
October 26th, 2009 | 563 Entries

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563 Entries for “gem”

  1. purple, a gem of a person who is just too nice but almost fake

  2. gem is a plant of my own think i use it as drugs so maybe you can do that to?

    Look at me
  3. you are a gem, you really are. i consider you a diamond in the ruff. i think about how much you mean to me more then life itself. i can t focus and i really need to get my priorities back on track. why did i have to meet you? i’m attracted to shiny things.

  4. It sparkled in the moonlight. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It really was just laying there. That gem is worth more than this entire country. And it was just laying there. How can that be? Is it a trap, a trick of some sort?

  5. something skinni?! may eb i dont know i dont speak english verry well acrually i mean i dont write in inglish very well !!! gahh screw it i dont know what this wor means

  6. Gems can’t match the way the sun hits the corner of your eye when you’re squinting. Gems can’t match the shine of a brand new dime, heads-up on the ground, when you know you only need that one dime to afford something from the dollar menu at a burger place. Gems aren’t really worth anything at all, money-wise.

    Ben Farley
  7. to be beautiful is overrated, who knows what that could mean, i have no idea what beauty is, if i was blind i would see more, instead be lost in your words, the words i dont care about, i hate this, this intangible life, i have no idea, write me a letter a text a email and the walls fall down. then i see you and the walls go up. as soon as i see you i lose the words you gave me.

  8. I think gem and I think diamond or ruby or sapphire it is a very pretty word too so simple and elegant but it was also the name of a really neat cartoon character from my childhood so it also has meaning for me there too.

  9. gems are gorgeous pieced of stone that many people love to wear as jewelry, can be expensive but can glamour up your style. Gems can also be rare pieces

  10. They sparkle? I don’t really know what to think about Gems. Are they outrageous? truly outrageous? I meann we place so much value on a rock while children starve… this is one of th weird ones to write about.

  11. A gem is a precious metal that is often found in mountains or streams. Throughout history gems have fueled wars, famine, and revolution. It is ironic that these gems have no intrinsic value except for that with which we attach to it. An emerald is truly only a green stone. We attach a significance to this that makes it worth a great deal to many, many people.

    John W
  12. We found the largest, reddest gem that I have ever seen. It was cut, polished, and completely buried in the dark sand. We couldn’t stop exclaiming at each other. DDN was paddling through the dirt with his hands, whooping at the top of his lungs. I finally got him to quiet down.

  13. This is a beautiful piece of material that normally dazzles in the sunlight and is sold for a lot of money. It was once a piece of dirt that was made by applying pressure and heat.

  14. your like a gem, stone cold hard and unable to be chiped except by some incredible force. a force i dont posses, and thing i cant stop, but you could shatter, unlike a gem. its scaring me, making me run away and droop you as fast as i can, run in the other direction. i cant know what would have happened if i had kept you.

  15. Gem is a diamond i guess or some other metal i believe. But is should be a beautiful rock or something and very expensive.

  16. one is black
    the other word is purple
    the words are written in half upper side
    tm is on the upper right side in small letters

  17. she looked at me with her big eyes. I swear, she looks like a bullfrog. her name is Gem. Probably, her goal in life is to make me miserable and i hate that about her. Too bad i have to meet her everyday at school and even every night when she texts me

  18. sparkly, love. expensive. diamond in the rough. mothers. i want! colours! family. forever, ever and ever.

  19. You’re a gem, my love, a perfect shining jewel. You fill my life with color and beauty, and I feel blessed every time I look your way. I want you always near me, my treasure, my precious one, so please never leave my side. Your love brings me all the riches in the world- I’d give up gold and silver for you, I’d give away everything I own. Without you I’m poor- my darling, loving, lovable gem.

    a lady in love
  20. like a stone? diamond. girls like big diamonds on their fingers but what about blood diamonds. how is that just or good? what is a better alternative? stick on earrings that six year old wears. why do we give them so much value? and pay so much for something that just its. and is shiny. got to give shiny some credit. backwards it’s meg. who are you meg why do you make gem so conflicting?

  21. I saw the gem sitting on the table. It sparkled in the light of the candle, red and glistening like rippling wine. I reached out to touch it, wondering what it felt like- smooth and cool? Heavy and dark? The minute my fingers brushed it I pulled back. This treasure was not for me. It wasn’t mine… but how I longed to hold it!

  22. She’s a gem. Her smile lights up a room . I guess it’s the way she smiles. There’s a light that comes from behind her eyes that reminds me of the sparkle of a diamond.

  23. each day I see people doing horoble things with themselves and the envaroment.
    so bad

  24. She held her hand up to the sky, chuckling at the way the sun glistened off the gem on her finger. It was a beautiful engagement ring. Platinum, with a small, but perfectly formed diamond set in it. She turned back to the man beside her, who frowned.

    “I didn’t know you were engaged.”

    “I’m not.”

  25. germs. them. befriend a girl called gem. jem. jen. the idiot found a gem in the well. he fell in the well. gem didn’t mind. she laughed. the well. gem

  26. A gem is a precious stone, there are lots of types of gems including but not limited to diamonds, emerals, rubies and many others. Gems are normally found underground as they are formed by pressure and heat from inside the earth but therea re specific types also created by oysters. Normally, gems are hard to come by and this is the main reason of their expensive price, however, another aspect that makes them very valuable is the art that is required to shape them. For many centuries the people in charge of polishing and shaping gems has been recognized all over the world for their beauty and uniqueness. Gems can be found nowadays in royal collections.

  27. Gem. Gem of the Ocean. A play which I’m sure is wonderful when done well. I did not see it that way. Also a lovely name for a shortened Gemima…I love a good British name!

  28. rgwgwgwegwegergergrthrthrthb ey b4q5y4q5grtg4th 54hg 4q5g qerg qerg qerh qreh56i68k ae6 6ytg re WT 3T Y 54Q rg ui 7 u6 rws g hyhji lliulohta r DsF H Y ADA GS HYWQ G.

    tIME IS PREcious

    4wt 5yu 65
  29. Jem oo oo jem totally outrageous, jem is my name truly truly outrageous. Jem is my name. JEM! I think of glitter and pizzaz. Fantazmic! Girls rock!

  30. it had been smuggled out of an afghan cave.
    we bought it in india, at a rock-bottom price.
    it was green, and clear as new water,
    or a born-again conscience.

    anjali mullany
  31. Gem, how about diamonds. I love diamonds!!

  32. jewelry
    a pretty stone
    one of a kind
    sapphire, ruby, emerald, etc

  33. What a gem – I love to find gems among my students. This happens in the most surprising ways, be it in creativity, generosity, personality, scholarly accomplishments, or a variety of other things.

  34. a gem is a precious stone but also refers to anything that is precious. an idea can be a gem, a child can be a gem,

  35. The gem is beautiful glittering example of life. Uniuque in everyway there isn’t another one in the world like it. There might be others that look like it but with closer instection it has unique cuts and reflections.

  36. Gems are shiny rocks and most of them are very expinsive gems are very pretty and some people collect them and sell them there are diamonds rubies sapphire etc. there is lots of

  37. gem and theholograms are truly outrageous. Actually I think that was Jem but the difference is minimal. Gem stone, gem clem stem . Fern gully fern gulch. Gem on the hem . Left on a whim. Stukc to my guns tons of fun in the sun. Who has seen the wind? Who’s to say when it’s done.

    Sick Rick
  38. There was really no way to describe the way the Gems sparkled. It wasn’t in the way water sparkled, or any other liquid. It wasn’t the way a Dancer or some other performer might sparkle. The sparkling was inanimate, and it reeked of value.

  39. ThiEvery morning I wake up by your side I smile at the ring on my finger. It always smiles back. This morning it’s smile was different, it was missing a gem. I told you, you asked where it went, I said I didn’t know. It could be at ths office, in the gutter, in the baby’s soup. You said not to worry, it can be replaced. I said sure it can, and drove off to work. Today it was weird not having it there to smile at. I just couldn’t resists getting on my knees and I sniffed under the desks, bags, and files. But I didn’t find it, didn’t expect to.

  40. you are the gem of my eye
    the little emorald of my puple
    the gem that sparcles and twinkles in ppicctures
    you are the gem i want
    the colors of light rainbor through you
    sometimes i wish i was a gem