
October 26th, 2008 | 937 Entries

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937 Entries for “gentle”

  1. life’s not so gentle when one discovers that a colleague makes quite a bit more money and one finds out by accident thanks to a proxima.

  2. gentle is humanity expressing its understanding of our own fragility in how we treat other things

    orion batten
  3. Flowers are gentle, swaying in the breeze, faces upturned to the sun like children.Children have a sense of wonder about them, innocent like the flowers in the field, they never stop seeing new and wonderful things about the world around them. We lose that when we grow up – we can’t see the wonder in a flower anymore.

  4. soft and flowing, a whisper, wind caressing your face, a smile that brings joy to your heart. A touch.

  5. my friends are some gentle. I like htem very much. I like to play with them, eat with them, and do everything they like to do. And I like my friends. And now, I think gentle makes me happy. I like mom. She is sometimes gentle with me and sometimes very agressive.

  6. The most gentle and kind person could be you. Don’t you think that if it could be you, then it certainly should be you? Of course it should. So make it happen, don’t just sit on your ass and let the troubles of others pass you by. Help people.

    Alexandra R Rosen
  7. i like to play with you. i like you. happy. it makes you like them. it makes me people feel very good. you would maybe turn out my best friend.

  8. sweet kind, loving old woman called to me from across the room. She wasn’t angry or harsh, although her voice is aged and warn with the years but she was gentle. It was soft and warm and reminiscent of something that i used to know when i was younger, my grandmother. That was what she was to me.

  9. gentle yes of course, you have to be gentle when you touch babies and your lovers. not in the same ways no no Im not a pedophile, what Im saying is gentle is a gentle word and when you tocuh you have to be gentle. gentle. its a gentle music Im listening to!

    ahmet ali
  10. in the end only kindness matters. and being gentle. i think it also means soft which reminded me of bath somehow. i know that’s not right.

  11. i am a gentle person. but even gentle people have limits. i get angry at unfairness, the only thing that makes my blood boil.

  12. gentle wind softly touching long blades of grass swaying them back and forth. they move in waves like the ocean, lapping up onto the shore. They move like hair being swept away from your face.

    Sierra Brodland
  13. boyfriends are gentle babies are gentle i am gentle with a baby i think about soft blankies and angels and softness and its a six letter word and i like gentleness OH and a grandpa’s hands :) and making stuff. Being gentle is good

  14. soft, calm, feather, chick, kitten, puppy, baby, woman, hands, mummy, love, lust, caress, cheek, bum, little, fern, plants, grass, sun, weather, snow, flakes, chocolate, animals

    Emma-Jane Dennis
  15. imperative to stay still,
    like a mountain in a frost we stay,
    watching waiting,
    following the effortless horse gallo[ing by the fences,
    gently we rest and put our heads on the heathen ground,
    not one movement is a shudder or a stutter,
    everything is fluid and

  16. the melody pulled me in then set me free, like the tide. over and over. ever so gentle the note pushed and pulled and turned and guided my soul

  17. soft. everything is soft. I wanted him to gentle the first time it happened, but not soft. Too soft. I couldn’t feel it at all. I don’t know why he would be so soft.

  18. Feeling gentle with a space of my own. The morning light coming in with a bundle of limbs under the sheets. Like an October basket of bread wrapped in a towel. It’s the best time and the shortest.

  19. Gentleness the only way to respond to act of horrific accusations of anythiong between heaven and earth.

  20. The gentle nose of the majestic giraffe-
    nuzzles you lightly on your shoulder
    begging for a touch of lovely attention
    and you can see the smile in her eyes

  21. Gentle, so they say, gentle like the sleep of angels, like the breath of God wisping over my face as I guide over the mountains; gentle, they say, but what do they know of the pain I suffer? Which one of them wakes at three of the morning and throws his insides into a pail beside the bed.

    Bill Kirby
  22. The elephant curled it’s powerful trunk around her torso and began to lift her into the air. she thought the experience would be frightening, but it’s velvety skin and graceful movement calmed her fears.

  23. big anyone know? the changed is the one for you. do you you fell it? do you even know how to choose? maybe all the reason to figure out what is the one that applies to yourself. maybe a little bit to soon

  24. Her dog was running through the park chaisn ducks. Suddenly she heard a child scream. “Piper, you have to be gentle with children.”

  25. The wind was blowing over the tops of the cat-tails by the stream, nature was at peace here. The beautiful girl at my side was humming “While My Guitar Gently Weeps.”

    Jake Scortino
  26. a touch, a baby.
    a remembered memory of the first time
    a parent, a friend.
    the way someone holds your hand

    derek d
  27. i am gentle i love gentlness it is cool i am it i want it i be it it is cool my friend is gentle and so are my parents it is an easy thing to be and it is deadly it keeps me calm

  28. Gently he strokes my hair. Whispering softly in my ear. I can feel his breath, hot on my neck. He tastes of ciggarette smoke. Breathing faster, he says those three words I long to hear…

  29. As the gentle breeze touched my bare skin and my jovial vocals rang throughout the forest, I was reminded of my personal being. I thought of the world and its selfishness and the the simplicity of the luscious forest. Wow. How I prefer the gentle breeze to the harsh smog of the city.

    Cory G
  30. fluffy stuffed animal, cuddly and doesn’t talk. Doesn’t betray you. in my bed, looking out the window, sunny day, but chilly and windy. my pillowcase has a delicate light blue floral pattern, very comforting. sheets are yellow

  31. Gentle means to handle with care, or to handle in a pleasing manner. This word is a beautiful word, and when I think of gentle I think of a nice massage. I also think of the sweet gentle touch of a beautiful and amazing girl. Gentle is a word that has many meaning.

    Jeremy Saltz
  32. The gentlest touch can hurt the mast because it never really trusts that you can take care of yourself.

  33. well gentle is a word used ffor some one to be kind and neat for with someone and behave in a way which the second person would like to be with and gentle can also be used in place of being caring , charming, also it can be used as an adjective to show someones affection and kindness.asd asdasdadadadada a das das a dad as fsdgytjui ki k u7j tjhh rh rkh rh rho5euy 94ut43 3 3t eg reg eg treg tre y tryh5yh 5j yjythrggfdffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

  34. well gentle is a word used ffor some one to be kind and neat for with someone and behave in a way which the second person would like to be with and gentle can also be used in place of being caring , charming, also it can be used as an adjective to show someones affection and kindness.

  35. My favorite wake up call is his caress upon my cheek

  36. I love gentle people. They are so nice and caring. Would you ever want to hug a rough person? No, of course not, you would want to hug a gentle person over a rough one anyday. That being said, i wouldn’t consider myself a gentle person.

  37. I think that bath time is the only way to go . You have soap and you have a warm sponge. there is notheing like sitting in the soothing waters of the tub.

    Cheryl Savage
  38. I think that bath time is the only way to go . You have soap and you have a warm sponge. there is notheing like sitting in the soothing waters of the tub.

    Cheryl Savage
  39. I tried to be gentle with her. She was precious like I’d never seen precious before. She sat before me on the bed, doll-like, wide-eyed, and beautiful. I did not know how to tell I’d be gentle. I did not know how to tell her I’d be goo.d She was scared and I knew, but I thrusted forward anyway. She was gentle but I was no gentleman.

    Jayne Broomhall
  40. lambs wool is gentle like the lamb itself; gentle like fabric softener: Snuggles! Gentle like gentlemen who may infact not be so gentle! Gentle is as gentle does. Forrest Gump was especially gentle. Gentle can sound funny when you say it over and over again. Tada!
