He galloped valiantly along the way. I don’t know. I have a cigarette in my hand and I am high. So this is really odd and a total waste. To anyone who should read this: i apologize. This isn’t interesting or cool or anything. Yeah. I’m not an author. i just stumbled here.
Moving ever stillly through the world on the back of a magestic animal carrying me hither from a world of my own, allowing me to escape into a world of dreamlike proportions so as to prevent me from feeling the despairage of my life, allowing eternal exctasy, and love… I love all of you, TURN ON TUNE IN DROP OUT
horses gallop, and so do little boys and toddlers who would rather get somewhere faster rather than slower. Gallop seems like the perfect word to describe the action. Its hippity hoppity and bouncy. It jumps up and plops right down in your mouth. GA LLOP. I like that “P” on the end especially.
Suzie Petunia
Well, if one thinks about it, horses are just a bigger version of dogs. Now, If I could ride my dog that would be sweet. Hehehehehe. Sweet. And if he could fly too. Like that crazy dragon dog from the Neverending story. Yeah. Flying dragon dogs, Sweeet. And whatsup with no sex scenes in that movie eh>
to run like a animal, to speed past what is the norm, to enjoy what left of our instincts to protect ourselfs
casey schmutzler
What am i supposed to be typing? I am so very confused, so i guess i will just tell the story of my life in 1 setnance:
My life is full of despair sadness emptyness and evil i am alone in a , wait this is a run on sentance, nvm then, i guess i will say
my mind galloped into an oblivion of broken dreams and despair.
Matthew Wright
The horse galloped over the wats it called holy crap wat the f(*k is that stupid thing caLLED THAT THEy gallop over, this is it, wtf this just ruined my thoughts, fu$k this!
Mc Fail
duddda dum duddda dum dudda dum dum dum dudda dum duuda dum dudda dum dun dum duuda dum duuda dum duudda dum dum dum duudddaa dumMMMMM dudda dum dum dum. HiHO SILVER!
skipping through the fields on a horse, with my hair flowing in the wind. there are flowers everywhere. and, the hold grail. I can hear the “click, clack clock” in the background….another horse!
Galloping is when you hop, bur while moving forward or back. You usually have your body sideways and almost clap your feet together!! LOLZZZ!!!
It meant that I had to gallop when someone dumped that pan of boiling water on my foot. I hip-hopped my way to the toilet and dumped my foot in the base of the toilet, shoe and all. Not my best work.
horse run quickly
horses frolakicng in the land of the pretty things, they like to run fast in teh sense they lke to gallop sometimes they glide over the ocean sometimes they swim under the sea, these horses can reach the stars with their gallops and they can travel very far through forests and universes, they are powerful creatures.
She ran. She ran fast and true. In an almost, animal like stride she purged from the horizon behind. Sweat and blood trickled and tampled like hayweed and dirt below. She hauled. Toward the light. She galloped. She was free.
The backyard of our house emptied out into the vastness of wilderness. The horses would come out and gallop across the fields like running water pouring out of the vase of life.
The horse galloped through a field, blood flecking his nostrils, as the pain of the whip coursed down his body. He was a good horse. But not good enough. He was going to lose the next jump, and break his legs. The whip master would shoot him.
Free horse, running through the fields without a care.
Free spirit, thudding against the ground, going nowhere, but away.
Going to another place, where all is peaceful.
Gliding, thud, free, spirit, run away.
Go be free.
a horse galloped across the field, its mane flowing in the wind. freedom fluttered around it. there was nothing that could stop her from her dreams. this was the future.
why does gallop have to be the freakin’ word every single time I try this? there are absolutely no good sentences about gallop =P
to speed across the desert on your trusty steed. at break neck speeds. no damsels…. no watering holes…your you , your horese, and 30 other horny cowbhoys
animal farm
george orwell
big brother
my super sweet sixteen
moulin rouge
diet mountain dew
the ocean
the sea
pet semetary
the word is the word. sometimes the things are working but sometimes they are not, what is the word? is it a worldly bird? and a hat walks along, where might it go? i like words. gallop is a word. the horse gallops. i watch horses gallop, they gallop fast down a racetrack.. watch them go!
she watched the horse gallop away on the screen. behind the imaginary world of the television. and she wished she could press into the glass, all of the colored lights and blend with the world on the other side. where dreams and reality were one. and like the science of sleep, she had only to be in love with pony boy.
one of the coolest experiences is getting on a horse that’s bred for speed-for freedom. let loose her reigns and feel the rush of the wind through your whole body…
I thought I was running, but I was galloping, gallop gallop,
I found my way to the river because I was quite concerned about the sound I was making, gallop
it seemed quite clear to me, that I would gallop now and again, again and again, till the gallop was done
The horse did gallop wildly as it ran wildly from the swarm of bees.
for my wifes birthday her sister took her horse back riding … even though she didnt get to have the horse gallop she still had a great time… when she was younger she had a horse and im sure she would get caddy into a gallop all the time!
for my wifes birthday her sister took her horse back riding … even though she didnt get to have the horse gallop she still had a great time… when she was younger she had a horse and im sure she would get caddy into a gallop all the time!
bum lada um lada bum bum bum, jeez i like the lone ranger, cause it’s a comic that reminds me of tough guys like my dad. he’s a jerk, but you know. i had a dream once that he was dead but talking to me and he was really nice like he never was before. It makes me sad to know he might not be like that again.
Ian Hunter
a horse gallops. i wish that i could gallop like a horse. it would be so nice. so calming. galloping to me is like humping, so nice. so nice. you know? i think you do. please come and gallop with me would be synonymous to please come hump me.
Alex Hanauer
When I think about the word “gallop”, I think of horses.
I fucking hate horses.
They are such ugly animals, and they don’t fucking do anything except fucking stand there and eat fucking grass.
Yeah, you can ride them if you want, but why do that when you can ride a variety of other things?
The fascination that so many people have with horses to me seems so unnecessary.
I was on my trusty horse, riding across the prairie. I needed to hurry. There was no telling how long little Susie would last. They might decide to take her life at any second. Leaning in over Gastrin’s head, my mind began racing with with what I would do once I got there.
horses are seen galloping across the plain-no one knows where, to or why but that’s the spirit of the hills. that magical moment you break free form everything and just llet go–that’s what the greatest parts of life.
He galloped valiantly along the way. I don’t know. I have a cigarette in my hand and I am high. So this is really odd and a total waste. To anyone who should read this: i apologize. This isn’t interesting or cool or anything. Yeah. I’m not an author. i just stumbled here.
Moving ever stillly through the world on the back of a magestic animal carrying me hither from a world of my own, allowing me to escape into a world of dreamlike proportions so as to prevent me from feeling the despairage of my life, allowing eternal exctasy, and love… I love all of you, TURN ON TUNE IN DROP OUT
horses gallop, and so do little boys and toddlers who would rather get somewhere faster rather than slower. Gallop seems like the perfect word to describe the action. Its hippity hoppity and bouncy. It jumps up and plops right down in your mouth. GA LLOP. I like that “P” on the end especially.
Well, if one thinks about it, horses are just a bigger version of dogs. Now, If I could ride my dog that would be sweet. Hehehehehe. Sweet. And if he could fly too. Like that crazy dragon dog from the Neverending story. Yeah. Flying dragon dogs, Sweeet. And whatsup with no sex scenes in that movie eh>
to run like a animal, to speed past what is the norm, to enjoy what left of our instincts to protect ourselfs
What am i supposed to be typing? I am so very confused, so i guess i will just tell the story of my life in 1 setnance:
My life is full of despair sadness emptyness and evil i am alone in a , wait this is a run on sentance, nvm then, i guess i will say
my mind galloped into an oblivion of broken dreams and despair.
The horse galloped over the wats it called holy crap wat the f(*k is that stupid thing caLLED THAT THEy gallop over, this is it, wtf this just ruined my thoughts, fu$k this!
duddda dum duddda dum dudda dum dum dum dudda dum duuda dum dudda dum dun dum duuda dum duuda dum duudda dum dum dum duudddaa dumMMMMM dudda dum dum dum. HiHO SILVER!
skipping through the fields on a horse, with my hair flowing in the wind. there are flowers everywhere. and, the hold grail. I can hear the “click, clack clock” in the background….another horse!
Galloping is when you hop, bur while moving forward or back. You usually have your body sideways and almost clap your feet together!! LOLZZZ!!!
It meant that I had to gallop when someone dumped that pan of boiling water on my foot. I hip-hopped my way to the toilet and dumped my foot in the base of the toilet, shoe and all. Not my best work.
horse run quickly
horses frolakicng in the land of the pretty things, they like to run fast in teh sense they lke to gallop sometimes they glide over the ocean sometimes they swim under the sea, these horses can reach the stars with their gallops and they can travel very far through forests and universes, they are powerful creatures.
She ran. She ran fast and true. In an almost, animal like stride she purged from the horizon behind. Sweat and blood trickled and tampled like hayweed and dirt below. She hauled. Toward the light. She galloped. She was free.
The backyard of our house emptied out into the vastness of wilderness. The horses would come out and gallop across the fields like running water pouring out of the vase of life.
The horse galloped through a field, blood flecking his nostrils, as the pain of the whip coursed down his body. He was a good horse. But not good enough. He was going to lose the next jump, and break his legs. The whip master would shoot him.
Free horse, running through the fields without a care.
Free spirit, thudding against the ground, going nowhere, but away.
Going to another place, where all is peaceful.
Gliding, thud, free, spirit, run away.
Go be free.
a horse galloped across the field, its mane flowing in the wind. freedom fluttered around it. there was nothing that could stop her from her dreams. this was the future.
A horse gallops.
galloping gallantly and groping gross greg
why does gallop have to be the freakin’ word every single time I try this? there are absolutely no good sentences about gallop =P
to speed across the desert on your trusty steed. at break neck speeds. no damsels…. no watering holes…your you , your horese, and 30 other horny cowbhoys
animal farm
george orwell
big brother
my super sweet sixteen
moulin rouge
diet mountain dew
the ocean
the sea
pet semetary
the word is the word. sometimes the things are working but sometimes they are not, what is the word? is it a worldly bird? and a hat walks along, where might it go? i like words. gallop is a word. the horse gallops. i watch horses gallop, they gallop fast down a racetrack.. watch them go!
she watched the horse gallop away on the screen. behind the imaginary world of the television. and she wished she could press into the glass, all of the colored lights and blend with the world on the other side. where dreams and reality were one. and like the science of sleep, she had only to be in love with pony boy.
one of the coolest experiences is getting on a horse that’s bred for speed-for freedom. let loose her reigns and feel the rush of the wind through your whole body…
I thought I was running, but I was galloping, gallop gallop,
I found my way to the river because I was quite concerned about the sound I was making, gallop
it seemed quite clear to me, that I would gallop now and again, again and again, till the gallop was done
The horse did gallop wildly as it ran wildly from the swarm of bees.
for my wifes birthday her sister took her horse back riding … even though she didnt get to have the horse gallop she still had a great time… when she was younger she had a horse and im sure she would get caddy into a gallop all the time!
for my wifes birthday her sister took her horse back riding … even though she didnt get to have the horse gallop she still had a great time… when she was younger she had a horse and im sure she would get caddy into a gallop all the time!
bum lada um lada bum bum bum, jeez i like the lone ranger, cause it’s a comic that reminds me of tough guys like my dad. he’s a jerk, but you know. i had a dream once that he was dead but talking to me and he was really nice like he never was before. It makes me sad to know he might not be like that again.
a horse gallops. i wish that i could gallop like a horse. it would be so nice. so calming. galloping to me is like humping, so nice. so nice. you know? i think you do. please come and gallop with me would be synonymous to please come hump me.
When I think about the word “gallop”, I think of horses.
I fucking hate horses.
They are such ugly animals, and they don’t fucking do anything except fucking stand there and eat fucking grass.
Yeah, you can ride them if you want, but why do that when you can ride a variety of other things?
The fascination that so many people have with horses to me seems so unnecessary.
I was on my trusty horse, riding across the prairie. I needed to hurry. There was no telling how long little Susie would last. They might decide to take her life at any second. Leaning in over Gastrin’s head, my mind began racing with with what I would do once I got there.
horses are seen galloping across the plain-no one knows where, to or why but that’s the spirit of the hills. that magical moment you break free form everything and just llet go–that’s what the greatest parts of life.