
November 5th, 2009 | 524 Entries

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524 Entries for “frog”

  1. Frogs tend to be somewhat unpleaseant animals in most peoples mind, but they do have an excellent use in eating insects. They also have an esoteric function as thye prince bewiched by a witch

  2. My favorite music to run to on my Ipod is “Crazy Frog.” Great beat and fun to think of a frog hopping along side of me.

  3. There’s a frog in my throat, he yells at me, voice strangely muffled. I look at him and laugh until I see his Adam’s apple jerking. In one deft motion, I go to him and shove my hand as far as it will go down his dielated trachea. The frog is red and blue, small.

    Ella Emma Em
  4. Frogs are lovely creatures, they save us from those pesky flies, and although some frogs are not very beatuiful, I quite like the sound they make. Anyway, their not that lovely after all, I think they are actually disgusting….bleah…fuck frogs.

  5. green fucker small in size frogger frogger kermit. hmms frog frog in the fog on a log. green green like a spleen in betweeen uh frogger

  6. ribbit ribbit. you have no idea how green this frog is. it hops from lilly to lilly, a constant chase from reality. it’s trying to find a new dimension, one where the world cannot touch with its materialistic ideals and judgemental ways. it is time, to leap, to find this new lilly pad.

  7. A frog is green and slimy. They live in the lake and one time I stepped on one.

    brittany czahara
  8. icky slimy green. turns into prince. warts. water. lilly pads are pretty. i wish it were summer so i could go to the lake. and be bare foot. i love being barefoot. but i dont like stepping on frogs barefoot…in tha rain. but i love a rainy sunday. and the summertime.

  9. green, slimy, nasty.

    Brittany Czahara
  10. He hops. He’s green. He’s happy and sings. He’s a friend to you . He’s a friend to me. Mr. Frog is a prince because he is green!

  11. I could lie and say that I’ve always wanted a pet frog of my own, but that would, again, be lying.
    I’m actually rather impartial to frogs, my favorite one being Kermit.
    But even then, that’s only because I grew up with him.
    Fucking frog with his fucking porker girlfriend.
    Why does he even put up with the smarmy bitch?
    I don’t even know.

  12. Its confusing whats frog and whats toad. Frog croaks. Its annoying. A princess kissed a frog to get a prince charming? Thats why I hate fairy tales. Weighing frogs is a very common phrase to indicate how slippery the situation is.

  13. he was gren and he enhjoyed everything about life.
    he went ribbit ribbit, and he loved life.
    he ate a fly and he loved life.
    he almost died and he loved life.

  14. tode

  15. the frog was stinky

  16. green slimey and they jump . live in wet places say ribbet. do they really enjoy budweiser? They seem to be wiser than they are letting on.

    Keith B
  17. kermit the frog getting it on with miss piggy on a lilly pad touching her furry front hoof with his slender green fingers

  18. Frogs are usally green or brown. They eat insects and live around pounds. Frogs usally live around rocks too.

    Megan Kay
  19. Frogs are green. They are found in creeks and they jump back and forth on rocks. They lay eggs.

    Mikki Billingsley
  20. how many times has a frog jumped on you. with out jumping on itself first. jump on the frog first next time. or else!

    joe cruz
  21. there was a little frog, long time ago, that longed to be more than a grog. he wanted to be kissed and to be turned into a prince, like the fairy book he had once read. but deep

  22. she had a funny feeling on her throat. Breaking up with him was as hard as eating a frog

  23. she had that bad taste on her mouth. Yes, just like eating a frog. But the size of her problem was equivalent to a mega frog

  24. mary had a little frog whose skin was green as grass, and everywhere that mary went the frog was sure to go. Froggy froggy frumble. Take a little tumble.

  25. The frog sat on the rock while the boy lay on the bank watching… waiting. He was waitng for the little frog to jump into his net. Nature is the greatest toy after all…

  26. frog’s are pretty awesome. sometimes they come is super crazy colors. i like frogs, though i do not like the game leap frog because i can not jump like a frog.

    nicoletta ciampa
  27. green slimy drugs quak

  28. green jump bouncy favorite cute g lime red eyes gangsta froggielvr old email old aim elementary school old room 4th grade

  29. Nothing…

  30. The frog came from nowhere into the middle of the road and she swerved to avoid hitting it, though she was amazed she’d been able to see it at all in the first place among the huge water droplets pelting the pavement. It looked like a water droplet, actually, except that it was moving horizontally instead of just splashing up and down once like all the other water droplets were doing. And this one was more greenish-brown than clear and white against the pavement. But the frog was the last thing she remembered seeing before everything went black.

  31. frog

  32. its green. its slymy. they make funny sounds. you’ve got kermit from the muppet show of course. and kikker, the dutch book about a brog and his friends. him i like the most

  33. Ribbit.

    You Know Who
  34. sammokko oli sumussa. se istui kiven p

  35. frog

  36. a frog is a green thing with a wise mouth It tends to live a slimy life and I’m not sure I’d like one as a pet. On the other hand, if it turned out to be a beautiful princess under a spell, just waiting for her prince charming to come along……

  37. Once I had a pet frog, he liked to hop and jump. Then i played to hard and no longer was he happy, just a green fat lump. Laying on its back it was no longer breathing, i pushed on his belly and pulled on his legs and then he started suceeding, he was my first and my last pet frog. and now hes happily hopping on a log

  38. discusting

  39. everything is permanent even me, even you, or all of us… make the most of it, you’ll walk only once… live…

  40. green lazy no jumpy and slimy more than energetic.funny. sometimes its a bit weird and has no thoughts or at least i think it doesnt. thats it. no it has friends
