the general walks into the room; we stand at attention. Although we are not military. This is a wedding reception and we are drunk. Our inhibitions are down. and yet–We Stand at Attention. He smiles at us and we feel better. Happier. More capable. This is, generally speaking, sad.
He was our general. A man of proud suit and sightly stature. He ordered us and he obeyed. He was our God. He kept us alive. A man whose knowledge of military strategy could
general lee. the idea that is broad to encompass the whole idea, including all the components necessary to convey the point. also used to describe an authority figure in a militant army
holding out for the generality of a simple store.
smoke stirred soon turns to the dreams that once prevailed.
as it dissapears into the ocean above it no longer remains in your reality.
and dreams slowly disappear.
the placidity still sits there.
claiming more delusion in each moment.
but it never stops building castles in the air.
i long to be the ruler of those castles.
to skim the air in hopes of catching hapiness.
the shell pink in my mind steals the simplicity allotted for the day.
and now im obsolete.
The general area to see an even would be a hallway high school. Most events are inappropriate for teacher to notice. The thoughts displayed by teens can be very interesting, although scary.
In general, life is not pointless. Despite whoever tells you whatever, you have meaning. You have in yourself purpose, whether or not you seek it, it is there. Find it, and you will be all that you can be.
Jacob Fuhrman
oh in general…
we want to be accepted,
we want to be needed,
we want to be wanted,
we want some food,
we want to do it right…the first time,
we want to be loved
we want things to be perfect,
in general…
life is life and in general we do what we can to make it great.
the general said “go back to the barracks you boring butt” and then he linked eyes with the brothel next door. the general feeling was stark.
There was a man whom used to sit around our shop and tell old war stories. He was always hateful about anything he said but most of his stories had some meaning to life in them, even though they were laced in scathing amounts of foul language, slurs and demeaning words. No one liked him very much… we were glad when he died.
general is a word that covers most any topic at all it leaves room for any doubt
Renee Batista
bitchy nasty
boring, not fun never interesting. over simplified. smells muted. generalized, closeminded, of no interest. common goals. boring states.
The leader, the head. The one we all look to. But not the right one, not the one with a free pass. we may give all our power to him, but that does not make him right.
Most of the stuff coming to mind has “generally.” I can’t get this great quote out of my mind – “Mankind will not be free until the last general is strangled with the entrails of the last systems analyst.” Ed Abbey
general. generic. bland. common.
everyday nothing stems from the general attitude of conformity. The general goal is not the important one, nor will it advance society. Tied to the bounds of generality we can go nowhere fast. Nor can we do it happily.
in general there are several different people in this world but yet everyone is generally the same. some want this some want that but overall generally everyone wants something
in general, i don’t have a clue. trying to have a general idea of what i want to do and where i want to go, but i can’t help feeling this feeling of uncertainty that make me worry.
in general, i don’t have a clue. trying to have a general idea of what i want to do and where i want to go, but i can’t help feeling this feeling of uncertainty that make me worry.
Many people consider things in general, but if they could just look at things in a different light then that is when they truly make a difference in the world.
i already got this word, general. aren’t there any other words? is it a joke or irony that the only word is general, and there are no specifics? is this stream of conscious writing idea, which seemed quite good, nothing? general? time is up.
The general idea of life is to live. Everyone has a different path to follow that suits them. So is anyone right or wrong about anything, when everything is a matter of opinion?
To live a life without love is no life to live.L
the boring not particularly interesting nothing special to write about bad first word to get on this one word site. time is running out. someone who commands a military. i’m doing this for marketing purposes aren’t i? d’oh.
The general store is quite a dull place indeed. I don’t know exactly that the general store actually cares generals of any kind now that I think about it…So why isn’t it called something better, like, for instance.. an EVERYTHING YOU CAN POSSIBLY THINK OF store.
..Maybe cause the name is too long.
that is something that most people think is just what everything is. its general, its normal, its common. general is not unusual or unpredictable. its just what is expected and what everybody thinks will happen. also, in general means that normally or commonly. if something happens in general youre not talking specifics. general does not coorespond to a higher state of htinking and specifis, its just a normal state of thinkign.
you know
there’s always a general idea, I think we are all born on general terms, just like general ideas, we gotta take it and make it our own. DIg deeper than the surface, thats what separates the ordinary from the super extraordinary
jane austen
general is generally general
daniel goodman
The class was general knowledge. This meant that the students knew almost nothing compared to their professor. He was a short squat man, red in the face and with a general air of confusion. The boys spotted this weakness within seconds of walking in the door.
General knowledge is important for all of us to know. In general, we must at least cope up with the latest issues that happen around us. Without having to know any general
I think of a general in a army. In a way it could be a sad word.
People love and lie and kill each other. And the only constant is the pure idea that is You. And You might not even be anything but a random firing of synapses and empty space. But it’s all perspective anyway.
General. I think that is a sad word. So common. Why would anyone generalize about anything? Be specific.
Say what you mean and not just laziness…
something that speaks for everything. nothing to it except the basic steps of life. general specific. I generally love writing. In general, i would consider this an interesting website. generally i have enjoyed telling you what i think about this word
Elizabeth Fishback
In general is in the army and I hate going to one! I mean I all full supporting the troops but fighting isn’t the answer to every diplomacy problem!
A simple sort of thing, this general. Mostly generic. Entirely evasive. That’s why… I can’t find anything to say.
It is a general word today. Trite it may be to write such a editorial but I feel it nessesary to do so. I aim to inform and perhaps one day I can become a military general. That certainly is one meaning, but which one do I use? Is the fact so general that by introducing a possible career as one make it seem redundant? The information given is just to broad…to general…perhaps if more material were given, but alas time will limit general material.
Eric H.
The General called him into his office. The meeting would not be a good one. Appropriations were missing, troops were starving. This would not be tolerated. It would soon be time to explain. If only he could.
general store like a supermarket but convenient less grocery more essential stuff like toothpaste diapers snacks water nails toothbrush some food bathroom hammer so much stuff
plain. random. complicated. normal. hospital soap operas. how life is supposed to be. the way things usually happen. how come life is considered “general”? a type of science. a type of idea – one commonly accepted by people. boring. expected.
It was not a solid temporal feeling, but it was this sort of, uh, you know? Like a very non-specific, but a kind of thing that you would see and get ready to do, but not really, it wasn’t as structured as that. Maybe I’m just using too many analogies or not really analogies, that’s a little too obvious or, not really as close to saying what I’d like to say about this thing, which is oddly not something really that much said as done or, uh, with.
the general walks into the room; we stand at attention. Although we are not military. This is a wedding reception and we are drunk. Our inhibitions are down. and yet–We Stand at Attention. He smiles at us and we feel better. Happier. More capable. This is, generally speaking, sad.
He was our general. A man of proud suit and sightly stature. He ordered us and he obeyed. He was our God. He kept us alive. A man whose knowledge of military strategy could
general lee. the idea that is broad to encompass the whole idea, including all the components necessary to convey the point. also used to describe an authority figure in a militant army
holding out for the generality of a simple store.
smoke stirred soon turns to the dreams that once prevailed.
as it dissapears into the ocean above it no longer remains in your reality.
and dreams slowly disappear.
the placidity still sits there.
claiming more delusion in each moment.
but it never stops building castles in the air.
i long to be the ruler of those castles.
to skim the air in hopes of catching hapiness.
the shell pink in my mind steals the simplicity allotted for the day.
and now im obsolete.
The general area to see an even would be a hallway high school. Most events are inappropriate for teacher to notice. The thoughts displayed by teens can be very interesting, although scary.
In general, life is not pointless. Despite whoever tells you whatever, you have meaning. You have in yourself purpose, whether or not you seek it, it is there. Find it, and you will be all that you can be.
oh in general…
we want to be accepted,
we want to be needed,
we want to be wanted,
we want some food,
we want to do it right…the first time,
we want to be loved
we want things to be perfect,
in general…
life is life and in general we do what we can to make it great.
the general said “go back to the barracks you boring butt” and then he linked eyes with the brothel next door. the general feeling was stark.
There was a man whom used to sit around our shop and tell old war stories. He was always hateful about anything he said but most of his stories had some meaning to life in them, even though they were laced in scathing amounts of foul language, slurs and demeaning words. No one liked him very much… we were glad when he died.
general is a word that covers most any topic at all it leaves room for any doubt
bitchy nasty
boring, not fun never interesting. over simplified. smells muted. generalized, closeminded, of no interest. common goals. boring states.
The leader, the head. The one we all look to. But not the right one, not the one with a free pass. we may give all our power to him, but that does not make him right.
Most of the stuff coming to mind has “generally.” I can’t get this great quote out of my mind – “Mankind will not be free until the last general is strangled with the entrails of the last systems analyst.” Ed Abbey
general. generic. bland. common.
everyday nothing stems from the general attitude of conformity. The general goal is not the important one, nor will it advance society. Tied to the bounds of generality we can go nowhere fast. Nor can we do it happily.
in general there are several different people in this world but yet everyone is generally the same. some want this some want that but overall generally everyone wants something
in general, i don’t have a clue. trying to have a general idea of what i want to do and where i want to go, but i can’t help feeling this feeling of uncertainty that make me worry.
in general, i don’t have a clue. trying to have a general idea of what i want to do and where i want to go, but i can’t help feeling this feeling of uncertainty that make me worry.
Many people consider things in general, but if they could just look at things in a different light then that is when they truly make a difference in the world.
i already got this word, general. aren’t there any other words? is it a joke or irony that the only word is general, and there are no specifics? is this stream of conscious writing idea, which seemed quite good, nothing? general? time is up.
The general idea of life is to live. Everyone has a different path to follow that suits them. So is anyone right or wrong about anything, when everything is a matter of opinion?
To live a life without love is no life to live.L
the boring not particularly interesting nothing special to write about bad first word to get on this one word site. time is running out. someone who commands a military. i’m doing this for marketing purposes aren’t i? d’oh.
The general store is quite a dull place indeed. I don’t know exactly that the general store actually cares generals of any kind now that I think about it…So why isn’t it called something better, like, for instance.. an EVERYTHING YOU CAN POSSIBLY THINK OF store.
..Maybe cause the name is too long.
that is something that most people think is just what everything is. its general, its normal, its common. general is not unusual or unpredictable. its just what is expected and what everybody thinks will happen. also, in general means that normally or commonly. if something happens in general youre not talking specifics. general does not coorespond to a higher state of htinking and specifis, its just a normal state of thinkign.
there’s always a general idea, I think we are all born on general terms, just like general ideas, we gotta take it and make it our own. DIg deeper than the surface, thats what separates the ordinary from the super extraordinary
general is generally general
The class was general knowledge. This meant that the students knew almost nothing compared to their professor. He was a short squat man, red in the face and with a general air of confusion. The boys spotted this weakness within seconds of walking in the door.
General knowledge is important for all of us to know. In general, we must at least cope up with the latest issues that happen around us. Without having to know any general
I think of a general in a army. In a way it could be a sad word.
People love and lie and kill each other. And the only constant is the pure idea that is You. And You might not even be anything but a random firing of synapses and empty space. But it’s all perspective anyway.
General. I think that is a sad word. So common. Why would anyone generalize about anything? Be specific.
Say what you mean and not just laziness…
something that speaks for everything. nothing to it except the basic steps of life. general specific. I generally love writing. In general, i would consider this an interesting website. generally i have enjoyed telling you what i think about this word
In general is in the army and I hate going to one! I mean I all full supporting the troops but fighting isn’t the answer to every diplomacy problem!
A simple sort of thing, this general. Mostly generic. Entirely evasive. That’s why… I can’t find anything to say.
It is a general word today. Trite it may be to write such a editorial but I feel it nessesary to do so. I aim to inform and perhaps one day I can become a military general. That certainly is one meaning, but which one do I use? Is the fact so general that by introducing a possible career as one make it seem redundant? The information given is just to broad…to general…perhaps if more material were given, but alas time will limit general material.
The General called him into his office. The meeting would not be a good one. Appropriations were missing, troops were starving. This would not be tolerated. It would soon be time to explain. If only he could.
general store like a supermarket but convenient less grocery more essential stuff like toothpaste diapers snacks water nails toothbrush some food bathroom hammer so much stuff
plain. random. complicated. normal. hospital soap operas. how life is supposed to be. the way things usually happen. how come life is considered “general”? a type of science. a type of idea – one commonly accepted by people. boring. expected.
It was not a solid temporal feeling, but it was this sort of, uh, you know? Like a very non-specific, but a kind of thing that you would see and get ready to do, but not really, it wasn’t as structured as that. Maybe I’m just using too many analogies or not really analogies, that’s a little too obvious or, not really as close to saying what I’d like to say about this thing, which is oddly not something really that much said as done or, uh, with.