
April 26th, 2009 | 156 Entries

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156 Entries for “gentle”

  1. on american idol there was a guy named noman gentle he was funny but he lost haha not he was cool though

  2. i am gentle with my friends and gentle sometimes with pes and that is it the end

  3. A deer so graceful and gentle bounded by. Peter aimed the arrow carefully. At the last second he let go and the deer fell. Then in a second the world blurred and he was on the ground blood flowing from a fresh wound.

  4. i just got this word! this is only my second time doing this and I got the same thing. What the heck. I said gentle like a babys skin or something like that. then i started talking about the wind and stuff. buh bye.

  5. The lips i touch so pale and pink, another kiss tonight to seal my teeth. The truths we bare alone tonight, held tight and grasped between my palms. I love you gentle dearest.

  6. Soft fingers caress the skin, speaking in silent whispers about what is to come.

  7. gentle like a baby
    is that the best I can come up with?
    yes it is my friend
    it is

    my time is not up yet
    that’s unfortunate

    gentle like the wind
    in my face
    in a storm

  8. Gentle is a pretty cool word, it describes softness in touching or a lightness that is calm. I am usually quite gentle, but sometimes I lose my temper and I become angry. I like gentle things, except for pets like cats, because then it ruins all the fun, since fightin’ bitin’ cats and dogs are awesome.

  9. Sometimes it’s tricky to be gentle in manner. Some people don’t deserve it. When a camper or parent is being a dickwad, it’s tough to keep a calm, cool and professional manner, to talk and explain gently. Some of them just deserve a kick in the pants.

  10. Do not go gentle into that good night… Make a diference, scream and shout, change something…You’re gonna die anyways… It’s your last chance. This is it. right now.

    Dylan was right. Rebel against the dying of the light.

  11. The water gently lapped at the sand on the beach, up and down the curved shoreline, over and around the various pebbles, stones, other brick-a-brack…and the feet that protruded out from under one of the giant boulders at the far end of the shoreline.

  12. cannonball into a pile of feathers with a soft-skinned lover. lips brush gooseflesh on the back of my neck and I shiver…sailing on a tranquil sea of sighs

  13. like my skin

  14. Oh so gentle is the wind that wakes my soul. What is it? A breeze of new life? A kiss from a loved one? Or simply the hot summer sun, breaking the cold shell of winter and giving me new breath?

  15. you aren’t aggressive. you do stuff with care and love. someone who’s gentle is often sensitive and caring. you’re careful. you aren’t rough.

  16. gentle! oh, how beautiful. the kisses are gentle; so are the hands. the first love told me that no one had ever been so tender, but tender was not enough. the second love is gentle, too. there is no comparison. hands never change and eyes always reflect.

  17. Oh so nice, the breeze, the tree’s, the animals surrounding me. My brother, so gently gnawing on my leg.

    He was always a nice kid, and so kind, and now that he’s undead he continues to demonstrate that tenacity to kindness.

  18. Soft and calming, its the touch we all crave. Everyone from children, the elderly, dogs, and lovers desire the touch of a feather. Gentle is the definition of what we seek in comforting love. Its not supposed to dark or even romantic, just loving. Not passionate, but caring.

  19. Why can’t you be gentle, be more caring, maybe a bit less crass?
    Why can’t you take the sharp edge off of your whole self?
    I’ll never really be happy with you until you can.

    Gentle touches of the rain caress my back as i hurtle through the storm

  20. The wind is gently brushing against my face as I sit atop the roofs of my small town. I can’t see the edges of the town any more while the mist covers my face. I do, however, see that there is still children playing despite the death that falls around us. There is so much pain, yet the gentle wind still touches us all and will allow us to see what is brought to our world.

    alex p leith
  21. i try to be gentle, i thought as i pounded down the sidewalk to the sweet tunes of my dear life that i could hold in the palm of my hand. yes i tryed, but never succeeded. why? who knows. maybe im just incapable. of this.

    Jesica Deeter
  22. women are gentle mostly, ilike gentle things, snuggles is gentle and stuff. this is interesting, i don’t really know what i think of gentle. I think most women are getnle and thats good, it kinda makes me think of Lauren an dhow ungentle she can be, is ungentle a word? i don’t know but i think im retty gentle

  23. She was a very gentle woman. She was kind and quiet, keeping to herself. Physically she was not strong, but mentally and spiritually she was stronger than anyone I had evr known.

  24. The word is “gentle”. Ther’s no way we can differentiate between the word “gentlew” as in “gentlemen” and the accepted meaning of the word which conveys softness and personal empathy.

    Bob Carr
  25. His voice was gentle as he spoke. “Shhh everything will be ok” he hushed my tears as I lay in the wreckage of my BMW, and so it seemed my life.

  26. His gentle hands caress my elbow, as if it is something so delicate it would break with the slightest touch. The thing is, I’m not quite so fragile. I’m tough. But when I tell him this, he merely shakes his head and whispers, “You are delicate to me. If I am not careful enough, not gentle, than well…you don’t want to know what could happen.” I try not to let the fear escape my lips as I ask, “Then what will happen? How can we ever be together?” Nevertheless, my lip quivers on the last word, and a clear spherical droplet falls from my eye. “We’ll find a way,” he croaks, and than gives me a small smile, which lets me know one thing: he is right. We will always be together, no matter what.

    Emma louise
  27. Lips pressed to mine, so gentle. The taste of him, that last soft bite of chocolate – a gentle remnant on his tongue. Gentle. His hand in mine. Gentle. His kind eyes, smiling back at me.

    Gentle. I wish I knew the meaning of the word again.

  28. A gentle touch is the best way to do most things. At least in the modern age. the age of strength has seen is heyday and now it is gone. dexterity and gentleness are what matters now.

  29. “Be careful!” screamed my father. “You’ll break them, you need to be gentle with those eggs. You hear me, boy.”

  30. with others. with yourself. downy. patience. time. rivers flowing. heart beats. babies. elderly. I wish someone would be gentle with me – then maybe I wouldn’t have to be so.. aggresive or abrasive. That would be really nice.

  31. It reminds me of the bible verse but also the movie “A Walk to Remember”. I am not religious but I do remember that verse. It reminds me of my first boyfriend, who heeded my every word. Being aggressive when I wanted him to be and gentle when I wanted him to be.

  32. You are gentle, too kind for words or sounds. they don’t come out when i’m face to face with you. you’re too kind to someone like me. i’ll scrape away your innocence, leaving red nail marks behind. please, hide that gentle smile or i might just rip it off to wear as mine.

    Erica Extortion
  33. i need to do this right now. icant just keep waitng and it sucks. it really does. i hate how indiffferent you are. you asshole cant u just pretedn tot care you prettencios asssholee. i think im love with you i hate her i hate how u love her

  34. She was gentle with my heart, until I stole her will.
    I only chose to borrow it because she could not seem to handle it. Please, don’t think ill
    of me
    for doing what I thought best.
    For I only meant to teach you, that sometiems it’s all right to just let go.

  35. Gentle gentle Lady Spring dances over our land. Gentle gentle she touches the grass and the trees.
    Gentle gentle we hardly see her pass.

  36. as soft as her chest was, the cloth covering it was much softer. her touch, you would asume, was as gentle as spring air, drifting off a pond in to your mouth. sweet

  37. is not the word i’d use to describe.

  38. She was so gentle when she kissed him. When their lips tuched it was like the world had stopped. Nothing else mattered. It was like a warm wind a summers day.

  39. Gentle he was as he led me away from the crowd. His lips touched mine in a gentle way as he showed me that he could love me. And I was gentle with him, too…I showed him the way I could love him.
    And when I buried his body, far from the crowd, I gently laid him down to rest, a sweet and gentle rest that would never be disturbed.

    After all, I couldn’t let the world know how much he disturbed me, could I?

    Starr* R
  40. she caressed his skin with the care of mother gorilla. Her touch created fountains of relief that carpeted his arm, shoulder, chest. Her presence melted his brain.

    Zachary Campbell