
October 7th, 2008 | 1,160 Entries

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1,160 Entries for “flight”

  1. I once went to ghana on a plane and it went waaay down. No terroists though. And No crashes.

  2. fight or flight. that is how we are bred to live. I guess our ancestors had a bit of a point there. you need to know when it is worth it to fight and when it benefits you to just leave things alone.

  3. Fight is free for the birds but expensive for humnas flight is for the feathered not for the hairy Flight is for the free not for the monetary prisoners

    Mark McMahon
  4. i have yet to take flight
    someday i wish i might
    but alas my fear of heights

    its a childish dream to soar above
    around in the clouds

    one day, maybe

  5. flight is either a sign of great wisdom or of the inability to be strong.

    you can run from something awful or run from what can save you.

  6. There’s no more time to sit and wait for things that will never be, impossible things. There’s no more time to sit and wonder what could have been if things had been different, if we had been different. There’s no more time to wish for things and take no action, not even try. It’s time to fight, it’s time for flight.

  7. flight, just another feeling we cant attain. i wish i knew the feeling, yet it seems all i can do is watch the birds mock me…
    are we really so limited?
    with only ten percent of our mental being used, is it really out of reach.
    sure a plane can do it for us, but can we ever do it ourselves.

    matthews harris
  8. plane. crash. seatbelt. attendant. the fat guy in the seat next to you, breathing hard. he farted. now who did it. i want cranberry juice. and a full can of soda. maybe water too…no ice, can you do that?

    I want to go to mars. the plane will take me there. look out the window. come back down.

  9. i pound my wings, pushing higher and higher with each breath. straining, soaring, reaching as high as the heavens will allow, my every movement co-ordinated in the single, all consuming task of pushing myself ever higher. the sky is all around me, and reaches further beneath me with every passing second.

    God, i love flying.

  10. I had to get on that flight. I couldn’t just stay here and rot. Not in this cold, dark city. I needed something tropical, sunny. I need a getaway. No more cars, smog, subways. I’m flying towards freedom.

    Evans Prater
  11. My father has been a pilot for as long as I can remember- probably since before I was born. I remember being a kid and flying with him thorough clouds and thinking about angels or fairies or SOMETHING living in this great expanse of place and how amazing it would be.

  12. The plane took off, along with my stomach. Having never been in a plane before, I watched as we all turned sideways up into the bright blue sky and leave the earth I was born on, used to having my feet on, and felt us rising and trembling on the way up above the clouds. My heart was racing and I was sweating a little. I didn’t think I’d be this nervous. But I thought I would just absorb this moment for what it was.

  13. The flight of the bumble bee is not the dance of nectar it is the great line of light that flows through life from morning to night. As the day ends the bee returns down below the light of life and descends into the softness of the night.

    Brian Mc Enery
  14. i lay there, floating. looking down on the cityfolk below, i begin to laugh. how beauteous this world can be.

    i’m off.

    hey you, birdies.
    you fly fast.
    beat this!

    how beauteous this world can be.
    how beauteous this world can be.

    David Clifford Turner
  15. I remember the first time I took to the air. It was a chilly Oct morning in France, 1917. I’d never seem such a monstrosity of wires and cabling in my life, much less expect to fly in one. Somehow the thought of it both thrilled me and terrified me at the same time, but I surrendered only to the romance of it all. I would fly on high as those before me who now slept in repose.

  16. and suddenly, i am flying. I can feel my wings spread and flap, flap, flap, the air rushing past my ears in a deafaning cacaphony of noise. My hair ruffles with the wind, and I blink my fringe from my eyes. I laugh; how can you not laugh when finally, you are free?

  17. …or fight. That is your choice in many situations throughout the day. It never ends. Every hour of every day brings its own unique challenge that must be either fought or…flought?

  18. I have flown all over the world. been to a whole bunch of continents. africa. america. wanna go to asia. wanna go all over. wherethehellismatt style. i love traveling. so so so much. love it. mm what about you?

  19. going places, travel around the world, having fun, new people and cultures. Best and fastest way of transportation.

  20. Send me out into flight like a bird from a twig made nest.
    Send me out into the night like a star that peers at dusk in between the purple and the fire.
    Send me out like anything that flies, that sparkles. Do it by kissing me.

  21. flight…so far away but never too close. I wish it was as easy to just fly when you want. how wonderful it would be to take flight when you want.

  22. i like to fly. actually i hate it. i don’t like to fly. airports make me sick, and I really don’t like take-off. I can’t stand flying. Last time I flew home to California, I threw up on the plane, and I’ll never eat strawberry cream cheese again.

    Well, this turned out to be a rather depressing entry. How crazy I must sound.

  23. Flight reminds me of fight or flight the phrase meaning you ether fight or you run away. Other than that I’m reminded of air travel and the horible waiting times that are attached.

  24. i opened my arms wide to the inviting sky, so feathery soft with emptiness strikingly similar to what i felt. The feeling rose in me like a current, lifting the weight off my shoulders; gravity was letting me go, and i let go of the world i knew. i stepped and took flight. the arms of the world held me close then and i knew…

  25. I ran in fright. It was a flight from fright. It was right that caused my flight. My flight was caused by fright.

    I was scared.

  26. i am at your doorstep from across an abrupt eternity, lapsed in waves of love looming, heavy-footed on the landing, sweet and on a collision course with your brightest angels

  27. It is a bird or an airplane flying way up in the sky.

  28. i want to take flight. fly away from whatever it is i’ve built here. tehf light of the conchords./ i want to feel free in flight and not feel chained to the ground below…that’s what i feel right now. flight fright. wow – they rhyme. flight fight. i’m fighting the urge of flight.

    don't know
  29. i am taking flight in a direction and at a speed completely unexpected a year ago. a few months ago. i am so excited and terrified of the results, of the destination, of the possibilities that may be down that wind draft…i have never risked like this

  30. fight or flight. die trying, or run with everything in tact?

    I am a coward. I would rather have everything in tact. But what I’d give to be a hero.

    jim k
  31. I have been doing a lot of that lately. Literally, and figuratively. Literally, as in travel and for the later, well just running from reality. Doing things I know I shouldnt be and acting like they didnt happen, running from things I know are potentially good because I am scared they might not be.

  32. I love to fly in a very empty jet liner. My favorite flight was from Maui to Kauai. It was only filled with friends. That was special and may years ago.

  33. fight or flight man…i dont care which one you choose but you better be ready when we get there….just to be clear though…if you run im gonna shoot you myself…..

    charles ratteray
  34. It was the first time he tried to fly, and the last. He leapt, spread his wings and felt the wind in his hair. Then he fell.

  35. you are my flight of fancy: figurative and vague but able to lift me airborne at surprising moments. you arrive unexpectedly and always exit too soon. you don’t exist because you’re not here but you can’t not exist because you’re making me crazy. and i wouldn’t go crazy over nothing. therefore you are something although whatever it is, you are, we are together – it’s a long flight away.
    literally speaking.

  36. Martinis at five thousand feet. I call to the steward. How long. 3 hours. close the laptop.

  37. ahhh… magnetic north. is that how they do it? we cant feel those pulls (that push?). how is it we could find our way. the north stars?

    cill wote
  38. one day I will take flight and leave the mundane behind. I won’t think about what happens when I do, I won’t wonder about what will happen when I get where I am going. The breeze will flow and flit and fllutter about my limbs

    roxanne diana
  39. falling free fall, flying higher than i thought possible. my flight is temporary, fleeting but amazing. how i wish i could stay up here forever. but forever wouldn’t be long enough.

  40. hej shka po bn nese je shiptar po t shkruj ishalla je shipta jo amirikan
