a hurting crotch is all that galloping on a horse will ever get you. i remember being twelve years old and being painfully jostled on the back of the galloping mare just attempting to hang on for dear life.
the horse was walking to
When they’re happy, horses gallop. I was really happy, but I was not galloping. Instead, I was swimming in the pool right outside of the hotel, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air with my brother.
i immediately think about hourses, my cousins in florida have horses, but ive never been obseesed with them as they have, i like them, i kind of want to ride on one. chestnut is my favorite color for a horse. i always picture them riding through a field, their mane blowing in the wind.
Gallop. Like horses. Kind of sounds like dollop. Yum Daisy. man thise krinkle kettle chips from costco and some daisy sour cream sounds amazing right now. BAck to gallop. What other animals gallop. Horses… mils pro
i had a friend with the last name gallup, it reminds me of this. i want to tun around in a field with a bunch of flowers and take pretty pictures. the field is full of tall grass and wheat, and it has wonderful colors. the weather is really nice and the sunlight is perfect. it’s the best day imaginable. i have no troubles but still need to get home in time for dinner.
horses gallop cause they’re useless creatures. they’re unable to walk on two legs because they’re fucking horses, so therefore they fucking suck. once i was really drunk and galloped around the kitchen table and pretended i was a horse.
following the trail on the back of a black stallion she takes the fence at a full gallop popping over it like a spring and landing more gracefully on the other side. the air smells bad but the air also feels onderful and she loves her horse. It makes everyday feel better, and she loves riding her horse.
No Sparkles, thank you.
why does she gallop toward the wind? The wind is not to be caught. But if she did catch it, what would it say? What stories would it tell? I would like to sit with a cup of coffee and hear.
I galloped through the rings of fire and lit a blazing trail through you. That was a terrible sentence. What I meant to say was this: I galloped.
Through life
Until now
And I’m still
He rides into the night, the cape flailing behind him like a ghost or shadow intent on remaining by his side. The galloping shatters the silence.
She dove over the bench and hid behind the overturned table as the horses galloped past, rushing around her and throwing up the dust on the floor of the old church. The cowboys fired shots off into the ceiling as they rode by and she could only slide closer to the table, hiding from the only men she’d ever tried to trust. It wasn’t a good day for daisy.
I gallop across the room with arms wide open hoping to be accepted by the one and only you, but what do you do? You turn! You Freaking turn! You saw me! So why would you turn?! Do you hate me?! But, I love you! I love you oh so much!
galloping through the whispers in the night, galloping past the dry plains, galloping past your empty blank stares, past this ugly peeling front door. to the end of the earth the the place where our words will fall from our lips and fly through the cold misty night sky
I’d love to go back to the girl scout camp nestled way up high in the ozark mountains. That’s where I rode my first horse. His name was Magic– and I like his spirit now, even though back then we didn’t get along very well. When I would groom him, he’d reach around and try to bite me– and push me over when I was picking out his hoof.
THe gun shot and soo too did the horses. FLYING out the gate at breakneck speed, their bodies glistened in the mid-morning sunlight as their powerful leg muscles strained with the pressuere of speed.
horsey horsey
Like wild horses gallop unrestrained, my heart pounds when I hear him smile.
why has it been gallop for the last three days?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!! love this site and usually adhere, but enough with the GALLOP!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
horses gallop across meadows and valleys and open green pastures with beautiful landscapes in the background. mountains and pretty trees and the warm sun and white puffy clouds and the inviting grey colors that the mountains hold. i want to be there a lot of the time.
cindy uecker
gallop, reminds me of horse, ooo the 1500! the tudor court. galloping around. horses. i must be a freak i relate everything to the tudor court. gosh i love them so much. wow ADD, i diverged from gallop so much. yes horses relate to tudor court for me and gorses hallop. so can i . LMAO look at what i wrote. gorses hallop
The horse moved faster than the man could. He tried to catch it in vain. It galloped away to a far away place called Deadwood. There it was shot and killed and turned into glue.
“I told you to listen to me, horse. I said if you ran away that you would die,” the man said, while
making arts and crafts.
Dan Foster
The horse,chestnut brown and glossy galloped through the meadow in pursuit of the fox. urging him onward, i cracked the whip and we stumbled, tumbling over into daisies and grass
I galloped through a field the other day as I picked up daisies. They were so beautiful and the sun was shining so bright. I felt so free and invigorated. What a freeing experience. I now have a beautiful vase of daisies in my room to remember my beautiful day by.
run wild and free. fast moving light, flowers in a blur. Time goes by, but it feels like its standing still. Youre smiling and running off into the sunset.
horses trotting and haaving se
Jon galloped across the fields, trying to stay ahead of the assassin without looking like he had more intelligence than the average horse. It would be humuliating to be caught by the assassin to be used as his hunting mount.
The horse galloped while the kid was riding on its back. It was a fun thing but scary for onlookers. It scared me.
running through the feilds
horses do it.
it makes me think of running!
and your hair flying in the wind as you race down the street. (:
the way you feel when your hair is like that.
horse gallop into the sunlight. wild, free how i wish i could be as reckless as thee
clip clop, a horse is running across the field, the headless horsemen is coming to get you, leaves are falling in the autumn in upstate new york and i wish i was there. the cool breeze hits your face and it is the best feeling in the world.
to run and to jump and the sounds of a hoarse running it makes me think of a saddle on a hoarse and a cowboy jumping over a picket white fence sitting on a gravel track which reminds me about this one person that i went to camp with when i was younger who was so chubby that he passed out and went completely unconscious when we were walking back from watching hoarse racing as campers back at tamarack camps.
David Devries
Horses are very unattractive. I might even be bold enough to say they scare me. I don’t like their eyes. I don’t like their legs…
when i was riding the mare, who really only ever was called that, although when pressed i would say her name was lady, we would gallop through a trail in the woods near the house and she wouldn’t ever hesitate to jump any fallen logs, it was the best feeling ever.
i wish i could just gallop away. walk? too slow! run? too lazy. gallop? now that is truly perfection.
a hurting crotch is all that galloping on a horse will ever get you. i remember being twelve years old and being painfully jostled on the back of the galloping mare just attempting to hang on for dear life.
the horse was walking to
When they’re happy, horses gallop. I was really happy, but I was not galloping. Instead, I was swimming in the pool right outside of the hotel, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air with my brother.
i immediately think about hourses, my cousins in florida have horses, but ive never been obseesed with them as they have, i like them, i kind of want to ride on one. chestnut is my favorite color for a horse. i always picture them riding through a field, their mane blowing in the wind.
Gallop. Like horses. Kind of sounds like dollop. Yum Daisy. man thise krinkle kettle chips from costco and some daisy sour cream sounds amazing right now. BAck to gallop. What other animals gallop. Horses… mils pro
i had a friend with the last name gallup, it reminds me of this. i want to tun around in a field with a bunch of flowers and take pretty pictures. the field is full of tall grass and wheat, and it has wonderful colors. the weather is really nice and the sunlight is perfect. it’s the best day imaginable. i have no troubles but still need to get home in time for dinner.
horses gallop cause they’re useless creatures. they’re unable to walk on two legs because they’re fucking horses, so therefore they fucking suck. once i was really drunk and galloped around the kitchen table and pretended i was a horse.
following the trail on the back of a black stallion she takes the fence at a full gallop popping over it like a spring and landing more gracefully on the other side. the air smells bad but the air also feels onderful and she loves her horse. It makes everyday feel better, and she loves riding her horse.
why does she gallop toward the wind? The wind is not to be caught. But if she did catch it, what would it say? What stories would it tell? I would like to sit with a cup of coffee and hear.
I galloped through the rings of fire and lit a blazing trail through you. That was a terrible sentence. What I meant to say was this: I galloped.
Through life
Until now
And I’m still
He rides into the night, the cape flailing behind him like a ghost or shadow intent on remaining by his side. The galloping shatters the silence.
She dove over the bench and hid behind the overturned table as the horses galloped past, rushing around her and throwing up the dust on the floor of the old church. The cowboys fired shots off into the ceiling as they rode by and she could only slide closer to the table, hiding from the only men she’d ever tried to trust. It wasn’t a good day for daisy.
I gallop across the room with arms wide open hoping to be accepted by the one and only you, but what do you do? You turn! You Freaking turn! You saw me! So why would you turn?! Do you hate me?! But, I love you! I love you oh so much!
galloping through the whispers in the night, galloping past the dry plains, galloping past your empty blank stares, past this ugly peeling front door. to the end of the earth the the place where our words will fall from our lips and fly through the cold misty night sky
I’d love to go back to the girl scout camp nestled way up high in the ozark mountains. That’s where I rode my first horse. His name was Magic– and I like his spirit now, even though back then we didn’t get along very well. When I would groom him, he’d reach around and try to bite me– and push me over when I was picking out his hoof.
THe gun shot and soo too did the horses. FLYING out the gate at breakneck speed, their bodies glistened in the mid-morning sunlight as their powerful leg muscles strained with the pressuere of speed.
horsey horsey
Like wild horses gallop unrestrained, my heart pounds when I hear him smile.
why has it been gallop for the last three days?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!! love this site and usually adhere, but enough with the GALLOP!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
horses gallop across meadows and valleys and open green pastures with beautiful landscapes in the background. mountains and pretty trees and the warm sun and white puffy clouds and the inviting grey colors that the mountains hold. i want to be there a lot of the time.
gallop, reminds me of horse, ooo the 1500! the tudor court. galloping around. horses. i must be a freak i relate everything to the tudor court. gosh i love them so much. wow ADD, i diverged from gallop so much. yes horses relate to tudor court for me and gorses hallop. so can i . LMAO look at what i wrote. gorses hallop
The horse moved faster than the man could. He tried to catch it in vain. It galloped away to a far away place called Deadwood. There it was shot and killed and turned into glue.
“I told you to listen to me, horse. I said if you ran away that you would die,” the man said, while
making arts and crafts.
The horse,chestnut brown and glossy galloped through the meadow in pursuit of the fox. urging him onward, i cracked the whip and we stumbled, tumbling over into daisies and grass
I galloped through a field the other day as I picked up daisies. They were so beautiful and the sun was shining so bright. I felt so free and invigorated. What a freeing experience. I now have a beautiful vase of daisies in my room to remember my beautiful day by.
run wild and free. fast moving light, flowers in a blur. Time goes by, but it feels like its standing still. Youre smiling and running off into the sunset.
horses trotting and haaving se
Jon galloped across the fields, trying to stay ahead of the assassin without looking like he had more intelligence than the average horse. It would be humuliating to be caught by the assassin to be used as his hunting mount.
The horse galloped while the kid was riding on its back. It was a fun thing but scary for onlookers. It scared me.
running through the feilds
horses do it.
it makes me think of running!
and your hair flying in the wind as you race down the street. (:
the way you feel when your hair is like that.
horse gallop into the sunlight. wild, free how i wish i could be as reckless as thee
clip clop, a horse is running across the field, the headless horsemen is coming to get you, leaves are falling in the autumn in upstate new york and i wish i was there. the cool breeze hits your face and it is the best feeling in the world.
to run and to jump and the sounds of a hoarse running it makes me think of a saddle on a hoarse and a cowboy jumping over a picket white fence sitting on a gravel track which reminds me about this one person that i went to camp with when i was younger who was so chubby that he passed out and went completely unconscious when we were walking back from watching hoarse racing as campers back at tamarack camps.
Horses are very unattractive. I might even be bold enough to say they scare me. I don’t like their eyes. I don’t like their legs…
when i was riding the mare, who really only ever was called that, although when pressed i would say her name was lady, we would gallop through a trail in the woods near the house and she wouldn’t ever hesitate to jump any fallen logs, it was the best feeling ever.
i wish i could just gallop away. walk? too slow! run? too lazy. gallop? now that is truly perfection.