i m talking 2 a frog..shitty frog!wanna fuck him off..
and so she kissed him, with full of love and affection, with her whole heart blooming with happiness.
when she stepped back, he said “why do you love me? i am only a frog, and not a prince. i can never be the man you want me to be.”
she smiled. “ribbit” she said, a smile spread across her lips.
and with that, he couldn’t help but smile too.
Sara de Souza
I love drawing frogs. They’re simple and a bit stupid and always make me laugh. Why, just look at Kermit. There’s something findamentally attractive about them, maybe it’s their colour, I think it’s their eyes. Their funny googley sticky eyes. Blank and expressive at the same time.
I recently read that there is an experiment that a scientist has done that has caused frogs to come back to life. Frankenfrogs, if you will. he uses electricity to shock their limbs to life. Not true life, but good enough for frogs, right?
hey this is a green coloured amphibian.
Yuck, I’m not licking that frog.
sticky green cute wet cat loves them jump jamp leap hop bounce lick cold cool speckled
frogs are green. they make sounds that somethimes get on my nerves and sometimes relax me . i love catching them when i was little. They are suppose to give you warts if they pee on you but i dont know if thats true so idont. But i really life green frogs. they are qquiet extoic animals.
Tiffany helms
lives on lilypad eats me cos i like china bad dream
frog is my nick name in spanish. it is sapo. it was given to me by a man named don pancho when I was just an infant and has stuck since. also my sister’s friend really digs frogs
Shall the Northern Leopard Frog be federally protected in the western US? The FWS is investigating.
i seen a frog once at the dock, when me and tyler went down for a ride. we took turns holding it as we walked along the dock. i was wearing a skirt and loud shoes. i wanted to keep it but tyler said it needed to stay at his home. he held it but it pooped on him. we put it on a log and left then. i miss the frog.
Hopping on the lily pad and croaking happily. The frog is satisfied with his life and dreams of nothing else. At night he croaks again in hopes of finding a mate that will love him.
The frog is a beast unknown to the Borg.
frogs are green and some make u hallucinate when u lick em, i think curare poison has something to do with frogs as well, in the rainforest u have many very nicely coloured frogs as well. I think the brighter the colour the mor poison it is.
frog water fish lake stream i thought about frogs once but there not that interesting, although there was this one show i was watching where there was this frog that ate everything possible, i can even a a baseball and survive, but there was t
I like wading in ponds and busting open the big brown pods on the end of long, dried-out cattail fronds. They’re all over the place in the holler where I grew up. God, I love fronds. Have you ever just laid out on a big old bed of fronds and just…oh, well, neither have I, but I’m going to, you betcha. Now what fronds have to do with frogs I don’t necessarily, or rightly, for that matter, know, but I like it.
Jody Robbins
if i kiss it will it turn into a prince? so i dont have to deal with all the bullshit regular guys come with? or willi get warts? thatd suck but hey i mean igot a few bigger sized freckles anyways so whats one lil wart, i can always just freeze it off. i had this one friend who would keep cutting off his skin tags with scissors it was pretty gross like who cuts off a piece of thier own body? its just bzzar
Supposedly if you kiss a frog he will turn into a prince. But just think…frogs are gross and slimy and smelly and kind of ugly too. And here he is going to turn into a prince. Maybe it’s inner beauty.
Playing as a kid.
Used to catch em all the time.
makes me feel young again.
Sometime i wish i could leave this stress and go bac.
Life isnt like that.
You have to take what you get and deal.
Thats what im doing I guess.
there once was a frog in pursuit of love. he hopped around all day but never had any luck finding a girl frog. he was very sad. But one day along the pond he saw the most beautiful frog in the world. he hopped toward her, his feet barely touching the ground.
the green little amphibian sat on the log. Staring at me. I moved he jumped and splashed into the dark water. I ran to the side and saw his legs send him deeper into the muck. I never saw him again.
there once was a bright green frog andhe was a lonly frog and he had no friends so then he decide do do something about it
emily reed
I like frog. Frogs are cool. Frogs are green.Frogs remind me of the little green bar at the top of this page. Now it’s turning orange…. Interesting…. RED!!!!
Jacob Perrin
Frogs aren’t too interesting to me. They’re kind of bland really. They are know in fairy tales as the holder of beauty on the inside, etc etc. But really, in all honesty, they’re sort of boring creatures. Unless you’re obsessed with the sound of croaking, frogs aren’t really all that great.
John Cardoso
a frog is the slickest thing ever
frogs are green and small and can jump well. They have long tongues which they use to catch flies. Some frogs are sticky in appearance, and others have translucent skin which allows you to see their organs. They have suction cap feet which allow them to stick to the side of things, also they are very good at changing colour. Well some are.
Peter Ellis
frogs could maybe be the solution… just kiss one and your prince will appear. couldn’t it be that easy? why do disne and fairy tales alwas lie to us? makes live not really easier…
The man with a frog tattoo particularly worried Lilia. Animals weren’t a part of their world, and its symbol felt foreign to the teenager. That is, of course, the very reason she wanted him. Steeling glances his way, she walked around the market, plotting to have their paths cross so she could introduce herself to the dangerous man.
your green little friend
swimming, swimming, swimming
jumping, jumping, jumping
your watchful eye as where it will go
good-bye little froggy
Ali Kiser
Frogs flap and swing from trumptes and dance on treehouse on high, this is a fact I assure you and If you choose not to believe me then you will face a horrible marmite backlash from the mightly Tony.
jump jump jump
the green little friend in the water
its slippery body in the water
some are posionous some are not
Ali Kiser
If you feel froggy leap.
That’s what he said in his yearbook page. I thought it was stupid. Did I think he was stupid? I’d slept with him enough that thinking so would make me a hypocrit. I guess I was froggy.
they are little or sometimes big green coloured creatures, given their fondness for flys and other buzzing insects they have a long long toungue which they use to consume all of them around. They hop like there is no tommorow and why nobody knows
Jack Turvey
the frog jumped in the pond. it was a beautiful day. he glanced around to see if anyone else was enjoying the weather, but everyone was gone. curious, the frog hopped over to the nearest tree where squirrel was high up on a branch, eating an acorn. “squirrel”, he said, “where is everyone?”
ribbit ribbit, the frog goes.
I see a little froggie, dancing down the stairs. There is a castle hidden there. It was only a little spell, she’d thought. But now her life another had bought, because he must free her from her draught. ‘Why did it have to be me?’ she thought. ‘There is no hope, now; all is lost.’
i m talking 2 a frog..shitty frog!wanna fuck him off..
and so she kissed him, with full of love and affection, with her whole heart blooming with happiness.
when she stepped back, he said “why do you love me? i am only a frog, and not a prince. i can never be the man you want me to be.”
she smiled. “ribbit” she said, a smile spread across her lips.
and with that, he couldn’t help but smile too.
I love drawing frogs. They’re simple and a bit stupid and always make me laugh. Why, just look at Kermit. There’s something findamentally attractive about them, maybe it’s their colour, I think it’s their eyes. Their funny googley sticky eyes. Blank and expressive at the same time.
I recently read that there is an experiment that a scientist has done that has caused frogs to come back to life. Frankenfrogs, if you will. he uses electricity to shock their limbs to life. Not true life, but good enough for frogs, right?
hey this is a green coloured amphibian.
Yuck, I’m not licking that frog.
sticky green cute wet cat loves them jump jamp leap hop bounce lick cold cool speckled
frogs are green. they make sounds that somethimes get on my nerves and sometimes relax me . i love catching them when i was little. They are suppose to give you warts if they pee on you but i dont know if thats true so idont. But i really life green frogs. they are qquiet extoic animals.
lives on lilypad eats me cos i like china bad dream
frog is my nick name in spanish. it is sapo. it was given to me by a man named don pancho when I was just an infant and has stuck since. also my sister’s friend really digs frogs
Shall the Northern Leopard Frog be federally protected in the western US? The FWS is investigating.
i seen a frog once at the dock, when me and tyler went down for a ride. we took turns holding it as we walked along the dock. i was wearing a skirt and loud shoes. i wanted to keep it but tyler said it needed to stay at his home. he held it but it pooped on him. we put it on a log and left then. i miss the frog.
Hopping on the lily pad and croaking happily. The frog is satisfied with his life and dreams of nothing else. At night he croaks again in hopes of finding a mate that will love him.
The frog is a beast unknown to the Borg.
frogs are green and some make u hallucinate when u lick em, i think curare poison has something to do with frogs as well, in the rainforest u have many very nicely coloured frogs as well. I think the brighter the colour the mor poison it is.
frog water fish lake stream i thought about frogs once but there not that interesting, although there was this one show i was watching where there was this frog that ate everything possible, i can even a a baseball and survive, but there was t
I like wading in ponds and busting open the big brown pods on the end of long, dried-out cattail fronds. They’re all over the place in the holler where I grew up. God, I love fronds. Have you ever just laid out on a big old bed of fronds and just…oh, well, neither have I, but I’m going to, you betcha. Now what fronds have to do with frogs I don’t necessarily, or rightly, for that matter, know, but I like it.
if i kiss it will it turn into a prince? so i dont have to deal with all the bullshit regular guys come with? or willi get warts? thatd suck but hey i mean igot a few bigger sized freckles anyways so whats one lil wart, i can always just freeze it off. i had this one friend who would keep cutting off his skin tags with scissors it was pretty gross like who cuts off a piece of thier own body? its just bzzar
Supposedly if you kiss a frog he will turn into a prince. But just think…frogs are gross and slimy and smelly and kind of ugly too. And here he is going to turn into a prince. Maybe it’s inner beauty.
Playing as a kid.
Used to catch em all the time.
makes me feel young again.
Sometime i wish i could leave this stress and go bac.
Life isnt like that.
You have to take what you get and deal.
Thats what im doing I guess.
there once was a frog in pursuit of love. he hopped around all day but never had any luck finding a girl frog. he was very sad. But one day along the pond he saw the most beautiful frog in the world. he hopped toward her, his feet barely touching the ground.
the green little amphibian sat on the log. Staring at me. I moved he jumped and splashed into the dark water. I ran to the side and saw his legs send him deeper into the muck. I never saw him again.
there once was a bright green frog andhe was a lonly frog and he had no friends so then he decide do do something about it
I like frog. Frogs are cool. Frogs are green.Frogs remind me of the little green bar at the top of this page. Now it’s turning orange…. Interesting…. RED!!!!
Frogs aren’t too interesting to me. They’re kind of bland really. They are know in fairy tales as the holder of beauty on the inside, etc etc. But really, in all honesty, they’re sort of boring creatures. Unless you’re obsessed with the sound of croaking, frogs aren’t really all that great.
a frog is the slickest thing ever
frogs are green and small and can jump well. They have long tongues which they use to catch flies. Some frogs are sticky in appearance, and others have translucent skin which allows you to see their organs. They have suction cap feet which allow them to stick to the side of things, also they are very good at changing colour. Well some are.
frogs could maybe be the solution… just kiss one and your prince will appear. couldn’t it be that easy? why do disne and fairy tales alwas lie to us? makes live not really easier…
The man with a frog tattoo particularly worried Lilia. Animals weren’t a part of their world, and its symbol felt foreign to the teenager. That is, of course, the very reason she wanted him. Steeling glances his way, she walked around the market, plotting to have their paths cross so she could introduce herself to the dangerous man.
your green little friend
swimming, swimming, swimming
jumping, jumping, jumping
your watchful eye as where it will go
good-bye little froggy
Frogs flap and swing from trumptes and dance on treehouse on high, this is a fact I assure you and If you choose not to believe me then you will face a horrible marmite backlash from the mightly Tony.
jump jump jump
the green little friend in the water
its slippery body in the water
some are posionous some are not
If you feel froggy leap.
That’s what he said in his yearbook page. I thought it was stupid. Did I think he was stupid? I’d slept with him enough that thinking so would make me a hypocrit. I guess I was froggy.
they are little or sometimes big green coloured creatures, given their fondness for flys and other buzzing insects they have a long long toungue which they use to consume all of them around. They hop like there is no tommorow and why nobody knows
the frog jumped in the pond. it was a beautiful day. he glanced around to see if anyone else was enjoying the weather, but everyone was gone. curious, the frog hopped over to the nearest tree where squirrel was high up on a branch, eating an acorn. “squirrel”, he said, “where is everyone?”
ribbit ribbit, the frog goes.
I see a little froggie, dancing down the stairs. There is a castle hidden there. It was only a little spell, she’d thought. But now her life another had bought, because he must free her from her draught. ‘Why did it have to be me?’ she thought. ‘There is no hope, now; all is lost.’
Heihei hei, hvor gla jeg skal bli, n