she was a gem in the night, sparkling like the stars which refused to shine. She took my hand and pulled me through a field of undeniable love and there i stood, with my gem. forever.
gemstones are so shiny. they are hard and smooth. sometimes i like to put a bunch of them in my mouth and roll them around with my tongue. they click on my teeth. Opps, i broke one.
stone. rock. girls named gemma.
i once was a gem and now I’m just a stone.
she had heard it so many times before: diamond in the rough, but she was sick of it, she wanted just smooth tea leaves, the comfort of her pillows, and rainy days. if only life could be easier, we’d all just sail away. and like sparkling gems in the sky, the stars shone as she sat by the lake by night. and the geese drifted across, making ripples that reflected the moon’s great light.
The gem is truly something to behold. SOmething so stationary and lifeless that can still garb your attention like no other. It’s like love at first sight. That thing shining in the rough, and that’s it. Sparkling like a twinkling christmas like that gem can hold your hold dream upside down. And that’s just the fly’s eye. You think you can see through that? You think? Maybe.
Christy Taronno
The gem was as beautiful as a dragon’s scale, though a thousand times more precious. It glittered in the cold moonlight, giving us more warmth than a fire ever could, more warmth in our hearts and our minds than a universe of volcanoes.
Wait, I swear this has already been word of the day before. Maybe not.
It’s not like I’ll remember in 5 minutes anyway. I’ll be readying the candy bowl on the living room coffee table. Waiting for the doorbell.
It’s one gem of a sound, isn’t it?
we all wanted it, lust and gold. gems on our names, but we lost it all in pride. what spite the world has evolved.
Tiffany Jones
There was a beautiful gem on her finger. It sparkled bright as she moved about the room -catching all the glimmers of light. Though, it was simple. Quite simple – with a pearl on one side and a diamond on the other.
gem reminds me of a name
a name of a girl from school
high school
when i wasnt high
she was a girl
indeed she was
but she was not mine
we are all gifts from God. We have a jealous God who prizes our value much more than we do. We do not realize just how lucky we are to have a God who wants us the way He does. We should give ourselves to Him in the most wholehearted way we know how.
just me
she wanted opals. those translucent pearls.
she wanted understanding. a little bit of magic perhaps
she wanted color trapped inside a shell. it was worth it she thought.
people are gems. they just don’t realize it. we are all gifts from God, made special and unique and perfect. we underestimate ourselves. it’s sad.
The gem glittered in the light, like so many suns. It was trite but also true. For it was the core of the engine that was going to power the ship for the next hundred years, just like a small sun.
The sunlight radiated off of his skin like a thousand gold gems. He stepped off of the high dive and landed in eighty-four degree water at the public pool. It was quiet today. Three young girls sat in the corner of the pool area gushing over fashion magazines while a young boy, around eight, was doggy paddling all around the shallow end. Cynthia was wading on the stairs while watching Mike Tomlinson, her future husband if she had anything to say about it, swam in the deepest part of the pool. If only.
a shiny object…reminds me of a jewelry store, such shiny objects, glittering in the morning sun, reflecting…rainbows on the walls, clear, cut, crystal…necklaces, bracelets, all different styles, reflecting…rainbows on the walls, clear, cut, crystal…gem
Shiny object. Cost a lot.
A shint
A shiney object. A small object. A colorful object. An object that goes on jewelry. The way i see it is it’s awsome.
emeralds glisten in the rocks beneath the citadel. They fuel the lights and sounds of the castle above. They are unthinking rocks, not capable of judgment or reason. Little do the ones above realize, their time is coming. They are the foundation of the castle above, and can cause all to topple.
Life is a gem, precious and valuable. Something that can’t be stolen. Rich and priceless. Something that shouldn’t be taken for granted.
Krystina Ortiz
a precious stone like diamond, emarald, ruby etc. A rarely gifted person with benevolent heart or great efficiency.
Pavalamani Pragasam
a pretty jewel that I wouldn’t wear but some people would love to wear them all over because gems make them happy but I don’t define my life my the gems I wear!!! But if i had to wear a gem I would hope that it is the color blue. Blue gems are pretty things !
The gem gleamed malevolently on he finger. He had put it there, against her will, against her heart. He did not love her. He wanted only to own her.
tv show in the mid 80s and often times refered to as semi precious materials such as crystals, sapphires, rubies, and other opaque materials often used in jewelery
It was rough, with small gouges from the crude tools used to cut it from its encasing stone. But the color . . . remarkable.
She’s just a diamond in the rough, a rare piece of beautiful artwork. She’s a gem. Sparkling personality, beautiful, bubbly, cherished, wanted. She’s beautiful. I want her to be mine.
It was the sparkle in his eyes that reminded me about the gem in my back pack. Three years had passed since I’d stolen the diamond from him and his group of “adventurers”. Otherwise known as thieves. He wasn’t concerned about the diamond, probably thought it was already sold to the highest bidder.
No, the sparkle in his eyes was for the diamond on my finger.
Susan Fenn
Quit giving me this word to write about. I’d like to write about another word. Like piano, phone, tree, or rosebush.
John Steel
Truly, truly, truly outrageous? Oh wait I think it’s spelled Jem for the 80’s cartoon that many American girls fell in love with back in the day.
Gem is a beautiful stone that people like to put in jewelry. It shines and it shimmers and puts happiness into the lives it enters.
John Steel
Gem is a beautiful jewel. It can be many colors.
John Steel
It was autumn and the leaves were falling like gems on the cobblestones.
She couldn’t help but think about last year’s same season when she almost did the inevitable. It was a mistake. That love affair. And it came and it went like the autumn leaves falling.
She doesn’t regret it though.
Gem. There’s a gem in everything, don’t you know? Aside from astrology gemini, there’s jewellery, stars, and a bazillion other forms of beauty that I would classify as gems. Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I cannot finish this.
You’re my gem.
You’re the one that I chose out of all the rest.
I didn’t want the others, all pristine with their supposed beauty.
Instead, I wanted something a little flawed, a little worn around the edges, because it’s not about the outer beauty, it’s all about the inner beauty, and how everybody shows it.
a jewel, or something else that is precious. I dont personally care for jewels, but I do care for the people in my life and the experiences I have. Those are my gems.
Sarah Ann
I once knew a person named Paul Gadly. He never said anything out of place and he stood about 6 feet tall. He had a great big bushy beard and nothing fazed him. he was a gem of a man.
she was a gem in the night, sparkling like the stars which refused to shine. She took my hand and pulled me through a field of undeniable love and there i stood, with my gem. forever.
gemstones are so shiny. they are hard and smooth. sometimes i like to put a bunch of them in my mouth and roll them around with my tongue. they click on my teeth. Opps, i broke one.
stone. rock. girls named gemma.
i once was a gem and now I’m just a stone.
she had heard it so many times before: diamond in the rough, but she was sick of it, she wanted just smooth tea leaves, the comfort of her pillows, and rainy days. if only life could be easier, we’d all just sail away. and like sparkling gems in the sky, the stars shone as she sat by the lake by night. and the geese drifted across, making ripples that reflected the moon’s great light.
The gem is truly something to behold. SOmething so stationary and lifeless that can still garb your attention like no other. It’s like love at first sight. That thing shining in the rough, and that’s it. Sparkling like a twinkling christmas like that gem can hold your hold dream upside down. And that’s just the fly’s eye. You think you can see through that? You think? Maybe.
The gem was as beautiful as a dragon’s scale, though a thousand times more precious. It glittered in the cold moonlight, giving us more warmth than a fire ever could, more warmth in our hearts and our minds than a universe of volcanoes.
Wait, I swear this has already been word of the day before. Maybe not.
It’s not like I’ll remember in 5 minutes anyway. I’ll be readying the candy bowl on the living room coffee table. Waiting for the doorbell.
It’s one gem of a sound, isn’t it?
we all wanted it, lust and gold. gems on our names, but we lost it all in pride. what spite the world has evolved.
There was a beautiful gem on her finger. It sparkled bright as she moved about the room -catching all the glimmers of light. Though, it was simple. Quite simple – with a pearl on one side and a diamond on the other.
gem reminds me of a name
a name of a girl from school
high school
when i wasnt high
she was a girl
indeed she was
but she was not mine
we are all gifts from God. We have a jealous God who prizes our value much more than we do. We do not realize just how lucky we are to have a God who wants us the way He does. We should give ourselves to Him in the most wholehearted way we know how.
she wanted opals. those translucent pearls.
she wanted understanding. a little bit of magic perhaps
she wanted color trapped inside a shell. it was worth it she thought.
people are gems. they just don’t realize it. we are all gifts from God, made special and unique and perfect. we underestimate ourselves. it’s sad.
The gem glittered in the light, like so many suns. It was trite but also true. For it was the core of the engine that was going to power the ship for the next hundred years, just like a small sun.
The sunlight radiated off of his skin like a thousand gold gems. He stepped off of the high dive and landed in eighty-four degree water at the public pool. It was quiet today. Three young girls sat in the corner of the pool area gushing over fashion magazines while a young boy, around eight, was doggy paddling all around the shallow end. Cynthia was wading on the stairs while watching Mike Tomlinson, her future husband if she had anything to say about it, swam in the deepest part of the pool. If only.
a shiny object…reminds me of a jewelry store, such shiny objects, glittering in the morning sun, reflecting…rainbows on the walls, clear, cut, crystal…necklaces, bracelets, all different styles, reflecting…rainbows on the walls, clear, cut, crystal…gem
Shiny object. Cost a lot.
A shint
A shiney object. A small object. A colorful object. An object that goes on jewelry. The way i see it is it’s awsome.
emeralds glisten in the rocks beneath the citadel. They fuel the lights and sounds of the castle above. They are unthinking rocks, not capable of judgment or reason. Little do the ones above realize, their time is coming. They are the foundation of the castle above, and can cause all to topple.
Life is a gem, precious and valuable. Something that can’t be stolen. Rich and priceless. Something that shouldn’t be taken for granted.
a precious stone like diamond, emarald, ruby etc. A rarely gifted person with benevolent heart or great efficiency.
a pretty jewel that I wouldn’t wear but some people would love to wear them all over because gems make them happy but I don’t define my life my the gems I wear!!! But if i had to wear a gem I would hope that it is the color blue. Blue gems are pretty things !
The gem gleamed malevolently on he finger. He had put it there, against her will, against her heart. He did not love her. He wanted only to own her.
tv show in the mid 80s and often times refered to as semi precious materials such as crystals, sapphires, rubies, and other opaque materials often used in jewelery
It was rough, with small gouges from the crude tools used to cut it from its encasing stone. But the color . . . remarkable.
She’s just a diamond in the rough, a rare piece of beautiful artwork. She’s a gem. Sparkling personality, beautiful, bubbly, cherished, wanted. She’s beautiful. I want her to be mine.
It was the sparkle in his eyes that reminded me about the gem in my back pack. Three years had passed since I’d stolen the diamond from him and his group of “adventurers”. Otherwise known as thieves. He wasn’t concerned about the diamond, probably thought it was already sold to the highest bidder.
No, the sparkle in his eyes was for the diamond on my finger.
Quit giving me this word to write about. I’d like to write about another word. Like piano, phone, tree, or rosebush.
Truly, truly, truly outrageous? Oh wait I think it’s spelled Jem for the 80’s cartoon that many American girls fell in love with back in the day.
Gem is a beautiful stone that people like to put in jewelry. It shines and it shimmers and puts happiness into the lives it enters.
Gem is a beautiful jewel. It can be many colors.
It was autumn and the leaves were falling like gems on the cobblestones.
She couldn’t help but think about last year’s same season when she almost did the inevitable. It was a mistake. That love affair. And it came and it went like the autumn leaves falling.
She doesn’t regret it though.
Gem. There’s a gem in everything, don’t you know? Aside from astrology gemini, there’s jewellery, stars, and a bazillion other forms of beauty that I would classify as gems. Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I cannot finish this.
You’re my gem.
You’re the one that I chose out of all the rest.
I didn’t want the others, all pristine with their supposed beauty.
Instead, I wanted something a little flawed, a little worn around the edges, because it’s not about the outer beauty, it’s all about the inner beauty, and how everybody shows it.
a jewel, or something else that is precious. I dont personally care for jewels, but I do care for the people in my life and the experiences I have. Those are my gems.
I once knew a person named Paul Gadly. He never said anything out of place and he stood about 6 feet tall. He had a great big bushy beard and nothing fazed him. he was a gem of a man.