everything is general, it is too broad a spectrum to cover things – you always people say “in general” – i hate that, I want to her “specifically” – I also think general-LY is overused because it makes me crazy, I need more details, I need more information – I think I’m almost out of time but in general, I should say I’m not fond of the word general…
Liz Williams
the general walked into the room staring down his soldiers. nothing was left to be said. they all knew what to expect. their display that day left them with a taste in their mouth; a nasty, sour taste. the kind of taste you have after being raped repeatedly.
the commander led his forces into the most inportant battle of his career. they were severely outnumbered. but, since general meant the highest form of leader, he must prevail and protect his men to the very best of his ability. he planed strategy as he never had before. he was sure they were ready and would be victorious.
generals who have lead thousands to their deaths and generals who have conquered empires out of the world alike spring to mind….. julius caesar, alexander, rameses the great, napoleon….
sunny day
not many clouds
my coffee is good
thinking out loud
type type type
not much time
trying to think
trying to rhyme
cell phone ringing
can’t concentrate
oh tonight I have a date
Julia Nellis
In a general sense, John was happy – it’s just that the specific details of his life tended to mess him up.
Great kids – but one with autism. Beautiful wife – but she’s moody and occassionally rude.
gererally life is simple for people. yet it seems so complex… complexity… what does it come out of? simplicity??? i think it does… too many simple things amalgamated… simple things are in any case most difficult to create or understand for that matter… what say???
well general is like the big happy word of everything! it just sits there and is all like “yeah im the general place man” yeah yeah yeah im general, god i hope this wasnt like an army general…..
In general, I think that the color green is very…earthy. It reminds me of vegetables. You know, in spanish, the word “verdura” means vegetable and in english “verdure” is a kind of green.
I hate to talk about things, in general. I hate to talk about things – in general – I prefer to get down to the brass tacks, down to specifics, down to the grit and grime and reality in the open wound.
I do make generalizations that sweep across too many faces, too many boundaries, I think they can be fun.
But let’s talk about us, Let’s talk about you and me and the air in our lungs and the crisp wind hitting our faces and what it means to be alive.
There was a collective sigh to the city of New York today, or so it seemed. The flowers were blooming and the sun was shining. All in all it seemed to be a perfect spring day. Still, in general, something was missing. There was a common lack. Perhaps it was the disconnectedness of this place.
Vanessa Jupe
The general stared down the battlefield. Bodies of both sides piled high and far, as if the flowers were shades of red and yellow. Only he and his right hand man stood standing, only because they were late were they able to save their lives. Late for a war, ridiculous, but proving to be a blessing.
General is not something that’s unusual. It is also a rank in the miliary.
She could feel the crowd pressing in on her, suffocating her. They were all the same, just like her. No differences, all so unique she couldn’t tell one from the next. She hated them. She hated herself. She pushed her way between all of the same people, feeling like a number, a barcode. The stairs beckoned to her, but she took the elevator like everyone else. The wall threatened to crush her the whole way up. At the top a line had formed, and she joined it, even though the edge was bare and free. When it came to her turn she jumped off, just as the person before her had, and the person after her would. The long fall promised freedom, but all she felt was sameness. Her broken body and cooling blood joined the thousands before her, and soon it could not be separated from anyone else’s.
Charlie Rose
gerneral. it could be a war hero. it could be in general. like all generals in general are generally good people.
It could mean anything, nothing, something, everything. “generally speaking…”
General is not everyone, everything, is it?
Am I the odd one out,
the loser of the bunch
who these trite phrases don’t apply to?
Andrew McKechnie
He was a Major General, who, in general, didn’t do anything major throughout his whole life. He was a modest Major General who looked nice in his dress uniform, and tried to be a good father, and was kind to his wife through weekly flower delivery and nice words about her casserole baking. He was a Major General who did ok, but not majorly.
The general idea that love exists behind closed doors is a lie. A facade we all like to believe it, but will truly never find. Love is such a superficial thing, that only exists in movies and other false things, something we can all show off and act like we own.
man, i love general tsao chicken. i haven’t had chinese in a long time. msg and all that. sometimes trying to be healthy really sucks. now i really want some chinese food. lots of it.
General is such a general term. In general, the specifics in life are colorful little details but we only remember the general ideas of any given day or any given period of our life. Such a drab term: general, but seemingly the most important.
Joci Wonderly
Read a book, Write a letter
Cathie Stilley
When something is general is is broad, it isn’t something specific it has a wide range of possibilities about the subject at hand. It can include a group of people, or many objects, or just vaguely be directed at something.
In general, I like to think and put my words on paper. A general is also a military official, but I’m not terribly fond of the military. General Mills makes cereal, just like Kellogg’s, who dropped Michael Phelps for smoking ganja. Oh, no, I can’t think about any more meanings of general to ramble about – oh well, time’s up anyways.
The general concept about certain things is quite amusing. For expample i was once told that being general is very boring. Details are what make life more specific. How do we know what general is?
Don’t think. Just write. General? how am I going to write about general. I’m in the army, but who wants to write about that?
I am the general.\I own you. GTFO.
you are just standingthere. looking awfully pretty, but you know you’re scared of the reality.
pretty scared. bai/
M. Samano
a boring word it is all encompassing and does not give way to the unique or different it is part of the mob mentality we live in…..aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
General, the army or life? Or the army of life? Generally, I don’t care for either but now I do. I love the word general because it’s so…..general….There’s a power within it yet aloofness as well. You can be either.
in every war, there is a general. they are ranked accordingly with stars. the higher the number of stars, the more powerful they are.
His name was albert munchin and he was born in ohio. He grew up the son of a pastor (don’t they all) and a prostitute – I suppose he was heaven bent on saving her. His upbringing was of the utmost ferocity. Strict, stringent and downright militant – a fantastic precursor for things to come.
In every war games thers always a general. Theres always a general because someone has to be incharge of the army. Without a general who knows how the army would be. Theres generals in the games because theres generals in real life.
Generals are better than sargants. I wouldnt like to be a general because I dont want to be in the army. A general is always comanding,bossy and strong. In the army you have to work out and train how to use a gun. I wouldnt like to enter the army because I might get shot and because I dont like shooting people.
everyhting general has a unique quality depending on situations. so that, every general includes a particular, but each particular may not join other particulars to create the original general. In short, we can learn flexibility from a general condition.
So blur, abstract, vague, unspecific. Yet a beauty of blending and gradients.
Benjamin See
army man, moustache, possible murderer. war, dirt, smell of burning flesh but he sits far away in a safe tent, smell of fresh grass…burnt black. hat sits proudly on head, denotes his rank. no jaunty angle here just a starched remninder of his job. black bands, yellow braids.
in general i LOVE college :) it is so much fun and i truly feel like i am getting a great education! i love meeting new friends and i even met my boyfriend! i am on the ski team and that is amazing!! i love college..in general.
I’m not angry at you. It’s just my general state of mind.
Yi Bin
I went to the store. There was nothing I needed. Just an escape from general obscenities. I just wanted a break, so which store do you think I went to…well obviously the general store.
everything is general, it is too broad a spectrum to cover things – you always people say “in general” – i hate that, I want to her “specifically” – I also think general-LY is overused because it makes me crazy, I need more details, I need more information – I think I’m almost out of time but in general, I should say I’m not fond of the word general…
the general walked into the room staring down his soldiers. nothing was left to be said. they all knew what to expect. their display that day left them with a taste in their mouth; a nasty, sour taste. the kind of taste you have after being raped repeatedly.
the commander led his forces into the most inportant battle of his career. they were severely outnumbered. but, since general meant the highest form of leader, he must prevail and protect his men to the very best of his ability. he planed strategy as he never had before. he was sure they were ready and would be victorious.
generals who have lead thousands to their deaths and generals who have conquered empires out of the world alike spring to mind….. julius caesar, alexander, rameses the great, napoleon….
sunny day
not many clouds
my coffee is good
thinking out loud
type type type
not much time
trying to think
trying to rhyme
cell phone ringing
can’t concentrate
oh tonight I have a date
In a general sense, John was happy – it’s just that the specific details of his life tended to mess him up.
Great kids – but one with autism. Beautiful wife – but she’s moody and occassionally rude.
gererally life is simple for people. yet it seems so complex… complexity… what does it come out of? simplicity??? i think it does… too many simple things amalgamated… simple things are in any case most difficult to create or understand for that matter… what say???
well general is like the big happy word of everything! it just sits there and is all like “yeah im the general place man” yeah yeah yeah im general, god i hope this wasnt like an army general…..
In general, I think that the color green is very…earthy. It reminds me of vegetables. You know, in spanish, the word “verdura” means vegetable and in english “verdure” is a kind of green.
I hate to talk about things, in general. I hate to talk about things – in general – I prefer to get down to the brass tacks, down to specifics, down to the grit and grime and reality in the open wound.
I do make generalizations that sweep across too many faces, too many boundaries, I think they can be fun.
But let’s talk about us, Let’s talk about you and me and the air in our lungs and the crisp wind hitting our faces and what it means to be alive.
There was a collective sigh to the city of New York today, or so it seemed. The flowers were blooming and the sun was shining. All in all it seemed to be a perfect spring day. Still, in general, something was missing. There was a common lack. Perhaps it was the disconnectedness of this place.
The general stared down the battlefield. Bodies of both sides piled high and far, as if the flowers were shades of red and yellow. Only he and his right hand man stood standing, only because they were late were they able to save their lives. Late for a war, ridiculous, but proving to be a blessing.
General is not something that’s unusual. It is also a rank in the miliary.
She could feel the crowd pressing in on her, suffocating her. They were all the same, just like her. No differences, all so unique she couldn’t tell one from the next. She hated them. She hated herself. She pushed her way between all of the same people, feeling like a number, a barcode. The stairs beckoned to her, but she took the elevator like everyone else. The wall threatened to crush her the whole way up. At the top a line had formed, and she joined it, even though the edge was bare and free. When it came to her turn she jumped off, just as the person before her had, and the person after her would. The long fall promised freedom, but all she felt was sameness. Her broken body and cooling blood joined the thousands before her, and soon it could not be separated from anyone else’s.
gerneral. it could be a war hero. it could be in general. like all generals in general are generally good people.
It could mean anything, nothing, something, everything. “generally speaking…”
General is not everyone, everything, is it?
Am I the odd one out,
the loser of the bunch
who these trite phrases don’t apply to?
He was a Major General, who, in general, didn’t do anything major throughout his whole life. He was a modest Major General who looked nice in his dress uniform, and tried to be a good father, and was kind to his wife through weekly flower delivery and nice words about her casserole baking. He was a Major General who did ok, but not majorly.
The general idea that love exists behind closed doors is a lie. A facade we all like to believe it, but will truly never find. Love is such a superficial thing, that only exists in movies and other false things, something we can all show off and act like we own.
man, i love general tsao chicken. i haven’t had chinese in a long time. msg and all that. sometimes trying to be healthy really sucks. now i really want some chinese food. lots of it.
General is such a general term. In general, the specifics in life are colorful little details but we only remember the general ideas of any given day or any given period of our life. Such a drab term: general, but seemingly the most important.
Read a book, Write a letter
When something is general is is broad, it isn’t something specific it has a wide range of possibilities about the subject at hand. It can include a group of people, or many objects, or just vaguely be directed at something.
In general, I like to think and put my words on paper. A general is also a military official, but I’m not terribly fond of the military. General Mills makes cereal, just like Kellogg’s, who dropped Michael Phelps for smoking ganja. Oh, no, I can’t think about any more meanings of general to ramble about – oh well, time’s up anyways.
The general concept about certain things is quite amusing. For expample i was once told that being general is very boring. Details are what make life more specific. How do we know what general is?
Don’t think. Just write. General? how am I going to write about general. I’m in the army, but who wants to write about that?
I am the general.\I own you. GTFO.
you are just standingthere. looking awfully pretty, but you know you’re scared of the reality.
pretty scared. bai/
a boring word it is all encompassing and does not give way to the unique or different it is part of the mob mentality we live in…..aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
General, the army or life? Or the army of life? Generally, I don’t care for either but now I do. I love the word general because it’s so…..general….There’s a power within it yet aloofness as well. You can be either.
in every war, there is a general. they are ranked accordingly with stars. the higher the number of stars, the more powerful they are.
His name was albert munchin and he was born in ohio. He grew up the son of a pastor (don’t they all) and a prostitute – I suppose he was heaven bent on saving her. His upbringing was of the utmost ferocity. Strict, stringent and downright militant – a fantastic precursor for things to come.
In every war games thers always a general. Theres always a general because someone has to be incharge of the army. Without a general who knows how the army would be. Theres generals in the games because theres generals in real life.
Generals are better than sargants. I wouldnt like to be a general because I dont want to be in the army. A general is always comanding,bossy and strong. In the army you have to work out and train how to use a gun. I wouldnt like to enter the army because I might get shot and because I dont like shooting people.
everyhting general has a unique quality depending on situations. so that, every general includes a particular, but each particular may not join other particulars to create the original general. In short, we can learn flexibility from a general condition.
So blur, abstract, vague, unspecific. Yet a beauty of blending and gradients.
army man, moustache, possible murderer. war, dirt, smell of burning flesh but he sits far away in a safe tent, smell of fresh grass…burnt black. hat sits proudly on head, denotes his rank. no jaunty angle here just a starched remninder of his job. black bands, yellow braids.
in general i LOVE college :) it is so much fun and i truly feel like i am getting a great education! i love meeting new friends and i even met my boyfriend! i am on the ski team and that is amazing!! i love college..in general.
I’m not angry at you. It’s just my general state of mind.
I went to the store. There was nothing I needed. Just an escape from general obscenities. I just wanted a break, so which store do you think I went to…well obviously the general store.