Her colours are luminous and when she speaks it colours the edges of her dress and seep into my pillowcase.
She’s ruby warm and and cool as jade.
vandaag is leuk dag maar vindt ik te nauw en kou soms vindt ik te saai alles valt naar beneden ja dat is het de bladen veel kleur en mooi toch kom het regen
ruth torres
the beauty of the gem is amazing my cat is dope as well it shines in the sun and my cat plays in the sun i like to play in the sun to
chris willard
This was really a gem of an idea, and he sat nursing it and coddling it, afraid that if he tried to transfer it to paper he would smother it and it would die. He needed this idea.
She looked at her reflection. Simple, plain. Ordinary. Only he saw the gem in her
andy die
a gem is a precious stone that people treasure. Usually you mine for gems. You can order gems in the game bejeweled on facebook. I’ve been to a gem mine, in Germany. It was pretty epic. Gems include diamonds, rubies, saphires, emerelds, and topaz.
A gem is nice, I have no idea why. Perhaps humans are like ravens? They should not be hold as high value as they are, it is awful to know that a little gem could be worth more than my house.
every year in door county we would go to a place we called the rock shop. my cousins and i would each pick out a rock and watch closely as the “rock guy” sawed into the chosen stone to unvail the gems inside.
i used to go with my friends but now i got my own one .. i hope it will be useful
it is truly unbelievable how my english is failing.
a friend in need is a gem indeed.
Diamonds are hard to find. Even with friends, you end up finding stones that are worth nothing. Rare are the gems in the pile of rocks. When you do find them, you need to keep them with you forever. Once lost, it will be hard to find them again. Someone else may pick them up and not give it back. Someone may hide it. Worst of all, they might be lost forever.
One of the wonders of nature is the ability of it to produce such stunning and immensely beautiful structures.
Gems are perhaps the greatest proof of omnipotence. Their form and beauty reflects astounding degree of nature’s creativity.
A. Elkhanany
I can see his face…
It shine like the light from the sun.
His eyes twinkle like the stars in the night.
a gem is something that’s hidden something that’s terribly brilliant. Something only you can appreciate and those close to you but others might not understand. Which is what makes a gem so awesome.
precious to old people.
Hidden it was, but uncovering it was quite difficult. You had to dig deep and put your hands in the mud. I thought we wouldn’t see it and that we’d give up before finding it. But the green that sparkled through the boring brownness of the ground called to us. And then there it was — a bright green emerald that was once a part of the great Wizard’s castle.
Dorothy would’ve been proud.
Gems are like precious moment in life. They come and go leaving behind traces of beauty and light. Cherish them. They’re a gift. And..yeah. I’m out of time. Now.
Brian H
The ring was beautiful – a bright ruby set in gold. The shining gem seemed to wink at her as she twisted her hand in the light.
“Yeah, I think I’ll take it,” she said. The shopkeeper wrapped it up in its box and ushered her over to the counter to pay.
stone. weird. weird stones. diamonds. terrible name. weird people. strange girls. i hate stupid girls. gem, gem, gem. hmm. uhm. colorful. purple. three letters. short word. i hate short words. gems, i don’t like jewelry. i don’t know why. i wouldn’t wear a gem. i do like birth stones, though. random fact. mine is ruby. ruby is pretty.
I’m a gem inside, clear and beautiful
like diamond, but you don’t see it,
and you don’t care enough to look.
And now I’m sad and lonely and tired,
feel dull and blury and worthless.
You don’t care about me,
how beautiful I could be,
just how beautiful I am.
Please… Just lie to me.
Tell me that I’m loved.
tenis – gem, set match. That’s all.
gems are a pretty cool guy
potato gems are pretty yummy i guess
gem has a deeper meaning too though
a gem in a sea of conformity would be would i’m looking for in a girl
someone who stands out from the rest
someone who doesn’t try to fit in or who puts up with all the bullshit we all try to ignore in our lives
a jewel. something that has worth to someone.
the cut.
the fall.
the fill.
the love.
you are more than a stone.
precious. i can’t lose you.
you are his gift to me.
gems are sparkly and shiny and expensive for that same reason. some people are called gems but sometimes its said by asses and meant to insult you. go figure. movies are called gems a lot which is kind of stupid bc a movie is considerably bigger than my ring.
here i am
here you are.
lets live the now.
beauty sparkling, a diamond in the rough. rainbows in a stone, magic in the dust.
Unparalleled beauty, priceless beyond measure. Only in the rarity of creation is a true gem located, available to behold and never to be truly contained in scope. Unearthed.
a gem is somthing that is truly precious. true friends are gems. families are gems. i am a gem. gem gem gem gem gem
She’s a little bit of sunshine.
Her colours are luminous and when she speaks it colours the edges of her dress and seep into my pillowcase.
She’s ruby warm and and cool as jade.
vandaag is leuk dag maar vindt ik te nauw en kou soms vindt ik te saai alles valt naar beneden ja dat is het de bladen veel kleur en mooi toch kom het regen
the beauty of the gem is amazing my cat is dope as well it shines in the sun and my cat plays in the sun i like to play in the sun to
This was really a gem of an idea, and he sat nursing it and coddling it, afraid that if he tried to transfer it to paper he would smother it and it would die. He needed this idea.
She looked at her reflection. Simple, plain. Ordinary. Only he saw the gem in her
a gem is a precious stone that people treasure. Usually you mine for gems. You can order gems in the game bejeweled on facebook. I’ve been to a gem mine, in Germany. It was pretty epic. Gems include diamonds, rubies, saphires, emerelds, and topaz.
A gem is nice, I have no idea why. Perhaps humans are like ravens? They should not be hold as high value as they are, it is awful to know that a little gem could be worth more than my house.
every year in door county we would go to a place we called the rock shop. my cousins and i would each pick out a rock and watch closely as the “rock guy” sawed into the chosen stone to unvail the gems inside.
i used to go with my friends but now i got my own one .. i hope it will be useful
it is truly unbelievable how my english is failing.
a friend in need is a gem indeed.
Diamonds are hard to find. Even with friends, you end up finding stones that are worth nothing. Rare are the gems in the pile of rocks. When you do find them, you need to keep them with you forever. Once lost, it will be hard to find them again. Someone else may pick them up and not give it back. Someone may hide it. Worst of all, they might be lost forever.
One of the wonders of nature is the ability of it to produce such stunning and immensely beautiful structures.
Gems are perhaps the greatest proof of omnipotence. Their form and beauty reflects astounding degree of nature’s creativity.
I can see his face…
It shine like the light from the sun.
His eyes twinkle like the stars in the night.
a gem is something that’s hidden something that’s terribly brilliant. Something only you can appreciate and those close to you but others might not understand. Which is what makes a gem so awesome.
precious to old people.
Hidden it was, but uncovering it was quite difficult. You had to dig deep and put your hands in the mud. I thought we wouldn’t see it and that we’d give up before finding it. But the green that sparkled through the boring brownness of the ground called to us. And then there it was — a bright green emerald that was once a part of the great Wizard’s castle.
Dorothy would’ve been proud.
Gems are like precious moment in life. They come and go leaving behind traces of beauty and light. Cherish them. They’re a gift. And..yeah. I’m out of time. Now.
The ring was beautiful – a bright ruby set in gold. The shining gem seemed to wink at her as she twisted her hand in the light.
“Yeah, I think I’ll take it,” she said. The shopkeeper wrapped it up in its box and ushered her over to the counter to pay.
stone. weird. weird stones. diamonds. terrible name. weird people. strange girls. i hate stupid girls. gem, gem, gem. hmm. uhm. colorful. purple. three letters. short word. i hate short words. gems, i don’t like jewelry. i don’t know why. i wouldn’t wear a gem. i do like birth stones, though. random fact. mine is ruby. ruby is pretty.
I’m a gem inside, clear and beautiful
like diamond, but you don’t see it,
and you don’t care enough to look.
And now I’m sad and lonely and tired,
feel dull and blury and worthless.
You don’t care about me,
how beautiful I could be,
just how beautiful I am.
Please… Just lie to me.
Tell me that I’m loved.
tenis – gem, set match. That’s all.
gems are a pretty cool guy
potato gems are pretty yummy i guess
gem has a deeper meaning too though
a gem in a sea of conformity would be would i’m looking for in a girl
someone who stands out from the rest
someone who doesn’t try to fit in or who puts up with all the bullshit we all try to ignore in our lives
a jewel. something that has worth to someone.
the cut.
the fall.
the fill.
the love.
you are more than a stone.
precious. i can’t lose you.
you are his gift to me.
gems are sparkly and shiny and expensive for that same reason. some people are called gems but sometimes its said by asses and meant to insult you. go figure. movies are called gems a lot which is kind of stupid bc a movie is considerably bigger than my ring.
here i am
here you are.
lets live the now.
beauty sparkling, a diamond in the rough. rainbows in a stone, magic in the dust.
Unparalleled beauty, priceless beyond measure. Only in the rarity of creation is a true gem located, available to behold and never to be truly contained in scope. Unearthed.
a gem is somthing that is truly precious. true friends are gems. families are gems. i am a gem. gem gem gem gem gem