she galloped down the steep hill, her horse buckling under the her. Twigs snag her auburn hair.
my heart gallops inside
this stupid little chest
and everything is purpled at the edges
as if the sun were setting
inside of each of our lips
our bellies have no plump rosy-ness
and we cannot bend our fingers
or close the curtains when night arrives
everyone lowers their faces and whisper
yet none really know what they assume:
that we are the dead girls
and yes,if you’re wondering:
we are the dead girls
I hopped on my horse as it started to gallop. We galloped of into the sunset. I didn’t want to run away but something told me that I had to.
Gallop, he gallop five hundred and twenty miles just to see her. Riding through mountains and rivers, passing through dangers. No matter what the distance was, his goal was on her. No matter what it takes, no matter where she goes; he’ll wait for her, he’ll chase after her, all just for her.
The horse galloped down the white beach. The sun began to set in the distance and the sound of his hooves filled the air. The lone stallion had no limitations, nothing or no one to tell him that he couldn’t. I wish I could be like that horse….
i feel like you’re galloping while I’m standing still.
you move on so much faster than I do,
and I get to see you gallop away with her.
I went galloping through the brush, wondering if he’d be right behind me. I had left him standing there and went off into the distance. The distance is all I could hold onto, it was all that I could stand to be. All I could hear was the sound of the horse, and all I saw was my life as what it would never be.
He didn’t quite walk, didn’t quite run. He surely didn’t jog–not the type. But he went forward with a fervor and a hunger for life. He did not think, just went. Galloped, that’s what he did, like an animal fleeing, but running from nothing.
Ryan Leeb
gallop pallop is very lupy scalop and dullop on third quorter sample sticker with red yes
He rode in at a gallop, which was silly given that he was riding a tank. But he was an archaeophile, and in his mind, he rode a dashing charger, one worthy of Napoleon or at least a French dressage team.
Will Begley
I sighed as Henry continued to hum “The William Tell Overture.” It was bad enough he had to take me horse-backing riding, even knowing well enough that I had almost gotten my finger bit off below the knuckle last time. As we galloped towards Lake Pontchartrain…
Courtney Kowalke
She galloped accross the stadium, trying to catch up to the man she used to call father, it wasn’t fair! He was supposed to follow her. It’s not fair. Her stallion gave a loud snort as he tried to catch up to her father’s horse.
we gallop away from what is bad for us, though sometimes we gallop TO what is bad for us. You would think we would realize we are NOT horses and stop all this galloping.
unconquered mind
Gallop. The little redheaded girl, only just two years old, got down from the horse by the help of her uncle. She ran to her aunt and cried, “Gallopy! Gallopy!” She pointed to the horse and shouted, “Gallopy!” It was the greatest day of her life.
HOrses galloping across the white snow packed field in the winter bring back such memories as forlicing in the snow at my aunt’s house every christmas and making smores on the fire with my long lost cousins. I miss those days, sitting under the tree and trying to figure out what’s in the brightlt wrapped packages
mighty steed! your famed gallop throughout the night has been immortalized in song. ride now, ride again, and bring your master home in this – the hour of abandon!
sean alan kindt
when you ride a horse you gallop over hurdles.
Meg McDonald
as i galloped trough the field of daisys on my golden stallion i met a lepracon named jerry who taght me the lay of the land and how to grow enough fruit to last a life time. As we reached the bordering city of Kalediscope I found a fair maiden who i asked to sack up with for the night. She
when i see this word i think of horses, and I guess it makes me think of the art museum in Denver, too. I’m really glad I went to the art museum while I was there. It was really interactive, which is nice for a museum. I was surprised that Denver was so proud to be in the West.
The majestic grey horse galloped throughout the open land. The cage was broken as he enjoyed the fresh spring air. The beauty of his freedom brought tears to my eyes, and I was thankful he’d lived through the hardships we put him through.
Chelsea P.
gallop. horses do this.
i think when they run.
they trot when they walk.
lots of hair.
horse flys all day.
gallop i dont know what the hell this mean
the big bronze stallion trotted gracefully through the field insearch of his one true love…Bucky.
galloping along i travel in a straightish line. Not entirely straight for the curves in the path and the spikey leaves on either side of me; both I and the horse wish to avoid these so as to remove the possibility of pain from stabby scratches. We are running as one, we gallop under the night sky, and continue for eons. Continue until we ARE the night sky, and cannot go anywhere else for the stars are all the same; our neighbours.
The horse gallops across the road. Behind him, also fleeing, are countless villagers. The smoke the horse inhales causes it to cough gently, then more and more violently before it collapses.
Stephen Meylor
Horse, clicking. Clopping, clicking.
Gallop. Gallop. Faster. Faster.
A man is in a hurry.
Saving a princess perhaps.
To the train tracks! To say
the day! To save
the day!
The horse galloped away from my grandmother. she loved the horse but she knew it had to be freed. it was a mustang, and couldn’t be tamed.
as my grandmother said goodbye the mustang turned and looked at her, as if saying goodbye back.
we galloped across thes sky with lights floating all around like jupiter on fire we saw futures that were close and far awayand dreamed of each other every night…
Wooooo. wooooo.
The gallop.
horse running fast
When the horse took its midnight stroll it made a sort of muted whimper when it started into its gallop. Much to Mary’s horror the horse’s shoe was broken.
the horse galloped through the meadow with teh beautiful maiden upon its bare back. the horse panted sweating exerting all its energy, a stallion wild and untamable. THe girl throws her head back in ecstacy.
Watching horses gallop in the fields is a peaceful activity. Its wonderful to see the grace and beauty as they seemingly glide throught the air, free and careless. Seeing a new foul take its first gallop is an amazing thing.
Horses gallop through the woods and other places. Galloping is more of the whole steps with the sound that it makes. Gallop seems to be an onomatopoeia, but I guess not exactly. To me it is though. When I hear the word gallop, I can just picture the horse running and pretty much hear the sound of the gallops.
Imanie Elbanna
horse gallop on valleys. guinea pigs gallop to eat hay. gall is a gril. its also another for gall op is juts an odd word. horses gallop dont they? and donkeys any animal like a orse gallops ok? ok. galloping is like running but more fun. like skipping or jogging. not like swimming though. i dont think horses can swim. so there. the word gallop. horses gallop
nicole la joie
Gallop. I hear a horse. I take part in a survey. Oh, wait, that gallup…I think. Anyway, the horse is better. Giddy up horsey…gallop!
Horses gallop through the woods and other places. Galloping is more of the whole steps with the sound that it makes. Gallop seems to be an onomatopoeia, but I guess not exactly. To me it is though.
Imanie Elbanna
He skipped across the street as if galloping. The motion resembled that of a free horse, sprinting through the grass. He was hopping, hovering, and serpenting through the crowd, looking for something precious.
Muscles flowed like water under the dark hide. 163 was a beautiful filly. He didn’t know how he could par this girls from her, but business was business and she had to go.
she galloped down the steep hill, her horse buckling under the her. Twigs snag her auburn hair.
my heart gallops inside
this stupid little chest
and everything is purpled at the edges
as if the sun were setting
inside of each of our lips
our bellies have no plump rosy-ness
and we cannot bend our fingers
or close the curtains when night arrives
everyone lowers their faces and whisper
yet none really know what they assume:
that we are the dead girls
and yes,if you’re wondering:
we are the dead girls
I hopped on my horse as it started to gallop. We galloped of into the sunset. I didn’t want to run away but something told me that I had to.
Gallop, he gallop five hundred and twenty miles just to see her. Riding through mountains and rivers, passing through dangers. No matter what the distance was, his goal was on her. No matter what it takes, no matter where she goes; he’ll wait for her, he’ll chase after her, all just for her.
The horse galloped down the white beach. The sun began to set in the distance and the sound of his hooves filled the air. The lone stallion had no limitations, nothing or no one to tell him that he couldn’t. I wish I could be like that horse….
i feel like you’re galloping while I’m standing still.
you move on so much faster than I do,
and I get to see you gallop away with her.
I went galloping through the brush, wondering if he’d be right behind me. I had left him standing there and went off into the distance. The distance is all I could hold onto, it was all that I could stand to be. All I could hear was the sound of the horse, and all I saw was my life as what it would never be.
He didn’t quite walk, didn’t quite run. He surely didn’t jog–not the type. But he went forward with a fervor and a hunger for life. He did not think, just went. Galloped, that’s what he did, like an animal fleeing, but running from nothing.
gallop pallop is very lupy scalop and dullop on third quorter sample sticker with red yes
He rode in at a gallop, which was silly given that he was riding a tank. But he was an archaeophile, and in his mind, he rode a dashing charger, one worthy of Napoleon or at least a French dressage team.
I sighed as Henry continued to hum “The William Tell Overture.” It was bad enough he had to take me horse-backing riding, even knowing well enough that I had almost gotten my finger bit off below the knuckle last time. As we galloped towards Lake Pontchartrain…
She galloped accross the stadium, trying to catch up to the man she used to call father, it wasn’t fair! He was supposed to follow her. It’s not fair. Her stallion gave a loud snort as he tried to catch up to her father’s horse.
we gallop away from what is bad for us, though sometimes we gallop TO what is bad for us. You would think we would realize we are NOT horses and stop all this galloping.
Gallop. The little redheaded girl, only just two years old, got down from the horse by the help of her uncle. She ran to her aunt and cried, “Gallopy! Gallopy!” She pointed to the horse and shouted, “Gallopy!” It was the greatest day of her life.
HOrses galloping across the white snow packed field in the winter bring back such memories as forlicing in the snow at my aunt’s house every christmas and making smores on the fire with my long lost cousins. I miss those days, sitting under the tree and trying to figure out what’s in the brightlt wrapped packages
mighty steed! your famed gallop throughout the night has been immortalized in song. ride now, ride again, and bring your master home in this – the hour of abandon!
when you ride a horse you gallop over hurdles.
as i galloped trough the field of daisys on my golden stallion i met a lepracon named jerry who taght me the lay of the land and how to grow enough fruit to last a life time. As we reached the bordering city of Kalediscope I found a fair maiden who i asked to sack up with for the night. She
when i see this word i think of horses, and I guess it makes me think of the art museum in Denver, too. I’m really glad I went to the art museum while I was there. It was really interactive, which is nice for a museum. I was surprised that Denver was so proud to be in the West.
The majestic grey horse galloped throughout the open land. The cage was broken as he enjoyed the fresh spring air. The beauty of his freedom brought tears to my eyes, and I was thankful he’d lived through the hardships we put him through.
gallop. horses do this.
i think when they run.
they trot when they walk.
lots of hair.
horse flys all day.
gallop i dont know what the hell this mean
the big bronze stallion trotted gracefully through the field insearch of his one true love…Bucky.
galloping along i travel in a straightish line. Not entirely straight for the curves in the path and the spikey leaves on either side of me; both I and the horse wish to avoid these so as to remove the possibility of pain from stabby scratches. We are running as one, we gallop under the night sky, and continue for eons. Continue until we ARE the night sky, and cannot go anywhere else for the stars are all the same; our neighbours.
The horse gallops across the road. Behind him, also fleeing, are countless villagers. The smoke the horse inhales causes it to cough gently, then more and more violently before it collapses.
Horse, clicking. Clopping, clicking.
Gallop. Gallop. Faster. Faster.
A man is in a hurry.
Saving a princess perhaps.
To the train tracks! To say
the day! To save
the day!
The horse galloped away from my grandmother. she loved the horse but she knew it had to be freed. it was a mustang, and couldn’t be tamed.
as my grandmother said goodbye the mustang turned and looked at her, as if saying goodbye back.
we galloped across thes sky with lights floating all around like jupiter on fire we saw futures that were close and far awayand dreamed of each other every night…
Wooooo. wooooo.
The gallop.
horse running fast
When the horse took its midnight stroll it made a sort of muted whimper when it started into its gallop. Much to Mary’s horror the horse’s shoe was broken.
the horse galloped through the meadow with teh beautiful maiden upon its bare back. the horse panted sweating exerting all its energy, a stallion wild and untamable. THe girl throws her head back in ecstacy.
Watching horses gallop in the fields is a peaceful activity. Its wonderful to see the grace and beauty as they seemingly glide throught the air, free and careless. Seeing a new foul take its first gallop is an amazing thing.
Horses gallop through the woods and other places. Galloping is more of the whole steps with the sound that it makes. Gallop seems to be an onomatopoeia, but I guess not exactly. To me it is though. When I hear the word gallop, I can just picture the horse running and pretty much hear the sound of the gallops.
horse gallop on valleys. guinea pigs gallop to eat hay. gall is a gril. its also another for gall op is juts an odd word. horses gallop dont they? and donkeys any animal like a orse gallops ok? ok. galloping is like running but more fun. like skipping or jogging. not like swimming though. i dont think horses can swim. so there. the word gallop. horses gallop
Gallop. I hear a horse. I take part in a survey. Oh, wait, that gallup…I think. Anyway, the horse is better. Giddy up horsey…gallop!
Horses gallop through the woods and other places. Galloping is more of the whole steps with the sound that it makes. Gallop seems to be an onomatopoeia, but I guess not exactly. To me it is though.
He skipped across the street as if galloping. The motion resembled that of a free horse, sprinting through the grass. He was hopping, hovering, and serpenting through the crowd, looking for something precious.
Muscles flowed like water under the dark hide. 163 was a beautiful filly. He didn’t know how he could par this girls from her, but business was business and she had to go.