the air was damp, humid. beads of water clustered on every exposed surface, making the clearing glitter… but its beauty was deceptive. the ground was slick and dangerous, the banks of the lake steep and only traversible by the tiny green frogs skittering around the waters edge. if you slipped, you fell; if you fell, you drowned.
Green bouncy jumpy reptile
Frogs are interesting creatures. Some of them are known to be the most poisonous animals in existence. Other frogs, however are quite benign and offer hours of entertainment for suburbanite children.
reen slimey matbe a prince
IT was a speckled frog. She squealed and put her hand in the tank, trying to catch it. “Want to snuggle!” she exclaimed. “No, no, Lacey,” Mommy warned, “froggies don’t snuggle.” Daddy should have gotten her a kitten instead.
OMG a frog! Its a cute green frog hopping down the lane! My cousin screams as it hops near her. LOL
frogs are wonderful. there are frogs in the amazon that are very poisonous and native tribes used their poison so tip their spears and arrows. frogs are much nicer than toads, except the ones from mario.
The little green frog looked up at me. “What do you want, Ugly?”
I know what your thinking, but that was actually his name. He asked for it! ^^
Autumn Rose
Ribbit, ribbit.
The little hoppity animal lept from lily pad to lily pad, dodging the lovely flowers as he went. Katie was bent over her sketchpad, trying to catch him in a still moment. He appeared to have none.
“Oh, come on, little guy, just hold still for a minute!” she pleaded to no avail. Finally, as the frog seemed to be holding still, she started to draw–only to realize that he was about to dive into the water.
in the morning time I always ask myself what kind of noises are being made. I usually just say, o, that’s a dog or that’s a child, or that’s an SUV. but sometimes it’s just a frog. And that makes no real difference in my day other than a little sound blurb.that says ok.
my best friend from elementary school used to love frogs. she would draw frogs, had shirts with them on, and love bright green, the color she always used to represent frogs. she did like those common alien heads too though,
green, jumps, feels, afraid, loud but quiet, strong, free, and captured, dangerous but safe.
The green frog hopped from one fragrant lilly to the next, thinking of the princesses that were written in the legends told to him by his frog parent.s
A green amphibian. Jump. Leap. Ribbit. Croak.
Live in a swamp and eat flies.
Be lazy. Ribbit. Croak.
Flying through the air on a lily pad.
Swimming through green waters. Blue waters.
A frog’s life.
once there was a frog that jumped onto the lilly pad and then drowned. it was a very unfortunate event because at the time, a red haired girl tried to save it but instead of saving it, or herself, she had turned into a giant frog herself and managed to balance on a lilly pad. Afterwards, she decided to go for a swim but because she can’t swim she fell into the deep abyss of the sea.
green slimy cute warts bumps ribbit jump food princess gets her kisses he turns into a prince lizards
Frogs always made me nervous. The green, slimy back reminded me strangely of a tongue, like a witches tongue, bumpy and wormy. I guess that’s since the two are always associated with each other. What came first the association or the likeness?
Margot Strong
ribbet ribbet croak croak slimy green things on lillypads with webbed feet and long sticky tongues and big bugeyes leap and jump from lillypad to lillypad eating flies
Mikhail Baxter
i don’t understand. i only see: frog. i thought there would be a picture when i click on ”go”… i am dissapointed. :/
Leap in and out of love
as the sunsets a new mate arrives
decisions decisions it pains me to decide
leave you and begin a new
im ready for this to be the last time
hold me do not let me go
one moment at a time
its you i want in my life
She said it–forg.
I hate my friends.
Especially her.
E.S.P.E.C.I.A.L.L.Y. h.e.r.
There was once a frog who lived in the land of the dead. He was very misplaced, because he was the only living thing. He didn’t know what to do, would he kill himself to be one of the dead or would he do something else?
A frog is an animal. It leaps and hops. I think it
Kermit, seventh grade. Ms. Wood, Pumpkin. She taught me to love running, and we would have interesing conversations in her car after track practice when she was driving me home. She was my first female crush, and I was scared because I thought it meant I was a lesbian. HA. As if.
A green animal.
I think of illy pads and ponds. It also makes me think about doing a science experiment involving a frog. I can hear the frog making a “ribit” noise as he sits on the pond.
CJ Morsey
When I think about frogs I think about a log. Maybe even a ball hog. I cant ryhme and im running at the time. “lol” frogs. When I see the word frog i think about cute little green things.
slipperery slimy green frog jumping hopping on a log, looking for its prey to kill jumping but going no where still
the green slimy freog sat on the lily pad, waiting for any form of beetle to buzz past it. It waited for what seemed like hours, but was only a few minutes, suddenly a fly flew past and.. BAM, the frog’s tongue sprang out so quickly that the small creature didn’t even have a chance.
When i think of a frog i thinkf the color green. I think of hyperactivity. Up and on the go. Then i think of the quote, “If you feeling froggy, then LEAP”!
Day Day
they jump all over the place. they eat flies. the ribbit, they keep you up at night outside. there’s a difference between frogs and toads. They have long tongues. Their legs are delicious.
slippery slimy green frog hopping jumping on a log
going nowhere but jumping still, looking for its prey to kill
shay'Lah Garcia
slippery slimy green frog hopping jumping on a log
going nowhere but jumping still, looking for its prey to kill
getting a frog in your are, lilpads, leaping frogs, flies, insects, green frogs, brown frogs,
Hopping around on a lily pad on a pond. Croaks a lot and can be green.Fros are amphibians. Frogs are cool and awesome animals.
Billy Harris
frogs are great ! They are mostly green but there are many with spots on them that are red, and yellow, and even BLUE ! Frogs ribbit and hop around. Sometimes they are hard to see and sometimes they are so big you cant NOT notice themm ! Frogs a lumpy and yeah they are…frogs !
Christina Laincy
There is a famous story of a frog and a princess. The frog trickes the princess into giving him a kiss, something that todays would be looked upon as quite rude. Matter of fact, the frog could have been sued, or arrested.
frogs are cool because they jump really high and are usually really moist feeling. Sometimes they can be really cool colors and come from really cool places like rainforests. They are cooler than toads because toads are gross. Also if you kiss a frog he will become a prince. One time I picked up a really little frog and carried him around with me for a few hours and he just stayed with me and didn’t jump off or anything
The frog enjoyed a delicious banana frost milkshake as he waited for the president of the united states. He was to be elected the prime minister of asia, and Obama was there to congratulate him.
Chris Wagar
green and slimy.
water based area.
hippity hoppity.
lily pads.
the air was damp, humid. beads of water clustered on every exposed surface, making the clearing glitter… but its beauty was deceptive. the ground was slick and dangerous, the banks of the lake steep and only traversible by the tiny green frogs skittering around the waters edge. if you slipped, you fell; if you fell, you drowned.
Green bouncy jumpy reptile
Frogs are interesting creatures. Some of them are known to be the most poisonous animals in existence. Other frogs, however are quite benign and offer hours of entertainment for suburbanite children.
reen slimey matbe a prince
IT was a speckled frog. She squealed and put her hand in the tank, trying to catch it. “Want to snuggle!” she exclaimed. “No, no, Lacey,” Mommy warned, “froggies don’t snuggle.” Daddy should have gotten her a kitten instead.
OMG a frog! Its a cute green frog hopping down the lane! My cousin screams as it hops near her. LOL
frogs are wonderful. there are frogs in the amazon that are very poisonous and native tribes used their poison so tip their spears and arrows. frogs are much nicer than toads, except the ones from mario.
The little green frog looked up at me. “What do you want, Ugly?”
I know what your thinking, but that was actually his name. He asked for it! ^^
Ribbit, ribbit.
The little hoppity animal lept from lily pad to lily pad, dodging the lovely flowers as he went. Katie was bent over her sketchpad, trying to catch him in a still moment. He appeared to have none.
“Oh, come on, little guy, just hold still for a minute!” she pleaded to no avail. Finally, as the frog seemed to be holding still, she started to draw–only to realize that he was about to dive into the water.
in the morning time I always ask myself what kind of noises are being made. I usually just say, o, that’s a dog or that’s a child, or that’s an SUV. but sometimes it’s just a frog. And that makes no real difference in my day other than a little sound blurb.that says ok.
my best friend from elementary school used to love frogs. she would draw frogs, had shirts with them on, and love bright green, the color she always used to represent frogs. she did like those common alien heads too though,
green, jumps, feels, afraid, loud but quiet, strong, free, and captured, dangerous but safe.
The green frog hopped from one fragrant lilly to the next, thinking of the princesses that were written in the legends told to him by his frog parent.s
A green amphibian. Jump. Leap. Ribbit. Croak.
Live in a swamp and eat flies.
Be lazy. Ribbit. Croak.
Flying through the air on a lily pad.
Swimming through green waters. Blue waters.
A frog’s life.
once there was a frog that jumped onto the lilly pad and then drowned. it was a very unfortunate event because at the time, a red haired girl tried to save it but instead of saving it, or herself, she had turned into a giant frog herself and managed to balance on a lilly pad. Afterwards, she decided to go for a swim but because she can’t swim she fell into the deep abyss of the sea.
green slimy cute warts bumps ribbit jump food princess gets her kisses he turns into a prince lizards
Frogs always made me nervous. The green, slimy back reminded me strangely of a tongue, like a witches tongue, bumpy and wormy. I guess that’s since the two are always associated with each other. What came first the association or the likeness?
ribbet ribbet croak croak slimy green things on lillypads with webbed feet and long sticky tongues and big bugeyes leap and jump from lillypad to lillypad eating flies
i don’t understand. i only see: frog. i thought there would be a picture when i click on ”go”… i am dissapointed. :/
Leap in and out of love
as the sunsets a new mate arrives
decisions decisions it pains me to decide
leave you and begin a new
im ready for this to be the last time
hold me do not let me go
one moment at a time
its you i want in my life
She said it–forg.
I hate my friends.
Especially her.
E.S.P.E.C.I.A.L.L.Y. h.e.r.
There was once a frog who lived in the land of the dead. He was very misplaced, because he was the only living thing. He didn’t know what to do, would he kill himself to be one of the dead or would he do something else?
A frog is an animal. It leaps and hops. I think it
Kermit, seventh grade. Ms. Wood, Pumpkin. She taught me to love running, and we would have interesing conversations in her car after track practice when she was driving me home. She was my first female crush, and I was scared because I thought it meant I was a lesbian. HA. As if.
A green animal.
I think of illy pads and ponds. It also makes me think about doing a science experiment involving a frog. I can hear the frog making a “ribit” noise as he sits on the pond.
When I think about frogs I think about a log. Maybe even a ball hog. I cant ryhme and im running at the time. “lol” frogs. When I see the word frog i think about cute little green things.
slipperery slimy green frog jumping hopping on a log, looking for its prey to kill jumping but going no where still
the green slimy freog sat on the lily pad, waiting for any form of beetle to buzz past it. It waited for what seemed like hours, but was only a few minutes, suddenly a fly flew past and.. BAM, the frog’s tongue sprang out so quickly that the small creature didn’t even have a chance.
When i think of a frog i thinkf the color green. I think of hyperactivity. Up and on the go. Then i think of the quote, “If you feeling froggy, then LEAP”!
they jump all over the place. they eat flies. the ribbit, they keep you up at night outside. there’s a difference between frogs and toads. They have long tongues. Their legs are delicious.
slippery slimy green frog hopping jumping on a log
going nowhere but jumping still, looking for its prey to kill
slippery slimy green frog hopping jumping on a log
going nowhere but jumping still, looking for its prey to kill
getting a frog in your are, lilpads, leaping frogs, flies, insects, green frogs, brown frogs,
Hopping around on a lily pad on a pond. Croaks a lot and can be green.Fros are amphibians. Frogs are cool and awesome animals.
frogs are great ! They are mostly green but there are many with spots on them that are red, and yellow, and even BLUE ! Frogs ribbit and hop around. Sometimes they are hard to see and sometimes they are so big you cant NOT notice themm ! Frogs a lumpy and yeah they are…frogs !
There is a famous story of a frog and a princess. The frog trickes the princess into giving him a kiss, something that todays would be looked upon as quite rude. Matter of fact, the frog could have been sued, or arrested.
frogs are cool because they jump really high and are usually really moist feeling. Sometimes they can be really cool colors and come from really cool places like rainforests. They are cooler than toads because toads are gross. Also if you kiss a frog he will become a prince. One time I picked up a really little frog and carried him around with me for a few hours and he just stayed with me and didn’t jump off or anything
The frog enjoyed a delicious banana frost milkshake as he waited for the president of the united states. He was to be elected the prime minister of asia, and Obama was there to congratulate him.
green and slimy.
water based area.
hippity hoppity.
lily pads.