
November 10th, 2009 | 582 Entries

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582 Entries for “gallop”

  1. ………..

  2. Gallop is a great word. Its makes me think it freedom and playfullness. Little kids gallop around and have a great time. Horses gallop in the fields all day long, and are joyous and free. We should all gallop!

  3. with twigs and sticks only around the followship of two fit fire trails apon a cool whip steal ring shoulder fixing only one two three to find a cool finger.

    sean parkes
  4. He galloped down the hallway, the biggest smile on his face. A young boy with his newest toy. The Christmas present from his mom that he had been asking for all year. Too young to know, it wasn’t even Christmas yet. Too young to know, that he might not make it to that day this year…

  5. The brown pony galloped towards the meadow. The young girl riding on its back is so happy to be out today. She loves to go riding and feel the cool breeze on her face. She will pick up wild flowers to bring home to her mom.

  6. Upon the horse I rode away.Far away from this hellish place.Where gods speak of lies and parents only stare in dread.I’m not what anyone truly wanted. My life is a lie. Gallop into the sunset like a knight in shining honor going to save his princess.

  7. i saw the horse gallop along the beach side…it was the most beautiful thing i had ever seen..the way his mane floated in the breeze, going along with the rhythm of his hard gallop on the sand.

    Meghan Hewitt
  8. horse running fields wheat beer bars fighting blood guts stomach food brew it up spring awakening sex megan fuck shit cuss piss run

    Forrest Durell
  9. One step at a time. Then, full speed. Can’t stop, won’t stop. Determined to reach anywhere. Anywhere but here. Galloping makes it difficult to turn back because you’ve grown dull with the blur of tomorrow, and you crave the speed of something new.

    Kendra B
  10. horse

  11. you gallop in my mind. from the left to the right. i know you always did. but why this time you failed to do so.. i want you there galloping. but do you feel my galloping too???

    Mich Nava
  12. “Holy shit, Marko! Would you slow down?”

    I set off down the hallway at a fierce gallop, ignoring Camden’s pleas. If he couldn’t keep up, who’s fault was it? Not mine, that was for sure.

    “Catch me if you can.” I replied, turning to wink at him before increasing my pace.

  13. she went at an amazing speed but that was what she was all about. Galloping madly, sparingly, dizzily she followed him. Why walk when you can gallop?

  14. Watching the horse gallop across the field, I thought about how free, yet how restrained it was. On one account, the horse could run as fast as it wanted, in any direction it wanted. But when it came upon a fence, it had to stop. There was no changing that.
  15. i was galloping along the trail and saw a beautiful girl in the distance. i didnt know her name. i didnt know her age. i knew, though, that i’d like to meet her someday. maybe not this day, but a day when worlds collide and feelings are as valid as fact. that’s the day i’d like to meet the girl who stopped me mid-gallop.

  16. I certainly don’t gallop through my days as I imagine most people (those with jobs) do. I slowly sink in the mud as others gallop past me. That is how I live my life, and it sucks ass.

  17. horses gallop around the stables all day long. they love to gallop freely through the open country. galloping is a sport. i’ve always wanted to gallop on a horse but i’m too scared.

  18. jolly good! sang the chorus of horses. class has just ended and they frolicked joyfully on the ferns.

  19. I like horses. My aunt and uncle own a horse farm and I love to ride them. They always smell like country, my aunt and uncle I mean. I love my aunt and uncle, they have four dogs, who I love. All six of them, my aunt and uncle and all those dogs, they make me happy.

  20. ride like a horse so quick, quicker than anything you have ever seen, like a lightning bolt from the sky so loud and shockin so bright like the sun up in space far far away like a distant planet alien to us all. mysteriously

  21. asdf

  22. The shining chestnut coat of the horse gleamed in the sunset as it galloped across the shoreline. Uninhibited, its mane mixed with the salt spray in the air and shimmered softly. The magestic animal’s muscles silently rippled under its coat, its hoofs making muted padding on the sand.

  23. The gun shot went off and the there was no stopping the riders. The horses galloped around the rink like they were trained.

  24. horses, run fast, gallop gallop gallop yiihaaaa

    Andreas G
  25. somewhere else,anywhere,just go,now,don’t wait.

    there’s always a reason to procascinate.

    its time to go now

  26. I have an aunt who raises horses, and for what it’s worth, she’s crazy. She just never stops talking. I love her to death, but she just needs to know when to stop. Another thing is that all of her problems never seem to be her fault.

  27. j

  28. Wandering I couldn’t stop. I ran until I cried, until I bleed, until I could not feel any longer. The colors of the sky ran together; blue fell into grey to red to the most beautiful golden fire that you have ever seen. Nothing could stop us.

  29. horses, hay farm run free runoff

  30. the horses took offf. It was a bright sunny day, the stadium was filled to the brim, everyone from the high societal ladies, to the cheap gamblers, desperate for a win. The gates had opened with a crash, and the crowd had gone into an

  31. prince charming happy endings, royalty, heartbreak, love, sunset

  32. running through a field of cotton, i’m back home again. It’s been a while, and it’s good to be hime, despite the burning heat and the sensation that I was just dropped into the ninth circle of hell. Again, reminding me of home. But that’s ok–even hell is ok if it’s familiar, and it is.

  33. If i had the energy, I would gallop to class. I would wake up, brush my teeth and gallop out the door, down the street, across the highway, down the sidewalk, through the parking lots, next to the library, through the door and into my seat.
  34. what? times going to run out before i can even think of anything. umm which is it a poll or horse?

    Bobby Lightening
  35. horses galloping down veins because blood rushes to your head and your brain gallops and your heart gallops because you keep falling and thumping bump bump bump like a heartbeat closer and closer to the bottom of the pit. i dont know whats at the bottom but i like chasing it.

  36. the horse was galloping down the side of the fence when it hit the tree knocking the rider off. Horses don’t hit trees, unless, perchance it was a blind horse. Maybe.

  37. horse

  38. horse

  39. horses it bugs me when people are obsessed with horses cuz they all seem to be crazy
    dont get me wrong horses are cute just obsessed people are like omg i have to go ride my horse omg i cant hang out with u i have a riding show. I guess i am obsessed with crew but i dont ditch people for it

  40. i gallop on top of him i want to have him so bad i want to be around him all winter i wish i was better at writing my punctuation sucks
