I think it means to go and not stop change shifts and go faster or slower or stop and think go to what u can do at your own speed
The stuff I need to play my best golf. It makes so I can play rain or shine, hot or cold. I play my best golf when I have the right gear.
Gears on a toy — I always loved to play with gears and make things operate. I like to see what turning one gear does. It will start a chain reaction.
He sets his gear on the stony riverbank.
Sipping from his canteen, the young private reminisces about the assignment that’s led him here; that’s claimed the lives of his entire detachment but him – and he sighs.
His gears began to jam… the shadows of the night rode inbetween the metal teeth and slowed the turning until he could no longer walk. he looked up at the sky, mouth agape, and his eyes welled with tears.
Gear, what kind of gear do i need? do they even make the kind of gear i need? do i need it? a broken heart isn’t some adventure that you go off on, it isn’t climbing a mountain, it isn’t hiking a trail. well, maybe figuratively, or metaphorically speaking. but a broken heart is the only gear i have, and sadly it may be all i’m given. sometimes i think it isn’t fair, but
dont know what that means…probably something reminds me of the stupid game metal gear….i mean everyone loves that game….just why do i find it stupid? its too long and slow to be attached to…..gear can be written as gare which means station in French.
what gear were you in at the time of the accident asked the lawyer.
Guzzi and reeboks replied the defendant
only me
careful about your love of the word gear, cause it can also mean heroin. you love gear? good luck babs ;)
You need gear if your riding a bike. You also need gear to work in a factory.
i wore sports gear to pratice
a example of the word gear could be dials or gears on a shpi on a plane, and ther is a game call gears of war. and thsts what i think of gears
coco crisp
car or sports gear like helmets and pads and swimming gear like goggles and hiking gear lik ehiking shoes. gear rymes with ear and fearand my dear
tooth fairy
This is my favorite word! It inspires me. I have a lot of baseball gear. I have liked this word for over a year now. It is a short word that sounds very cool. I like gear.
Gregg Billings
Gears on a car. Gear as in clothing. Gears of a toy. It’s cause and effect. It’s about variety.
a sports equipment, used in sports. there’s head gear for karate. many thing are used as gear.
one world, one life, one god. That’s the message we need to preach, that the message we need to believe. In a world divided by caste creed and color, we need the message of ‘one world’ to be the message of peace.
three times in top gear! why doesn’t the word change EVERY TIME you want to write something? no point in talking to anyone hear, they aren’t in gear, and wont hear. . . ho hum, gear up for another gear. . .
get in to gear, rev it up, and go, go, go. what gear am I in? Oh god, I’m in reverse. . . . that was some gifted gear you gave me girl!
gear up for a cold, lonely winter. this the season to be jolly, la-la-la la-la-la, what damn awful time it’s gonna be this christmas. . . O God, i’m all out of gear, you know, the good gear, the stuff, that. . .
Remember Gear, from Static Shock? The other day I found out that in the comic book continuity, that character is gay.
Really, it explains a lot.
a word for things of utility which can help. a word for drugs which can…either help or hinder. An anagram of rage. Hmm all the gear in the world won’t help me to write any better :0)
Wallifrey the third
Winter is the best time to stock up on gear. If you are in mumbai, might not be easy…what you need is summer gear mostly. Ski slopes and snow is what really calls for gear…oh what to give for a swiss alps trip right now…
a gear is something inside a car which helps the car to move. A gear is also used in a pulley and helps in starting the machinery in some gadgets. it forms an integral part of various types of electronic items. a gear can also be used for motivation – “gear up”.
Avinash Bajaj
too much gear causes people to hate camping. Less is more. Quality over quantity. When choosing gear, think of what skill you could pack along instead. This keeps you light on your feet, and makes hiking so much mo
Austin Anonymous
gear is something which is found in a car…and is used to increase or decrease the speed of the car.
We sometimes also say that “you need to gear up your self” in the sense that you need to put your self in the next higher gear ie..we need to work harder to achieve our goals.
i had to quickly change gears, as the car swerved on to the left, i was speeding at 180km per hour, trying not to get caught by the police as they continued to chase me doeny tht\e dark alley way. I was frightened in the cold, I went fatser changing gears again goine uyp top 200
Gear is what people wear. Young people perhaps. I think of it as a lower class word, but pewrhaps I’m a snob. However young I once was I never used the word in this sense.
Margaret Watson
the thing in your car that lets you go faster and faster and not burn up.
Um… Hi. Im nils. Im bored. Im in learning support. I am so awesome. Way more that U! I rule. U dont.
Btw Ur Face doesn’t rule either
Nils van Willigenburg
i have a lot of snow gear now that i have movecd to iowa its weird i never needed any type of gear for snow when i lived in california although we have snow it never went below 20 F on a good night here its below 5 F on an average night and it sucks the snot in my nose freezes
leontinae layton
I didn’t know where my gear was!! Where was it?? Oh, wait. There. I exhaled slowly, wiping my brow.. that was close: I musn’t loose that! It is my only hope in a situation like this. I vow not to let it out of my sight ever again this day.
something clicks,
and i suddenly want what i cannot have.
first gear:
deny deny delete delete.
second gear:
third gear:
fourth gear:
fifth gear:
my fucking clutch goes out.
When I reach for the gear shift
I always think about sex.
i had a game gear when i was a kid. I only had sonic the hedgehog. the my cousin spilled water on it.
I don’t know what it is because I don’t know english. But I remember the Friends Music (The Tv Serie).
Priscila Klopper
gears. gears of war, nerds boners, Nerds with boners, ew penis. Penises, war, homosexuals, Give us our rights you bastards or we will start a homosexual war. shift gears, changing things we need change. Shifting, grinding, Sexual pleaser. i like grinding on girls. Girls are pretty, gears of war, gears of war really sucks. Fucking noobs.
game gear was the first video game system that i owned. it was also the best. first off, it beat the hell out of any of those lcd crap video games i had, and second it was in color. plus it had sonic the motherfucking hedgehog
james m
the word gear makes me think of hunting season – hubby spends weeks getting together all his “GEAR” to spend a week in the mountains, to come home with 90% of it untouched!
gm jackson
friends, much? stuck in second gear. not good for hill-driving for my sisters car. in need of change to first gear for critical hill-driving.
I think it means to go and not stop change shifts and go faster or slower or stop and think go to what u can do at your own speed
The stuff I need to play my best golf. It makes so I can play rain or shine, hot or cold. I play my best golf when I have the right gear.
Gears on a toy — I always loved to play with gears and make things operate. I like to see what turning one gear does. It will start a chain reaction.
He sets his gear on the stony riverbank.
Sipping from his canteen, the young private reminisces about the assignment that’s led him here; that’s claimed the lives of his entire detachment but him – and he sighs.
His gears began to jam… the shadows of the night rode inbetween the metal teeth and slowed the turning until he could no longer walk. he looked up at the sky, mouth agape, and his eyes welled with tears.
Gear, what kind of gear do i need? do they even make the kind of gear i need? do i need it? a broken heart isn’t some adventure that you go off on, it isn’t climbing a mountain, it isn’t hiking a trail. well, maybe figuratively, or metaphorically speaking. but a broken heart is the only gear i have, and sadly it may be all i’m given. sometimes i think it isn’t fair, but
dont know what that means…probably something reminds me of the stupid game metal gear….i mean everyone loves that game….just why do i find it stupid? its too long and slow to be attached to…..gear can be written as gare which means station in French.
what gear were you in at the time of the accident asked the lawyer.
Guzzi and reeboks replied the defendant
careful about your love of the word gear, cause it can also mean heroin. you love gear? good luck babs ;)
You need gear if your riding a bike. You also need gear to work in a factory.
i wore sports gear to pratice
a example of the word gear could be dials or gears on a shpi on a plane, and ther is a game call gears of war. and thsts what i think of gears
car or sports gear like helmets and pads and swimming gear like goggles and hiking gear lik ehiking shoes. gear rymes with ear and fearand my dear
This is my favorite word! It inspires me. I have a lot of baseball gear. I have liked this word for over a year now. It is a short word that sounds very cool. I like gear.
Gears on a car. Gear as in clothing. Gears of a toy. It’s cause and effect. It’s about variety.
a sports equipment, used in sports. there’s head gear for karate. many thing are used as gear.
one world, one life, one god. That’s the message we need to preach, that the message we need to believe. In a world divided by caste creed and color, we need the message of ‘one world’ to be the message of peace.
three times in top gear! why doesn’t the word change EVERY TIME you want to write something? no point in talking to anyone hear, they aren’t in gear, and wont hear. . . ho hum, gear up for another gear. . .
get in to gear, rev it up, and go, go, go. what gear am I in? Oh god, I’m in reverse. . . . that was some gifted gear you gave me girl!
gear up for a cold, lonely winter. this the season to be jolly, la-la-la la-la-la, what damn awful time it’s gonna be this christmas. . . O God, i’m all out of gear, you know, the good gear, the stuff, that. . .
Remember Gear, from Static Shock? The other day I found out that in the comic book continuity, that character is gay.
Really, it explains a lot.
a word for things of utility which can help. a word for drugs which can…either help or hinder. An anagram of rage. Hmm all the gear in the world won’t help me to write any better :0)
Winter is the best time to stock up on gear. If you are in mumbai, might not be easy…what you need is summer gear mostly. Ski slopes and snow is what really calls for gear…oh what to give for a swiss alps trip right now…
a gear is something inside a car which helps the car to move. A gear is also used in a pulley and helps in starting the machinery in some gadgets. it forms an integral part of various types of electronic items. a gear can also be used for motivation – “gear up”.
too much gear causes people to hate camping. Less is more. Quality over quantity. When choosing gear, think of what skill you could pack along instead. This keeps you light on your feet, and makes hiking so much mo
gear is something which is found in a car…and is used to increase or decrease the speed of the car.
We sometimes also say that “you need to gear up your self” in the sense that you need to put your self in the next higher gear ie..we need to work harder to achieve our goals.
i had to quickly change gears, as the car swerved on to the left, i was speeding at 180km per hour, trying not to get caught by the police as they continued to chase me doeny tht\e dark alley way. I was frightened in the cold, I went fatser changing gears again goine uyp top 200
Gear is what people wear. Young people perhaps. I think of it as a lower class word, but pewrhaps I’m a snob. However young I once was I never used the word in this sense.
the thing in your car that lets you go faster and faster and not burn up.
Um… Hi. Im nils. Im bored. Im in learning support. I am so awesome. Way more that U! I rule. U dont.
Btw Ur Face doesn’t rule either
i have a lot of snow gear now that i have movecd to iowa its weird i never needed any type of gear for snow when i lived in california although we have snow it never went below 20 F on a good night here its below 5 F on an average night and it sucks the snot in my nose freezes
I didn’t know where my gear was!! Where was it?? Oh, wait. There. I exhaled slowly, wiping my brow.. that was close: I musn’t loose that! It is my only hope in a situation like this. I vow not to let it out of my sight ever again this day.
something clicks,
and i suddenly want what i cannot have.
first gear:
deny deny delete delete.
second gear:
third gear:
fourth gear:
fifth gear:
my fucking clutch goes out.
When I reach for the gear shift
I always think about sex.
i had a game gear when i was a kid. I only had sonic the hedgehog. the my cousin spilled water on it.
I don’t know what it is because I don’t know english. But I remember the Friends Music (The Tv Serie).
gears. gears of war, nerds boners, Nerds with boners, ew penis. Penises, war, homosexuals, Give us our rights you bastards or we will start a homosexual war. shift gears, changing things we need change. Shifting, grinding, Sexual pleaser. i like grinding on girls. Girls are pretty, gears of war, gears of war really sucks. Fucking noobs.
game gear was the first video game system that i owned. it was also the best. first off, it beat the hell out of any of those lcd crap video games i had, and second it was in color. plus it had sonic the motherfucking hedgehog
the word gear makes me think of hunting season – hubby spends weeks getting together all his “GEAR” to spend a week in the mountains, to come home with 90% of it untouched!
friends, much? stuck in second gear. not good for hill-driving for my sisters car. in need of change to first gear for critical hill-driving.