it is like some kind of metal….furnite i think….
the finite world is bounded by the imagination. I have no real sense of what lies beyond….perhaps my most secret imaginings. There is no limit to the power of the human mind, just the shackles of the physical world.
Every last thread was interwoven in reds and blues, but the edges were frayed. She looked at it sadly.
“That’s it, then?” she asked.
“That’s it. Time to throw it out.”
Finite fragments of a winter morning that she would never forget. She let the scarf fall on her white neck.
She’d have her make another one soon. For next winter.
Time’s up, one day. Existence is finite. Fuel’s all. Nothing lasts forever.
Let’s make the best out of what we have. Not worth contemplating next month, next year, far away future. There’s a chance we won’t got there.
So I went to the hockey game and the ducks lost
Finite mind. Find time spending love in a limelight rhyme.
All good things will eventually come to an end. nothing is infinite, they are all finite.
Your lifespan, your money, your time. All of the above are all finite. so we should cherish the time spent doing them and live a ahppy life.
I don’t even know what the word means.- I think – or maybe I do. Maybe it means terminal – finite – I do like the feeling it evokes, even without knowing it’s purpose. Strange. This is great though. And I have no clue why I am here. I am sad. But not because of this word. For many reasons. One being my relationship might be finite. Yes, that is it. Finite. Sad and terminal. Or is it?
something that doesn’t last and probably only gives satisfaction in that moment for that moment and whatever else that happens after that is beyond anybody’s comprehension. it is the opposite of infinity where forever is the only constant.
again, finite.
linear, non-linear.
conventional editing of traditional hollywood cinema. oxymoron.
our vision is changing and we are embodying a new dimension sprung from color and clarity.
the kingdom of heaven.