
October 26th, 2008 | 937 Entries

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937 Entries for “gentle”

  1. lambs wool is gentle like the lamb itself; gentle like fabric softener: Snuggles! Gentle like gentlemen who may infact not be so gentle! Gentle is as gentle does. Forrest Gump was especially gentle. Gentle can sound funny when you say it over and over again. Tada!

    Marissa Lundin
  2. she touches my cheek and i close my eyes. my mother, so sweet. Her hands smell like that $1.50 lotion you buy at the conveiniance store. And there’s a hint of lye soap. Maniucured nails. Skimming lightly across my cheek. I don’t have to look to know it is her.

  3. Her hair is best described as gentle, the way it falls like a soft brown waterfall over her shoulders. Her eyes are the same shade of light brown, often staring at some inscrutable location, her dreamy gaze floating over her surroundings. I wonder why she never looks at me…

    Fernando Arrue
  4. gentle man that wear a good clothes and have a good moral. gentle must be a good pers

  5. Love is one word, which cannot be explained in a lifetime…
    words are so powerful, that one like ‘love’ can change a person forever…
    Its a beautiful word.. wit a lot of depth, which cannot be understood by a lot of people.. and cannot be told by a person who has felt it..
    I love this world, the blue blue skies… the nature… the oceans…
    thanks to God!!
    I love you god, and a beautiful and creative site..

  6. He picked her up and swung her around in victory. Her heart jumped with his actions and she smiled at him. But then, it was sadness. How could she be brave enough to face what was coming? He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her softly.

    “I don’t want to live in a world without you,” she said, crying.

    “You have to.”

    Georgia Summers
  7. gentle is the messenger
    the harbinger of sins
    gentle is the sidewinder
    not fashionable but slim
    gentle is the barrister
    his victims neatly filed
    gentle is the legal team
    their calm malicious bile
    who gently shield the needy
    with compassion and sweet smiles.

    Lee Gouyette
  8. soft and warm kind of person who has an accepting smile. Like the pillow in the morning, or a motherly figure, with a waft of baked bread smell when you hug their tubby figure. Like a strain of soft violin music on a starlit evening in summer.

  9. gentle is a way of behaving. It is not only kindness. It is a willingness to defend (by force if necessary) your kindness to others. Gentle is compassion without smothering, care without hovering.

  10. He was gentle, when he held her hand. They lay in the grass, looking to the trees and the sky, where soft clouds were drifting by. “I love you,” he said silently, with a small sigh, contemplating the wonderfulness of it all. She smiles and gave him a kiss on his cheek. “I love you too,” she said.

  11. Gentle: a word I always want to use in poems. Gentle-man is too easy. Tender, instead, though without the money connotation. “Tle” is such an ugly suffix, which is strange. I just wrote “suffice” instead of “suffix.” One letter short of “gentile,” an offensive typo, for sure. This isn’t nearly as interesting as a noun.

    Laura Eve
  12. una persona amable que hace cosas amables y dice cosas amables de las cosas amables que hace y de las cosas amables que piensa cuando piensa cosas amables de la gente amable. pura amabilidad. nada más.

    ene eme
  13. she was very gentle with her touch. when she touched me my skin tingled and goosebumps appeared everywhere. we were in the living room on the couch watching a movie when it happened, i’ve never felt that way before, there was something different about this girl. I knew it.

  14. wrap me in gentle kisses. I need your blanket now. I want to weep on your shoulder and melt into your neck. I need your gentle kisses please…

  15. ha like anyone is ever really gentle anymore. how can you be? this is not a world that rewards the gentle, or the meek, or the kind. in conclusion, be abrasive, harsh. mean.

  16. hello sir, how is your day? the gentlemen kindly asked the parrot.
    Well Im having trouble with my trousers being upside down, the parrot laughed back.
    you should try to put them on backwads.

  17. nice, kind, loving. Its everything we could ever want in life, but at the same time its everything we’ll never have. Not really. Because no one has the leisure to be gentle anymore. No one has the time.

  18. Don’t gentle into that good night, so said a famous poet.

    How does one not go gentle into the night? Do you go gentle in death? I would think so…..death is quiet, it is still, it is peaceful.

    Let us not accept that gentle lull of death no matter how quietly it may whisper our name.

    Sometimes it screams

  19. i wish i felt it, held it, owned it, inhabited it, lived it, spoke it, moved to it, and embodied more of it…but i’m just outspoken and loud instead.

  20. his touch was soothing. a gentle embrace of his fingers, clasping my shaking hands. all he wanted was to help me. there was no animosity in his grip, nor was there any fear.

  21. soft baby hands,
    innocence blooms silently,
    dissolving in quick sand.

    See and behold,
    the transience of human beauty.

    Regina Yoong
  22. A soft caress, a breeze. The look you give someone of the opposite sex, the touch you get from a parent or grandparent, the last words of a dying person.

    Xander Price
  23. The caressing touch of a lover. Not to hurt, but to heal. Given time to linger on a moment of beauty. If not to give the beauty itself. The push and pull of conscience over cruelty. The winner is decided by good nature itself.

  24. Gentle?

    How could anything be gentle, here?

    Jacobson swayed, throwing his hands out for support but finding nothing available to support him. He lurched momentarily like a drunken man, then found his footing in the mass of spongy white material that coated the floor. Turning his eyes upward, he saw the giant icebergs of frozen methane…

    N. R. B. Rhein
  25. gentle on my mind- gentle rain- be gentle when you pat the kitty, the doggie. be gentle wiht me- she says for her first time- he touched her cheek gently- go into your day gently.

    elizabeth jones
  26. Gently the man picked me up. I was so broken and cold. I felt as if no cared for me- they left me on the floor. But this stranger came and lifted me up and took me to his home. I have yet to know the man who helped. I want to return the favor.

    Carrie P. Diem
  27. kind, lovable, just be soft to people, give compliments about someone, gentle tickling

  28. Jesus is Gentle. He is the best at being a gentleman. Everyone should do their best to be gentle like Jesus.

  29. When i think of gentle, i think my mother, especially when i was a child, or how i remember her when she was around my younger brother when he was a baby. We take after each other, my mother and i, but i always got the feeling she was more gentle than me, and since then i cant ever remember meeting anyone who reminded me of the way she is. I guess thats because shes my mother and that many people feel the same about their parents, but i really feel i have a lot to learn from her, and i hope i can love my kids with the same gentle respect and care that she showed me and my siblings. I love you mom, and it goes to show what a profound effect your excellent mothering had on me, if your what came to mind when i saw the word gentle.

  30. The breeze was flowing in a gentle way in the remote mountainside village of Khajjiar. The trip to Khajjiar was really a nourishing one not only for the body but also for the soul and the relationship between two of us.

  31. gentle is what i always wanted to be. but i wasn’t. not with my kids, not with my husband, not with myself. always too harsh, too judgemental. but over the years, the Gen

  32. For the longest time, the children on the moor lived a caged life. Their jail bars of borders kept them locked in from the unknown. For outside of their faux protective borders laid the gentle unknown. While it would’ve carried the children across field of grass with the greatest of care, it was still unknown.

  33. just one word? that leaves me feeling a bit bereft. i need a few more than one. maybe six? what could i do with one. i could say, stop! or Go! or drink! or eat! or

  34. To be gentle is a good idea… But not too gentle since that might come out bad in the end where people expect too much from you or take advantage of your gentleness… Hmmm is that even a word?
    Today I have been gentle to my daughter.

  35. THe touch of your favorite person can be so gentle and caring it makes you think about how important that person is in your life. Gentle is more than a word its a feeling a feeling that never grows old.

    Ken Schafer
  36. This is a quality that usually associated with the women folk. In fact, they are even called the gentler sex. While that may be contestable by the ultra-modern, independent woman and the metrosexual man, it is but true that some os the specific qualities relating to the word gentle are more

  37. I know nothing of this word. The world is cruel, harsh, and unforgiving. This word is a complete fabrication. A construct to give people false hope so that their fall can be even greater and their pain more so bitter.

  38. a place in time that i have images of – a car – brown seat covers – i dont understand the words she said – maybe she’s right

  39. one word one dream, the best of one word is to say less that cares nothing, it it ]]is mean less :-)
    so happy only one word is not enough i don’t know what to write

  40. I’ve always thought it interesting that nobility were called the “gentle folk.” What is the benefit of being considered less hardy than other people? Is it that you have to be taken care of?
