
November 5th, 2009 | 524 Entries

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524 Entries for “frog”

  1. Solumn, hopping into my dreams. Listen to the sounds of the river calling out to me. Hopping for a miricle, and staying till it comes. it might stay all night, until it sees the sun.

  2. Hopping, leaping, slinking, sliding. Little one on my back porch. You blend in with the cement until you move towards the grass. I hope I don’t step on you. I hope the cats don’t eat you. Little brown thing moving swiftly.

  3. Kermit just can’t stand being green… can he? I mean, come ON, how hard can it be being green? It’s just a color of skin, I guess. Being green isn’t mean. It’s just a color that everyone sees as they pass by the market, full of veggies that are– yes, you guessed it– green. This green thing kind of reminds me about how people used to be in the old days (and, unfortunately, still now), when people thought being black was a bad thing jsut because… well, to explain it all, there is no ‘because’. There were as many blacks as whites, so there should be no reason blacks got the bad treatment instead of whites. There as so many questions with no reasonable answers. Why didn’t the whites get treated badly, which would have been just as bad? Why couldn’t everyone get along? And, a worse question yet, why didn’t everyone get treated badly? The whites weren’t stupid, though they thought intelligent bllacks weren’t, they were following their parents. Their parents followed their parents, and their parents followed their parents. It all leads down to the very first of terrible ancestors. Now, I must say, the very first wones t o start were the stupid ones. But alotogether, it all leads down to one single, now-so-easy-answer-question: Why ddn’t Kermit enjoy being geen? Reading this all over will help you understand why I thnk that he didn’t like being green.

    Emily Justem
  4. A frog. What is there to write? I wanted to think of something deep and meaningful, but I just can’t think of anything. I wish I had a pet frog sometimes, I guess, but then I think…What would be fun about that? I mean, they’re kind of slimy, aren’t they? I think I’ll just stick with cats…

    Annie Rogers
  5. The little girl jumped in the pond. She jumped for the frog, for that little green animal that looked so cute and adorable. Her mother never told her she could die. She never knew. And who can blame the frog?

  6. I love frogs they’re the cutest things, no matter how big or small they are. I saw two tiny little frogs just yesterday. They looked sad in their little tank. I wanted to buy them and set them free, so badly.

  7. also, there was the calico kitten we had in college without a tail that we named frog. she was a sweet cat , unlike her brother nicholas who ultimately ended up giving me an excuse to dislike cats forever when he destroyed my bedroom.

  8. More frogs is it? Well, its just a funny looking hopping slimy swamp creature, I think touching them gives you a funny skin, they stink and croak at night, I wont keep one as a pet , and iI wont let my kids get near it or I know I will scream my lungs out. just because it stinks.

  9. who doesn’t love a frog especially the cute big handed ones you see in the glassed-in part of the zoo, from new zealand i think, those are frogs for the ages, who evoke coos and not shudders. if you kiss one of those does it turn into a prince too?

  10. its an animal thats often related to being ugly or to warts, perhaps its just yucky for living in mucky places, I found a few frogs as a kid, but i never touched them by hand! anyway, they have cousins known as Toads, they have warts, warts are ugly

  11. here’s a frog in my room. i dunno what it’s doing here, it’s nearly winter. why isn’t it outside ? there’s a snake with it. it’s yellow. it’s eyes aren’t red like you’d think they’d be, but brown-black like the frog’s. perhaps they’re friends. that’s strange; they’re supposed to be foes. things surprise you sometimes. when you least expect them to.

  12. animal that is slimy my big sister used to love them when we went on family walks she would always try to find them, when she found them she would pick them up, I always thought they were gross, but I never ever told her. Frogs are green and slimy. They rem

  13. ribbit ribbet ribbet
    i jump from pad to pad
    in hopes of catching a
    delicious treat
    with wings as fast as lightning
    i can identify him easily
    my tongue reaches out with it
    stick substance
    and he is trapped forever
    in my hungry stomach.

    carly read
  14. ribbit hop leap frog on a lilly pad slimy bumpy warts on your hands green brown pond squished by a tire

    Megan Bowman
  15. I meet this girl last year in Biology. She loves forgs. She has a ring with a frog on it. I was shocked the day we disected frogs. She got right into it and started cutting away. That’s the day my crush fell in love with her.

  16. they like to jump all around and croak. when I was little I would try to catch them, but I always ended up squishing them in my hand. they are green

  17. Frogs are rather disgusting animals, but in sort of a cute and adorable way. I suppose that is why they have been associated with frog-princes in stories; the combination of gross and adorable is insurmountable.

    We just to catch frogs as children outside our home by a small lake as well, but I am not sure if that is relevant at all. Okay?

  18. tiny little green ribbit sometimes poisonous some cute some huge and ugly reminds me of toad prince charming slimy wet

  19. Someone picked as their frog green cushion. She hated it. It had been a Christmas present from her late mother a couple of years before and she couldn’t bring herself to throw it away. The edges were frayed and worn from hands picking away at it over the years. It was a mess, old, unsightly and yet it still had pride of place on the sofa.

    She was waiting for Tyler to come home.

  20. The frogged bouncwd along the dry concrete, leaving wet little frog stains as he went. The child watched with eager, each time the frog bounced, up, and up and up. Finally the child could not refue the temp

    Sam Williamson
  21. Leap FROG!

    She jumped over me before I could even realize what was happening.

    I ended up with a broken shoulder blade.

    Ten months later we were dating.

    Three years later we were married.

    LEAP frog!

    Nothing’s changed.

  22. frogs, little green frogs, small as a dime, scattered across road and sidewalk, hidden in the grass, around the ditch, noisy in the sudden rain. Did they fall from the clouds with the raing? Where did they come from in this clear?

  23. The grren skin shone by the pond as he lifted his head against the pain. Alone. He never felt as if things would end this way, with no one nearby to see him go. The pond was so still, and the reeds seemed to tower, now that his jumping days were gone.

  24. green big frogs are living on my roof. they have large wings with yellow spots that spray LSD at anyone who walks by in the day. the molested my grandmother last night and im not happy about that, but all and all they are quite nice.

  25. Green or brown always jumping
    Loves the rain and the forest

    Croaking and ribbeting

  26. A green amphibian that likes to jump and eat bugs with its long tongue.

  27. it’s green, goes “croak” lives in watery or damp habitats – the French eat them or rather their legs.
    They are in stories – Jeremy Fisher or even the

  28. I turn to a prince when I get kissed. Yes, I am that frog you’ve all heard about. It’s a true story, happens periodically. I can’t function without being kissed, not as a prince anyway.

  29. My frog is green and plays in trees, my brother was obsessed with him and decided to play, he accidently squished it, now he’s afraid of horny-toads.

  30. I have a frog who sits in a tree. He likes to lick all the flies surrounding his tree. Well, I guess lick really wouldn’t describe his intentions. He likes to eat the flies surrounding his tree. Fortunately for him, the flies surrounding his tree are abundant and fat.

  31. The frog was leaping around in the pond without a care in the world. He never even stopped to notice the many black buzzing flys zipping in and out between him. He was content and happy, and he thought to himself ‘life would be perfect if only I could find another beautiful

  32. The frog flew from the sky in an uneven arc. It splashed into the water, creating a huge wave. The frog then glanced upward at the sky and noticed the hawk that had been chasing it was now circling in the sky. It was eagerly awaiting its prey to make one wrong move, but the frog had already escaped from its clutches. Suddenly, a giant trout emerged from the water’s depth.

  33. there once was a frod named herman. he was a very lonley little frog and he didnt really have many friends. but herman was ok with this. herman just sat all alone on his lily pad, catching flies. but one day, something disturbed herman. he noticed a frog couple, sitting a few lily pads over. an instant feeling of jealousy came over him.

    Cass Leblanc
  34. she screamed when she saw the frog siting in her living room so she yelled for her son to come and get rid of it.

  35. Where was the frog. I looked under all the leaves and branches around me. Worriedly I took small, shuffling steps toward the brook, looking around and beginning to develop a small, panicky feeling. There would be no kiss today, I feared.

  36. “A frog?”

    “A frog.”

    “What, you were expecting a prince?”

    “Well, I wasn’t expecting a freaking FROG!”

    “Sorry to have disappointed you.”

  37. Frogs are usually green. Some are poisonous. They are cute and they can jump. Some have little red feet. They like to live on trees. They get eaten by snakes. They are cold and a little slimy. I like frogs. I had one named Anastatia when I was little. My dog brought it in in her mouth.

  38. Every time I hear a frog, I like to think about the rain forest

  39. it is green and may or may not be a prince…ummmm well they live in ponds on those awesome lillypads with the pretty flowers and their color matches the timing bar this site has running at the top of this page oh nvm now its orange then red oooooh

  40. my grandma is afraid of frogs but i remember when i was little i always used to love catching them and playing with them in my back yard. of course, i grew up in the country so see frogs was commonplace. my grandma used to get upset with my sister and i, though, beause she was so scared of frogs and thought we would try to bring them in the house. we never did.
