
October 26th, 2009 | 563 Entries

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563 Entries for “gem”

  1. You are a gem to me. You will always have a place in my heart. YOu are the gem that is the sparkle in my eye. The only thing in life worth while. And for that I want to thank you.

  2. gems are precious and expensive and rare and i would love to be someone’s “gem”

  3. I love precious gems, even more than diamonds. A deep, true ruby, not the ones you see in most jewelry stores at the mall are my favorite. My mother bought me a ruby ring for my birthday when I was five and I wore it for years. I still have it and it is lovely. Thanks Mom!

  4. gem is the name of that band with the horrible songs. Its also the name of a television show. cartoon. my grandmother loved gems. special expensive rare gems. she has lots of gem jewelry. I, too, love gems. almost as much as she does. longest 60 seconds evar.

  5. the gem was tucked neatly under the man’s belt. he was keeping it there for safe-keeping. He’d kept it there for as long he could remember. It was sort of a comfort thing for him now. Even though most of the time it was a nuisance.

  6. I’ve always wanted to own a bag of gems. Ever since I saw the movie Goonies, I’ve been enamored of the different, gleaming colors of gems. I used to think if I found a little bag of them, all of my problems would disappear. Then as I grew older and became employed I realized that money solves nothing.

  7. I think Amy is a gem. She is adorable. We are sitting here writing notes back and forth like we are instant messaging. But we aren’t. We are in the same room being spies. If we were actually spies we could steal precious gems from governments. You know, skulk through caves and unearth treasures from the deep. That would be awesome. But yeah, Amy is a gem.

  8. and precious jewel that people can treasure. i want my name to be gem. or something.

  9. The gem sparkled in the candlelight, feeble though it was. The red stone twinkled and throbbed in her hand, lit from within by some unseen force. It was clearly special. It was clearly worth far more than the 10 coins the peddler was asking for it.

    “What is it,” she asked?

    “Just a trinket I found by the road.”

  10. A precious thing, a stone, a person any thing of beauty and quality. Something of value.

  11. how do you feel when i wear you on my wrist?
    does it feel good that you are treated differently?

    it always feels good to feel important doesn’t it?

  12. I love the ring it is such a gem. People are gems too, so are children. What they do can be gems; errors can be gems. Charities are gems; the best is the gem you can wear. Stones are gems, but not all

    Diane P
  13. Bethany says she’s a true gem, espcially in her marriage. This i believe with a full heart. Why did she get saddled with an overgrown frat boy?

    howard the duck
  14. beautiful sparkles, on jewellery, green, diamond like, fake jewellery stick on jewellery, plastic, silver, stick on cards, decoration, pretty, shapes, nostalgic, childhood

  15. She was a gem – perfect, beautiful, and delicate. Her mother never understood why they killed her daughter; her precious, beloved daughter.

  16. She looked into his eyes, deeper than usual. As if she was looking to the opposite wall. He sensed she had been hiding something. “you’re a gem”. She winked and said as she left the room.

  17. a diamond or any other type of rhinestone or colorful gem.. they can be red yellow blue purple pink clear orange brown black any color you could ever think of could be a gem

  18. Gems are prevalent in luxury items. I’m not exactly sure what stone the gem comes from, but I do know that many people yearn for them. I’ve been reading To Kill A Mockingbird, and one of the main characters is named Jem, which is similar to the word gem.

  19. She’s a gem. A beauty. Everyone says so.

    But why do they say so? Do they know her? Do they know how much pain she feels as she takes the pills, or when she goes into the bathroom stall after a meal?

    She wanted this. She shouldn’t complain.

    But being a gem is harder than she thought.

  20. Well, in Sonic the Hedgehog, he is after 7 colored Gems. The Pokemon games are now named after gems too. Lol. =D x3 Well that’s about it. Wait, why are Gems so important anyways? Why are they so expensive?

  21. The boat was behind us. We were far from alone in the middle of the giant crowd. My love gave me a box told me not to open it until I knew the time was right. I didnt want to see him go. It was too soon to see my love go off to war. He left telling me hed always love me … inside my box was the gem from the wedding night

  22. pretty sparkling princess gemstones are sooo cute and shiny
    why are humans so obsessed with shiny things?
    rappers wear big gems on their fingaz
    das cool w me

  23. i saw a gem today sitting in the sunlight smiling at me. before i could notice the sun had set and the darkness had started close in.

  24. crystal, diamond, beautiful, precious, important, expensive, mystical

  25. The cave was dusky and damp. The dripping was incessant. Wandering through the tiny child-sized tunnels was back-breaking. The walls though, were gorgeous. Lined with beautiful natural gems. All the colors of the rainbow, and shimmering with an unnatural light…

    Jen P
  26. you are a gem.
    I am an unique gem
    what a gem
    gem i am

  27. He was a gem of a dog. At least he seemed that way at first. Well, besides the fact that he was as black as onyx. He was good-natured, friendly, loved to kiss chins. Arms. Hands. Toes.

  28. gems are beautiful. they are so prestious and bring sooo much beauty to the world. they have made a massive contribution to how we look at the world and how beauty lives in nature, not on a magazine cover.

  29. i have a gem
    his name is marty
    he is the best gem in the world.
    if i were a penguin,
    i would give him to my mate
    then kill my mate
    and stay with him instead.
    marty is all i think about now,
    and that could be good or bad
    he is my gem.
    the gem.
    and i love him.

  30. Gem

    She was a gem of a daughter; I can still see her as a 5 year old with pigtails, riding her bike. She was an easy-going child and the teenage drama that everyone predicts never happened. So it was surprising when she joined the military and even more surprising to be standing in the post office looking at a wanted poster that called her an international assassin.

  31. Diamonds. Sapphire. Beauty. A small treasure that holds the light and captivates the imagination. Vibrant and glittering. Topaz. Emerald. Garnet. Amythest. She’s beautiful.

  32. Buried. That’s all it knew. Buried. But underneath the layers of humus, topsoil, subsoil, deep down near the bedrock, a gem. A gem of marvelous beauty. But buried.

  33. precious, shiny, valuable, friends, memories, family, education, academic prepration, goals, wishes, money, success, job, power, dreams come true, stars, brilliant, intelligent.

  34. It glistened with an innumeral amiunt of ideas as the fashion spoke for itself: be what you percieve yourself. The funny thing is though, what are we? Do we understand ourselves? And who the hell is Turner?

  35. there are so many little gems in my drawstring pouch. It probably cost at least 8 dollars at the museum of natural history, where little kids learn canoeing and cape cod nature. the rest of us get drunk on forties and walk down to the beach. its pretty.

  36. Gems sparkles are dimmed by the fact that they are completely worthless the amount of work that goes into mining them is ridiculous when they serve to make this bloody huge jewelry that no one likes anyway and so it’s stupid to spend time when you could just paint some plastic.

  37. A gem doesn’t always have to be a stone. In my mind it seems more fitting to describe a loved one with this word. One who shines or makes you shine when you see them. They brighten your day. They’re your greatest possession. You do anything you can to protect them from getting chipped, scratched or lost.

  38. gem, you were a gem, everyone misses you and i don’t even know you. how am i supposed to be okay when all of my friends are suffering so much? you died in his arms and everyone thought that you were okay. it’s not fair, you were so young, and so full of life while you had. why do people who are so good die so young?

  39. gems are cool. they are sparkly. they can be used as jewlery. i like them. gems are sparkly. i am repeting

  40. ♥♥♥♫♫♫♫–↓↨↓╕

    CINDY OOH! ♥♥♫♫♫☼◄↕♀$