sitting on a speckled log eating the most delicious bugs (yum yum) one jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool now there are no green speckled frogs
A frog jumps quickly from lily pad to lily pad, intent on catching its prey; a large fly unlike any it has seen before.
Finally, on its fifth jump, the fly is within reach. The frog reaches out its tongue and hungrily pulls the fly into its mouth.
The Fly
I always imagine a bright red poisonous frog, though I’ve never seen anything of the sort besides in science books. They might exsist
There was a frog that was once a prince. Trite? Not if you knew the way this prince talked to frogs in the first place. Like a savage, like a pure savage. Minutes are long
Louis XIII
jump froggy jump!
green, maybe spotted.
trees? poisonous? ickyyyy.
frogs are kinda cool though. i like them. i think.
i almost stepped on one a little while ago. not fun. thought it was a leaf. almost gave me a heart attack.
The frog jumped from the edge of the pond and landed with a splash into the murky water. I looked at it with disdain. I have always hated frogs and their webbed fingers and sticky tongues. I was too bad it jumped into the water before I could squish it.
there was a little frog who was blue. Poor little frog being blue was no fun. Does anyone know why the little frog was so blue? it was his family who liked to fight and gripe and make him misserable. Poor little blue frog just wanted some peace. Is there ever going to be any peace for the little blue frog?
I don’t know why but when I think frogs i think of all the things in life that I will never do because I don’t want to. I don’t want to eat frog legs. but if I were in a situation where everyone around me was eating, I would eat it. Not because I fall to peer pressure…but I like the community of doing things you would never do otherwise with other
The frog once told me that I had a friend in Jesus. After a few minutes of diluted droll conversation we came to the agreement that once a person has reached their prime the heavy weight of the nations underlying devasating humanity is at stake. The only way to solve this problem? Death.
Mike Withrow
I don’t know why but when I think frogs i think of all the things in life that I will never do because I don’t want to. I don’t want to eat frog legs. but if I were in a situation where everyone around me was eating, I would eat it. Not because I fall to peer pressure…but I like the community of doing things you would never do otherwise with other
Frogs are green and they smell funny and when they lick you WAIT DO THEY EVEN LICK PEOPLE? what if someone like got a disease from a frog.. hahahahah.. i’d laugh. but then feel bad. Maybe if they did they’d get like a new cure and then they’d be able to cure cancer or something and then everyone would be happy and they would all be like YAAAYYYYY. So we’d have like no deaths until another sickness came along and killed us all with its deadliness.
they are green with a chance of having poisons in them to where you can get high. the type of frogs that are colored are not the ones to get high off of, for they will just kill you. the colored ones are the most poisonous frogs in the world
Trrrup trrrup… does this remind you of those monsoon days in the hills? When you need to look where you pu your foot in case you step on a frog or an earthword?
Hop hop hop
green and little
licks the flies
water ecosystem.
beautiful nature.
Emily Paige H.
Biology. High school Biology to be specific. Ms. Robinson’s class. 7:00 am labs every Friday. Going to Starbucks before hand. Driving to school. First year I could. Playing video games and guitar with Tim while studying for Biology. Pretending we were scientists from Juliard School of Biology.
kermit the frog. my grandpa’s name is actually kermit, which is one of the weirdest names i’ve ever heard. he has kermit dolls all around his house.
I just got done coloring a picture of a frog, actually. He was holding crayons in his… hands? What do frogs even have… not paws. Hmm. Feet? Ah, I don’t know. Anyway, I am generally pro-frog. They’re kind of cute. Except when you have to dissect them in science class.
i love it when your say you got a frog in your back, that’s so hott. i love it when you say you’re gunna beat frogs up, gets me off.
Frogs are usually thought to be green, gross and grimey. This is true. I read it.
Freewriting about one topic is fun, especially when the topic you typically talk about is toking.
Frogs scare my mother to death, and that scares me to death. So frogs scare me.
Something just dinged.
Nick Ramkay
jumpy, wharty, prince, princess, kiss, fast, water, amphibian
kind of gross but can be cute
different colors for the cool ones
bit throat things
long tongue
weird looking legs
frogs are the coolest thing in the world they hop jump skip to the loo and do what they want kiss one and youll end up a married girl or a very unhappy dude holla! there is nothing like it to kliss a frog iu have never doine it myself blah blah blah
anders barber
Frogs are weird. They’re slimy and creepy and I don’t really like them. On the other hand, they are interesting. Interesting is most definitely the word. How can you not be interested in something interesting like frogs?
Green frog, with your slimy bumps. Why do you contaminate me never ending, procrastinating your time away, the only change to kiss your queen.
Archer :)
the frog lived on the lilypad for six years until he grew too old and fat and began to sink. He then thought of the idea of connecting multiple lilly pads together and thus the idea for snow shoes came to be.
Matt Dominguez
there once was a frog who didn’t know how to jump so he built an airplane. he flew this airplane through the U.S airspace and got shot down. he had to jump from the plane to eject. but he could not. it was sad
i love kermit the frog. i think that he is amazing, i love this song about being so green. i think that he is the best frog out there. forget about those frogs on the lake, I always wish i could meet Kermit the Frog. He’s awesome. and he has miss piggy. who could ever want more? :)
green bumps they infect my being never ending, contaminating.
Tj Archer
Slimy, bumpy, green and jumpy. Froggy sitting on the loggy.
Megan Barbee
green hop i iwant to swim i want to be a frog and eat bugs and have not a care in the world. what is the purpose of a frog? they are just part of the grand design just like me. frogs live all over the world. i think of sunshine when i think of a frog. i cant think of anything else. i bet my puppy would love to chase and play with the frog. my boyfriend would probably annoy it. i dont really care about frog but i do care about it intrinsically in the fact that it has a purpose of its own despite of me. i bet instrumentally he keeps the misquito population down. this is great. if i had a frog i would call it kermy. kermy is my favorite frog.
Frog sits and wallows All day,
Neon Pink against the Marigold haze,
Lilypad Dozing on his summer lawn,
A child blows bubbles across the pond,
She watches,
She is content on her Pad.
Neon Pink against the Marigold Haze.
Jake Oh
Super fucking gross.
I’ve stepped on too many by accident.
It’s so incredible to handle a frog on his head; a magical experience that you need to do if you want to be a real leader in the world of the politic.
Cigarets cant help
Hell What?
erins pet. i want a pet. i just wish i could have a dog but when i was growing up my parents would always tell me that we werent a pet family, and now i’m too busy to take care of one plus i cant have them in my apartment. its a little insane if you think about the fact that humans take an animal and own it. and raise it and are in charge of feeding it, as if they dont already have enough things to do.
My grandpa loved frogs. Really loved them. Now when ever I see them, I remember the great times I had with him. Even though he had his faults, my grandpa was a good man. He taught me many things I still use today and inspires me daily. I love you grandpa Opa!!
Her toes were webbed. Maybe she was a frog in her past life or maybe it was just God’s way of making her swim faster, or be more ridiculed when it came to jumping high, or just the fact that her grandmother had it, but she loved it. Now if she could just find her frog prince.
Green, warty, bubbling, burping and ribbet-ing. A rosy tongue strikes suddenly, taking down its flying prey. A loud smack tells the tale of a fly’s dying day.
princess and the frog, an old fairytale that some many little girls hear and invest so much in. that we could somehow kiss our way to a prince charming. just to end up with warts instead.
I’ve already written about frog once, but I will do my best to come up with something else. Frog was one of those animals that always scared me as a child. Perhaps it was the fact that I always thought slimy was bad, but from early childhood on I’ve always preferred turtles.
sitting on a speckled log eating the most delicious bugs (yum yum) one jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool now there are no green speckled frogs
A frog jumps quickly from lily pad to lily pad, intent on catching its prey; a large fly unlike any it has seen before.
Finally, on its fifth jump, the fly is within reach. The frog reaches out its tongue and hungrily pulls the fly into its mouth.
I always imagine a bright red poisonous frog, though I’ve never seen anything of the sort besides in science books. They might exsist
There was a frog that was once a prince. Trite? Not if you knew the way this prince talked to frogs in the first place. Like a savage, like a pure savage. Minutes are long
jump froggy jump!
green, maybe spotted.
trees? poisonous? ickyyyy.
frogs are kinda cool though. i like them. i think.
i almost stepped on one a little while ago. not fun. thought it was a leaf. almost gave me a heart attack.
The frog jumped from the edge of the pond and landed with a splash into the murky water. I looked at it with disdain. I have always hated frogs and their webbed fingers and sticky tongues. I was too bad it jumped into the water before I could squish it.
there was a little frog who was blue. Poor little frog being blue was no fun. Does anyone know why the little frog was so blue? it was his family who liked to fight and gripe and make him misserable. Poor little blue frog just wanted some peace. Is there ever going to be any peace for the little blue frog?
I don’t know why but when I think frogs i think of all the things in life that I will never do because I don’t want to. I don’t want to eat frog legs. but if I were in a situation where everyone around me was eating, I would eat it. Not because I fall to peer pressure…but I like the community of doing things you would never do otherwise with other
The frog once told me that I had a friend in Jesus. After a few minutes of diluted droll conversation we came to the agreement that once a person has reached their prime the heavy weight of the nations underlying devasating humanity is at stake. The only way to solve this problem? Death.
I don’t know why but when I think frogs i think of all the things in life that I will never do because I don’t want to. I don’t want to eat frog legs. but if I were in a situation where everyone around me was eating, I would eat it. Not because I fall to peer pressure…but I like the community of doing things you would never do otherwise with other
Frogs are green and they smell funny and when they lick you WAIT DO THEY EVEN LICK PEOPLE? what if someone like got a disease from a frog.. hahahahah.. i’d laugh. but then feel bad. Maybe if they did they’d get like a new cure and then they’d be able to cure cancer or something and then everyone would be happy and they would all be like YAAAYYYYY. So we’d have like no deaths until another sickness came along and killed us all with its deadliness.
they are green with a chance of having poisons in them to where you can get high. the type of frogs that are colored are not the ones to get high off of, for they will just kill you. the colored ones are the most poisonous frogs in the world
Trrrup trrrup… does this remind you of those monsoon days in the hills? When you need to look where you pu your foot in case you step on a frog or an earthword?
Hop hop hop
green and little
licks the flies
water ecosystem.
beautiful nature.
Biology. High school Biology to be specific. Ms. Robinson’s class. 7:00 am labs every Friday. Going to Starbucks before hand. Driving to school. First year I could. Playing video games and guitar with Tim while studying for Biology. Pretending we were scientists from Juliard School of Biology.
kermit the frog. my grandpa’s name is actually kermit, which is one of the weirdest names i’ve ever heard. he has kermit dolls all around his house.
I just got done coloring a picture of a frog, actually. He was holding crayons in his… hands? What do frogs even have… not paws. Hmm. Feet? Ah, I don’t know. Anyway, I am generally pro-frog. They’re kind of cute. Except when you have to dissect them in science class.
i love it when your say you got a frog in your back, that’s so hott. i love it when you say you’re gunna beat frogs up, gets me off.
Frogs are usually thought to be green, gross and grimey. This is true. I read it.
Freewriting about one topic is fun, especially when the topic you typically talk about is toking.
Frogs scare my mother to death, and that scares me to death. So frogs scare me.
Something just dinged.
jumpy, wharty, prince, princess, kiss, fast, water, amphibian
kind of gross but can be cute
different colors for the cool ones
bit throat things
long tongue
weird looking legs
frogs are the coolest thing in the world they hop jump skip to the loo and do what they want kiss one and youll end up a married girl or a very unhappy dude holla! there is nothing like it to kliss a frog iu have never doine it myself blah blah blah
Frogs are weird. They’re slimy and creepy and I don’t really like them. On the other hand, they are interesting. Interesting is most definitely the word. How can you not be interested in something interesting like frogs?
Green frog, with your slimy bumps. Why do you contaminate me never ending, procrastinating your time away, the only change to kiss your queen.
the frog lived on the lilypad for six years until he grew too old and fat and began to sink. He then thought of the idea of connecting multiple lilly pads together and thus the idea for snow shoes came to be.
there once was a frog who didn’t know how to jump so he built an airplane. he flew this airplane through the U.S airspace and got shot down. he had to jump from the plane to eject. but he could not. it was sad
i love kermit the frog. i think that he is amazing, i love this song about being so green. i think that he is the best frog out there. forget about those frogs on the lake, I always wish i could meet Kermit the Frog. He’s awesome. and he has miss piggy. who could ever want more? :)
green bumps they infect my being never ending, contaminating.
Slimy, bumpy, green and jumpy. Froggy sitting on the loggy.
green hop i iwant to swim i want to be a frog and eat bugs and have not a care in the world. what is the purpose of a frog? they are just part of the grand design just like me. frogs live all over the world. i think of sunshine when i think of a frog. i cant think of anything else. i bet my puppy would love to chase and play with the frog. my boyfriend would probably annoy it. i dont really care about frog but i do care about it intrinsically in the fact that it has a purpose of its own despite of me. i bet instrumentally he keeps the misquito population down. this is great. if i had a frog i would call it kermy. kermy is my favorite frog.
Frog sits and wallows All day,
Neon Pink against the Marigold haze,
Lilypad Dozing on his summer lawn,
A child blows bubbles across the pond,
She watches,
She is content on her Pad.
Neon Pink against the Marigold Haze.
Super fucking gross.
I’ve stepped on too many by accident.
It’s so incredible to handle a frog on his head; a magical experience that you need to do if you want to be a real leader in the world of the politic.
Cigarets cant help
erins pet. i want a pet. i just wish i could have a dog but when i was growing up my parents would always tell me that we werent a pet family, and now i’m too busy to take care of one plus i cant have them in my apartment. its a little insane if you think about the fact that humans take an animal and own it. and raise it and are in charge of feeding it, as if they dont already have enough things to do.
My grandpa loved frogs. Really loved them. Now when ever I see them, I remember the great times I had with him. Even though he had his faults, my grandpa was a good man. He taught me many things I still use today and inspires me daily. I love you grandpa Opa!!
Her toes were webbed. Maybe she was a frog in her past life or maybe it was just God’s way of making her swim faster, or be more ridiculed when it came to jumping high, or just the fact that her grandmother had it, but she loved it. Now if she could just find her frog prince.
Green, warty, bubbling, burping and ribbet-ing. A rosy tongue strikes suddenly, taking down its flying prey. A loud smack tells the tale of a fly’s dying day.
princess and the frog, an old fairytale that some many little girls hear and invest so much in. that we could somehow kiss our way to a prince charming. just to end up with warts instead.
I’ve already written about frog once, but I will do my best to come up with something else. Frog was one of those animals that always scared me as a child. Perhaps it was the fact that I always thought slimy was bad, but from early childhood on I’ve always preferred turtles.