
November 10th, 2009 | 582 Entries

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582 Entries for “gallop”

  1. The horse hared through the forest, branches clawing at the girl’s face. “Go! Don’t …slow …down!” she panted, breath rasping painfully.

  2. bunnies hopping amongst rabbid kangaroos but what the roos don’t no about the ranits is there after there children. funky hungry creatgures those rabits they’ll feed amongst any kangaroo baby in seconds

    roo stew for bunny boo
  3. The sound of a horse’s hooves on a dirt path was the first thing I heard as soon as I regined consciousness. I tried to remember why I had passed out in the first place, but I must have been impaired by something, because I couldn’t remember.

  4. She galloped across the dark, dusty meadow, her tail flying behind as I panted and tried to run after her. But she was a wild, beautiful beast that refused to submit to me. She raced the wild and danced under the stars.

  5. in a smooth gallop, the mustang sped across the barnyard, a golden sculpture in the golden sunshine

  6. The horse galloped straight into a brick wall. “Why, I ain’t never seen a horse gallop like that,” said local drunk Timmy McGee. “He just started running and, well, next thing ya know, he’s paralyzed from the neck down. Stupid horse.”

  7. horse shitting all over the place omfg there is shit everywhere why is this happening. Can someone do something about this? We need a pail or something. Like a big ass pail. OMG how can it still be shitting? Are horses really supposed to shit this much!? I’m concerned. I think I’m going to puke. It smells like my roommates bedroom in here. Ugh. This is terrible. Just shoot the horse.

  8. it takes off without my bidding sometimes; my thoughts running at a gallop as they search to find meaning in the last words you said to me. What does it matter, if my heart gallops, too.

  9. horses. uh.. equestrian club. school. running. hay. free. happy.

  10. the horse rode on into the night galloping as we made our escape across the dark fields that were wet from the earlier downpour. We had to get away before it was too late.

  11. my heart gallops. you cry. i don’t know. its all too fast and too slow keep your gallop. i’m sorry. i love you.

    Mary Jane
  12. Jeremy sat atop the horse, its muscles flexing underneath him. As he crested the hill, the evocative smell of woodsmoke greeted him and he smiled despite the grey skies. He thought of his father.

  13. He pushed his way into the bar. There were more people here tonight than ever before. There was no way he would be able to practice his new dance step, “the gallop.” What a bummer. It was so sexy.

  14. I always think of the sheriff from No Country For Old Men. His somber tone as he describes the dream of his father riding a galloping horse into the distance, holding a hollow horn holding a moonlight fire inside of it. Carrying the torch. That’s what I want to be when I grow up. I want to ride onward into the cold night and carry the warming fire wherever I go; with dignity and determination.
  15. He ran, full gallop, full steam, fully unclothed…across the meadow, along the tree line, and then, so quick I barely had time to process it, he was in the trees. I caught only glimpses of him as he twisted and turned among the tall trunks.

    Kimberly Pauley
  16. My horse can gallop very fast.

  17. horses clip from dust to dawn

  18. I need to gallop to school soon. Ehh, I really don’t wanna go. My 2D Design class sucks.

    Now I’m thinking of horses. If I went to school on a horse, it’d be pretty sweet. that’d make my day. lol

  19. The world tumbles around in its own little crazy way. It’s shakes you around and tries to throw you off balance. All one can do through the day is gallop upon the earth with your spirit opened to the feel of sun’s warmth and be mindful of the water’s scent.
  20. trotting along
    lope away
    put the distance between
    each new day
    take the time
    to see the best
    on a horse

  21. the gallop of the horse was strong and mighty. the girl seemed to take off, her fragile body being energically twisted by the run through the dark wood

  22. The sound of hooves pounding the pavement shook the street as hundreds of horses ran down the main street. The city had been abandoned a long time ago. Now only these majestic beasts galloped through the empty streets. No human was in sight to ruin anything.

  23. horses, polls, hmmm, that doesn’t make me think of much. I used to love to gallup on a horse, almost made me feel like flying and a little out of control. Wondering if the horse is really going to stop when I tell it to.

  24. He wasn’t a fast horse, but he could gallop with the best of them. Bullet was my favorite horse as a child, and as I watched the kids’ horses in the field, i thought fondly of him.

  25. The horse is galloping in the desert… sand everywhere… the heat is unbearable… under the merciless sun, the horse is trying to find water… But, no oasis on the horizon…

  26. she brought her hooves up to her chin in a gallant attempt to gallop. sad. its was just her feet that hit the ground, mellowed by the cool grass and softish soil.

  27. horses frolicking freely in open pastures. neigh neigh horses manes swingin with the wind. also a city in rural new mexico, well all of nm is rural right? also i think its spelled different.

  28. We hold hands. His other hand has a beer. “Bet you can’t beat me down the street.” I don’t want to let go. When you hold my hand I feel safe. “Okay, let’s go.” I smile and force myself to free my hand. “But we have to gallop.” He says with the goofy drunk look on his face. “On the count of three.” “one. two..” and he is off. “You cheater.” I smile. I wouldn’t trade these nights for anything.

  29. His lungs held his last breath as he poured on the speed. Into the clearing he turned with fear pouring from ever inch of his flanks.

    As he turned, stones flew. Strong hooves dug divets of soil. He tucked his head and pushed his gallop to a frenzy as his lungs again drew air.

    The pursuing wolves slowly realised their loss as he doubled and re-doubled the distance between them.

  30. Galloping goliaths, she exclaimed. Look at that…..

  31. horse gait walk stride fast racing guru gobind isngh warriro time thoughts akal kaal spirit saint soldier running obsticles speed determination running

  32. ı don’t know what it means so ı can not write anything about it. If I knew the meaning I could, but now it’s impossible for me.Even if I had 2 hours first I had to check the meaning of it.

  33. I was thinking about the way I walked, and that’s when I noticed I wasn’t walking anymore, I was galloping, hell, I never galloped anywhere before! It was, like, flying instead of walking.

  34. the horse agllops along the road a farmer come us and says hit htr e horse takes the farmwe rot am agical island and there the horse gallops away and abandons the farmer the farmer stars tlookin aroinf does not tknow what to do then he find a civilization and makes great friends luckily the civilizatio like s to relax and so the farmer end us fishing, sleeping on hammaks and enjoying great company

  35. horsey horsey, first i wrote housey damn i always do that XP monty python w coconuts i think ill do that one day somone will get it and itll make their day summer camp fun times ridin

  36. she got on the horse and tore down the gravel road, hair flying out behind her, sun and wind in her face as she breathed in the summer smell of horse and heat and clover freshly cut.

    Shawn MacGregor
  37. The horse gallopped with great speed towards the tree, but it didn’t see the fast-approaching danger, and it nearly ran into the tree, if it hadn’t been for the valiant hero who swooped out of nowhere and rescued it, saving the whole world in the process!

    Tiffany H.
  38. lets gallop to narnia! on the horse we go. Gallop Gallop Gallop! TO NARNIA!
    Soon i’ll be king! and kill the white witch. Narnia is the place to go.

  39. HORSE the Band is the owner of the entire universe. Them and Giraffes…

  40. Thoughts galloped through Petere’s mind as he listened to their thoughts and ideas. The room soon filled with noise and they began walking over one another. To most people it was an insufferable din but Peter could pick out the inportannt phrases throughout the noise and work out who was saying what. It was a skill which had put itself to many uses over the years and it wasn’t something he was about the discourage. After several minutues of loud braingstorming, he lifted his hands and waited for silence.
