
October 7th, 2008 | 1,160 Entries

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1,160 Entries for “flight”

  1. of the navigators was a pretty darned good movie. A bit on the depressing side. It is a story of 2 kids dealing with an alchohalic step farther by imagining they can fly away on their wagon.

  2. Take flight on the wings of kindness. Love comes with the freedom of flight and complete surrender to either gravity or open air.

  3. I have never flown, but i would like to. I am afraid of flying due to i am afraid of heights.

  4. Flight is the only thing that i’ve ever wanted to achieve in this life. I wanted to fly like a bird. Although many airplanes have made the flight of the humans possible it hasn’t been up to the level and although many instruments area available, i want to just fly and soar in the sky.

  5. i would love to be one a flight to nowhere right now. I don’t need to know where i’d be going, i just want to go.. How much would a flight to nowhere cost? would it even be somthing that I could afford? And if I had a choice of who to tkae along with me on the flight, who would it be? Would it be a boyfriend or just a good friend? What would I pack? What if i packed cold weather gear and i ended up in someplace sunny? How crazy would that be? I would love to be on a flight right now on my way to Costa Rica.. That is a place I have wanted to go for sometime now.

  6. I walked onto the the plane. The slong hallway there scared me but I just did the breathing exercises my therapist taught me and kept on walking. I felt like a soldeir walking toward the opposing side. I just hoped I wouldn’t freak like I did last time.. well thats what I was told.

    ps. its not fun to black out on a fli

  7. oh no patrol ets get our fight on kick the tings out of everyvody that is looking at my screeen yes i see u looking dont laugh its not funny hahaha yeah well good where the hell is the joint at its not coming fast enough roll monkey boy roll!!! thta took well long to type in the exclamation mark oh my god i love typing its well clicky and every i htough it was fight lol. on the plane an tings basically writing about flight and vbrirds and tings

  8. You induce my heart to take flight
    You confuse my resonability.
    You make me say the starngest things,
    And ignore those i should be loving.

    You took me away from her,
    And she cried.
    I cant help it.
    You’re my shaman boy.
    I love you.

  9. Soaring into day
    Waiting on the open gate
    Time to get my seat

    keith langill
  10. Flight of my mind from it’s container thy brain was fast and un-noticed by most, until i stood up and yelled “I won’t be Forgotten” at which point a man on the other side of the isle stood and shouted back shut the fuck up. i sat down and from then on was never seen or heard from again!

  11. “Balguman!”

    The word resounded from the entrance to the temple like a ship on fire. Eyes turned from prayer at the ungodly interruption to their humble litanies.

    Cecil Baird
  12. The flight of Icarus
    So close to destiny,
    Close to immortality and power.
    And he got to close, burned and melted as wax is want to do.
    And fell as an angel.

    Barack, Be careful of that sun. We need you.

  13. im flying in an airplane and im scared of crashing. the flight has left and i have another connecting flight at the next stop. i dont like flying, and i hate this flight. i would rather fly like a bird than have this flight in a plane.

  14. I was nearly late for my flight, what with the chilly – no, bitchy – mood my girlfriend was in as I was packing, and her total lack of help. I tore the fucking house apart looking for my right shoe. I need those black shoes to wear to the dinner, damn it, and she knows that but she wouldn’t help me look.

    She stood in front of the sink.

  15. Falling but not just falling failing Failing is part of gravity. Gravity fails to express itself in observable waves. Soaring committing to soar, but falling. Birds as well. Mainly birds that have red on them, or grey. Birds of red and gray have particular beauty.

  16. i have been on a few flights, well, just a few, and being in India , and from a conservative family, it is more of a luxury. And to be frank, i have still not overcome the awe of flying.

  17. once upon a time an eagle took to flight over the grand canyon. he swooped and soared and all over his head he thought of how useless life was and how much he wanted to eat little babies, human babies. mmmm. yum!! lovely precioussness. he flew and flew and ate and ate until all the babies in the world were gone, then he stopped to think

  18. Fight or flight. I usually flight. And then get so pissed off, it’s all about the fight. With words anyway. In my head anyway.

  19. To take aflight with in the mind to bring forth a passion of crime of lusting needs not of a negative way,, something you just cant see something amazing to me,,, the best in the worest.. and still a ocntridction.. Bring it out,, the good is over whelimging your souli stakeing flight the thoughts are fliying through… but what does it all add up to??? flight… flight.. of the mind… and thats all that matters in the end..

  20. running away from something. faster than running so fast that gravity doesn’t even to have a hold on you. Going from one place to another that is important enough to fly. Waiting for hours to shave off hours of driving. That loud hum of the engine that puts you into lala land but won’t let you sleep well. fast wind that makes the hair on your arms go numb. being suctioned to the back of your seat.

  21. i am scared to be up there. claustrophobic. i am trapped with unknown people and their destinations. the random stupid shit that draws people from one place to another. no more peanuts no more blankets. do i really want one anyway. trapped climbing over people to get to the bathroom and being trapped behind the drink cart. i don’t want to go. no matter what. what do those guys on the ground do with my luggage. i dont want to know at all. take out your batteries. you don’t want them opening your bag.
    they have to do that. i hope i don’t miss my connection. nothing worse then flying, being trapped in the airport.

  22. Flight? Why the fuck would you put that word up there? People die everyday because of flight, and I will not condone the use of it on the internet.

  23. planes, birds , flying over the ocean and seeing the world look like tiny ants, flying in my uncle’s plane, wind

  24. flying through the air like a bird and you see life all around you. Sometimes its hard not to be jealous of those who can fly, but we must remember we are ground ridden for our own good.

  25. I am scared of airplanes, but they sure do get you where you want to go quickly. Every time I am in one I am afraid it’s going to fall to the ground, but then I try and think of the flight attendants who ride them for a living. They have to be somewhat safe is what I think. Even with that, I still remain edgy anytime I get on a plane. I don’t know that I’ll ever be comfortable on one.

  26. The birds took flight across the lake. One by one, they fell into formation. I couldn’t help but wish that the pieces of my life would fall into place. The birds made it look so effortless, flying south for the long, cold winter.

    Kendra Brown
  27. I took flight from myself many years ago, and now it is a different sort of fligt i am on, one into my future. It took a fair few years lost in the fog to get to this place, and really flying without a map can be scary, but you do get a brill view of the ground, and so i think i have finally found myself.

  28. the airplane was about to take flight when a strange man pulled out a gun. he ordered everyone to get off the plane, and then he killed the pilot. the airplane never took flight and people never got to their destinations.

  29. As she walked through the airport, she knew she only had about a fifty fifty chance of making her flight. It didn’t even matter anymore, her mom was already dead, if she were late it wouldn’t make that much difference.

  30. I went out to the middle of the street. No one was around….it was the middle of the day. That didn’t seem weird to me at the time. Crouching low I used the power from my lower legs to throw my body into the air.

  31. I want to soar, to fly,
    but I’m terrified,
    that like Icarus of old,
    I won’t be able to resist
    your sweet temptation;
    the melting of my wings
    beneath your scorching gaze,
    and I want to be more
    than a smear of wax and feathers,
    more than the crunch of bones,
    more than the rush of crimson.
    I want to be brave.

  32. a gaggle of geese. to flee

  33. i want to take a flight now, to reach you, to be able to see you once again. a thousand miles away, and all I need is one flight, and everything that i’ve yearned for…

  34. I ran. I always run away from my problems. I don’t know why I choose to avoid them. The best I can understand is that I hate to face them because sometimes things might not play out to be what I want. Well that is alright by me I suppose. You can’t always control what will happen. I just need to learn to stop running away.

  35. I am livid right now.

    Like, L I V I D. Livid!

    Taking flight in the form of leaving work or ignoring any and all phone calls and not worrying about what to make for dinner tonight or telling my friends, “Hey, deal with your own fucking problems and stop bringing me into them” would make me feel better. Maybe it would make me less of an internal raging lunatic so I can get something (ANYTHING!) done today.

    Or maybe I just need to watch an episode of The Flight of the Conchords.

    Yeah, I need to laugh.

  36. I don’t have wings buy when I jump I feel flight, fight, the weight that hurts right. I die an then I see what is before me whoring or souls for money and glory. I badly written story with a great ending but so tired mind is soring.

  37. You can’t fly because of that gravity thing. It always makes you go down. Try wings. They help. But mostly, you can’t fly. I mean, I tried it once and it didn’t go well. It acutally kinda sucked. Hurt my head and everything. If I were to advise you against anything, it would be flying.

  38. I am often flying, high above everyone and everything else. Chemically and mentally, gone, lost in my own world. It is only the world that matters; the only world where you don’t fall. Every other world–this one, for example–will result in failure. Wings clipped. Body destroyed, in a blood-filled crater of unhappiness.

    Shane Woodard
  39. her flight remained to be seen, uninspired by such an insipid word

  40. Taking off is something that is the initiator to this event. By taking to the skies people are often said to be flying, or taking flight. Getting high, going up and staying there. That’s just how it goes when you’re in the sky. Everyone can do it you just need some money.
