
October 26th, 2009 | 563 Entries

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563 Entries for “gem”

  1. The gem shone so brightly.
    The magpie had to be tempted.
    “Won’t that look so pretty in my little nest,” she thought to her self.
    “Ah! something beautiful for my children to open their eyes to.”

  2. She was a gem of a person. That’s what they said about her, every time. She seemed so perfect with her medium brown hair that flickered back and forth with her laugh, which would always catch the attention of every person in the room. Her eyes captured you because she knew just when to look at you, almost like she could tune in to that perfect moment. She was a gem.

  3. The gems sparkled in his hands and he laughed joyously, looking up to the ceiling of the cavern. Treasure. And lots of it. Finally, the life of piracy was paying out, and he was the only one who would benefit from it. The crewmen had…. all left with the ship already. Of all the rotten-.

  4. Stones set in platinum and gold for a wedding band, this is all he wants. Gems. Sparkling, colorful, nothing as boring as the white of diamonds. Nothing as valueless.

    Ella Emma Em
  5. A hidden gem; the facets of which have not yet seen the light; nor shone in the brightness of sunlight. A gem nevertheless. A thing of beauty.

  6. It reflected the light across the facets on it’s surface. The man stood there, one eye blue, the other green, and gazed at the stone in his hand. He held it to his green eye and the light danced inside it. It never failed to fill him with a sense of wonder and amazement to see the ruby red light magnificently tint the room around him. He folded the stone into his palm, leather clad fingers wrapping around it, and pocketed the stone before walking purposefully towards the security check point.

  7. my mom said it is a family heirloom. i have seen her wear it a few times and i kinda like it although it’s not really something i would wear myself. it is something i can keep for my daughter though and i think my mom would appreciate that.

  8. something rare… a person you love, a memory that lasts, a promise that is kept, a beautiful image like a waterfall or a spider web or a beating heart. something that radiates light and life and warmth in a unique way.

  9. Oh, a diamond in the rough, you say? Oh is that what this is supposed to mean to me now. All of a sudden sarcasm flows through me, “YOU’RE A REAL GEM, BABE!” Whatever, you know not of which you speak and are far too ignorant to comment on the subject matter.

  10. …this is a stupid word. I connect it with: women, jewelry, women that connect love and emotions with jewelry, women that connect jewelry with money, men that connect money with an ability to buy women, women that agree with this concept, men that actually attempt to utilize this method to win love, love that is actually given in exchange for financial security and flattery, and those that find none of this worrisome and, rather, find it absolutely normal, typical, and healthy. Fuck you and your inability to look out and over the ridges of your wallets; fuck those that desire an emotional bond forged on the length of one’s bank statement and an account’s size. I guess I’m silly for striving for greater meaning and only hope for the financial stability that will allow me to continue such a pursuit (rather than financial abundance).

    death means jack
  11. in my hand i hold the key to your heart; the prize of your companionship, a small gem that was given to you.

  12. Something that is precious to so many. Gem is a symbol of wealth… or maybe it’s greed. I don’t know, I wish I had a different word. I hate Gems

  13. This beautiful gem in my hand. I don’t know what to do with it. Say yes, and give in to my guilty pleasure (marrying men for only the money, then dumping them without a second thought) or do the right thing, and let this good man know who I really am. A Heartbreaker.

  14. There is a beautiful diamond sitting in the store window just outside of my reach. I stand there day in and day out gawking at the beautiful item as I long for the day that I will bear it on my finger. Finally, one day I can no longer bear to be without my beloved any longer, so I open the door to the dusty old shop, look at the kindly grandfatherly shop keeper and ask him how much for the diamond in the window I’ve had my eye on for so long. I think it’s beautiful.

  15. gems are all the powers that explain a cut out form of life with many facets and representations depending on the interpreter of the stone. with significant historical references, gems have been used to promote wealth, adorn beauties, and inspire wars around the world throughout the ages. there was also a 1980’s cartoon character that went by “Gem”

  16. when i think about a gem i think about shiny things
    i think about a rock
    i think about materialism
    i think about possessions
    but then i think about love
    and the symbolism that is involved
    and so anything can be either materialistic or spiritual, depending upon the use for it

    a gem –

  17. a beautiful, natural piece of rock. flawless.

  18. I’m lucky. Lucky to have come in the knowledge of this secret.

  19. stone
    desert purity
    mind cleansing shapes

  20. The gem I always most sought was the gem found in a lovers soul. The sweet hot sweat gem when a moment is shared in the thralls

  21. I think of gems and I think of To Kill a Mockingbird. Dunno why. Was the kid’s name Gem? I feel maybe it was. it’s been a while. That book makes me sad, like it’s from another time.

  22. gem

  23. The way the gem glowed in the sunlight, made my eyes water. I do not know how it happened to get there. I did not dare to pick it up. I was afraid that maybe it belonged to someone. I was not sure if it was a true gem. It was a year ago, right here, at this wide expanse of beach, that I actually witnessed the release of a treasure chest from a large boat that came up to the shoreline at dusk.

    I hid beneath the shade of a solitary pine tree that was surrounded by several sand dunes and various other trees. There were five men. I watched them, however, they did not see me. I know because I sneezed and looked up towards them in fear. None of them even moved a bit or looked aound for the source of my sneeze. Whew, I thought.

    I continued to watch them as they took turns banking the boat against a group of fat rocks. One man, a rather stocky looking gentleman, was the first to haul out the four feet long four feet deep chest from somewhere deep in the bowels of the boat.

    He yelled out for another man to grab the other end and they soon managed to get it up the stairs and onto the deck. The other men seemed to be discussing something. Something rather important. The two men who hauled the chest out eyed them suspiciously. Nothing happened, however, except for all of them to walk away from it and search the immediate surroundings for a place to apparently bury it.

    As the afternoon wore on, I was amazed to watch them digging a large hole between some of the many rocks. I guess it would have taken longer, but sand sure is a quick dig!

    Once buried, the men stripped down to their boxers, yep all of them wore them. And I must say they were in great shape!!~! A bit sweaty, but in great shape. They all dived into the ocean and went swimming for the rest of the afternoon. Once in awhile one would come to shore and lie down on the bare sand.

    Once the afternoon had ended, they dried, dressed and boarded their boat. The treasure chest that was filled with what I did not know, was left buried deep in the sand.

    I came out from my hiding place. Relieved to know that it was still fairly light out, I boarded my own boat that was safely hidden in the bushes behind me.

    I pushed off and arrived home on the other side of the island. When I got there, my brother was waving frantically to me to hurry. when I finally docked he ran up to inform me that four men drowned in the midst of a freak thunder and lightening storm that struck only the center of the ocean. THAT ocean lay between myself and home.

    Karen elizabeth Farley
  24. I held the gem in my hand – a human eye. I could eat it or throw it away. It was a gem. Green like an emerald. I ate it.

  25. Hiking through the mountains for the whole day, I found relief in viewing the camp spot. Finallyk, a reprieve from the strenuous adventure that was the hike. Looking down, I saw something flash out the corner of my eye. A giant blue gem of a size proportionate to a marble shined through the soil.

  26. Gems are very shiny and sparkly. Some examples of them are Emeralds and Sapphires. They normally sell for a good sum of money because a lot of women like to have them in their jewelry. Also, a lot of the gemstones that are made are also birthstones, making people want them more.

  27. precious stoone gem of a person diamond is a girls best friemd valuable costly colored rare jwellery

  28. What. What? I’ve heard the word before I believe. Indeed I just recently had myself a dream about this very subject. It’s most likely because I just saw the movie Sahara those kinds of movies typically inspire these kinds of thoughts.

  29. gem is the worst word that could possibly have been picked. I am not a gemini according to the horoscope, but I do use the extensory gemologist in my crosswords on a semi-monthly basis, depending on densiry.

  30. a reminder of how life looks and can be. A special stone in the sea of space! Life seems to be endless, with countless gems

  31. What a gem Alice is. Always there when you need her. Always with a kind smile and a cup of tea. But deep beneath the surface lies a sad, deep longing for opportunities lost and a life half lived. Late at night, Alice despised

  32. Rarity and whatnot. Something treasured, something rare. Something unfamiliar, something lustrous. Beauty and enchantment.

  33. the other day i was walking through the park and i found a golden ring. Set into the ring was a rather large gem. I took the gem out of the ring, tossed the 10 karat ring to the ground and proceeded straight to the pawn shop. it was the best thing i had ever done. that gem made me 1000 dollars. they said it had been found in africa somewhere. i didn’t believe them. oh well, i’m still $1000 richer than i was before i went for my walk that day. of course i’ve already spent that money from the gem that i found to support my alcohol addiction…

  34. gem

  35. precious stone beautiful

  36. A gem can be beautiful to some and hideous to others. Every person has a different perspective. A gem should be precious.

  37. a small thing that people wear on rings or as ornaments on themselves. some are precious or semi-precious and have special meanings in some cultures. My girlfriends name

  38. The gem glittered as Sari picked it up. it was smooth and blue, like a piece of the sky. Maybe it was a piece of the sky. She turned it over in her hands, and was certain she could see clouds in it, and a little airplane. She tucked it in her pocket and continued on her way home.

  39. beautiful jewels arn’t the only thing that can be a gem. a person, of a great personality and character is also a gem. gems sparkle, they make you happy, and they are beautiful no matter their color

  40. The gem was shiny and mesmerizing. She stared at it, wondering whether to reach out and take it or not. She thought it wouldn’t hurt, just to hold it for a moment. Surely she could resist the urge to take it with her, right? She reached out, but just as she started to take it, she heard him call her name. “What were you doing?” he asked.
    “Just looking,” she replied. “Just looking.”
