Flight of fancy to the outer reaches of my mind … it turns out that the heat is all out there on the fringe, not at the bright core at all! things just HAPPEN out here where the sun don’t shine, where nobody can see and criticise early … where the great swirling masses of the Unknown can give rise to almost anything the imagine can frame. Fly out to here, fly out to the dark margine of the known. Come to the realm of possibility and choice, and forget the bright glare of the over-scrutinised unchangeable now.
broken wings beating the sea foam, whimpering like a wounded dog, a sick child, a skinned knee. tear in the fabric, tattered lace worn through and dark with dirt, red clay like a virginia playground, children running in circles with water bottles hanging from their small fingers, their nails dirty with grime, grass stains over the small, knobby knees.
let go
and just drop
feel the adrenaline woosh
of an absence of everything
you know and love,
replaced with
try it sometime.
Flight is what the mind does when the teacher is discussing some wacky math terms, and you have no idea what the heck is going on.
“I’ll take the next flight out,” I promised in the vague hope that she would stop crying. It had been like this since I’d left for German to begin my desperately hopeful business career. And now I was back to being the full-time carer I was before. The only difference was the country and an ‘e’.
stupid change the word
Take flight, be who you are. This place is too small for pretenders.
to fly
soar over land
birds eye view
over you through
the sky
fly to far away
there in a day
they say.
above, high with you, above clouds in the blue
so happy and scared maybe sometimes we’ll do it again
I want to take flight. Like a bird. Just waving my arms and taking off. To see the world. Be able to go wherever I want and not worry about gas prices.
Tweet tweet.
i didnt know that planes could crash so quickly. when you see them in movies it goes in slow motion, you get to see everyone’s faces, everyone’s immediate reaction to the reality that the body of metal they are sitting in is crashing to the ground. people have time to say goodbyes, they have time to have last words and thoughts, they can tell someone for the last time that they love them.
And what more is there to do, than to stand with your arms outstretched and feel the air rush, with a roaring, a scream, your eyes watering. You are flying and there is nothing more exciting and excruciating. You don’t know what makes it so exhilarating but it is too addictive to ponder for too long.
freedom night blue feathers white clouds wind in my face I wish I were free of my body and of my memories perhaps – only sometimes I fly in my memories and this is the best kind of freedom of those available to me I guess I should fly as well as I can.
of the navigator.
it scared me as a child.
it scared me as a teenager.
i wonder if it’ll scare me as an adult.
(see. there are some things you don’t exist in)
Arms out stretched, her head tilted back, she pretended to be an airplane. With glee, she spun around in a circle, until the dizyness over took her and she came crashing to the ground.
It was a joyous revelation, this relived moment of childhood, when memory came slipping back.
once i went to England and they had the longest flight ever!!! actually, it wasn’t that long, but whatever. I think that it only seemed long because i was sitting in between 2 random people i didn’t know…hmmm….i was very antisocial back then. kinda funny, since it wasn’t that long ago…
I like to watch birds in flight. Sometimes I wish I could fly. I’d hate to have feathers, but kinda fly like Superman. And being able to hover in place would be pretty nifty as well.
I’m off. I’m soaring. I never stop. My dream flys. On and on. I never no where I will end up. I see land far below me and sky even higher above me.
Something about the first flight always makes me think. For people to be as ambitious as the Wright Brothers and to really do something that no other person ever had is at once inspiring and destructive to my own ambitions. How can I possibly expect to achieve anything of value when I know I’ll never be able to fly like that?
I want to fly far far away and go somewhere I’ve never been. To fly in a airplane or to have my own wings it doesn’t really matter to me. I jsut want to leave and get out of here. To go t othe top of the world or the bottom of the ocean. Tofly over mountain peaks or to jsut soar.
feathers meat balls instead of you I found this floating in my way like I was one of you, like you were never a part of and how you never let me follow you where you wanted me to
eagles soaring high and graceful, cursing nothing but their limitless freedom. nothing can stop anything from soaring towards its goal and only source of comfort. Jet streams are nothing more than unwelcome obstacles and there is no judgement, only an embrace of the wind.
Wind whipping through my hair. The open road in front of me. The questions, uncertainties, and difficulties growing smaller and in the rearview.
Dave Matthews’ “Where Are You Going?” comes on my radio. I snap off the dial and tell him to “Shut the hell up.”
Around you,
I feel as though I can float.
Push my self off in high flight.
Around you,
I feel as though I’m alive
My soul taking filght.
Around you,
I’m in love.
My heart in flight
from just the though of you.
What I wish I could do. I would give almost anything to fly. Fly in the sky with the fishes. I read that somewhere… ‘I might be flying with the fishes or swimming with the pigeons, but my worlds different.’ I can’t remember who said it, but it was a rapper. I love that saying. Because its try, everyone’s world is different than someone elses.
The flight was full and there were screaming children in at least 5 of the nearby seats. I understood how they felt. I wanted to scream too. I wanted to raise my hands to the sky and let out an earth shattering howl that would give voice to all the pain inside.
There was a time when I thought I knew things. I knew about the cleanliness of water, and the majesty of the rain. I knew who I thought I was, and I knew about the ground where I could place my feet. And then…
I changed.
The Fool
i went on this flight and it was very turbulent. I ended up getting stuck in the bathroom during landing and they woulnd’t let me go back to my seat Another time we were flying to vegas and had the worst turbulence. that was quite a flight.. my mom and uncle were with me adn it was lightenening and thunder and it was completely horrifying.
k. johnson
Fight or flight. Which ones better, honestly? Fight, and possibly get hurt more than necassary, or flight, and be a ‘wimp’? Honestly, I think I’d fight, if it was someone or something I thought I could take. But thats just me.
Flight is amazing. It was an envy of every human being for a very long time. Then the Wright brothers came along in the early 1900’s and made the first flying aircraft. The world has never been the same.
And I think its gonna be a long, long time…nah, just kidding. Flight is basically the concept of being in mid-air motion in which you are in perpetual containment that projects you to points in space. Other than that, the definition of a long boring span from point A to point B stuck between a fat guy and a screaming baby.
Bubba Gump
In a whirl, the entire field of crows took flight. She dropped her red scarf to the ground and laughed. No one told her it would be so beautiful.
Alisha Gaspard
going home and meeting my parents. being home and safe without having to worry about anything else. getting away from daily life for a while and forget the world and all its problems.
shitty food and rude flight attendants.
To fight is to be agressive.
To hurt, to harm, to yell and scream.
Flight is running from the problem.
Running, hiding, fleeing.
Neither one seems to solve anything though.
So which makes you less of a man?
Fight or flight?
To fight or flight. Thats what I think of when I see the word “flight.” I’ve also never flown in a commercial plane before. ever. I’ve flown in a passenger type plane with my best friend from high school and her father, who was a doctor who enjoyed flying. Really unique, a doctor/pilot. It’s not like he got paid to fly, but he could go rent an airplane and fly. I think thats cool. My exboyfriend has a friend who is going to be a pilot. Fight or flight…I think i’ll fly.
ashley pogue
The aeroplane flies with breathtaking speed straight into the side of a large mountain. The people screamed in blind terror as the pilot’s cabin was torn away and smashed into the ground. To their surprise, the aeroplane turned into an elephant, gouging several people with its tusks and then running away screaming “I’LL GET YOU FRANCIS!”
Andrew Foote
I hate planes. That’s a lie, actually. I just hate the moment after taking off. It makes my tummy flip over and – don’t even get me started on landing. I like the feeling of the wheels hitting the ground and guessing which came first, but THE BOUNCING WHILE TRYING TO BREAK MAKES ME WANT TO SCREAM!
Though people see us as very normal land-based beings, it’s still not hard for anyone to dream right? I walked to the edge of our lofty room, on the very top floor, and saw for myself what it feels like to fly. And so I jumped.
up and beyond your physical capacity.
we watch the screens in front and to the sides veiwing small worlds rotating,
as we sit, slutching on to the armrest for dear life.
hands are grasped and last words uttered.
your eyes are fluttering to the exits.
Fly up. Fly beyond.
but most of all.
fly away.
Flight of fancy to the outer reaches of my mind … it turns out that the heat is all out there on the fringe, not at the bright core at all! things just HAPPEN out here where the sun don’t shine, where nobody can see and criticise early … where the great swirling masses of the Unknown can give rise to almost anything the imagine can frame. Fly out to here, fly out to the dark margine of the known. Come to the realm of possibility and choice, and forget the bright glare of the over-scrutinised unchangeable now.
broken wings beating the sea foam, whimpering like a wounded dog, a sick child, a skinned knee. tear in the fabric, tattered lace worn through and dark with dirt, red clay like a virginia playground, children running in circles with water bottles hanging from their small fingers, their nails dirty with grime, grass stains over the small, knobby knees.
let go
and just drop
feel the adrenaline woosh
of an absence of everything
you know and love,
replaced with
try it sometime.
Flight is what the mind does when the teacher is discussing some wacky math terms, and you have no idea what the heck is going on.
“I’ll take the next flight out,” I promised in the vague hope that she would stop crying. It had been like this since I’d left for German to begin my desperately hopeful business career. And now I was back to being the full-time carer I was before. The only difference was the country and an ‘e’.
stupid change the word
Take flight, be who you are. This place is too small for pretenders.
to fly
soar over land
birds eye view
over you through
the sky
fly to far away
there in a day
they say.
above, high with you, above clouds in the blue
so happy and scared maybe sometimes we’ll do it again
I want to take flight. Like a bird. Just waving my arms and taking off. To see the world. Be able to go wherever I want and not worry about gas prices.
Tweet tweet.
i didnt know that planes could crash so quickly. when you see them in movies it goes in slow motion, you get to see everyone’s faces, everyone’s immediate reaction to the reality that the body of metal they are sitting in is crashing to the ground. people have time to say goodbyes, they have time to have last words and thoughts, they can tell someone for the last time that they love them.
And what more is there to do, than to stand with your arms outstretched and feel the air rush, with a roaring, a scream, your eyes watering. You are flying and there is nothing more exciting and excruciating. You don’t know what makes it so exhilarating but it is too addictive to ponder for too long.
freedom night blue feathers white clouds wind in my face I wish I were free of my body and of my memories perhaps – only sometimes I fly in my memories and this is the best kind of freedom of those available to me I guess I should fly as well as I can.
of the navigator.
it scared me as a child.
it scared me as a teenager.
i wonder if it’ll scare me as an adult.
(see. there are some things you don’t exist in)
Arms out stretched, her head tilted back, she pretended to be an airplane. With glee, she spun around in a circle, until the dizyness over took her and she came crashing to the ground.
It was a joyous revelation, this relived moment of childhood, when memory came slipping back.
once i went to England and they had the longest flight ever!!! actually, it wasn’t that long, but whatever. I think that it only seemed long because i was sitting in between 2 random people i didn’t know…hmmm….i was very antisocial back then. kinda funny, since it wasn’t that long ago…
I like to watch birds in flight. Sometimes I wish I could fly. I’d hate to have feathers, but kinda fly like Superman. And being able to hover in place would be pretty nifty as well.
I’m off. I’m soaring. I never stop. My dream flys. On and on. I never no where I will end up. I see land far below me and sky even higher above me.
Something about the first flight always makes me think. For people to be as ambitious as the Wright Brothers and to really do something that no other person ever had is at once inspiring and destructive to my own ambitions. How can I possibly expect to achieve anything of value when I know I’ll never be able to fly like that?
I want to fly far far away and go somewhere I’ve never been. To fly in a airplane or to have my own wings it doesn’t really matter to me. I jsut want to leave and get out of here. To go t othe top of the world or the bottom of the ocean. Tofly over mountain peaks or to jsut soar.
feathers meat balls instead of you I found this floating in my way like I was one of you, like you were never a part of and how you never let me follow you where you wanted me to
eagles soaring high and graceful, cursing nothing but their limitless freedom. nothing can stop anything from soaring towards its goal and only source of comfort. Jet streams are nothing more than unwelcome obstacles and there is no judgement, only an embrace of the wind.
Wind whipping through my hair. The open road in front of me. The questions, uncertainties, and difficulties growing smaller and in the rearview.
Dave Matthews’ “Where Are You Going?” comes on my radio. I snap off the dial and tell him to “Shut the hell up.”
Around you,
I feel as though I can float.
Push my self off in high flight.
Around you,
I feel as though I’m alive
My soul taking filght.
Around you,
I’m in love.
My heart in flight
from just the though of you.
What I wish I could do. I would give almost anything to fly. Fly in the sky with the fishes. I read that somewhere… ‘I might be flying with the fishes or swimming with the pigeons, but my worlds different.’ I can’t remember who said it, but it was a rapper. I love that saying. Because its try, everyone’s world is different than someone elses.
The flight was full and there were screaming children in at least 5 of the nearby seats. I understood how they felt. I wanted to scream too. I wanted to raise my hands to the sky and let out an earth shattering howl that would give voice to all the pain inside.
There was a time when I thought I knew things. I knew about the cleanliness of water, and the majesty of the rain. I knew who I thought I was, and I knew about the ground where I could place my feet. And then…
I changed.
i went on this flight and it was very turbulent. I ended up getting stuck in the bathroom during landing and they woulnd’t let me go back to my seat Another time we were flying to vegas and had the worst turbulence. that was quite a flight.. my mom and uncle were with me adn it was lightenening and thunder and it was completely horrifying.
Fight or flight. Which ones better, honestly? Fight, and possibly get hurt more than necassary, or flight, and be a ‘wimp’? Honestly, I think I’d fight, if it was someone or something I thought I could take. But thats just me.
Flight is amazing. It was an envy of every human being for a very long time. Then the Wright brothers came along in the early 1900’s and made the first flying aircraft. The world has never been the same.
And I think its gonna be a long, long time…nah, just kidding. Flight is basically the concept of being in mid-air motion in which you are in perpetual containment that projects you to points in space. Other than that, the definition of a long boring span from point A to point B stuck between a fat guy and a screaming baby.
In a whirl, the entire field of crows took flight. She dropped her red scarf to the ground and laughed. No one told her it would be so beautiful.
going home and meeting my parents. being home and safe without having to worry about anything else. getting away from daily life for a while and forget the world and all its problems.
shitty food and rude flight attendants.
people, cat, dog, person, yellow, blue, pink, orange, hamster, gray, necklace, shoe, shirt, skirt, pants, shorts, flight fight, black, space, shuttle
Fight or flight?
To fight is to be agressive.
To hurt, to harm, to yell and scream.
Flight is running from the problem.
Running, hiding, fleeing.
Neither one seems to solve anything though.
So which makes you less of a man?
Fight or flight?
To fight or flight. Thats what I think of when I see the word “flight.” I’ve also never flown in a commercial plane before. ever. I’ve flown in a passenger type plane with my best friend from high school and her father, who was a doctor who enjoyed flying. Really unique, a doctor/pilot. It’s not like he got paid to fly, but he could go rent an airplane and fly. I think thats cool. My exboyfriend has a friend who is going to be a pilot. Fight or flight…I think i’ll fly.
The aeroplane flies with breathtaking speed straight into the side of a large mountain. The people screamed in blind terror as the pilot’s cabin was torn away and smashed into the ground. To their surprise, the aeroplane turned into an elephant, gouging several people with its tusks and then running away screaming “I’LL GET YOU FRANCIS!”
I hate planes. That’s a lie, actually. I just hate the moment after taking off. It makes my tummy flip over and – don’t even get me started on landing. I like the feeling of the wheels hitting the ground and guessing which came first, but THE BOUNCING WHILE TRYING TO BREAK MAKES ME WANT TO SCREAM!
Though people see us as very normal land-based beings, it’s still not hard for anyone to dream right? I walked to the edge of our lofty room, on the very top floor, and saw for myself what it feels like to fly. And so I jumped.
up and beyond your physical capacity.
we watch the screens in front and to the sides veiwing small worlds rotating,
as we sit, slutching on to the armrest for dear life.
hands are grasped and last words uttered.
your eyes are fluttering to the exits.
Fly up. Fly beyond.
but most of all.
fly away.