
December 6th, 2008 | 558 Entries

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558 Entries for “gear”

  1. snow gear. cold gear. hot gear. under armour. getting ready. packing. inner workings. cogs. a system working together. ready to go. clock. watch. metal. clinking.

  2. Gears are made of metal. They turn, and as they turn the machine runs. The machine is apart of us and we are apart of it. What is good for the machine is good for the pieces. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

  3. there was this guy at a outdoor shop that was all into ‘gear’ and when I walked in to the store he tried to sell me some. “hey man, wanna buy some gear?” he asked me and I said, no sorry man, “I’m just looking around.” Then he followed me from rack to rack, until I said, “F off.”

    Ross Merriam
  4. gear.
    we have so much of it.
    why do we need all of it?
    can’t our lives be simple?
    it seems like the more we have, the more unhappy we are.
    we get alot of stuff, soon claustrophobia sets in
    and there we go
    down the pipes.

    Sam B.
  5. shift in a car, put it in gear get geared up for something…camping gear.lots of it, sporks and tin cans and stuff like that

  6. gear with a backpack, camping gear, gear as in ghetto fab “gear” used to describe things like gold chains and rings and bling. Gear. Gear as in bicycle gears or the things that make clocks work.

    Samantha W.
  7. all day carrying the heavy backpacks through knee high swamps, full of everything from ferns to abandoned tinfoil wrappers. then at last the camping site comes into view and finaly the heavy bag full of gear falls off my tired back. i feel free. free of all the gear of my life. i feel like at last i can relaxe and feel the wieght of all my days hiking off my tired back.

  8. im geared up to receive a A for this paper that im writing right now, god i hop i have aenough ger in my bag to complete this task im working on right now before i trip and fall and fall off the waal just like humpty dumpty that crazy man. Its gear in the clear lets make some noise for your DEtrot LIONSS lets gear up for a win for the first time in a long time, we are gonna go 0-12, lets gear up for another rape by the coach in the locker room after this one, i guess culppeps wasent rolling like we needed him to., reag, is the opposite of gear, does it mean anything? nope, absolutely not

    Chris Voyer
  9. In my opinion 3rd gear is the greatest gear on a sports car. Its the gear in which you drop to in order to pass some one or in general acceleration.

  10. i have all this gear to load in the car and nowhere to go now. i am going nowhere fast. the gears are not working properly either.

  11. I am geared for Montreal, and learning a little bit a French so I don’t feel like a complete tourist. I love languages, they are the breath of the human soul through which communication was born.

  12. Gear could be so many things you know? For one, it makes me think of professionals doing what they do. Grab the gear! Also I think of The Streets, the British Rap group, and then him saying “top gear there, cause I take pride in my hobby” talking about smoking weed in Amsterdam.

  13. there’re gears spinning
    doing something to make it all work

    they grind themself do dust
    before settling with what they do
    they mich as well be birds
    for their thoughts fly ever so high.

  14. He loaded up his gear. All of it; he was experienced with this kind of thing. He knew everything you needed, not just the obvious ones, but the little things, too.

  15. go there is one world in which we live, and which we breath and meditate, one is a number, and one thing, one concept one person can make a difference. One is an idea, which discovers, and this is our world, we live on earth and take care of this planet, we must live in peace

  16. want never gets over

  17. the gears in her mind whirled unrelentingly as she struggled to understand. It was always like this; she was never like the other kids, who got what the teacher was talking about. She had to work harder and think longer.

  18. thing i can use for fun :)

  19. in the temple of the duradinese we all came prepared with servants for sacrifice. they were our gear, our manipulation of the beast that would come. The beast would march to us and expect his meals to be pleasant. For all of us it was a pilgrimage.

    mel callaway
  20. my gear takes me through the toughest weather and the sunniest days…I don’t think of myself as a “gearhead” but I expect a lot from my gear…it needs to prove its worth over and over again. once its value has been proved, i will buy the same gear again

  21. there’s something useful about it. you always have some sort of gear no matter what you’re doing. It may be trying to find out something to say to a girl you like, or as simple as a shoe that you need to wear in a mal or a store. All I know is that a piece of gear will always be around you.

    Kyle Burks
  22. it is the stuff you need to have when you go out. I always think of ski gear or hiking gear or camping gear. It usually costs money and you never have enough. REI is a great gear store. Footloose in Mammoth is the best place for boot fitting.

  23. something you wear during sports or maybe some other sort of like club thing uhh I don’t know, maybe for girl scouts. do girl scouts wear gear??? Are fangs vampire gear?

  24. gear is something you can wear, like “climbing gear”. a gear is also a part of a machine, they fit and work together to complete the machine’s process and function. it is also part of the title of the popular game: “Gears of War.” Gear is an English word.

    Sam Mercauto
  25. I have to gear up to really give this the attention it deserves. After all, life isn’t just about shifting gears; it’s about doing it without stripping them.

    Of all the things I’ve ever hoped to get in gear in a career that’s satisfying and rewarding. Is that too much to ask for?

    Jay Gordon
  26. I love my writing gear, it is really fun to put on and i love it unconditionally.

  27. I need to put my life in gear. Get moving. I want to do something with my life. I feel like there is no purpose. I want to be purposeful and successful. I want to get out on my own. I want to put my life in 20th gear and be myself. I want to realize what I can do.

    Hannah Jones
  28. it’s a crazy world but all we have are our own beliefs defined by our own experiences, fueled by our dreams. nothing can come between our our will and our will to live but our will to change.

  29. His gear weighed down the back of the station wagon, pushing hopes and dreams out either window.

  30. They started turning as soon as I hit the ground. What else was there to do but keep walking. There was nothing I could do to stop them. I didn’t know if I was wasting time thinking about it. Looking back, it seems so clear. The gears of my life had started turning. But now what?

  31. is what i need before I can do something. Its silly how many things you just can’t do without being geared up. I hate ending up in a situation where I find that I’m painfully inadequately equipped for it. I don’t think that I’ll ever go a day without that feeling. Too much is required of us, constantly, I just want to be a minimalist.

    Daniel F
  32. When I hear the word gear I think of going out camping or hiking. like my camping gear or something sporty. I like to play all kinds of sports but in order to do that, I will have to have my gear on to play and not get injured.

    Addie B
  33. of a car to shift and make my crappy 97 honda go haha maybe one day i will make it big be awesome make money and but one that changes gear on its own. one that costs me more than 4g and can not die in the middle of university and colonial at 3 am

  34. Fishing. Lobstering, I should say. Setting gear is the hardest — at the beginning of the season, my arms are thin and weak, and loading stacks of traps onto my boss’ boat is… impossibly difficult. It gets easier; traps are more easily maneuvered, and my muscles re-adjust to all the motions of the work I love so much.

  35. i like gear i put it in my head i have no one to carry my gear i only use it when i gear is my own and no one else knows how to use it. i like it that way. it’s a good habit to have. i keep making mistakes. this is over 60 seconds.

  36. gear, gear gear gear. I bring my gear everywhere i go, i store it in bags in plastic shopping bags that i load into metal shopping carts and push around the city pretending to be a homeless person. this is how i make money, is 60 seconds up?

  37. hear is like gear. gear up for the expedition he said. we are halfway up everest and its cold. cold as liquid nitrogen. so i say i dont wanna get up. he says too bad.

    Lee Rolofson
  38. gear is what i get when i’m going forward to green. i go where i get to, i’m gone from this gash. gore my gash out with the gear stick, tremble tumble slip with surprising ease onto the gearstick, a shudder, a shift. go baby go

    Susie Showers
  39. get yourself into gear is a phrase people dont usually hear about.. people should listen to it more and stop procrastinating get your life straight understand where others are coming from.. learn from mistakes and grow

    chelsea dodson
  40. the time i went hunting and forgot some of my gear i made the most of it. i used the tools i found in the woods sharp branches and such and took it back to the primitive days i speared a dear and skinned it with a sharpened stone and ate for days.
