
November 10th, 2009 | 582 Entries

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582 Entries for “gallop”

  1. horses gallop through the meadows happily. strolling along the paths winding in and out of trees and bushes.

  2. whoot! horsey! I really dont like horses, once one stepped on my fot and it hurt a lot. also, my friend’s dad ran over my aunts horse and it died. but that was okay, because i didnt really like it anyway. i had to gallop in a school play once. it was about turkeys. i hated it. it was in 1st grade i think.

  3. horses bounding left and right, going as fast as they can. a group of twenty, all different breeds and colors. you stare, wondering how it is they are so beautiful. you stare as they run, faster and faster, until you cannot see them anymore. you forgot to take pictures. sad. walking away you smile.

  4. gallop away,
    into the sunset.
    too bad
    it does
    not work
    that way.

    they stay.
    black sha-
    dows in the

    too bad
    we have
    been led


  5. The horse had a gallop that made her feel so free!!!!!!!!! She loved every minute of the ride,Enjoy the ride ,

  6. i was galloping down the trails with peter cottontail then he pulled out a doobie and we stopped to smoke and got lootieeeeeeee

  7. gallop, run, cry, hurt,
    by the tree, by the last river in town,
    smile, laugh, hug, forget to wear a jacket,
    and slam on the keys of the words you never said outloud

  8. ba dump, ba dump, ba bump
    gallop my heart
    gallop over me
    over my soul, my weakness, my freedom
    gallop over my everything
    ba dump, ba dump, ba bump
    gallop over my fears
    gallop over my love
    gallop over my peace, my life, my every thought
    gallop over my nothing

  9. Horses gallop. Thoughts gallop. I used to ride horses when I was younger, I haven’t in a while. But now I broke my foot and I can’t really do much of anything. The word gallop is also visually interesting: there’s two ll and it’s pretty symmetrical from there.

  10. Faster Faster
    Bumpy coners
    Flying through the wind
    Cheeks turn red
    Over the hills
    I’ve found you there

  11. The horse galloped. The fox galloped. And the duck galloped too. Don’t ask me how, don’t ask me why. I really am only a spectator telling the story. I just sat down and watched. And listened. I know as much as you do.

  12. I am galloping through the woods at high speed.
    I am unsure of where I am going,
    For I am not expected to know.
    The director is aware of all and I am simply expected to follow directions.

    Ignorance is bliss, isn’t it?
    Truth is what I know. All I know.

  13. horses galloping horses remind me of people with buck teeh like me horses remind me of white rich girls no racism intended horses reminfd of country innocnece horsese horses

  14. Horses trot. Sometimes which is called galloping. It is faster than walking, but slower than running. Like a jog, only this action is usually reffered to as horses taking this action.

  15. the horse gallops at a ver fast rate. His galloping wakes me up.

  16. horses in the fields. sunny day and flowers. galloping in the wild. baby and mother horses. dont run, gallop. wha wha wha woooo ya ya so much things to say right now uh oh time’z a runnin out!!

  17. I heard the rider down the road from a mile away. That’s when I knew that I had been tricked. She had found out, somehow. This runaway plot was not going as planned. Suddenly, I felt like murdering my author.

  18. Run run run run
    So little time before they come to get you, so move quickly
    faster than a stallion whipped by its rider
    faster than a speeding bullet, faster than the reflexes of the one shooting it
    Get away before they catch you
    Before they grab you by the wrist, shake you
    Before it’s too late

  19. a horse can gallop tirelessly across the valley in the summer sun. I can’t make it across town in a pair of Manolo Blahniks.

    Layla Macoran
  20. horses. lots of them. dark brown. beautiful. wind. hair.

  21. horses do this often. Like Diabla. Best feeling in the world. Like flying. But you don’t need wings. It’s just you and the horse, soaring and doing what you were always intended to do. That’s what it’s all about. Just you and the horse around a lake, doing what is the best feeling ever. The end.

  22. Fast… I ran so fast. My hooves clacked on the sand. I embraced the wind on my face. I galloped for miles… I found a river and stopped to take a drink… then I ran I’m free

  23. I love to ride horses and to hear the horses galloping. I remember once when I was playing a game and my word was to gallop so I had to try to make a galloping noise. I wasn’t very good at it.

  24. I love to ride horses. When I was little, I would ride in my mom’s lap. I still like to hear the sound of the horses galloping. I also like to see what other things sound like a horse galloping.

  25. its means to run like a horse

  26. I like to gallop like a horse.

  27. galloping horses in the field, sun set and i watch them ride. i wish i were as freee as the wild horses, I dont believe i can acheieve the same happiness sitting here in the life im in right now. i need to be free, i need to run…i want the wind to blow in my hair, and be carefree.

  28. saiuhdaushdsah asdhasdha hhajhsa s sdhahsdad dhadashdjahhd aahh hdahshda hdhdh dhw udh dwudauhd awhwh wahd aduwa huawdhua dwhd dauh wadh ahdahd dh dha hwh dhduhdauhd hwadhawhdhh d dhwduwdu dh whudhwd hdhaw duha adhad hh h db hbvbhdbvhv h h h ffh f j djkj fdjd fjdsldjs sdk sjsjs i sh dh sdh k hdsh ddhs d sh khdjhf uhfdhf dh skhdjskd kjs d fkd fjs skhd sh f djk fdh skj d dofjd dfj djfdjhs hdjshd dflkjfdj fhsj sj s g b g h gfg b fbf bgf bgf b fgb fg bf b df vs d fs f sf g t gr t ds s fs f g tg d f d df fd df fd fd fdf d fdvgd rgvrfsd gd gg r s es fe sfs efs g sg ef esf es gesg eff sefg s seg sf esg gdr gd g rg d g f gd f dg d gfgfd g rdg rd gd fg dgf dd f fd g dfg df g drge r gdmklfsn ksfkns kjfnsjk fhekjnfjkrsbfjks hfkjdrfekf jf f ifesfsfbks fnkjf fsjkfnk jn sknbfksbnejfbn sj fjkn fkj snfkj nskjnf jkfn kjnf jkfbnkg ddgr rgd rgg gdrgg rdg

    jamie Kendall
  29. And there’s a horse where once there was none, galumpfing merrily across the Wyoming plains, head thrown back in a derisive snort. I know it’s directed at me. I look upon him with hate and envy. If only my legs were so powerful, my spirit so whole.

    Sam Riedel
  30. Galloping down the hill, I felt a sort of chill. Since you were no where to be found i thought it must have been the wind. I hope the skies would chill down a bit for theres no worries down here. Since your no where down here. But up there.

    Nallely Chacon
  31. To walk is to runn.

    To Run is to dance.

    To dance is to fly;

    To fly is to dream.

    To dream is to wish.

    To wish is to hope.

    To hope is to be happy.

  32. sometimes, i gallop around my apartment. i often use the word “gallop” when referring to people walking very fast. “she was galloping all around campus.” one time, i galloped on a horse and almost fell off. that was not fun. Gallop. sounds like someone hacking up some phlegm.

  33. he rode fast. Faster and faster to get away. Away. he needed to go faster. The horse was getting tired. They needed to stop but he wasnt free yet. He could stil hear them. they were cose behind. Closer and closer. They were gainin up on hi

  34. I was on the back of the horse, going at a strong gallop. The wind was in my hair. The faster the gallop the more my hair whipped around my face and covered my eyes. The gallop stopped, and I was left wanting more.

  35. The horses, spurred on by their riders and inspired by the war drums beating behind them, broke into a gallop. The thunderous roar of their hooves, like a crashing tidal wave, swept across the battlefield. But the enemies unflinchingly stayed still. When the general saw the enemies smirking, he knew something was horribly wrong.

  36. as she gallops the horse is beautiful and everything sorrounding her will rise to the power of the spirit

    Victoria Valles
  37. its a word about horses and what they do when theyre bored or its used to replace skipping or frolicking…

    dan miller
  38. The horses galloped through the open prairie towards the lake as their hooves struck the lush, grass and their nostrils flared. And the wind swept past their manes. But the leader, Thunderbolt, had other plans then to take the straight way. He turned to the right. Those who were behind began to wonder what was wrong.

    “Where are you going?” called out one.

    The leader didn’t respond; there was no time to with being in the moment.

    His lungs burned, and his tail swished in behind him as the smell of barley hit him.

    A young colt looked over at his mother. “Why are we going this way?”

    “I don’t know why, honey. Just keep following.”

    Up ahead was a small hill and over it was another lake with much sweeter water that the others were unaware of.

    Gouldin Lion
  39. i do not care for this word.

  40. horses like to gallop. I’ve always wanted to own a horse so that I could gallop with it. I love horses and horses look absolutely beautiful when they gallop. Especially a white horse. I really don’t know what else to say about the word gallop. That was the first thing I could think of and it appears to be more time remaining…when will it end?
