Despicable fucking creatures. I used to stick firecrackers in their ass and use them as organic bombs to toss at moving vehicles just to see them spin out of control.
The frog hopped onto the lilypad. It was a miracle he didn’t fall through. A big thing like that, jumping, full force, onto the most delicate of pond creatures? It seemed to deny all physics and properties of the universe. And although he was warty and unattractive at first sight, there was something graceful in the way the frog moved- like an acrobat, almost.
The big, brown and green frog swam across the pond, hoping there would be better bugs on the other side for dinner. The bugs on this side of the pond just weren’t cutting it anymore. This frog needed to branch out and taste the new bugs.
I saw a frog so big and warty and slimy, with a tongue so long and slithery that I decided to use it as tool of torture on those I loathed and wished dead.
The answer was yes. There was no frog prince in her future so she had absolutely no qualms about just walking away from the magical world and all that it supposedly had to offer. Nat could take his money and shove it where the sun never shined (and in his case, that was particularly true). Once this was all over she was quitting, and that was the end of that.
i find your playful side most endearing.
i watched you leap frog in the park, giggling away like you were 20 years younger.
i miss you.
frogs are green and sometimes have warts. but that is okay becuase maybe if you kiss all the frogs in the world you will find your prince charming, or that could be a load of horse shit and there are no prince charmings left in the world for you. frogs suck.
green animal, sometimes poisonous. croaks loudly at night when I try to sleep. annoying to miss with my car. got a priesent for christmas for GF called the frog prince. hard to find
frogs like to jump, and they eat flies. I am a fly. I am anti frog, because a frog ate my aunt Mildred, and now my irritating cousin Donnie lives at my house and he eats all the cinnamon buns my mother buys but I still have to be nice to him.
green wonderful obsession love creation tatpool ribbit shirt car truck kermit muppits blue tree toad eggs lily pas wonderous amazing beautiful life never without my faveorite
i always hear you louder when the rains have just stopped pouring. you guys use to welcome me in one big group. while i was still pregnant with maia. now that she’s hear she loves to listen to your croaking.
And the frog jumped over the moon.
Brittaney Robison
oink…no frogs don’t say that but there is a lovely one that resides in our pond. I thought it was a fake one from the chinese store, but it jumped off the rock when I pushed the fake ducky towards it and sang the rubber duckie song…then I knew.
Andrea Wagman-Christian
Grren not brown. Frogs hop around catching the flys around them. A frog was busy jumping from lilly pad to lillypad and suddenly an alligator snatches him into his mouth and he is dead.
Green hapy littly hippity, hoppity, thing.
How love to hear you sing.
You will be kissed by a sexy bitch,
and she will wed you, and stuff.
Not really because no one wants to kiss a frog
I’m reading about Santa’s workshop and wearing red.
A princess kissed the frog and he grew into a man. Tall dark handsome…green? That shouldn’t have happened.
I don’t know what to say about a frog. It’s an animal. It reminds me of third grade. My teacher loved frogs, so if I would find something frog related, I would ask my grandmother to buy it so I could give it to her. She was one of my favorite teachers and I invited her to my graduation party. When I saw her, she gave me a mug with a Christian verse. It broke my heart.
George Orwell
The frog was speckled yellow and red. It sat at the edge of the pond and its chest inflated – a sudden gush of red pigment – with a deep resonating sound. It was fascinating. Then, as quickly as it had been spotted, it disappeared into the grey water with a brightly coloured streak.
does it really turn into your “prince” once the kiss had been made??? Cause Lord knows how many kisses i have exuded to find my prince. Or was it a toad? Which more likely has been the case. My mother always told me to never judge by appearance.She went on and on on how proud she was to have such beautiful children. And how was that? Because she created life with a man (frog turned prince)who was not what we call the best looker. You know, the one pretty+ one ugly= a BEAUTY! Yes people, this was the mechanics of what i call now my self-concious! Well, not self concious but my day to day worry. what if I’m attracted to Ken?? The beauteous of all men. JUST because I choose NOT to scarifies an orgasm to make THE top earning ford model, I’m doomed to give birth to an ugly Betty?? But it doesn’t end here…. I’M A BIG FAT LESBIAN! Who wants to have children… WAIT! Aren’t frogs considered hermaphrodites???
Remember me of Pauli. She loves frogs. She has all kind of frog things: stuffed animals, stickers, figurines, pillows. I used to think frogs were ugly, now, I look at then with fondness.
Frog jumps, plays, wistful in manner
Splashing and swallowing flies
and other airborne creatures.
I think of my friend in Britain now. It used to be an animal I associated with my cousin but as the years passed I have made family out of those with no genetic relation to me. Luki is one of them. Frog-dragon-creative-wonderful-huggable-lovely Luki. Just makes me smile thinking about her honestly. I miss her. I want to see her again. And her husband too of course.
Frog. Amphibian. Capable of living in both water and on land. Ability of adaptation. Unlike humans.
frog princes
are overrated
i don’t need to kiss a frog
to make my dreams come true
gren kissing the prince the lord of the rings…idk its green green in the forrest dark fforrest but peaceful nice and quite nothing but calm and yet still exctiing all the sounds of the animals and such
frog are so slimy n disgusting! i remember i stared so hard at a frog that the moment it jumped, it scared me. i hate them. when they croak, you cant sleep. when they croak, it echoed into the night. so freaking scare. n u dunno where they come from.
small green frog hopping away,
eating bugs along the way.
Not doing things to harm anyone
Just looking for some simple fun
Frog <3
frog green toads with slime and moss bodies
frogs are green and slimy. ribbit. oh dude. on my sidekick it has a sound of a frog. haha. ftw
Frogs are creatures that live in ponds and lakes. There was once one named Jeremiah, but after a singer wrote about him, he got his name changed to Frederick. And if you sing that song to any frog, they will jump at you and give you warts. Frogs are green and eat flies.
After we all took turns on the swing, Brian took my last tunr, that brat, we all went looking for crawdads, but o found a new pet, FRAT the frog. His name is fun to say.
cathy, a moose
the frog was a sleep on the lily pond until a big fat boy scaey him and the frog ran away but when got back his pond was litter everywhere.
Think about what you do…..
frogs are green and…shit idk they hop also they eat insects
when me and my cousins were wee kids we used to catch these fat dumb bugs and throw them at the toads that lived by their house
sometimes theyd eat them sometimes not
we used to catch tadpoles too theyre kawaii
a few times i brought a bunch back home and they lived in this big bucket thing and then they turned into tiny frogs and probably got squassed later
And another thing, I remember in year 4 we were studying frogs in school. We made mosaics of them and mine was the first main bit of art I made. It was pretty good. Then I remember learning that there was a frog that was 2mm long. Who knew?
is frog the only word i can write about WHAT THE HELL
green frogs jump and croak they are really loud in the water they live on lily pads in ponds and in rivers. i like frogs.
Despicable fucking creatures. I used to stick firecrackers in their ass and use them as organic bombs to toss at moving vehicles just to see them spin out of control.
The frog hopped onto the lilypad. It was a miracle he didn’t fall through. A big thing like that, jumping, full force, onto the most delicate of pond creatures? It seemed to deny all physics and properties of the universe. And although he was warty and unattractive at first sight, there was something graceful in the way the frog moved- like an acrobat, almost.
The big, brown and green frog swam across the pond, hoping there would be better bugs on the other side for dinner. The bugs on this side of the pond just weren’t cutting it anymore. This frog needed to branch out and taste the new bugs.
I saw a frog so big and warty and slimy, with a tongue so long and slithery that I decided to use it as tool of torture on those I loathed and wished dead.
The answer was yes. There was no frog prince in her future so she had absolutely no qualms about just walking away from the magical world and all that it supposedly had to offer. Nat could take his money and shove it where the sun never shined (and in his case, that was particularly true). Once this was all over she was quitting, and that was the end of that.
i find your playful side most endearing.
i watched you leap frog in the park, giggling away like you were 20 years younger.
i miss you.
frogs are green and sometimes have warts. but that is okay becuase maybe if you kiss all the frogs in the world you will find your prince charming, or that could be a load of horse shit and there are no prince charmings left in the world for you. frogs suck.
green animal, sometimes poisonous. croaks loudly at night when I try to sleep. annoying to miss with my car. got a priesent for christmas for GF called the frog prince. hard to find
frogs like to jump, and they eat flies. I am a fly. I am anti frog, because a frog ate my aunt Mildred, and now my irritating cousin Donnie lives at my house and he eats all the cinnamon buns my mother buys but I still have to be nice to him.
green wonderful obsession love creation tatpool ribbit shirt car truck kermit muppits blue tree toad eggs lily pas wonderous amazing beautiful life never without my faveorite
i always hear you louder when the rains have just stopped pouring. you guys use to welcome me in one big group. while i was still pregnant with maia. now that she’s hear she loves to listen to your croaking.
And the frog jumped over the moon.
oink…no frogs don’t say that but there is a lovely one that resides in our pond. I thought it was a fake one from the chinese store, but it jumped off the rock when I pushed the fake ducky towards it and sang the rubber duckie song…then I knew.
Grren not brown. Frogs hop around catching the flys around them. A frog was busy jumping from lilly pad to lillypad and suddenly an alligator snatches him into his mouth and he is dead.
Green hapy littly hippity, hoppity, thing.
How love to hear you sing.
You will be kissed by a sexy bitch,
and she will wed you, and stuff.
Not really because no one wants to kiss a frog
I’m reading about Santa’s workshop and wearing red.
A princess kissed the frog and he grew into a man. Tall dark handsome…green? That shouldn’t have happened.
I don’t know what to say about a frog. It’s an animal. It reminds me of third grade. My teacher loved frogs, so if I would find something frog related, I would ask my grandmother to buy it so I could give it to her. She was one of my favorite teachers and I invited her to my graduation party. When I saw her, she gave me a mug with a Christian verse. It broke my heart.
The frog was speckled yellow and red. It sat at the edge of the pond and its chest inflated – a sudden gush of red pigment – with a deep resonating sound. It was fascinating. Then, as quickly as it had been spotted, it disappeared into the grey water with a brightly coloured streak.
does it really turn into your “prince” once the kiss had been made??? Cause Lord knows how many kisses i have exuded to find my prince. Or was it a toad? Which more likely has been the case. My mother always told me to never judge by appearance.She went on and on on how proud she was to have such beautiful children. And how was that? Because she created life with a man (frog turned prince)who was not what we call the best looker. You know, the one pretty+ one ugly= a BEAUTY! Yes people, this was the mechanics of what i call now my self-concious! Well, not self concious but my day to day worry. what if I’m attracted to Ken?? The beauteous of all men. JUST because I choose NOT to scarifies an orgasm to make THE top earning ford model, I’m doomed to give birth to an ugly Betty?? But it doesn’t end here…. I’M A BIG FAT LESBIAN! Who wants to have children… WAIT! Aren’t frogs considered hermaphrodites???
Remember me of Pauli. She loves frogs. She has all kind of frog things: stuffed animals, stickers, figurines, pillows. I used to think frogs were ugly, now, I look at then with fondness.
Frog jumps, plays, wistful in manner
Splashing and swallowing flies
and other airborne creatures.
I think of my friend in Britain now. It used to be an animal I associated with my cousin but as the years passed I have made family out of those with no genetic relation to me. Luki is one of them. Frog-dragon-creative-wonderful-huggable-lovely Luki. Just makes me smile thinking about her honestly. I miss her. I want to see her again. And her husband too of course.
Frog. Amphibian. Capable of living in both water and on land. Ability of adaptation. Unlike humans.
frog princes
are overrated
i don’t need to kiss a frog
to make my dreams come true
gren kissing the prince the lord of the rings…idk its green green in the forrest dark fforrest but peaceful nice and quite nothing but calm and yet still exctiing all the sounds of the animals and such
frog are so slimy n disgusting! i remember i stared so hard at a frog that the moment it jumped, it scared me. i hate them. when they croak, you cant sleep. when they croak, it echoed into the night. so freaking scare. n u dunno where they come from.
small green frog hopping away,
eating bugs along the way.
Not doing things to harm anyone
Just looking for some simple fun
Frog <3
frog green toads with slime and moss bodies
frogs are green and slimy. ribbit. oh dude. on my sidekick it has a sound of a frog. haha. ftw
Frogs are creatures that live in ponds and lakes. There was once one named Jeremiah, but after a singer wrote about him, he got his name changed to Frederick. And if you sing that song to any frog, they will jump at you and give you warts. Frogs are green and eat flies.
After we all took turns on the swing, Brian took my last tunr, that brat, we all went looking for crawdads, but o found a new pet, FRAT the frog. His name is fun to say.
the frog was a sleep on the lily pond until a big fat boy scaey him and the frog ran away but when got back his pond was litter everywhere.
Think about what you do…..
frogs are green and…shit idk they hop also they eat insects
when me and my cousins were wee kids we used to catch these fat dumb bugs and throw them at the toads that lived by their house
sometimes theyd eat them sometimes not
we used to catch tadpoles too theyre kawaii
a few times i brought a bunch back home and they lived in this big bucket thing and then they turned into tiny frogs and probably got squassed later
And another thing, I remember in year 4 we were studying frogs in school. We made mosaics of them and mine was the first main bit of art I made. It was pretty good. Then I remember learning that there was a frog that was 2mm long. Who knew?
is frog the only word i can write about WHAT THE HELL
green frogs jump and croak they are really loud in the water they live on lily pads in ponds and in rivers. i like frogs.