
September 14th, 2024 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “firefighter”

  1. The firefighter had been on this job for centuries. Or it felt like that amount of time. He had joined as a young man, as a volunteer, going to fires after work, and spending his weekends drinking beer with the other members of the unit. Now his bones creaked and his back hurt; the fire bell rang and he saw the others running to the trucks, sad that he could no longer join them.

  2. Anthony jumps off of the ladder, shocking his friends. He smiles widely, sweat beading on his forehead. The test was difficult, but he seemed to do it with ease. Just who did he think he was?

  3. The rush of the flames swirl around Nora, her heart racing. She didn’t expect it to grow. She didn’t want it to expand like this. The firefighters bang on the door, screaming to let them in. She stares, her legs barely staying in place.

  4. Sasha rushes int other burning house, hurriedly looking for the little boy. His cries echo is the rush of the burning flames. The boy, seeming to appear everywhere couldn’t be found. Sasha, only being in the force for two years, starts to panic, and her vision goes hazy…

    oliver sparks