a magic cool diamond or cool magic ruby its so cool to kieep also probaly lucky gem v=could represent anything so i hope you like this cause i know you do
these are often ;ocated on rings and other items of jewellery. Gems are much like diamonds which brings me coherently on to the topic of ‘Blood diamon’ the film with Leonardo Dicaprio.
Paul Neary
The gem glittered eerily in the moonlight. For a moment he thought the glow was coming from within itself, but he was wrong. He picked it up and turned it over, trying to ignore the feeling of gooiness that he felt from the hard gem. He quickly put it back down and
I myself, would like to find a gem hiddin at petitt jean state park, actually it would be great if the gem was hidden in a specific spot at turtle rocks. other than that i really.
gem is what ? i dont know. i never heared of it. by the what it means, please let me know. soooo what sould i write?? :s okay never mind!!! i will write like blablablabla :D
He’s a gem. My son. He sparkles when he smiles, he sparkles when he laughs and he sparkles when he is concerned for someone who is unhappy. Such a good little boy – going to be a great big boy.
gem gem! gem everywhere! all shiny and bright and sparkly and rare! should i take them? should i leave them? i love gems..but…i don’t want to steal…no i will!..no i won’t..but how would i know if they’re just plastic?
Pakou V. xD
That is a very priceless gem. I found it in a cave. Its shimmer is absolutely amazing. It is almost as bright as the sun! I would not sell it for anything!
This is a gem, she said, holding up something I judged being a small frog. Greasy, green, jumpy, spleen. It was a gem to her. The frog loved her. She loved the frog. There are more gems in life than we know of.
nopes, not talkin about gem’s again…
My two daughters. They are the jewels in my life
a gem… could be precious, could be a rock… i think that they come from rocks. But to me it would be something special – particularly out of the ordinary – something that made me see something that i didn’t expect to see in that particular situation – much like a diamond ina lump of rock i guess….
is that sixty second?
You’re a gem. Oh yes you are. Perfectly cut and polished, poised, prim and proper. Surrounded by only the best, because that’s what counts. Well you know what? Everyone has some unfinished business, and my unfinished business is you.
it was blue and shining in the night. a dark wizard came in to the room with intent to kill. anyone would kill for a stone like this. it was priceless. worth its weight in blood.
Sara Avellar
it was blue and shining in the night. a dark wizard came in to the room with intent to kill. anyone would kill for a stone like this. it was priceless. worth its weight in blood.
Sara Avellar
a beautiful person. a beautiful stone. a beauty.
a guel that is valuable or expensive. They may be hard to find or are just rare in many places. They are also very valuable to people.
diamond expensive golden priceless desireable perfection object colorful unique rare
it is a precious stone such as a diamond ruby or sapphire tdhey occur in nature naturally over millions of years they can be all kinds of colors.
hi this is sssssss and am a gem and u have the rock gem
He sits at the piano and walks a fine line between wasting his life and wasting his time. And while all the world walks and just strides right away he sits and he plays to the end of the day. And his tune is just great and it flows just like peace. And he sits and he writes to the sound of a beat.
Nothing can touch this melody he plays. Inside his heart through all of his days. Not a single chance or a wasted moment. In fact he’s stuck in his symphony’s fit. And there he sits and writes and stuff. And pretty soon. He’s done.
gem again? why dont you give me a different word? i’m feed up with this word. how come i can think of a different thing to talk about gem in just a few seconds?
but think agian, gem isnt that bad
gem is a kind of rock. very expensive, usually. sometimes people use it to calculate how other people love them, simply by the value of the
Gems are pretty, they remind me of pretty rings. They also remind me of gym, i like gym too, gym is not exactly pretty ecpecially when there are big sweety guys!
“What a gem!” she exclaimed as she waddled towards the child. Aunt Ruthie was straight out of a fairy tale, with her swollen jowels and tight-fitting polyester garmets. Underneath, Robin was just sure there were layers and layers of licrya clinging desperately to those ginormous thights. He flinched in terror at her approach.
A gem is a precious stone, the word can also be used to describe something that is like, really good.
Luke Skywalker
gems, when I think of gems i think of storie rock solid with time hardened by ideas and strengthened by others.I think
Gems can be stones, or refered to as a person that you particually like or think something special of. A like because they are shiny. I enjoy shiny objects.
its a little jewel that shimes and glimmers in the bright sunlight. A thing of great beauty treasured and much sought after by women and men alike. The hope of owning one especially a diamond is something all girls aspire to.
stu teehan
gem is a beautiful object. Its liked by many women, maybe some men too. gem is attractive to the eyes, and heavy on the pockets, but its perhaps the most efficient, never-fail gift to a woman. In India, gem stones also carry religious significance, in that it can be used for your safety etc.
She stands ever so still, under the light, her face tilted up ever so slightly to allow it to get caught in her eyelashes, to tangle in her tears, to glimmer and shine and shimmer and slither along her cheek until it drops, drops, drops to the floor in a shatter of diamonds.
gems are sparkling minerals and rocks found in the earth. gems can be priceless or phony. they can be different colors. they are a great gift and
my dog is a gem. he is dying today. we have had him since I was 8 and I am 21 now and I am not ready for him to go but he won’t eat and is throwing up a lot and he is big and needs to eat to take his arthritis medication or he can’t move I am not having a good day I need a hug. He’s a good dog, a gem in the rough.
Gems are pretty and they are priceless giving a ge3m to a girl is like giving her the world. Gems are also special on important occasions like marriages and proposals. I like gems.
gems when I think about it would be some thing great to you.
Gems are shiny jewel-like stones. The birthstone gemni is basically a gem. There are lots of gems like amethyst.
What is a gem?
First thing that comes to mind is a high school classmate of mine whose name was Gemima and we used to call GEM.
Then I Remember those cute little biscuits/crackers with a sweet icing on top we called gems.
a magic cool diamond or cool magic ruby its so cool to kieep also probaly lucky gem v=could represent anything so i hope you like this cause i know you do
these are often ;ocated on rings and other items of jewellery. Gems are much like diamonds which brings me coherently on to the topic of ‘Blood diamon’ the film with Leonardo Dicaprio.
The gem glittered eerily in the moonlight. For a moment he thought the glow was coming from within itself, but he was wrong. He picked it up and turned it over, trying to ignore the feeling of gooiness that he felt from the hard gem. He quickly put it back down and
I myself, would like to find a gem hiddin at petitt jean state park, actually it would be great if the gem was hidden in a specific spot at turtle rocks. other than that i really.
gem is what ? i dont know. i never heared of it. by the what it means, please let me know. soooo what sould i write?? :s okay never mind!!! i will write like blablablabla :D
He’s a gem. My son. He sparkles when he smiles, he sparkles when he laughs and he sparkles when he is concerned for someone who is unhappy. Such a good little boy – going to be a great big boy.
gem gem! gem everywhere! all shiny and bright and sparkly and rare! should i take them? should i leave them? i love gems..but…i don’t want to steal…no i will!..no i won’t..but how would i know if they’re just plastic?
That is a very priceless gem. I found it in a cave. Its shimmer is absolutely amazing. It is almost as bright as the sun! I would not sell it for anything!
This is a gem, she said, holding up something I judged being a small frog. Greasy, green, jumpy, spleen. It was a gem to her. The frog loved her. She loved the frog. There are more gems in life than we know of.
nopes, not talkin about gem’s again…
My two daughters. They are the jewels in my life
a gem… could be precious, could be a rock… i think that they come from rocks. But to me it would be something special – particularly out of the ordinary – something that made me see something that i didn’t expect to see in that particular situation – much like a diamond ina lump of rock i guess….
is that sixty second?
You’re a gem. Oh yes you are. Perfectly cut and polished, poised, prim and proper. Surrounded by only the best, because that’s what counts. Well you know what? Everyone has some unfinished business, and my unfinished business is you.
it was blue and shining in the night. a dark wizard came in to the room with intent to kill. anyone would kill for a stone like this. it was priceless. worth its weight in blood.
it was blue and shining in the night. a dark wizard came in to the room with intent to kill. anyone would kill for a stone like this. it was priceless. worth its weight in blood.
a beautiful person. a beautiful stone. a beauty.
a guel that is valuable or expensive. They may be hard to find or are just rare in many places. They are also very valuable to people.
diamond expensive golden priceless desireable perfection object colorful unique rare
it is a precious stone such as a diamond ruby or sapphire tdhey occur in nature naturally over millions of years they can be all kinds of colors.
hi this is sssssss and am a gem and u have the rock gem
He sits at the piano and walks a fine line between wasting his life and wasting his time. And while all the world walks and just strides right away he sits and he plays to the end of the day. And his tune is just great and it flows just like peace. And he sits and he writes to the sound of a beat.
Nothing can touch this melody he plays. Inside his heart through all of his days. Not a single chance or a wasted moment. In fact he’s stuck in his symphony’s fit. And there he sits and writes and stuff. And pretty soon. He’s done.
gem again? why dont you give me a different word? i’m feed up with this word. how come i can think of a different thing to talk about gem in just a few seconds?
but think agian, gem isnt that bad
gem is a kind of rock. very expensive, usually. sometimes people use it to calculate how other people love them, simply by the value of the
Gems are pretty, they remind me of pretty rings. They also remind me of gym, i like gym too, gym is not exactly pretty ecpecially when there are big sweety guys!
“What a gem!” she exclaimed as she waddled towards the child. Aunt Ruthie was straight out of a fairy tale, with her swollen jowels and tight-fitting polyester garmets. Underneath, Robin was just sure there were layers and layers of licrya clinging desperately to those ginormous thights. He flinched in terror at her approach.
A gem is a precious stone, the word can also be used to describe something that is like, really good.
gems, when I think of gems i think of storie rock solid with time hardened by ideas and strengthened by others.I think
Gems can be stones, or refered to as a person that you particually like or think something special of. A like because they are shiny. I enjoy shiny objects.
its a little jewel that shimes and glimmers in the bright sunlight. A thing of great beauty treasured and much sought after by women and men alike. The hope of owning one especially a diamond is something all girls aspire to.
gem is a beautiful object. Its liked by many women, maybe some men too. gem is attractive to the eyes, and heavy on the pockets, but its perhaps the most efficient, never-fail gift to a woman. In India, gem stones also carry religious significance, in that it can be used for your safety etc.
She stands ever so still, under the light, her face tilted up ever so slightly to allow it to get caught in her eyelashes, to tangle in her tears, to glimmer and shine and shimmer and slither along her cheek until it drops, drops, drops to the floor in a shatter of diamonds.
gems are sparkling minerals and rocks found in the earth. gems can be priceless or phony. they can be different colors. they are a great gift and
my dog is a gem. he is dying today. we have had him since I was 8 and I am 21 now and I am not ready for him to go but he won’t eat and is throwing up a lot and he is big and needs to eat to take his arthritis medication or he can’t move I am not having a good day I need a hug. He’s a good dog, a gem in the rough.
Gems are pretty and they are priceless giving a ge3m to a girl is like giving her the world. Gems are also special on important occasions like marriages and proposals. I like gems.
gems when I think about it would be some thing great to you.
Gems are shiny jewel-like stones. The birthstone gemni is basically a gem. There are lots of gems like amethyst.
What is a gem?
First thing that comes to mind is a high school classmate of mine whose name was Gemima and we used to call GEM.
Then I Remember those cute little biscuits/crackers with a sweet icing on top we called gems.