A horse gallops. They are gallop freely through the fields. Horses gallop away from their prey, or just to play.
Brittany Warren
i like to let my mind free to gallop
to be and go another self
for winds swept, four winds of mine
seplicur of the mind
gilad Meron
the horsies in the galaxy galloped in the trees. my cat in the hat is so lovely. why are these creatures such full of great wonder? because we love me them and never put them under the last thing in mind is to finish this okay, goodbye. see ya next script.
gallop looks and sounds like scallop which to some people is lovely and to others it is discusting but in my opinion, i don’t understand it. Firstly because i have never eaten a scallop and don’t know what all the fuss is about. Gallop is what horses do! lol.
the horsies in the galaxy galloped in the trees. my cat in the hat is so lovely. why are these creatures such full of great wonder? because we love me them and never put them under the last thing in mind is to finish this okay, goodbye. see ya next script.
I had a horse growing up that didn’t gallop. She would trot and gait but she wouldn’t gallop. She was the slowest horse of all. To this day I still cannot understand why she wouldn’t run as fast as she could. If I were a horse I’d want to feel the wind through my mane, I’d want to prove to other horses that i was faster than they were. I would want to race and I would never stop.
I really wish I was doing better in my Music Appreciation class. I’m really not looking forward to typing this ridiculous paper for World Civ. I’m probably not going to pay attention today in this class. In fact, I know I’m not going to be paying much attention. This StumbleUpon site is going to be the death of me — or nonetheless, the death of my “good grades”. I really hope this degree program is worth it. I’m kindof hungry. What the hell am I doing with this?
trodding horses that run through grassy fields and play all day in the bright sunshine that hangs above the ocean and keeps the fishes warm and the whales happy and full like apple pie on thanksgiving where everyone sleeps because the turkey was too good.
the horse galloped switfly through the marsh-ridden forest. with each hoof pounding on the forest ground came the squish, squish of mud and flowers, trampled to the floor. the rider stared back, wondering where they were.
what would they do when they caught her?
would they find out the secret?
would they kill her once again?
horse goes quickly down the street this is all anyone hears. it leaks into their dreams, wakes them, they can’t see. their pants are off. click click click click knocking on the door. this is all they can hear but they don’t know why or how it happens. they want to figure it out but
horses gallop. I suppose they can gallop fast or slow and it’s still galloping. There’s a gallop poll too. Not sure what they poll, or how they do it. But news reports often have a Gallop poll. It’s a funny word. Kind of sounds like a horse running. Gallop. My time is almost up!!!
the horse and the gallop went hand in hand. what would happen the horse if the gallop was no more? it would probs be shot.
the horse galloped away with the midgets son… while the dad masturbated in the corner. wait am i suppossed to be writing about the word? idk what to say about it…. ugh… gallop sounds like dallop…. of daisy
People love horses. Usually girls. I try to avoid them. They keep trying to kill me. One nearly kicked me in the head, another brushed me off and tried to step on me, and so on and so forth. So I don’t like them very much.
As I ride my horse across the moonlit beach I see my darling in the sand a few hundred yards away, I begin to run towards her and she continues to be out of reach. I scream and beat my horse but even with it’s increase in stride I am unable to make it. I got off the horse and begin to run and I am unable. I weep.
Kevin May
horse gallops as he carries a cowboy from an enemy. The man trailing the cowboy is after the damsel who has won the cowboy’s heart, for she is the daughter
i never knew what he meant. he always has this way about him, his mind would gallop from idea to idea. he studied everything, people were his favorite. thats why he killed them and ate there fingers and toes for fun
sea breeze on the morning air
we gallop past the breakers
and around the rocky bend
to where the pelicans make their nests
You ride on ahead
and I fuss with my mare
her eyes rolled up with stress.
Horses running through a wide blue valley tinged with mist and morning dew as the sun peaks brightly over the distant purple horizon.
Jennifer Grassman
if i see a horse gallop, i repeatedly laugh until i get a cramp in my side. Then I go to my house and drink a gallon of vitamin d milk.
horse rider people movies over a fence
horse gallops. up and down. fast through the field. sitting on a galloping hourse is so much fun. the air flowly briskly though your hair. your holding on for dear life while the horse gallops through the flowerly fields.
I love to gallop about when I am happy. Why not? It’s fun and sometimes I feel like a pony; as I wanted to so very often at the age of nine. My mom always yelled at me though because I was a boy.
Dustin Morrow
The horse galloped off into the field, simply because she was free. The wind in her mane, the stars above, and the wind whistling through the long grass made her spirits soar as high as the eagle. No one capturing her, chasing her, throwing the binding ropes around her neck- simple freedom. The freedom to breathe, to run…. to gallop.
Riley Hagel
Like on a horse, freedome, flying, riding like without a care in the world. My favorite sensation. My true happiness, where i am one with myself and nature all of which i am a part of. With love.
a horse gallups, it’s a kind of fast running, i.e., faster than trotting. Not sure how it compares to cantoring. The proper name Gallop (Gallup?) is also a polling agency.
gallop. horses gallop. i want to go to montana and see horses. when i was on a plane back from seattle to boston, i saw a thunderstorm over montana. i was outside of the thunderstorm, but i could see lightening bolts coming down clearly. it was dark. there were few lights. few and far between. the cracks were like whips on horsebacks.
A bad ass cowboy does this because its faster than cantering so cantering is what lame cowboys do who arent really cowboys at all because they dont even go fast. so if you want to be a cowboy gallop instead of canter because your supposed to be going fAST GOD DAMN IT
I galllop, run, gallop across the open sea of tall grass. Then I leap, yes, leap into the hands of my lover waiting for me hidden somewhere in the depths of brown straw. I look, but still I cannot find her. My arms grasp for, but receives nothing but prickly weeds. I miss. I fall. I lay. Alone.
F, C,
a girl gallops to the store in hopes of getting that last orange twisty twizzler shes been hearing so much about. galloping gracefully she gets to the store. no. no twizzler, oh what to do.
the horse galloped down the old dusty road. the sun was just beginning to set over the large pink mountains. somewhere, somebody was watching. the man on top of the horse however, was unaware of this.
he continued on, ya’aing the horse forward. on the horizon, the lights of a small village began to appear, twinkling in the windows.
galloping is somthing that horses do, but i supposed that houmans do it too wow my spelling suck at the moment, i ts because i m too afraid of that little green bar to stop and use that magicla backspace dkey too often oh dear it seems that its turning organe now i supposed i should write more about galloping will ti;s pretty cool i guess it gets you from one place to another p eace out :)
Lane Walbert
i saw a horse tredding along a field and it was as though it was a steed. The light shone across its shoulders and the morning mist glittered along the grass beneath its hooves. We rode all morning until it was time to leave. When I saw the place disappear in the back window, a tear fell down my face.
JD Zellers
She leaned over the neck of the horse tightening her grip with her thighs. Clutching at the leather between her fingers, she smiled her laugh carried away on the wind they created.
Horses gallop. Sometimes people gallop. It’s a lot less gallant when people gallop, but they still do it for some reason. I’ve galloped. I won’t deny it. I probably didn’t look like a majestic stallion. No one probably wanted to film an inspirational movie centered around me, starring Dakota Fanning.
Terry Hutchins
The horses were galloping incredibly fast and Seraphine was happy that she found them. Walking on her foot seemed impossible and riding on a horse was such an amazing feeling. Xavier
A horse gallops. They are gallop freely through the fields. Horses gallop away from their prey, or just to play.
i like to let my mind free to gallop
to be and go another self
for winds swept, four winds of mine
seplicur of the mind
the horsies in the galaxy galloped in the trees. my cat in the hat is so lovely. why are these creatures such full of great wonder? because we love me them and never put them under the last thing in mind is to finish this okay, goodbye. see ya next script.
gallop looks and sounds like scallop which to some people is lovely and to others it is discusting but in my opinion, i don’t understand it. Firstly because i have never eaten a scallop and don’t know what all the fuss is about. Gallop is what horses do! lol.
the horsies in the galaxy galloped in the trees. my cat in the hat is so lovely. why are these creatures such full of great wonder? because we love me them and never put them under the last thing in mind is to finish this okay, goodbye. see ya next script.
I had a horse growing up that didn’t gallop. She would trot and gait but she wouldn’t gallop. She was the slowest horse of all. To this day I still cannot understand why she wouldn’t run as fast as she could. If I were a horse I’d want to feel the wind through my mane, I’d want to prove to other horses that i was faster than they were. I would want to race and I would never stop.
I really wish I was doing better in my Music Appreciation class. I’m really not looking forward to typing this ridiculous paper for World Civ. I’m probably not going to pay attention today in this class. In fact, I know I’m not going to be paying much attention. This StumbleUpon site is going to be the death of me — or nonetheless, the death of my “good grades”. I really hope this degree program is worth it. I’m kindof hungry. What the hell am I doing with this?
trodding horses that run through grassy fields and play all day in the bright sunshine that hangs above the ocean and keeps the fishes warm and the whales happy and full like apple pie on thanksgiving where everyone sleeps because the turkey was too good.
the horse galloped switfly through the marsh-ridden forest. with each hoof pounding on the forest ground came the squish, squish of mud and flowers, trampled to the floor. the rider stared back, wondering where they were.
what would they do when they caught her?
would they find out the secret?
would they kill her once again?
horse goes quickly down the street this is all anyone hears. it leaks into their dreams, wakes them, they can’t see. their pants are off. click click click click knocking on the door. this is all they can hear but they don’t know why or how it happens. they want to figure it out but
horses gallop. I suppose they can gallop fast or slow and it’s still galloping. There’s a gallop poll too. Not sure what they poll, or how they do it. But news reports often have a Gallop poll. It’s a funny word. Kind of sounds like a horse running. Gallop. My time is almost up!!!
the horse and the gallop went hand in hand. what would happen the horse if the gallop was no more? it would probs be shot.
the horse galloped away with the midgets son… while the dad masturbated in the corner. wait am i suppossed to be writing about the word? idk what to say about it…. ugh… gallop sounds like dallop…. of daisy
People love horses. Usually girls. I try to avoid them. They keep trying to kill me. One nearly kicked me in the head, another brushed me off and tried to step on me, and so on and so forth. So I don’t like them very much.
Horses, four legged animals, fast, speed, trotting, walking, cantering, travel, sprint, riding, saddle,
As I ride my horse across the moonlit beach I see my darling in the sand a few hundred yards away, I begin to run towards her and she continues to be out of reach. I scream and beat my horse but even with it’s increase in stride I am unable to make it. I got off the horse and begin to run and I am unable. I weep.
horse gallops as he carries a cowboy from an enemy. The man trailing the cowboy is after the damsel who has won the cowboy’s heart, for she is the daughter
i never knew what he meant. he always has this way about him, his mind would gallop from idea to idea. he studied everything, people were his favorite. thats why he killed them and ate there fingers and toes for fun
sea breeze on the morning air
we gallop past the breakers
and around the rocky bend
to where the pelicans make their nests
You ride on ahead
and I fuss with my mare
her eyes rolled up with stress.
Horses running through a wide blue valley tinged with mist and morning dew as the sun peaks brightly over the distant purple horizon.
if i see a horse gallop, i repeatedly laugh until i get a cramp in my side. Then I go to my house and drink a gallon of vitamin d milk.
horse rider people movies over a fence
horse gallops. up and down. fast through the field. sitting on a galloping hourse is so much fun. the air flowly briskly though your hair. your holding on for dear life while the horse gallops through the flowerly fields.
I love to gallop about when I am happy. Why not? It’s fun and sometimes I feel like a pony; as I wanted to so very often at the age of nine. My mom always yelled at me though because I was a boy.
The horse galloped off into the field, simply because she was free. The wind in her mane, the stars above, and the wind whistling through the long grass made her spirits soar as high as the eagle. No one capturing her, chasing her, throwing the binding ropes around her neck- simple freedom. The freedom to breathe, to run…. to gallop.
Like on a horse, freedome, flying, riding like without a care in the world. My favorite sensation. My true happiness, where i am one with myself and nature all of which i am a part of. With love.
a horse gallups, it’s a kind of fast running, i.e., faster than trotting. Not sure how it compares to cantoring. The proper name Gallop (Gallup?) is also a polling agency.
gallop. horses gallop. i want to go to montana and see horses. when i was on a plane back from seattle to boston, i saw a thunderstorm over montana. i was outside of the thunderstorm, but i could see lightening bolts coming down clearly. it was dark. there were few lights. few and far between. the cracks were like whips on horsebacks.
A bad ass cowboy does this because its faster than cantering so cantering is what lame cowboys do who arent really cowboys at all because they dont even go fast. so if you want to be a cowboy gallop instead of canter because your supposed to be going fAST GOD DAMN IT
I galllop, run, gallop across the open sea of tall grass. Then I leap, yes, leap into the hands of my lover waiting for me hidden somewhere in the depths of brown straw. I look, but still I cannot find her. My arms grasp for, but receives nothing but prickly weeds. I miss. I fall. I lay. Alone.
a girl gallops to the store in hopes of getting that last orange twisty twizzler shes been hearing so much about. galloping gracefully she gets to the store. no. no twizzler, oh what to do.
the horse galloped down the old dusty road. the sun was just beginning to set over the large pink mountains. somewhere, somebody was watching. the man on top of the horse however, was unaware of this.
he continued on, ya’aing the horse forward. on the horizon, the lights of a small village began to appear, twinkling in the windows.
galloping is somthing that horses do, but i supposed that houmans do it too wow my spelling suck at the moment, i ts because i m too afraid of that little green bar to stop and use that magicla backspace dkey too often oh dear it seems that its turning organe now i supposed i should write more about galloping will ti;s pretty cool i guess it gets you from one place to another p eace out :)
i saw a horse tredding along a field and it was as though it was a steed. The light shone across its shoulders and the morning mist glittered along the grass beneath its hooves. We rode all morning until it was time to leave. When I saw the place disappear in the back window, a tear fell down my face.
She leaned over the neck of the horse tightening her grip with her thighs. Clutching at the leather between her fingers, she smiled her laugh carried away on the wind they created.
Horses gallop. Sometimes people gallop. It’s a lot less gallant when people gallop, but they still do it for some reason. I’ve galloped. I won’t deny it. I probably didn’t look like a majestic stallion. No one probably wanted to film an inspirational movie centered around me, starring Dakota Fanning.
The horses were galloping incredibly fast and Seraphine was happy that she found them. Walking on her foot seemed impossible and riding on a horse was such an amazing feeling. Xavier