One year I took a flight to Tanzania. It took many hours to get there. It was an international flight, so we had exotic food and movies to watch. IT was awsome! We could even look out the windows of the plane and see the desert. I never want to spend that much time on a plane again!
But I am glad I had the experience, because it is a once in a lifetime thing to do.
Sitting in a plane, flying high above the clouds. My loving honey beside me. He slides the hair away from neck and whispers “you look gorgeous” into my ear and then gently kisses me. I get chills all over as I peak out the tiny window looking down at all the tiny houses and cars. I think to myself how lucky I am to have such a beautiful person in my life and how grateful I am that we can travel and have fun together. As I close the window shade the light slowly fades away and I snuggle in the arms of my honey.
dream. flight is what I need every hour of every day. running away from where i am right now. not because the now is not good, it just is not enough. I want to fly. I want to fly far far away. spread my wings and really really fly. That´s all I know for the most part.
with one word he cast me a flight. My heart soared and my stomach twisted into a million knots. I looked at him with wonderment. How could such a being doing this to me? I thought I was unable to feel this way, think this way, have someone be so inside of me without touching me.
on a flight i am nervous
never flew much
happiness, it’s so hard to find? good people, nice people, happy people, funny people. active people, love, sex, tenderness, sweetness
flying in a plane high above the sky i feel free completely and totally free but then i think to myself what if we crash maybe now is a good time to try skydiving regardless of what my mother thinks about the idea… u never kno until u try thats what i always say
freedom, escape, running, falling, hurtling, death, nirvana, skin tight nails on concrete and rust, dust, a million lights abroad
I’m pushed to the bottom of the hole. There’s mud thrown on top of me, slowly at first, then faster and faster bucketfuls of sand and soil and grit cascade onto my head. The sand prickles my eyes and attempting to scratch the grains away only serves to irritate them further.
I can barely turn my torso. My hands are clasped to my thighs. The sand is seeping in through the cracks like an hour glass, the possibility of flight is redundant, and I count down the seconds till I take my last breath.
Rubio rules all
The plane.
It flies above.
It takes me to my baby.
My girl in California.
The flight that leaves
The flight that comes
They fly everywhere
Cris crossing the globe
The flights come and go
Toby Miller
He ran and ran. The ground absorbed his view.
His legs pounded harder and harder, the air burning hot in his lungs, his chest exploding with the weight of his blood against his veins.
The blue finally caught up with the green and he leapt.
Farther and faster he fell as the ground came rushing up at him and all he could think of was…”free”
flight of the phoenix after it had turned to ashes, oh! the beauty of it. It was the most amazing thing to have witnessed I dont
I was getting on a flight to America on Sunday. It was a sunny afternoon and I had just finished my own “Great American Novel”. I was getting on a plane (American Airways, I believe)
as the plane lifted off the rrunway all i could think was…I have to tell him now. If we are going to get thru this.. dont wait. do it now before you change your mind.
oh to fly. to run so high up in the sky and not to fall back to earth. I would love to fly to soar among the birds, above the birds and all the world.
Hippy Randall
Flight, what a funny word!What does it mean? Well, there is fight or flight. I am the type of person who tends to flight at first. However, when its truely important I will always fight! I think that flight or flight has been the cornerstone of my life.
I woke up and realized I was still on the plane. My arms and breasts were stinging and my belly seemed to have expanded with the recycles oxygen in the air.
Gross, now I have to step over all of these people to do you know what.
The light goes out and the flight attendant quickly flicks the light on in the cabin.
“Please be calm,” she says,
“Our flight is currently going through a routine check for an engine explosion…”
swoop. the door of the plane opened and I fell. At first I though uh oh this is it. But then, suddenly, I realized I wasn’t just falling . I was flying. steering myself thru the sky with my arms. Careening right and left. Up and up.
we’re going on a flight tomorrow. leaving on a jet plane. .and i’m going to try skype for the first time in our destination and i have no idea whether it will work or not. i wish that this website had given me a better idea of what was going to happen with my words. why am i writing about flight.
flight – also as in to flee. so many refugees in this world. so sad. why is that bar across the top changing colors on me – is that a time limit?
Dark blue
Long Brown
miiiiles long
Brilliant smiles and
i hate fight in my life…but i like fights in movies and street fights. I love wrestling n my old age but now i ysed to c rarely…this is wat i can say about fight..thank u
flee from thee as fast as can be
a bird in mid air
feathers float around in the breeze
the sound of indian drums and beads
beat out the pulse of nature
and there i was, close to the edge and feeling the air in my wings and all i could think was: you. you were there, if i jumped. you were there if i flew. one step forward and i’d come crashing down into your arms the way i never could when you’d been alive. and so i let the wind in my wings and i stepped.
the bird jumped out of it’s nest and began soaring through the leaves that were spiraling towards the ground. The leaves themselves fell with the gravity just as the bird defied this gravity and was able to work against it. It’s majestic flight brought it to another branch on another tree. The wind ruffled its feathers and it
Vanessa Csordas
i want to fly to take off like a bird to be free flight is the only thing that saves us all from the cage we live in. flight to be so high and dizzy spinning above the earth. up high. three two one lift…off…
Obviously everyone is going to write about birds and aeroplanes. So I’ll talk about the silhouettes of birds on telephone lines, which I admire and which falls under the category that everyone else immediately conceived as well. But it’s the flat pane of sky beneath the sharp black silhouettes that get me; the sky is so pale and bland yet somehow these paint splatters that take flight and eventually drop like blood make it so pretty. Things I’d like to write about.
i flew away on an airplane all the way to europe and wondered if you’d miss me since i just picked up all my little pieces and left. left you behind in the back aisles of my mind, so you could collect dust like all the books on the library shelves. i know that you really won’t miss me because i stopped missing you when you were standing right next to me.
an airplane just about to lift off the ground. the passenger’s first time flying. heart pumping so loud it’s heard by all. blood rushing faster than the speed of light. ready to take off. ready to fly.
what freedom to be soaring the air effortlessly. How amazing to see the sun rise and set from above the horizon. To be free from the busy mind that daily life creates.
Christina Souza
The flight of the bird is something most people try to capture but the thing is that we don’t know what makes the bird TRULY fly up in the sky and what makes it find exactly where it needs to be every year to mate. The bird just happens to know. This is true freedom. Having no restrictions but still knowing what needs to be done.
freedom. to reach escape velocity, cheat gravity and go into the outer reaches. arms turned into feathers turned into instruments of gliding through air. infinite possibility.
my best friends wants to b a pilot. i love flights. always wondered hw amazing it wouldb to fly. i like watchin clouds frm inside the flight.blah blah
agitation fueled her as she fumbled with the doorknob on her way out of the house. her fingers were clumsy which mirrored the fog of her mind pretty quickly leaving only her feet to lead her outside. thumping wildly against the pavement she had to get away. towards adventure and
becca jeffords
I was on a flight to New Mexico, when suddenly there was turbulance. The captin came over the intercom “Please, buckle your seat belts.”
Flight, all I could think about, was flying so high, across from the birds I always wanted to be. Or flight, in a plane, zooming past those birds, up so high! The weirdist part is, in these dreams, Im afraid of heights…
One year I took a flight to Tanzania. It took many hours to get there. It was an international flight, so we had exotic food and movies to watch. IT was awsome! We could even look out the windows of the plane and see the desert. I never want to spend that much time on a plane again!
But I am glad I had the experience, because it is a once in a lifetime thing to do.
Sitting in a plane, flying high above the clouds. My loving honey beside me. He slides the hair away from neck and whispers “you look gorgeous” into my ear and then gently kisses me. I get chills all over as I peak out the tiny window looking down at all the tiny houses and cars. I think to myself how lucky I am to have such a beautiful person in my life and how grateful I am that we can travel and have fun together. As I close the window shade the light slowly fades away and I snuggle in the arms of my honey.
dream. flight is what I need every hour of every day. running away from where i am right now. not because the now is not good, it just is not enough. I want to fly. I want to fly far far away. spread my wings and really really fly. That´s all I know for the most part.
with one word he cast me a flight. My heart soared and my stomach twisted into a million knots. I looked at him with wonderment. How could such a being doing this to me? I thought I was unable to feel this way, think this way, have someone be so inside of me without touching me.
america, home family, alone, food plastic, snoring, friends, airports, clouds, blue, eggs, smelly bathrooms, babies, hugs, suitcases, pillow, computer, sea, photos, shopping, work
on a flight i am nervous
never flew much
happiness, it’s so hard to find? good people, nice people, happy people, funny people. active people, love, sex, tenderness, sweetness
flying in a plane high above the sky i feel free completely and totally free but then i think to myself what if we crash maybe now is a good time to try skydiving regardless of what my mother thinks about the idea… u never kno until u try thats what i always say
freedom, escape, running, falling, hurtling, death, nirvana, skin tight nails on concrete and rust, dust, a million lights abroad
I’m pushed to the bottom of the hole. There’s mud thrown on top of me, slowly at first, then faster and faster bucketfuls of sand and soil and grit cascade onto my head. The sand prickles my eyes and attempting to scratch the grains away only serves to irritate them further.
I can barely turn my torso. My hands are clasped to my thighs. The sand is seeping in through the cracks like an hour glass, the possibility of flight is redundant, and I count down the seconds till I take my last breath.
The plane.
It flies above.
It takes me to my baby.
My girl in California.
The flight that leaves
The flight that comes
They fly everywhere
Cris crossing the globe
The flights come and go
He ran and ran. The ground absorbed his view.
His legs pounded harder and harder, the air burning hot in his lungs, his chest exploding with the weight of his blood against his veins.
The blue finally caught up with the green and he leapt.
Farther and faster he fell as the ground came rushing up at him and all he could think of was…”free”
flight of the phoenix after it had turned to ashes, oh! the beauty of it. It was the most amazing thing to have witnessed I dont
I was getting on a flight to America on Sunday. It was a sunny afternoon and I had just finished my own “Great American Novel”. I was getting on a plane (American Airways, I believe)
as the plane lifted off the rrunway all i could think was…I have to tell him now. If we are going to get thru this.. dont wait. do it now before you change your mind.
oh to fly. to run so high up in the sky and not to fall back to earth. I would love to fly to soar among the birds, above the birds and all the world.
Flight, what a funny word!What does it mean? Well, there is fight or flight. I am the type of person who tends to flight at first. However, when its truely important I will always fight! I think that flight or flight has been the cornerstone of my life.
I woke up and realized I was still on the plane. My arms and breasts were stinging and my belly seemed to have expanded with the recycles oxygen in the air.
Gross, now I have to step over all of these people to do you know what.
The light goes out and the flight attendant quickly flicks the light on in the cabin.
“Please be calm,” she says,
“Our flight is currently going through a routine check for an engine explosion…”
swoop. the door of the plane opened and I fell. At first I though uh oh this is it. But then, suddenly, I realized I wasn’t just falling . I was flying. steering myself thru the sky with my arms. Careening right and left. Up and up.
we’re going on a flight tomorrow. leaving on a jet plane. .and i’m going to try skype for the first time in our destination and i have no idea whether it will work or not. i wish that this website had given me a better idea of what was going to happen with my words. why am i writing about flight.
flight – also as in to flee. so many refugees in this world. so sad. why is that bar across the top changing colors on me – is that a time limit?
Dark blue
Long Brown
miiiiles long
Brilliant smiles and
i hate fight in my life…but i like fights in movies and street fights. I love wrestling n my old age but now i ysed to c rarely…this is wat i can say about fight..thank u
flee from thee as fast as can be
a bird in mid air
feathers float around in the breeze
the sound of indian drums and beads
beat out the pulse of nature
and there i was, close to the edge and feeling the air in my wings and all i could think was: you. you were there, if i jumped. you were there if i flew. one step forward and i’d come crashing down into your arms the way i never could when you’d been alive. and so i let the wind in my wings and i stepped.
the bird jumped out of it’s nest and began soaring through the leaves that were spiraling towards the ground. The leaves themselves fell with the gravity just as the bird defied this gravity and was able to work against it. It’s majestic flight brought it to another branch on another tree. The wind ruffled its feathers and it
i want to fly to take off like a bird to be free flight is the only thing that saves us all from the cage we live in. flight to be so high and dizzy spinning above the earth. up high. three two one lift…off…
Obviously everyone is going to write about birds and aeroplanes. So I’ll talk about the silhouettes of birds on telephone lines, which I admire and which falls under the category that everyone else immediately conceived as well. But it’s the flat pane of sky beneath the sharp black silhouettes that get me; the sky is so pale and bland yet somehow these paint splatters that take flight and eventually drop like blood make it so pretty. Things I’d like to write about.
i flew away on an airplane all the way to europe and wondered if you’d miss me since i just picked up all my little pieces and left. left you behind in the back aisles of my mind, so you could collect dust like all the books on the library shelves. i know that you really won’t miss me because i stopped missing you when you were standing right next to me.
an airplane just about to lift off the ground. the passenger’s first time flying. heart pumping so loud it’s heard by all. blood rushing faster than the speed of light. ready to take off. ready to fly.
what freedom to be soaring the air effortlessly. How amazing to see the sun rise and set from above the horizon. To be free from the busy mind that daily life creates.
The flight of the bird is something most people try to capture but the thing is that we don’t know what makes the bird TRULY fly up in the sky and what makes it find exactly where it needs to be every year to mate. The bird just happens to know. This is true freedom. Having no restrictions but still knowing what needs to be done.
freedom. to reach escape velocity, cheat gravity and go into the outer reaches. arms turned into feathers turned into instruments of gliding through air. infinite possibility.
my best friends wants to b a pilot. i love flights. always wondered hw amazing it wouldb to fly. i like watchin clouds frm inside the flight.blah blah
agitation fueled her as she fumbled with the doorknob on her way out of the house. her fingers were clumsy which mirrored the fog of her mind pretty quickly leaving only her feet to lead her outside. thumping wildly against the pavement she had to get away. towards adventure and
I was on a flight to New Mexico, when suddenly there was turbulance. The captin came over the intercom “Please, buckle your seat belts.”
Flight, all I could think about, was flying so high, across from the birds I always wanted to be. Or flight, in a plane, zooming past those birds, up so high! The weirdist part is, in these dreams, Im afraid of heights…