The horse galloped across the field. She sighed as she watched it, wishing she could move that gracefully, with that much power. Her brace started to dig into her hip, and she moved so that it wouldn’t. She remembered the feeling of freedom as she rode her horse. Too bad she wouldn’t be able to do that again. The doctors said if she worked hard she could, but she knew they were just saying that to keep her hopes up. She knew it would never be the same again, that she was doomed to a life of struggling along, limping, unable to run or dance or ride. She resigned herself to that as she clumped back across the field, toward her uncle, to ask him to take her back home, where she could be alone with her grief.
HOrses do this, i try to do this i’m amazed when horses do this. It’s a fast movement in which the doer moves at a strange rhythm, moving one limb slightly after the other.
i ,like to gallop like a horse it mkes me feel cool, i havent galloped on a horse before, i want to i think it would be fun i wold ride all the time. i want to be a horse horses are cool and freeeee i am awesome with pretending to be a horse i love it.
I hear the horse coming, the war is about to begin. I see the soldiers armed with battle armor and weaponry. I know we won’t be able to last long and hold up the post, but we must try to defend ourselve. I know that.
the horse galloped and crushed my little brother.
I hear the horse coming, the war is about to begin. I see the soldiers armed with battle armor and weaponry. I know we won’t be able to last long and hold up the post, but we must try to defend ourselve. I know that.
Josh S
Well, no, a horse position is not only for horses. I know a certain boy who likes to have his girl on his back, and a certain girl who finds it quite amusing. She’ll slap his ass and he’ll whinny like a horse.
from time to time when i ‘m rideing my horse i gallop thru out the revines so i can enjoy the sinery
As the horses galloped from the ranch house, storm clouds began to blot out the sun, and the chickens caused a commotion with their clucking. A cloud of dust formed under their feet. As wings flapped, Farmer Williams burst from the back door.
He had a gun in hand.
“Darn wolves keep coming on my property and eating my livestock.” he said, cocking his gun. “Not today, no sir. They’ll have a bullet waiting for them.”
Just then, his wife came to his side.
“What’s the matter, Scott?”
“Them wolves. They were here an half an hour ago starting trouble.”
Gouldin Lion
i will ride my horse today and go as fast as i can and it will be the best day ever. maybe i will even ride bareback but who cares? i just have the need for speed and my best bud aka my horse named Lu, which short for Lucy, here with me. Nothing is gonna stop us! We shall have a fun adventure!
like a horse that runs wild in the plains and amongst the dark gray peaks of mountains. running free in the wind that lifts your spirit. never look back. its your breath you feel in your lungs, life that you feel in your heart. be alive and gallop
Not being a horse rider, the only thing that comes to mind was how we’d pretend to be riding horses around the playground when I was a kid. The hitch-step we used to mimic the heartbeat-like rhythm was occasionally a guarantee for a turned ankle, but usually, a quasi-gallop could be achieved without incident….unless you were hoplessly clumsy. Which I could be on occasion.
I was riding my horse down in Arkansas when one of the wranglers asked me if i would like to do some galloping. I, not knowing how to gallop on a horse, simply said, No thanks and kept riding. i’m sure that my horse was a little annoyed at me for just walking, but that was fine with me.
Kaye Ann Silver
horses across a field in beautiful sunlight…running towards something beautiful just beyond reach…free but still striving to find it
the horse galloped through the pasture, past the yellow sunflowers, and over the hill. I was chasing after him, yelling for him to come back. But it seemed as though, he had a different plan. Like most, he just needed to be free. Forget everything about his everyday life, just be free and wild. do not let them tame you, I say, for all beautiful things are wild and free.
Taylor Lanning
The wind rushes by. I bump up and down. The horse races the sun. Time douesn’t move. I gallop past the barns and houses… And I never want to stop…
The wind rushes by. I bump up and down. The horse races the sun. Time douesn’t move. I gallop past the barns and houses… And I never want to stop…
The horses galloped, hooves clip clopping toward the sunset. I looked out to them, hand shielding the last dregs of sun from my eyes, and saw them, reaching, out of orbit, and I awoke, singing…
Ann X.
I remember being a child and my parents enrolling me in horse camp during the summer. I miss the musty smell of the barn and the dusty headiness of the horses as we tack them up. I wish I had continued to ride, I had always wanted to learn to gallop. But the lessons were slow, and I learned to walk, trot, and canter.
the horse galloped
i galloped to the car.
galloping is fun.
i haven’t galloped since i was a child.
i hope talking about galloping doesn’t make me look like a fucking retard.
While i write about the word gallop it’s turning red.
It’s like the wind in your hair and the soft beat of hooves. You’re free. You’re alone. You don’t need to be afraid anymore. Go fast, and then go faster. Don’t think about who is following you or who wants to change you. It is only you. Only you. Go. Search for it. It is there.
As i ride through the woods, the sweat forms at my brow. I must hurry before they catch me. Almost out of breath, the horse is getting more and more tired. Almost there… Almost to the abbey. I must make it. They are counting one me.
Wild horses couldn’t pull me away from this girl’s beating heart. I knew in an instant it must be St. Nick’s idea to have me fall in love with her that Christmas. Nobody does it better. Nobody.
The horses move their legs back and forth, back and forth. Sounds of ruble pound my ears. This sun shines along the glistening back of the mares as they run round the track. Round, round, round. It is a circular way of life.
AJ Kiehner
gallopping a pace ahead, my steed stops, withers, dies. Bucks me from this saddle called “life” and leaves me sittting, alone, afraid, in a brave, dark new world. A world where gallopping ahead a pace is not allowed. Only cubicles, nice neat files and a man to answer to by the name of “ED.” thanks Ed.
Th horse galloped down the hill in the dark I couldn’t see anything below but I knew the jump was ahead. whoever said the moon wouuld be enought to ride by was a liar. I was out this night to escape the fear and self loathing that had made me drink enough to get drunk drunk but i certainly had not escaped. the hoves pounded and I felt the horse lift. as we came down i slipped an my head hit the stone hardness of the horses skull my glasses broke and my forhead felt wet I began to faint as the horse slid to a stop I slid off onto the ground. the grass was wet but there was the moon. full but not enough light to see the jump. I had made it though. I sat up and used the stirrup to pull myself to a stand. I walked slowly over the field with my hand on the stirrup for support. I could see the barn light in the distance. The others were still inside at the party. I would have to go and face them and explain. Maybe I didn’t – maybe I could just be silent and let them wonder. It wouldn’t take long to put the horse up. I was suddenly tired – tired to death. I would sleep in the barn loft tonight. Going home was not an option after the fight I had with Ted. Why was I endlessly unfaithful? I guess it was the same reason that I took the jump.
Now I could see in the light ahead the other riders – doing what I called the barn dance. The after meet flirting and drinking. I was tired of all that. Why did I ever participate? Then I saw Geof’s outline and felt the surge of excitement. Disgusted with myself I turned to the side and headed to the tie up and the hose to rinse down my horse.
“Hey, Delia!” Gloria came out of the bushes buttoning her pants. We had no bathroom at the barn but it never bothered most of us. Gloria came over stared at my face. She turned my chin to the light. “Holy shit! You better leave the horse and get fixed up! You’re bleeding!”
“Oh, yeah, it’s just a cut, I hit my face on his head.” I mummbled and tried to walk on. She grabbed the reins and stopped me. “Hey, Geof! Come help us out! Susan’s hurt!” Then they all came running over. I felt exausted, embarrassed and frustrated. I tried to walk away but here they came.
The barn dancers gathered around me. I know everyone really wanted to help but I just wanted them all to go away. Geof look my face in his hands and gently wiped the blood away. “It’s not too deep,’ he siad. ” Just some iodine and a couple of butterflys will do until you get to the ER.” ” No,” I said, stuggling away. “I don’t need the hospital. Just let me get patched up and sleep.” “Oh no,” he almost smiled at me.”The last thing you need is to go to sleep with a head wound and a lot of beer in you. Here we’ll call Joseph and have him check you out. He just lives down the road. He’s premed and should be able to tell us if you need to go to the ER.” Others bussed off the call and Geof began to clean my face and put the butterfly bandages on. “Geof,” I whispered. “I don’t want to go and have to call Ted tonight. He’ll just yell at me. I just want to stay here. I won’t drive anywhere until tomorrow and I’ll be ok then.” “Then I’m staying with you he said and the smile broke through. I felt my heart jump. I couldn’t tell if I was happy or afraid. Maybe both. I looked past his face at the full moon behind him but it had no answers for me.
NH Williard
i ran out after the horse but realized halfway out the door that, not only would i not catch up, but i wasn’t wearing a bra. or pants. i did, however, still have my shoes on, so at least the nail i stepped on only went a half-inch into my foot instead of all the way.
horses moving swiftly and fast. bumpy and exciting. it’s a chase. very strong and powerful. run run run fast. so fast
Jonny Long
horses you gallop on them my uncle has a farm in brasil and alotta horses. i got to go on one onceit was really fun i wish i could see him again irs been 7 yars since ive been there.
no name
you told me to write abou8t something how about my life!!!
well i should think of three words to describe it,
and you’ll think what’s with the “f”!
i really don’t know what to answer to that
just inspiring!
a horse ran around the room at a full gallop and he had brown hair with a long tail and he was a painted horse with large spots covering his body he was a wonderful looking creature as he ran through the field of grass his mane and tail blowing in the wind as it flowed behind him
Good grumpy gallop beside my mom is standing galloping in the hallway is my brother. Inside the galloping house i wonder if anyone is paying attention to me . Listening to all these sounds that surround me i just wonder if anything is going to get me. Grumpy i am some days but today i am very happy even though their is alot of galloping rain outside.
Jasmine long
horse thew ordkfjkdsf
The horse galloped around the court, enjoying the breeze which hit his face. The actual rider of the horse, though, flew several kilometers through the air, cursing the horse.
the horse gallops on the prairie, no care, all left to the wind. no family, all alone in the wild. it is a safe, alone, place but not lonely. just beautiful.
there was a horse galloping through the plains. Galloping, as if it was running from something, but also as if it knew it were free. Gallop, the horse thought to itself. what does it mean, does it mean to be free and be able to run, to roam, to romp as you please?
gallop gallop gallop….there he goes
flap flap flap….there she flies
thud thud thud, their hearts beat hard and fast
The sound of the galloping hooves running towards me made my heart race and the hairs on the back of my neck stick up. This was one of the most terrifying moments in my life. I was about to get trampled on by a horse. I closed my eyes and listened as the galloping got closer and waited for the pain.
Panda Bear :)
Trot. Horses. All those things come to mind. But what stays in mind is that i may be losing my baby.. sigh. Why can’t it be easier? i hate horseback riding personally but i would do anything to ride one far far away from here..
WHAT THE FUCK? WHy Gallop again? Eno’s poop was black. But that has nothing to do wit gllop. I’d like to gallop shit all over your face. Mmm. I want to cum while riding nude on a horse with a chimp. GALLOPING ON HORSES BIG HORSES I LIKE HORSES
The horse galloped across the field. She sighed as she watched it, wishing she could move that gracefully, with that much power. Her brace started to dig into her hip, and she moved so that it wouldn’t. She remembered the feeling of freedom as she rode her horse. Too bad she wouldn’t be able to do that again. The doctors said if she worked hard she could, but she knew they were just saying that to keep her hopes up. She knew it would never be the same again, that she was doomed to a life of struggling along, limping, unable to run or dance or ride. She resigned herself to that as she clumped back across the field, toward her uncle, to ask him to take her back home, where she could be alone with her grief.
HOrses do this, i try to do this i’m amazed when horses do this. It’s a fast movement in which the doer moves at a strange rhythm, moving one limb slightly after the other.
i ,like to gallop like a horse it mkes me feel cool, i havent galloped on a horse before, i want to i think it would be fun i wold ride all the time. i want to be a horse horses are cool and freeeee i am awesome with pretending to be a horse i love it.
I hear the horse coming, the war is about to begin. I see the soldiers armed with battle armor and weaponry. I know we won’t be able to last long and hold up the post, but we must try to defend ourselve. I know that.
the horse galloped and crushed my little brother.
I hear the horse coming, the war is about to begin. I see the soldiers armed with battle armor and weaponry. I know we won’t be able to last long and hold up the post, but we must try to defend ourselve. I know that.
Well, no, a horse position is not only for horses. I know a certain boy who likes to have his girl on his back, and a certain girl who finds it quite amusing. She’ll slap his ass and he’ll whinny like a horse.
from time to time when i ‘m rideing my horse i gallop thru out the revines so i can enjoy the sinery
As the horses galloped from the ranch house, storm clouds began to blot out the sun, and the chickens caused a commotion with their clucking. A cloud of dust formed under their feet. As wings flapped, Farmer Williams burst from the back door.
He had a gun in hand.
“Darn wolves keep coming on my property and eating my livestock.” he said, cocking his gun. “Not today, no sir. They’ll have a bullet waiting for them.”
Just then, his wife came to his side.
“What’s the matter, Scott?”
“Them wolves. They were here an half an hour ago starting trouble.”
i will ride my horse today and go as fast as i can and it will be the best day ever. maybe i will even ride bareback but who cares? i just have the need for speed and my best bud aka my horse named Lu, which short for Lucy, here with me. Nothing is gonna stop us! We shall have a fun adventure!
like a horse that runs wild in the plains and amongst the dark gray peaks of mountains. running free in the wind that lifts your spirit. never look back. its your breath you feel in your lungs, life that you feel in your heart. be alive and gallop
Not being a horse rider, the only thing that comes to mind was how we’d pretend to be riding horses around the playground when I was a kid. The hitch-step we used to mimic the heartbeat-like rhythm was occasionally a guarantee for a turned ankle, but usually, a quasi-gallop could be achieved without incident….unless you were hoplessly clumsy. Which I could be on occasion.
I was riding my horse down in Arkansas when one of the wranglers asked me if i would like to do some galloping. I, not knowing how to gallop on a horse, simply said, No thanks and kept riding. i’m sure that my horse was a little annoyed at me for just walking, but that was fine with me.
horses across a field in beautiful sunlight…running towards something beautiful just beyond reach…free but still striving to find it
the horse galloped through the pasture, past the yellow sunflowers, and over the hill. I was chasing after him, yelling for him to come back. But it seemed as though, he had a different plan. Like most, he just needed to be free. Forget everything about his everyday life, just be free and wild. do not let them tame you, I say, for all beautiful things are wild and free.
The wind rushes by. I bump up and down. The horse races the sun. Time douesn’t move. I gallop past the barns and houses… And I never want to stop…
The wind rushes by. I bump up and down. The horse races the sun. Time douesn’t move. I gallop past the barns and houses… And I never want to stop…
The horses galloped, hooves clip clopping toward the sunset. I looked out to them, hand shielding the last dregs of sun from my eyes, and saw them, reaching, out of orbit, and I awoke, singing…
I remember being a child and my parents enrolling me in horse camp during the summer. I miss the musty smell of the barn and the dusty headiness of the horses as we tack them up. I wish I had continued to ride, I had always wanted to learn to gallop. But the lessons were slow, and I learned to walk, trot, and canter.
the horse galloped
i galloped to the car.
galloping is fun.
i haven’t galloped since i was a child.
i hope talking about galloping doesn’t make me look like a fucking retard.
While i write about the word gallop it’s turning red.
It’s like the wind in your hair and the soft beat of hooves. You’re free. You’re alone. You don’t need to be afraid anymore. Go fast, and then go faster. Don’t think about who is following you or who wants to change you. It is only you. Only you. Go. Search for it. It is there.
As i ride through the woods, the sweat forms at my brow. I must hurry before they catch me. Almost out of breath, the horse is getting more and more tired. Almost there… Almost to the abbey. I must make it. They are counting one me.
Wild horses couldn’t pull me away from this girl’s beating heart. I knew in an instant it must be St. Nick’s idea to have me fall in love with her that Christmas. Nobody does it better. Nobody.
The horses move their legs back and forth, back and forth. Sounds of ruble pound my ears. This sun shines along the glistening back of the mares as they run round the track. Round, round, round. It is a circular way of life.
gallopping a pace ahead, my steed stops, withers, dies. Bucks me from this saddle called “life” and leaves me sittting, alone, afraid, in a brave, dark new world. A world where gallopping ahead a pace is not allowed. Only cubicles, nice neat files and a man to answer to by the name of “ED.” thanks Ed.
Th horse galloped down the hill in the dark I couldn’t see anything below but I knew the jump was ahead. whoever said the moon wouuld be enought to ride by was a liar. I was out this night to escape the fear and self loathing that had made me drink enough to get drunk drunk but i certainly had not escaped. the hoves pounded and I felt the horse lift. as we came down i slipped an my head hit the stone hardness of the horses skull my glasses broke and my forhead felt wet I began to faint as the horse slid to a stop I slid off onto the ground. the grass was wet but there was the moon. full but not enough light to see the jump. I had made it though. I sat up and used the stirrup to pull myself to a stand. I walked slowly over the field with my hand on the stirrup for support. I could see the barn light in the distance. The others were still inside at the party. I would have to go and face them and explain. Maybe I didn’t – maybe I could just be silent and let them wonder. It wouldn’t take long to put the horse up. I was suddenly tired – tired to death. I would sleep in the barn loft tonight. Going home was not an option after the fight I had with Ted. Why was I endlessly unfaithful? I guess it was the same reason that I took the jump.
Now I could see in the light ahead the other riders – doing what I called the barn dance. The after meet flirting and drinking. I was tired of all that. Why did I ever participate? Then I saw Geof’s outline and felt the surge of excitement. Disgusted with myself I turned to the side and headed to the tie up and the hose to rinse down my horse.
“Hey, Delia!” Gloria came out of the bushes buttoning her pants. We had no bathroom at the barn but it never bothered most of us. Gloria came over stared at my face. She turned my chin to the light. “Holy shit! You better leave the horse and get fixed up! You’re bleeding!”
“Oh, yeah, it’s just a cut, I hit my face on his head.” I mummbled and tried to walk on. She grabbed the reins and stopped me. “Hey, Geof! Come help us out! Susan’s hurt!” Then they all came running over. I felt exausted, embarrassed and frustrated. I tried to walk away but here they came.
The barn dancers gathered around me. I know everyone really wanted to help but I just wanted them all to go away. Geof look my face in his hands and gently wiped the blood away. “It’s not too deep,’ he siad. ” Just some iodine and a couple of butterflys will do until you get to the ER.” ” No,” I said, stuggling away. “I don’t need the hospital. Just let me get patched up and sleep.” “Oh no,” he almost smiled at me.”The last thing you need is to go to sleep with a head wound and a lot of beer in you. Here we’ll call Joseph and have him check you out. He just lives down the road. He’s premed and should be able to tell us if you need to go to the ER.” Others bussed off the call and Geof began to clean my face and put the butterfly bandages on. “Geof,” I whispered. “I don’t want to go and have to call Ted tonight. He’ll just yell at me. I just want to stay here. I won’t drive anywhere until tomorrow and I’ll be ok then.” “Then I’m staying with you he said and the smile broke through. I felt my heart jump. I couldn’t tell if I was happy or afraid. Maybe both. I looked past his face at the full moon behind him but it had no answers for me.
i ran out after the horse but realized halfway out the door that, not only would i not catch up, but i wasn’t wearing a bra. or pants. i did, however, still have my shoes on, so at least the nail i stepped on only went a half-inch into my foot instead of all the way.
horses moving swiftly and fast. bumpy and exciting. it’s a chase. very strong and powerful. run run run fast. so fast
horses you gallop on them my uncle has a farm in brasil and alotta horses. i got to go on one onceit was really fun i wish i could see him again irs been 7 yars since ive been there.
you told me to write abou8t something how about my life!!!
well i should think of three words to describe it,
and you’ll think what’s with the “f”!
i really don’t know what to answer to that
just inspiring!
a horse ran around the room at a full gallop and he had brown hair with a long tail and he was a painted horse with large spots covering his body he was a wonderful looking creature as he ran through the field of grass his mane and tail blowing in the wind as it flowed behind him
Good grumpy gallop beside my mom is standing galloping in the hallway is my brother. Inside the galloping house i wonder if anyone is paying attention to me . Listening to all these sounds that surround me i just wonder if anything is going to get me. Grumpy i am some days but today i am very happy even though their is alot of galloping rain outside.
horse thew ordkfjkdsf
The horse galloped around the court, enjoying the breeze which hit his face. The actual rider of the horse, though, flew several kilometers through the air, cursing the horse.
the horse gallops on the prairie, no care, all left to the wind. no family, all alone in the wild. it is a safe, alone, place but not lonely. just beautiful.
there was a horse galloping through the plains. Galloping, as if it was running from something, but also as if it knew it were free. Gallop, the horse thought to itself. what does it mean, does it mean to be free and be able to run, to roam, to romp as you please?
gallop gallop gallop….there he goes
flap flap flap….there she flies
thud thud thud, their hearts beat hard and fast
The sound of the galloping hooves running towards me made my heart race and the hairs on the back of my neck stick up. This was one of the most terrifying moments in my life. I was about to get trampled on by a horse. I closed my eyes and listened as the galloping got closer and waited for the pain.
Trot. Horses. All those things come to mind. But what stays in mind is that i may be losing my baby.. sigh. Why can’t it be easier? i hate horseback riding personally but i would do anything to ride one far far away from here..
WHAT THE FUCK? WHy Gallop again? Eno’s poop was black. But that has nothing to do wit gllop. I’d like to gallop shit all over your face. Mmm. I want to cum while riding nude on a horse with a chimp. GALLOPING ON HORSES BIG HORSES I LIKE HORSES