frog is a animal which lives in water, it utters tray tay sounds strange, we can find them in green and yello color i got a call now
green. Aquatic. Swimming through water. Tadpoles. Kiss that frog by Peter Gabriel kicks ass. Frog prince. I hate that daily in WoW. What was the deal with the frog and the silver ball.
there’s a frog in my throat. all the other kids automatically know what this meant, but i didn’t. I often got frogs in the throat. Don’t anymore actually, not for a very long time. Its the kind of thing you get when you don’t swallow enough.
drag me there and i will tell you the rest of the story, drag me to they place we first met when i first turned you into a frog. don’t kill me yet not until i tell you why i did it.
becca Loo
frogs are green they like to hop i think they are stupid animals. i mean they live in ponds with scum they eat insects, which is good cause i hate bugs but fuck are they ever annoying with all the damm croaking and when they make that noise at night i cant see them enough to fucking kill them i wish they would all get run over by boats or eat rat poison. maybe they would rise and take their revenge on us like zombie froms or something and if we are bitten we turn into zombie frogs like some sort of fucked up princess story from disney if disney was morbid and dark. i wonder what alice and wonderland would be like if it were morbid and dark, well i guess it is kind of fucked up but i mean like dark and deadly i wanna see blood guts murder rape mayhem all the good stuff
we jump
and we leap
and we can’t seem to reach
we touch
and we stroke
and we grab the air
but we miss
we miss
we land
on our lily pads
we sit
we cry
we grow bitter
grenouiille, he sat quietly on the edge of the big pond contemplating the leap in, not knowing the future, not really worried thought, he was in a perfectly calm state of ambivalence,but not the kind that will get you in trouble,
The frogmarching man stepped forward across the tree and looked dwon nto the swamp. “Wheeee,” he said.
green ugly smelly frogs are not supposed to be eaten. They are disgusting creatures. Slimy at that.
green kwaaakkwaaak jump
jump jump jump im a frog ribbit im on a log in a bog got my grog dawg so back out my face or ill cut you like the roast beef at the roast beef feast bitch! yeah son im a frog?!
blue Caban
frog’s come in many difrent shapes and colours they r red orange blue pink lol hmmmmmmmm!! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????
frogs are green and there are many different types oof them. a lot of them live in the rainforest and they are all very cute. the most common ones that are found are not super colorful like the poisoinous ones. they enjoy eating insects, and they have super long and sticky tongues. many of them are small, but some are also large. like a toad, for example. frogs can jump really high.
A frog is an amphibian. normally green in colour. they are good for keeping osquitoea and other insects away. people are normally afraid of them but they make great pets.!
Ankit Mathur
are green and slimy but actually really cool. The poisonous one are particularly colorful. I remeber when I was little I held up a giant toad that was about the length of my body – and laid it on my stomach. I love animals and creatures. They are awesome and really fun to learn about.
every day i hope to kiss a frog that one day may became a real nice boy
i use frog to test when google or the internet is working. They are in my opinion the most happiest of all of gods creatures, they are always so happy and content. why? im not so sure myabe they are all royalty, you know lol like the princess and the toad, toad? frog i mean like frogs are cool
Hop hop hop… splash.
Ribbit ribbit ribbit.
Swish snap gulp
Jump Jump land
vroom vroom squish
i like frogs, they are green. I found one in my shoe once during a trip to Thailand and I left my shoe outside the tent that I was staying in. Actually that was a toad…what’s the difference between the two? I think frogs are poisonous, or at least some of the them. The toad that was in my shoe croaked, and the sound it made was kind of like a cow…very interesting…except that it ket me up all night
Jeremy Y
She groaned and pressed deeper into the stretch. How could yoga feel so good and so horrible and so right all at the same time? Frog pose… bhekasana …was her nemesis.
the frog is nothing but a creature in the meaningless world we call life. the frog seeks only to eat flies, and he is content. there is nothing we want except to be okay, but we never will. we must never stop eating, breathing, life is a chore. Its so so so apathetically boring. A frog has much more to offer us than anything i could.
“Lily pads make terrible hats”, mused the frog as he watched the princess flop about, trying to swim in the barely waist deep water. He shook his little froggy head as her golden hair splattered wetly against her dress covered back while she threw the lily pad ‘hat’ across the pond in a huff of anger.
a forg is grouille in french i am thinking of a frog prince, but why is he green? why are forgs green and slimy? and first off, how did he actually retreive the golden ball?
reminds me of elementgary books, about frogs. i am making mistakes in my typing is the timer over?
small and unknowing, with a slick and needing air. just chimes to my half broken moonlit night. keep me in here.
Elise is currently down at the beach, sir.”
“Uh, thanks, Jarvis.” Dick and Tim looked at one another and head out the door onto the veranda. As they wandered down the stairs Dick wondered why he was always looking for her outside in the morning. The crisp sea air hit them as they came around a corner of the stair case and out of the protective corridor the cliffs had been providing. They looked down to the stretch of foggy beach at the end of the stairs, but couldn’t see Elise anywhere…
…sitting in the sand watching the waves, flip flops on the ground next to her and toes burrowed under the loose grains.
frenchman, green and pointless, simple souless , bud light, i never liked the frog it wasnt regal or violent and doesnt seem to do much in nature..move aside frog, geckoes are gold
billy vassi
The common association to the frog is, of course, prince charming. I am a frog, and I’ll tell you one thing: I am anything but charming. I am vile. I am someone that no one will love.
they jump and they are itty bitty little adorable creatures who come out on my driveway when it rains. how delightful they are. sometimes my dogs like to chase them, however i don’t think said dogs consider the consequences of catching them. what would they do to the poor little things? i’m not sure i want to know. or that they would do anything at all. my dogs are docile. moderately docile. or potentially just too chubby to do anything. sigh.
I loved to catch frogs at my cabin when I was little. I was pretty good at it, too. I’m sure my mother absolutely loved when I brought them into the house and set them on the kitchen table to show her!
Maureen McKamey
a frog is a prince not a a reptile. go frogs you are so cool u nlike bears who are scary. you mean no one harm except poisenous frogs your bad shit
I moved into a small gray house in the forest. Every night when I came home from work there was a little frog sitting nearby, watching me. Ever night he would get closer to the door. He was so cute and curious that I really looked forward to seeing him. Then one night, as I unlocked the door and swung it open, he hopped right into the house! I had to catch him and put him outside and that was the last time I saw him but it was fun while it lasted.
The frog sat on its hind legs on the smooth rock, croaking for anyone who cared to hear. People passed by for minutes, hours, days, and yet none ever came and stopped by to hear its song.
Ann X.
Horny toads and lecherous frogs. That’s what I think of my uncles who all have some sort of neurosis, addiction, obsession, or compulsion. One gambles. The other masturbates in public. And the last likes to lick frogs.
Why are the French called frogs? What did the French do to deserve such a comparison? What did frogs ever do to merit such an insult? Is it simply because they eat their legs?
Green, lumpy, old women with warts, petes roommate and his collection
maggie boyd
I can’t speak. I never understood the phrase “frog in your throat.” The idea is mildly horrifying and the voice that causes that interpretation always sounded like a bad smoker cough.
frog is a animal which lives in water, it utters tray tay sounds strange, we can find them in green and yello color i got a call now
green. Aquatic. Swimming through water. Tadpoles. Kiss that frog by Peter Gabriel kicks ass. Frog prince. I hate that daily in WoW. What was the deal with the frog and the silver ball.
there’s a frog in my throat. all the other kids automatically know what this meant, but i didn’t. I often got frogs in the throat. Don’t anymore actually, not for a very long time. Its the kind of thing you get when you don’t swallow enough.
drag me there and i will tell you the rest of the story, drag me to they place we first met when i first turned you into a frog. don’t kill me yet not until i tell you why i did it.
frogs are green they like to hop i think they are stupid animals. i mean they live in ponds with scum they eat insects, which is good cause i hate bugs but fuck are they ever annoying with all the damm croaking and when they make that noise at night i cant see them enough to fucking kill them i wish they would all get run over by boats or eat rat poison. maybe they would rise and take their revenge on us like zombie froms or something and if we are bitten we turn into zombie frogs like some sort of fucked up princess story from disney if disney was morbid and dark. i wonder what alice and wonderland would be like if it were morbid and dark, well i guess it is kind of fucked up but i mean like dark and deadly i wanna see blood guts murder rape mayhem all the good stuff
we jump
and we leap
and we can’t seem to reach
we touch
and we stroke
and we grab the air
but we miss
we miss
we land
on our lily pads
we sit
we cry
we grow bitter
grenouiille, he sat quietly on the edge of the big pond contemplating the leap in, not knowing the future, not really worried thought, he was in a perfectly calm state of ambivalence,but not the kind that will get you in trouble,
The frogmarching man stepped forward across the tree and looked dwon nto the swamp. “Wheeee,” he said.
green ugly smelly frogs are not supposed to be eaten. They are disgusting creatures. Slimy at that.
green kwaaakkwaaak jump
jump jump jump im a frog ribbit im on a log in a bog got my grog dawg so back out my face or ill cut you like the roast beef at the roast beef feast bitch! yeah son im a frog?!
frog’s come in many difrent shapes and colours they r red orange blue pink lol hmmmmmmmm!! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????
frogs are green and there are many different types oof them. a lot of them live in the rainforest and they are all very cute. the most common ones that are found are not super colorful like the poisoinous ones. they enjoy eating insects, and they have super long and sticky tongues. many of them are small, but some are also large. like a toad, for example. frogs can jump really high.
A frog is an amphibian. normally green in colour. they are good for keeping osquitoea and other insects away. people are normally afraid of them but they make great pets.!
are green and slimy but actually really cool. The poisonous one are particularly colorful. I remeber when I was little I held up a giant toad that was about the length of my body – and laid it on my stomach. I love animals and creatures. They are awesome and really fun to learn about.
every day i hope to kiss a frog that one day may became a real nice boy
i use frog to test when google or the internet is working. They are in my opinion the most happiest of all of gods creatures, they are always so happy and content. why? im not so sure myabe they are all royalty, you know lol like the princess and the toad, toad? frog i mean like frogs are cool
Hop hop hop… splash.
Ribbit ribbit ribbit.
Swish snap gulp
Jump Jump land
vroom vroom squish
i like frogs, they are green. I found one in my shoe once during a trip to Thailand and I left my shoe outside the tent that I was staying in. Actually that was a toad…what’s the difference between the two? I think frogs are poisonous, or at least some of the them. The toad that was in my shoe croaked, and the sound it made was kind of like a cow…very interesting…except that it ket me up all night
She groaned and pressed deeper into the stretch. How could yoga feel so good and so horrible and so right all at the same time? Frog pose… bhekasana …was her nemesis.
the frog is nothing but a creature in the meaningless world we call life. the frog seeks only to eat flies, and he is content. there is nothing we want except to be okay, but we never will. we must never stop eating, breathing, life is a chore. Its so so so apathetically boring. A frog has much more to offer us than anything i could.
“Lily pads make terrible hats”, mused the frog as he watched the princess flop about, trying to swim in the barely waist deep water. He shook his little froggy head as her golden hair splattered wetly against her dress covered back while she threw the lily pad ‘hat’ across the pond in a huff of anger.
a forg is grouille in french i am thinking of a frog prince, but why is he green? why are forgs green and slimy? and first off, how did he actually retreive the golden ball?
reminds me of elementgary books, about frogs. i am making mistakes in my typing is the timer over?
small and unknowing, with a slick and needing air. just chimes to my half broken moonlit night. keep me in here.
Elise is currently down at the beach, sir.”
“Uh, thanks, Jarvis.” Dick and Tim looked at one another and head out the door onto the veranda. As they wandered down the stairs Dick wondered why he was always looking for her outside in the morning. The crisp sea air hit them as they came around a corner of the stair case and out of the protective corridor the cliffs had been providing. They looked down to the stretch of foggy beach at the end of the stairs, but couldn’t see Elise anywhere…
…sitting in the sand watching the waves, flip flops on the ground next to her and toes burrowed under the loose grains.
frenchman, green and pointless, simple souless , bud light, i never liked the frog it wasnt regal or violent and doesnt seem to do much in nature..move aside frog, geckoes are gold
The common association to the frog is, of course, prince charming. I am a frog, and I’ll tell you one thing: I am anything but charming. I am vile. I am someone that no one will love.
they jump and they are itty bitty little adorable creatures who come out on my driveway when it rains. how delightful they are. sometimes my dogs like to chase them, however i don’t think said dogs consider the consequences of catching them. what would they do to the poor little things? i’m not sure i want to know. or that they would do anything at all. my dogs are docile. moderately docile. or potentially just too chubby to do anything. sigh.
I loved to catch frogs at my cabin when I was little. I was pretty good at it, too. I’m sure my mother absolutely loved when I brought them into the house and set them on the kitchen table to show her!
a frog is a prince not a a reptile. go frogs you are so cool u nlike bears who are scary. you mean no one harm except poisenous frogs your bad shit
I moved into a small gray house in the forest. Every night when I came home from work there was a little frog sitting nearby, watching me. Ever night he would get closer to the door. He was so cute and curious that I really looked forward to seeing him. Then one night, as I unlocked the door and swung it open, he hopped right into the house! I had to catch him and put him outside and that was the last time I saw him but it was fun while it lasted.
The frog sat on its hind legs on the smooth rock, croaking for anyone who cared to hear. People passed by for minutes, hours, days, and yet none ever came and stopped by to hear its song.
Horny toads and lecherous frogs. That’s what I think of my uncles who all have some sort of neurosis, addiction, obsession, or compulsion. One gambles. The other masturbates in public. And the last likes to lick frogs.
Why are the French called frogs? What did the French do to deserve such a comparison? What did frogs ever do to merit such an insult? Is it simply because they eat their legs?
Green, lumpy, old women with warts, petes roommate and his collection
I can’t speak. I never understood the phrase “frog in your throat.” The idea is mildly horrifying and the voice that causes that interpretation always sounded like a bad smoker cough.