
June 24th, 2024 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “forest”

  1. The forest, trees rising, sometimes twisting around each other, holding another up. There are deer tracks here. Push the dead leaves away gently, looking for morels.

  2. as she ran through the thick bramble the sun set lower and lower into the sky as the forest came alive with the sounds of different creatures. she dared a glance behind her,, although she instantly regrets that decision. They were close and getting closer. Every breath burned as she gulped down fresh air into her lungs.

    by Casei Doe on 06.24.2024
  3. We are surrounded by forest when we went hiking on the weekend. The forest smells so fresh and clean. We love taking our dog to walk in the forest and explore new territories. Many forest in the interior are on fire due to the carelessness of people visiting the forest. Everyone should be more careful when they visit the nature. We need to help preserve our nature. This is just a test for using this website. I have no idea why it keeps giving me another 60 seconds to write after clicking on the submit button.

    by J on 06.24.2024