The green frog sat on the lily pad not knowing what to do, his friend was gone forever. That boy with the cruel laugh had taken him and now the frog was all alone and frightened. He waited, knowing his time may be up very soon too, as he heard the boy’s laugh again.
I remember another thing about frogs. Apparently the poison dart frog or whatever it’s called is the most poisonous creature in the world. I remember when I was little I used to believe that they were some sort of alien that if you touched one with something else the poison would automatically travel through it and into your skin and kill you. Oh imagination, how I love you.
Frogs are curious little creatures. I think that the most fascinating thing about frogs is that they’re one of the most recognized animals in the world due to being amphibians. You think about it, if someone says amphibian they’ll automatically think of a frog. I remember that I always used to think frogs were reptiles but I never understood why they had slimy skin.
i like frogs… red eyed tree frogs. They are slimy and cute :) Except that my 6 yr old sister played with a frog she found and didnt wash her hands and we think she got sal-manilla… idk how you spell it lol
frog, rana. i can say it in two languages, well, three if you count pig latin. ogfray. its an interesting word. it sounds like a large stone dropped into a puddle of mud. someone was dropping a bunch of pebbles, and then someone else dropped a larger rock, and it sounded like this: “FROG.”
The hideous thing croaked loudly, making Al jump. “Oh God!” he shrieked, finally taking note of the creature that was steadily crawling towards him. “What is that thing?!” He shivered and jumped several feet back in horror.
There once was a frog named Doug
Who hung out on the pad with his buddy Tag.
They ate flies
And drank flower wine.
When the sun set,
they slept under a fuzzy rug.
I never owned a frog. I’ve heard you can find them in the fields and swampy spots, but, why would I want to get one? they’re no fun. Green. Slimy. So what?
Maybe, is it bravery? is it, the sheer weirdness of catching a strange alien and bringing it home, under your power?
They’re not cute. They aren’t worth much.
Maybe you could enter them in a jumping contest. Listen to them sing. but I don’t want to go catch one.
frog frog
frogs can be many different colours, some can be poisonous, they eat bugs and stuff and like hot wet conditions such as rain forests, because its humid.
yeah frogs are good.
Jenna Schofield
monica had a frog in her throat
in fact she almost had nothing in her throat
she lost her voice
right before she came to our wonderful friends reunion
a time when she of course wanted to talk more than ever
what a sweetieee
The little animal hopped onto the lilypad, throat expanding as it croaked. The pink, sticky tongue flicked out and caught a poor unsuspecting insect–the creature buzzed and whined, doomed to a fate of stomach enzymes as the frog swallowed.
the frog is an enigma. kermit. a good man. interviewer of farmers. the dark crystal was one of jim hensons masterpieces. kermit was almost never on sesame street. i wonder why. also kermit didn’t jump as much as i would have thought.
jumping green swimming slimy tiny cute rain pond held in my hand in alaska smaller than my thumb precious froggy
Whatever happened to leap frog? Used to play when I was a kid and now it seems to have gone the way of the dodo?
green soo loud when im trying to sleep, there is one right outside my window, i swear to god every year for the past six years. its soo loud, although i thing there is finaly two of them so im glad for my little froggy
i like toads better they arnt slimy
so once I was kissing prince charming and he was delocious I love him but then he was frog! why was he a frog I cant handle this I loved him as a man I cannot kiss an amphibian but I will anyway because he still sings likea god what a man! what a frog! I a so happy. I am a turtle. I love my froggy mate oh yes I do. Paints! lights!
Frog. What can possibly be said about a frog. There is a story I heard once, how a frog tricked a toad into letting him hold the urn that held death. The toad was a foolish animal and trusted the frog. Of course, the toad let the frog have it and what did the frog do? The frog dropped it. Yep, that was it. That was how death came into the world. Doesnt that just make you hate frogs? I know I hate frogs just for that one thing alone, or should I hate the toad?
slimy amphibian that sucks baby guts
I like frogs. They swim along the bogs. A dog walks along the shore. A hog snorts.
green, squishy
a pomd, on the grass
long pink tounge, flies
nina Enos
slime time. on a tree. four hands to stick to lettuce. only as green as the lettuce it hides in. A turtle out of its shell. Capable of making high pitched noise
shawn Diggins
frogs are green and happy. they hop, skip, lick, and smile. they are gooey and chewy and scaley and warty. the budweiser frogs are the best frogs to ever exist on this great metropolis.
the frog left from the lily pad and made a tremendous plunge into the pond. he dove below the surface and swam across the entire length to the other side. Then emerging from the surface with his eyes and nose barely peaking through he lept onto the bank.
i love this frog it is green and happily hops along as if it were a dandelion puff. fluff fluff puff! froggies hop onto my shoulders whilst i sit peacefully in the wood. i love the feeling of their slippery toes flicking my earlobes and making me sleepy in the spring time springy time haze frogs frogs FROGS
like the princess and the frog, right? little green animals that jump. not too pretty though. but fun to look at and think about. wait, no, SOME are pretty. Poison dart frogs. Rainforest frogs. ribbit ribbit.
frogs are wonderful. they are green and they jump and they love to eat flies. they have large tongues. oh large tongues of frogs how wonderful they are. sometimes there is a prince as a frog and the princess has to kiss the frog. how wonderful! frogs are fantastic. i love jumping frogs. i hope prince charming really is one!
Julianne B
please let me out of this container. i have princesses to meet and flies to eat and don’t have all day.
if you love me, let me go.
The frog leaped into the pond where the lovers were. They talked about this before. The girl unknowingly was surprised when the boy dropped to his knees and proposed.
theyre green and slimey and you really shouldnt lick them. oh and the bubble up when they breathe, how gross is that?
a frog jumped over bibble’s leg and talked to lacretia while humming a melodious beat to make lacretias bum feel better. he then proceeded to hop of the bed and run past the heater. which then ignited the frog who just so happened to be a father of three. :( the end.
Frogs are strange creatures because they have evolved to a point where they can stay in two kinds of environments. Humans can do something similar but not without technology. We can learn a lot about amphibians and use their abilities to further our technological evolution.
green lumpy wet stinky gross warts tongue pond scum lilly pad water fish fly sticky eyes legs padded feet
My favorite animal. Jumping, hopping,leaping, a piece of art unto itself. Filling all the necessary niches. Only thing that can instantly bring happiness to someone’s face because they are always happy. There is nothing but happiness in the rain when the frogs do their lively march. March, flop, march. March, hop.
ribbit ribbit I am a frog.
I have kissed the princess.
she never changed form.
I am now sad.
please please punch my mouth.
and rip out my tounge.
I do not know what else to do.
so I must end this now…
boo hoo
a stupid animal… with strange noises and slimy body. but tasty to eat. some are colorfull
The man curled his fingers near the frog of the bow, his eyes glancing up at the people as they passed on the street. This was his time to shine, his turn to show them that he wasn’t just some guy in a tattered shirt and a hand-me-down hat. He was somebody. He was a master of his craft, a wonder. He would play circles around Perlman, and he would get dollars for it too.
The green frog sat on the lily pad not knowing what to do, his friend was gone forever. That boy with the cruel laugh had taken him and now the frog was all alone and frightened. He waited, knowing his time may be up very soon too, as he heard the boy’s laugh again.
I remember another thing about frogs. Apparently the poison dart frog or whatever it’s called is the most poisonous creature in the world. I remember when I was little I used to believe that they were some sort of alien that if you touched one with something else the poison would automatically travel through it and into your skin and kill you. Oh imagination, how I love you.
Frogs are curious little creatures. I think that the most fascinating thing about frogs is that they’re one of the most recognized animals in the world due to being amphibians. You think about it, if someone says amphibian they’ll automatically think of a frog. I remember that I always used to think frogs were reptiles but I never understood why they had slimy skin.
i like frogs… red eyed tree frogs. They are slimy and cute :) Except that my 6 yr old sister played with a frog she found and didnt wash her hands and we think she got sal-manilla… idk how you spell it lol
frog, rana. i can say it in two languages, well, three if you count pig latin. ogfray. its an interesting word. it sounds like a large stone dropped into a puddle of mud. someone was dropping a bunch of pebbles, and then someone else dropped a larger rock, and it sounded like this: “FROG.”
The hideous thing croaked loudly, making Al jump. “Oh God!” he shrieked, finally taking note of the creature that was steadily crawling towards him. “What is that thing?!” He shivered and jumped several feet back in horror.
There once was a frog named Doug
Who hung out on the pad with his buddy Tag.
They ate flies
And drank flower wine.
When the sun set,
they slept under a fuzzy rug.
I never owned a frog. I’ve heard you can find them in the fields and swampy spots, but, why would I want to get one? they’re no fun. Green. Slimy. So what?
Maybe, is it bravery? is it, the sheer weirdness of catching a strange alien and bringing it home, under your power?
They’re not cute. They aren’t worth much.
Maybe you could enter them in a jumping contest. Listen to them sing. but I don’t want to go catch one.
frog frog
frogs can be many different colours, some can be poisonous, they eat bugs and stuff and like hot wet conditions such as rain forests, because its humid.
yeah frogs are good.
monica had a frog in her throat
in fact she almost had nothing in her throat
she lost her voice
right before she came to our wonderful friends reunion
a time when she of course wanted to talk more than ever
what a sweetieee
The little animal hopped onto the lilypad, throat expanding as it croaked. The pink, sticky tongue flicked out and caught a poor unsuspecting insect–the creature buzzed and whined, doomed to a fate of stomach enzymes as the frog swallowed.
the frog is an enigma. kermit. a good man. interviewer of farmers. the dark crystal was one of jim hensons masterpieces. kermit was almost never on sesame street. i wonder why. also kermit didn’t jump as much as i would have thought.
jumping green swimming slimy tiny cute rain pond held in my hand in alaska smaller than my thumb precious froggy
Whatever happened to leap frog? Used to play when I was a kid and now it seems to have gone the way of the dodo?
green soo loud when im trying to sleep, there is one right outside my window, i swear to god every year for the past six years. its soo loud, although i thing there is finaly two of them so im glad for my little froggy
i like toads better they arnt slimy
so once I was kissing prince charming and he was delocious I love him but then he was frog! why was he a frog I cant handle this I loved him as a man I cannot kiss an amphibian but I will anyway because he still sings likea god what a man! what a frog! I a so happy. I am a turtle. I love my froggy mate oh yes I do. Paints! lights!
green jumpy slimy slick smooth toes eyes nice happy friendly rain swim tadpole
Frog. What can possibly be said about a frog. There is a story I heard once, how a frog tricked a toad into letting him hold the urn that held death. The toad was a foolish animal and trusted the frog. Of course, the toad let the frog have it and what did the frog do? The frog dropped it. Yep, that was it. That was how death came into the world. Doesnt that just make you hate frogs? I know I hate frogs just for that one thing alone, or should I hate the toad?
slimy amphibian that sucks baby guts
I like frogs. They swim along the bogs. A dog walks along the shore. A hog snorts.
green, squishy
a pomd, on the grass
long pink tounge, flies
slime time. on a tree. four hands to stick to lettuce. only as green as the lettuce it hides in. A turtle out of its shell. Capable of making high pitched noise
frogs are green and happy. they hop, skip, lick, and smile. they are gooey and chewy and scaley and warty. the budweiser frogs are the best frogs to ever exist on this great metropolis.
the frog left from the lily pad and made a tremendous plunge into the pond. he dove below the surface and swam across the entire length to the other side. Then emerging from the surface with his eyes and nose barely peaking through he lept onto the bank.
i love this frog it is green and happily hops along as if it were a dandelion puff. fluff fluff puff! froggies hop onto my shoulders whilst i sit peacefully in the wood. i love the feeling of their slippery toes flicking my earlobes and making me sleepy in the spring time springy time haze frogs frogs FROGS
like the princess and the frog, right? little green animals that jump. not too pretty though. but fun to look at and think about. wait, no, SOME are pretty. Poison dart frogs. Rainforest frogs. ribbit ribbit.
frogs are wonderful. they are green and they jump and they love to eat flies. they have large tongues. oh large tongues of frogs how wonderful they are. sometimes there is a prince as a frog and the princess has to kiss the frog. how wonderful! frogs are fantastic. i love jumping frogs. i hope prince charming really is one!
please let me out of this container. i have princesses to meet and flies to eat and don’t have all day.
if you love me, let me go.
The frog leaped into the pond where the lovers were. They talked about this before. The girl unknowingly was surprised when the boy dropped to his knees and proposed.
theyre green and slimey and you really shouldnt lick them. oh and the bubble up when they breathe, how gross is that?
a frog jumped over bibble’s leg and talked to lacretia while humming a melodious beat to make lacretias bum feel better. he then proceeded to hop of the bed and run past the heater. which then ignited the frog who just so happened to be a father of three. :( the end.
Frogs are strange creatures because they have evolved to a point where they can stay in two kinds of environments. Humans can do something similar but not without technology. We can learn a lot about amphibians and use their abilities to further our technological evolution.
green lumpy wet stinky gross warts tongue pond scum lilly pad water fish fly sticky eyes legs padded feet
My favorite animal. Jumping, hopping,leaping, a piece of art unto itself. Filling all the necessary niches. Only thing that can instantly bring happiness to someone’s face because they are always happy. There is nothing but happiness in the rain when the frogs do their lively march. March, flop, march. March, hop.
ribbit ribbit I am a frog.
I have kissed the princess.
she never changed form.
I am now sad.
please please punch my mouth.
and rip out my tounge.
I do not know what else to do.
so I must end this now…
boo hoo
a stupid animal… with strange noises and slimy body. but tasty to eat. some are colorfull
The man curled his fingers near the frog of the bow, his eyes glancing up at the people as they passed on the street. This was his time to shine, his turn to show them that he wasn’t just some guy in a tattered shirt and a hand-me-down hat. He was somebody. He was a master of his craft, a wonder. He would play circles around Perlman, and he would get dollars for it too.