
April 3rd, 2009 | 237 Entries

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237 Entries for “flutter”

  1. Butterflys. They migrate during the winter. I went to a butterfly mueseum before. I don’t really remember it much. I think I’m going to another next week, when my cousins visit. Butterflies are really beautiful. I wonder how they got their names. Hmmmmm……..

  2. free soft breeze gentle colour beauty
    soft breathtaking
    tickle giggle feather soft
    gentle kisses childs laugh

    Shelli Ewing
  3. My heart when I see you walking towards me. It my be cliche, but it is what it is. My stomach when I know you are about to kiss me. Also cliche but true. My whole world when you are around because i can think of nothing else. You.

  4. My heart began to flutter as the wolf in the deep green forest looked straight at me. Should I run, stand still or move towrad him. I really want to move toward him, he is calling me

    Sharon Hinshaw
  5. Flutter.
    Butterflies, wonderful. Beautiful. Exquisite. Generous, very. Every time I see him, my heart flutters.

  6. The drapes flutter and I breathe in deeply. My eyelids stretch open slowly letting in the warm desert air. It’s different now, since she left the air feels thick and hostile.

  7. no way. really? this is insane. three times running. flutter. wow. this will be there for a while, yes? too much time, not enough to say about fluttering. a heart flutter? her heart, does it do that when i’m around? oh my, i hope so. i know mine does. God, i love her so much
    watch me- i’ll marry her one day soon

    Levin Tull
  8. Flutter is when something is coming at you so fast and gently you can’t contain it in it’s entirety all at once. A flutter is when there is something tiny jumping at yo for attention, having all of it but using none. A flutter is all around you and within you.

  9. flutter? again? just got this one
    repetition. i like it. wait, do i? flutter, flutter by.
    i’m too fat, i should eat less butter, do more flutter kicks. yum, toast and butter. flutter butter. i love it. sounds good.

    Levin Tull
  10. flying away and fleeting. taking flight and drifting among the thermals until the source is gone and you are left to flail and fight to stay aloft. fight fight with all your might. its fight night. and then the wind comes back…hot air and cold air mingle and mix and you are back in the sky no longer going to flutter and flit. time to make a movie and write about it you twit twit twitter. life is nothing more than digital sound bytes.

  11. kicks, an excercise, one in futility, teaching an old do g new tricks, SGT fleming… buttons, pressing buttons, nobody will understand this but me and i think i like it that way. yes, uniquness. unique new york. drama
    the wizard!
    that was me, oh such wonderful times.

    Levin Tull
  12. Butterflies on the wind,
    Petals across the ground,
    The whistling wind carries it all,
    Fighting, dancing, fluttering though.

    Birds in flapping hurry,
    People in a joyful dance,

  13. My heart fluttered with wings. I couldn’t believe that he liked me too. It was an absolutely amazing feeling, knowing that this boy loved me too. Flutter, flutter, flutter. Like peanut butter. The wings are covered in peanut butter. Fluffernutter! Nut, nut, nut. I love him and his nuts.

  14. wings flutter against her face and for a moment she can’t think. She sees stars spread across a very dark sky and smiles to herself. Her face is cold from the wind but that doesn’t matter anymore.

  15. small butterflies around the sunflowers fight the bees for pollen. I sit and watch, doing nothing. My heart palpitates. the wind blows, and the butterflies go with it. The bees stay. I suddenly feel lonely and forgotten, unable to explain why. The bees buzz near my ear.

    Cate Black
  16. by butterfly, eyelashes, feathers, hearts when I kissed my hubby when we first met. the feeling you get when you first feel your baby kicking.

  17. my heart fluttered when he walked through the door. when that specimen of man-beauty walked up to me to ask me for the next dance i near fainted.

  18. fullter means like the eyelids of someone wanting something and trying to seem innccoent and cute to get her way. fluttle lie your stomack when your in love and see you love. Flutter is a cool word and it always makes me think of happyness.

  19. Flutter is a state of mind, where you cannot think straight, you are on edge. Flutter is also a kind of movement attributed to butterflies, YAY.

  20. Everytime I see him, my heart flutters. It’s as if the world stops. Then he speaks, and the world begins to revolve the other way. Nothing makes sense, and yet everything does.

  21. a butterfly
    a flutter fly
    i don’t know why
    i write about
    I flutter ’bout
    flutter rhymes with butter

  22. I flutter about, but at the end of the day I return to my home, my sanctuary. This is where I belong, in the arms of my loved one, for she is the one who makes me feel safest when danger looms.

    Calvin ling
  23. one word is a word ahere it has only one word. the actual one word is the one word which has only on word in ti. When this one word is lost all the meaning is lost.

  24. It is what happens to your heart when the love of your life is in the room. He smiles your heart beats faster. If your heart doesn’t respond it doesn’t matter how great, how hot, how fantastic he is. You don’t love him.
    Your heart must flutter to give life to love. Your heart must squeeze.

    Ange Gordon
  25. this is how I feel when i THINK of what I gave up. The feeling I had when I got married, the feeling I have when I see my son smile at me in the morning. I sing, I dream, I regret, I ponder…and I flutter.

  26. to flap, to fly
    in the water is to flail
    flap flap flutter
    swoooshes make me feel happy too

  27. wings birds flight wilbur and orville death at kittyhawk plabes death amelia erheart women in the world eleanor rossevelt roosevelt teddt roosevelt panama canal river

  28. I heard a flutter of wings above me. I looked up and saw a pigeon. A pigeon. Huh, I haven’t seen a single animal for 48 days since the explosion, and a pigeon is the first one I see. Is it a sign? Maybe.

    Nicole Fear
  29. when i look at you my heart flutters, my belly flutters, everything does, i cannot stop to think about it, i just flutter, you make me happy, and i cannot contain it, you make me uneasy, and i cannot sustain it. you are the best.

  30. Flutterby was the original name for butterfly, but thanks to Reverend Spooner (spoonerisms) the name was changed.

    Joseph Leff
  31. softly soaring through my atmosphere

  32. my eyes fluttered open when I felt your hands against my back.
    “What are you doing?”
    “Relax, your back has so much tension.”
    You just want to put your hands on me. So don’t lie.
    “Take it easy”
    “I’ll try to next time.”

  33. life is like a flower its here on a wonderful day but on a cloudy day it goes away. friends is like a promos e the more you trust them the most they will keep your secrets

  34. well u have no idea what i’m gonna write i had three meals to day and i’m still hunger i want to have boyfriend that loves and respect me for who i am and i’m not happy

  35. something that a butterfly does when he/she is extremely alive. the thing a womans eyes lashes do when she is extremely happy and at ease. This is what my heart does when I see your face, I love you.

  36. the bird lie beside the big gray rock as indescribably still as I felt my heart might just be. Please, I said, just move one little bit, and I closed my eyes for fear of seeing no movement.
    I opened my eyes and hoped, for just one flutter.

  37. Flitter flutter flitter flutter. Weird connection but that’s what they call the instruments physios use to break up the phlegm in your chest. So it comes crackling up, in a whoosh of mucous to explode out your oral cavity. A world away from the flitter flutter as a feather floats to the ground.

  38. i feel free when i here this word; my heart flutters
    when I am hurried, passoniate and in love;

    flutter is also a stroke when swimming

  39. birds, flying, chaos, scattering,

  40. butterfly, butter, clouds skiy.
    well…this is obviously a marketing ploy in some way. fuck u guys are gooood. flutter reminds me of sex, stuff i want, ill but any product that flutters with a hot chic on it or so.
