frogs are green and pretty. i like it when frogs have like spots on their back. i feel bad when frogs die. i remember that when i was little and i was in colombia that there was kids that used to throw rocks at frogs and kill them. i felt bad for them but i still thought it was a little funny. some people look like frogs. that’s not fun for them.
jorge castro
any tailless, stout-bodied amphibian
abraham kishumba
I like frogs. I always wondered why most of them are green…. Green also reminds me of Gummi Bears because I love the Green ones. I remember when I was little, I went to a campground with my grandparents and we looked at frogs and they all jumped away from me when I jumped into the pond. xD
Sam Zack
The little green frog sat there next to the lake. His tounge moved in and out, but since this was a bad year for fles, he was starving. This frog was about to kill himself. There was no reason to live.
frogs are found in swamps usually consisting of brown and green pigment. They are edible.
ah, frog, cio
The frog squatted at my feet, gazing up at me with displeasure.
“It’s not my fault,” I said. “It’s just my job.”
The frog did not even blink. I thought at that moment that I was not entirely sure whether frogs blinked or not. This one didn’t.
“You can’t blame me,” I said.
Nigel Frogling
the big green frog was jumping down the road when it stopped abruptly.
– i have forgotten to lock the door, it said to himself, reminding the damp leaf lightly leaning on the pond
there was a little frog and its name way bibity boo, he was small and green and i hate writing like this, actually give me a GOOD prompt, frog, wtf is this about maybe i could write a complete cop
He sat at the edge of the tongue,pond, eyes unusually focussed, tongue flickering out to eat flies. He was a beautiful creature. I couldn not take my eyes of the unique beauty of his kind. Unique green skin, fantastically interesting feet, and an exquisite sesence of uniquity that makes my heart beat faster than it ever has before.
I used to catch frogs during the summer as a little kid.
How many instances has a frog been propelled into my life? I say propelled because whenever I come across a frog it is not by my will but by seemingly random ocurrance. What does this mean?
Thomas Lyman
frogs..haha this rem minds me of hte talking frog gifted to the engineer story….frogs friend once cheated galz in ma class serving frog legs fry by saying it was quil…Wow…Big eyes staring….
frogs are green, some are really fucking ugly, when i drive home and its raining there is millions of frogs on the road, i try not to run over them, but there are some prics on the road who just dont gove a fuck.
A frog is a mysterious creature. When you see a frog, always count to 5. What happens then, we shall not speak off.
a funny thing 1iving in my garden his name is john
But he 1i|<es to ca11 his se1f master John
He is not green 1i|<e most frogs but Master John is purp1e.
With a knickknack patty wack
The frog licked the foot of a small bat. This is abnormal behavior for a frog, but this wasn’t a normal frog. His name was Bertram and he had big plans. Sometimes, when the air has that strange kind of shimmer, like fog, I think of them. I still wish I knew him better.
it the way the French like it
the little froggy hoped down, the death of his father had plagued him for weeks, and the clan was weakening. THe seasons had been poor and the soil, dry and cracked, like so many other things. His webings, his knee hinges, everything seemed cracked and broken these days.
Joe Fox
green animal which is very disgusting at the times. lives in water and out of it. it can also be brown. i don’t like frogs.
Karine Russell
Before they were known as green, slimy creatures.. they were a miraculous gift, mutated brilliantly by the process of evolution.
Lisa Ryder
i like frogs, they’re green is what people think of when they think frog, They are similar to toads, in the same family. Theyy are amphibians and when they spawn they lay eggs, slimy eggs in the water.
They jump and make good food, the
Frogs are green, generally; but red inside. When I was 12 or so I remember visiting my Grandparents in Sacramento and frogs raining from the sky during a thunderstorm. I ran them over on my bike.
as the frog jumped he thought he had it all figured out. Took the leap guessed at the landing point and went for it.
we should all be a bit more like the frog. Worrying about the end ruins the journey.
The frog jumped of the lily into the water.
A young madien saw the frog and picked it up. She kissed it. It remained the same and was happy. The young madien was not.
The frog jumped of the lily into the water.
A young madien saw the frog and picked it up. She kissed it. It remained the same and was happy. The young madien was not.
The frog jumped of the lily into the water.
A young madien saw the frog and picked it up. She kissed it. It remained the same and was happy. The young madien was not.
there once was a frog named scott. he jumped and skipped his hop.
I saw the green frog at the edge of the pond. It was as still like how it gets before a storm… before hopping off or sticking out it’s tongue and catching it’s prey. The frog was concentrating and still like in meditation in the middle of the swampy marsh
Kunjal Shah
green little toad hopping alon in the forest and in the sea. green little frog toad getting eaten by a lion. by a sea lion getting eaten by a killer whale bear. too bad for the frog. too bad he was green
We met on a farm. A communal farm. We shared a ride away from the farm after it was taken over by fascists. On the way back we ate a frog because we hadn’t eaten meat for three months.
oh my god how strang that this would be the word that just popped up considering i just typed it into a search box a second ago. damn thats nuts
frog are very funny creatures. they leap aimlessly from lily pad to lily pad. They care very little for attractive things, in fact they prefer things that are gross and slimy like themselves. The highlight of any frogs day is when he is finally able to catch himself a fly to eat. Flies are like crack cocaine to Frogs.
again frog oh no i hate frog the way they jump awwgghh im so scared of frogs, the way they look but big yellow frogs who look clean are nice to watch and touch too. that is it.
frogs are green and pretty. i like it when frogs have like spots on their back. i feel bad when frogs die. i remember that when i was little and i was in colombia that there was kids that used to throw rocks at frogs and kill them. i felt bad for them but i still thought it was a little funny. some people look like frogs. that’s not fun for them.
any tailless, stout-bodied amphibian
I like frogs. I always wondered why most of them are green…. Green also reminds me of Gummi Bears because I love the Green ones. I remember when I was little, I went to a campground with my grandparents and we looked at frogs and they all jumped away from me when I jumped into the pond. xD
The little green frog sat there next to the lake. His tounge moved in and out, but since this was a bad year for fles, he was starving. This frog was about to kill himself. There was no reason to live.
frogs are found in swamps usually consisting of brown and green pigment. They are edible.
ah, frog, cio
The frog squatted at my feet, gazing up at me with displeasure.
“It’s not my fault,” I said. “It’s just my job.”
The frog did not even blink. I thought at that moment that I was not entirely sure whether frogs blinked or not. This one didn’t.
“You can’t blame me,” I said.
the big green frog was jumping down the road when it stopped abruptly.
– i have forgotten to lock the door, it said to himself, reminding the damp leaf lightly leaning on the pond
there was a little frog and its name way bibity boo, he was small and green and i hate writing like this, actually give me a GOOD prompt, frog, wtf is this about maybe i could write a complete cop
He sat at the edge of the tongue,pond, eyes unusually focussed, tongue flickering out to eat flies. He was a beautiful creature. I couldn not take my eyes of the unique beauty of his kind. Unique green skin, fantastically interesting feet, and an exquisite sesence of uniquity that makes my heart beat faster than it ever has before.
I used to catch frogs during the summer as a little kid.
How many instances has a frog been propelled into my life? I say propelled because whenever I come across a frog it is not by my will but by seemingly random ocurrance. What does this mean?
frogs..haha this rem minds me of hte talking frog gifted to the engineer story….frogs friend once cheated galz in ma class serving frog legs fry by saying it was quil…Wow…Big eyes staring….
frogs are green, some are really fucking ugly, when i drive home and its raining there is millions of frogs on the road, i try not to run over them, but there are some prics on the road who just dont gove a fuck.
A frog is a mysterious creature. When you see a frog, always count to 5. What happens then, we shall not speak off.
a funny thing 1iving in my garden his name is john
But he 1i|<es to ca11 his se1f master John
He is not green 1i|<e most frogs but Master John is purp1e.
With a knickknack patty wack
The frog licked the foot of a small bat. This is abnormal behavior for a frog, but this wasn’t a normal frog. His name was Bertram and he had big plans. Sometimes, when the air has that strange kind of shimmer, like fog, I think of them. I still wish I knew him better.
it the way the French like it
the little froggy hoped down, the death of his father had plagued him for weeks, and the clan was weakening. THe seasons had been poor and the soil, dry and cracked, like so many other things. His webings, his knee hinges, everything seemed cracked and broken these days.
green animal which is very disgusting at the times. lives in water and out of it. it can also be brown. i don’t like frogs.
Before they were known as green, slimy creatures.. they were a miraculous gift, mutated brilliantly by the process of evolution.
i like frogs, they’re green is what people think of when they think frog, They are similar to toads, in the same family. Theyy are amphibians and when they spawn they lay eggs, slimy eggs in the water.
They jump and make good food, the
Frogs are green, generally; but red inside. When I was 12 or so I remember visiting my Grandparents in Sacramento and frogs raining from the sky during a thunderstorm. I ran them over on my bike.
as the frog jumped he thought he had it all figured out. Took the leap guessed at the landing point and went for it.
we should all be a bit more like the frog. Worrying about the end ruins the journey.
The frog jumped of the lily into the water.
A young madien saw the frog and picked it up. She kissed it. It remained the same and was happy. The young madien was not.
The frog jumped of the lily into the water.
A young madien saw the frog and picked it up. She kissed it. It remained the same and was happy. The young madien was not.
The frog jumped of the lily into the water.
A young madien saw the frog and picked it up. She kissed it. It remained the same and was happy. The young madien was not.
there once was a frog named scott. he jumped and skipped his hop.
I saw the green frog at the edge of the pond. It was as still like how it gets before a storm… before hopping off or sticking out it’s tongue and catching it’s prey. The frog was concentrating and still like in meditation in the middle of the swampy marsh
green little toad hopping alon in the forest and in the sea. green little frog toad getting eaten by a lion. by a sea lion getting eaten by a killer whale bear. too bad for the frog. too bad he was green
We met on a farm. A communal farm. We shared a ride away from the farm after it was taken over by fascists. On the way back we ate a frog because we hadn’t eaten meat for three months.
oh my god how strang that this would be the word that just popped up considering i just typed it into a search box a second ago. damn thats nuts
frog are very funny creatures. they leap aimlessly from lily pad to lily pad. They care very little for attractive things, in fact they prefer things that are gross and slimy like themselves. The highlight of any frogs day is when he is finally able to catch himself a fly to eat. Flies are like crack cocaine to Frogs.
again frog oh no i hate frog the way they jump awwgghh im so scared of frogs, the way they look but big yellow frogs who look clean are nice to watch and touch too. that is it.