
November 10th, 2009 | 582 Entries

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582 Entries for “gallop”

  1. My heart was beating. I was in the lead my old worn out tennis shoes cushioning ever bounce that my pony tail felt. Behind the boys seemed to be slowing down as I was nearing the celebration area everyone enjoyed. Five yards and I was there. The yellow flags flying off of my body. I had made it.

  2. horse running fast jump hurdles fast dirt flying everywhere money gambling ari gold enoturage tv dad watching movie loud distracting me running out of time.

  3. a horse is gallping through the fields and makes clicky clocky sounds. the horseshoes are on its feet and smack the wet mud without sinking into it. clip clop clip clop
    the rider is glad he is so high up so that the mud doesn’t splash onto his face
    clip clop
    muddy muddy horse shoes
    the baby horsie runs so fast as fast as she can
    or he

  4. She saw a white horse around the bend and it wasn’t galloping. Just standing there in the fog. I’ll remember this story forever.

  5. i love my abay angel and anthony gallops lol hahahahahahah… =lol…i dont even know what this word meaNS , WHYIDK WHAT TO WRITTE ANYWAYS FSDFSD

  6. i have sex gallping

  7. gallop

  8. If I were to hurry
    gallopping would be the thing
    a horse
    a mane
    a breeze
    taking me into the future
    and far away from you
    your words or lack thereof
    your inattention
    your remote control
    a horse
    a mane
    a breeze
    deliverying me into the day

  9. I wanted to be a horse as a young girl. Something about their carefree attitude as the roamed the idealized plains of movie screens. And their canter, something about the rythym and sound of their canter just filled me with joy. I remember my first lesson. It was terrifying.

  10. My sister loves to ride horses early in the morning you can hear her galloping around outside..

  11. i went to a field to gallop but the problem was not my motivation or galloping skill but the fact i have no legs

  12. horses love to gallop in the fields

  13. She rode her horse at a gallop toward the fence, not sure if they would clear it or not. the horse gathered himself and up they

  14. a horse likes to gallop in the sunny flowery fields of plantlike matter with their friends that are not horses like ground hogs and birds. please be careful not to step in their excrement because it is most unpleasant. and stinky.

  15. i was galloping on my horse through the forest and ebded up near a beautiful lake, that the horse galloped over to and started drinking from

  16. a horse does this

  17. I remember the horses at the Buzards house. Man were they crazy–that is, the Buzards, not the horses. The horses were quite rational. They often tried to run away (as did I). If only I had known how to properly ride a horse, I might have taken my favorite (I can’t remember her name) and galloped right out the front gate.

  18. I was running as fast as I could but, I couldn’t outrun the freaking horse. The man on top had a gun, its galloping as the hammer cocked, and his laughing was beginning to drive me ballistic. I turned the corner around a tree trying to lose him in the woods, but it wasn’t going to do me any good. I had two legs to its four, and I had a bullet in my leg. I was screwed.

  19. gallop jallop sallop
    slurpin soup in the pasture
    gallop with joy like gazelles in the desert.
    fresh crisp smell and sun shin
  20. We gallop along, like floating on rolling air. The horses hooves thunder on the ground, filling me with a repetitious warmth. The gallant beast gasps for breath, puffing and huffing for the joy of the run. Mane blowing in the wind, we are free.

  21. The horse was calloping down the hill and the man stood at the bottom waiting for the horse to catch up to him, but little did he know the horse was going to bite him and he was going to get an infection and later die a painful death.

  22. galloping galloping galloping, the faster he went the weaker her grip. she was getting scared, and rightfully so; i had never felt more alive. neither of us knew what the fuck we were going to do.

  23. swiftly into the distance mane flowing streaming wind slicing icy cold skin on fire breath misting eyes glistening and blearing with tears exquisite pain.

    balcony bill
  24. Today i was running through the mall, when i saw a man who was about 6’5 trying to gallop. He proceed to bust his face completely open, no more horse play

  25. The horse strutted though the field kicking up the dust, choking out my lungs, and everything else was sandy gray.

  26. When I was a little girl, I wanted a pony. Not having the means or space, of course, I became my own pony, and would gallop through the house, down the stairs, or in class. Or was that really a trot?

  27. And were off! Right out of the gate we rush, headlong into the press of other horses and jockeys. Not at a cantor, or a trot….but at a gallop!

    Grace Thompson, Oklahoma
  28. The gallop of the horse started out as a tiny thip-thipping. Then exploded into thundering as the rain and wind swept across the horizon.

  29. The horse galloped across the plain, with a man sitting awkwardly on top. The plain was covered with snow, and the man was very cold. He didn’t know how he’d wound up in this predicament and he definitely had no idea how to get out of it.

  30. i love to gallop, like a horse through the ranges. Where on earth could i go? gallop gallop I say. To the bearing straits and back I shall go. Where are you to see me? As I gallop through time and space into the abyss. Give me a holler, shall I hear you as i gallop through the wind, as the breeze cools my burning ears aflame from gallop.

  31. I hate that gallivanting brooding asshat. What was he thinking? Trying to be all nobel and amazing when he knows that it was just stupid to actually go into the coven without backup. Tina didn’t know much about that ethier. BUT ITS WHAT THEY ALWAYS DO IN THE TV SHOW!

  32. gallop,
    how is that
    even suppose to
    explain the rush
    that you fail to
    the wind feels so cold
    you feel so cold,
    against my face.
    my legs will soon become
    thank you for that.

    Alyssa Johnson
  33. Gallop was the word of the day yesterday, but I suppose we can’t all update things the way we want.

  34. The horses galloped across the field as Coralie rode on the back of a beautiful, white one. She held no reins, nor was she using a saddle. In fact, it was quite strange how she managed to ride the horse with any security at all. When she came upon a fence, she gripped the horses mane, and it jumped.
  35. running, faster and faster, over a fence you do it when ur rushed, you do it when your full of energy, you would think only an animal could do it, you would be thinking wrong. so go ahead, gallop away, gallop now,

    B rent
  36. As his hoarse galloped in the rain he could hear the rythmic punches of the hoofs on the wet cobblestone streets. His hair had been windblown and wet aince the last town he left and now the night’s cold was creeping in on him.

  37. to gallop is to run with speed, you’re a horse and the wind whips through your mane. This is running, this is life. Your feet hit the ground. again and again.

  38. I have no clue what to write about.

  39. the pale horse gallops down the leaf trodden pathway in hopes to find himself. but alas, he finds diabetes

  40. With a gallop, the gray creature stormed away with Iymrame in tow. She clung with fear to its mane and ducked her head to keep away from the sharp spread of antlers. The beast did not slow for a long time, not until they were well beyond the river.
