To give is better than to receive, they say. I’d say that’s relative, as you can give misery and disease as well as happiness and good things. All in all, I’d have to say the pundits are right, though. Intentionally choosing to give something generally implies a good intention.
give. in giving we receive. how much of myself should i give? all of me?
so it’s christmas and they say it’s the season to give. yeah yeah whatever. i didn’t even get a single gift. okay, i got one, but only because we were required to give each other gifts. i don’t care anymore about all this giving shit. what i get i’ll give to myself. i don’t have anyone else to give to anymore. reminds me i should give myself a gift. wrap it up in really colorful paper and give it to me. yeah, i’d like that. i have me. i don’t have anybody else but i have me. nice word to think of when it’s december 25. i’ve stopped trying to give.
To give is an amazing thing. Caused by a feeling of selflessness, it is also able to create a sense of self fulfillment. Giving has happened throughout history, and will continue to happen as long as good people exist.
a lot but i cant cause im broke so ill try to make money and i hope that i can actually aford to give if i have some money to give in the first place, but i guess that go with having a good job which i had but i need to get again, economyh is fucked you know i lost my job cause my boss couldnt finde work to keep me bussy so i gues that i ran out of idesa
give me hope. give me something to work with. i just need an answer. i can’t wait forever. i’m sick of waiting. please just give me an answer. it’s driving me insane. please. i can’t do this for much longer….
give up. dont give up. everything you take must be eventually returned. i.e. give. tried? give up? try again. never give up. give what you can. take in return to give back. music gives gifts that cannot be given by the hand that gives from givers. be happy for what people give you.
I like to give. Giving is good. When I think about giving, it makes me happy. More people should take time out of their lives and think about the world around them. There are important things that people need every day that they don’t give. But if people that have more than enough took the time to care, they might get them.
giving is almost a self thing. when people give they expect things in return..always. this is a very sad thought.
brittney m
give and you shall receive. give love, give greatness, give your all. give to get. give and take. give too much and you’re vulnerable. giving
more and more the days come pass. one more in which i feel underaccomplishement of ones high standards
the illest
i gave and gave and gave to those in need. i did it unaware without care and free. I love to give to love to live and see what we could be. I love this life to spend my all to love most willingly.
What can I do but spend till it hurts. to take the pain and wash the stain of your life’s injury
give me anything. as long as it’s from you i’ll want it, need it and take it. give me the world.or just your world. give me a place in your world. you have a place in mine. let me give you anything you ever wanted. let me give you everything you need. and let me give you me. I’m tired of giving parts of myself, please, take the whole thing. love me. and don’t stop. ever. thats all I want to be given. ever. by only you. and in return I will never stop loving you. I want you to have all of me.
Amanda Shae
give is like sharing part of your soul with someone else. if everyone gave a little more, the earth would be a better place. i’m not sure what else to write, i think i pretty much covered it.
It’s Christmas. The season of giving. But why do we have to wait until Christmas to give stuff to people we love or even to total strangers? Everyday should be Christmas day not because we should buy Christmas gifts for everybody but because we should give ourselves as a gift to others. We’ve been given so many blessings but it wasn’t just meant for us. It’s for us to share.
The process of letting someone else have want you have. Or to give it as a present. To give is to let a part of yourself and your effert to a person that you feel diservis it.
He would never give me that. That was the one thing I could never have from him. He’d give me the world if he could, but never that. Never his heart. It would not be for me. No matter how much I pleaded. No matter how much I begged. It would never be mine.
To give something to someone. A gift or present. You may have the intention of doing this to further your own gains…aka a marketing strategy. To give someone something is usually considered a selfless act because it implies that they are not paying for it and you are merely donating it to their life.
she’s always giving and never receiving.
in her social life as well as her sex life.
it doesn’t seem to bother her.
except for the times that she doesn’t want to.
except for the times she has to.
you a kick in the ass i don’t think i want to be doing this at all il liikwjwg djrhy toi butterfly make you fud fud fud a;sjdo eoieoeoeoeoeoeoeo aj AN D F RT YOU DON’ TH NWEED MAKR FHASLDKF FACK FACK FLA FAKE SHUFFA SHUFAA AAAHHHHHHAHHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH F DHJ A SDHJF MUSHROMOO MUSHROOMS TO ME GIV GIVE GIVE GIVE GIEV GIEV GIVE GGGIIIVE VIG E GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G IVRRRRRE . . . . . . . . H H H H U I GIV4R caps on wait……………………………………………………… ok give ……….. give
To give is to truly appreciate. We so often take and take and take when we do not realize what has be given. If we were to truly sit back and see what the gift that is given is then we can truly understand who has given and who has taken because we have given the person someone to give to and they have probably taken advantage of that.
Give, give, give is all I do. It sounds pretty typical but I mean really giving is all anyone can do. They just choose what to give whom, selfish people choose to give to themselves and selfless people to others, kinda gives new meaning to the words, because face it, when you give everything away there’s nothing left for you.
Andrew Meare
I like to give my friends gifts. It’s fun to give. It’s a very unselfish thing of a person to do for another. It also puts smiles on other peoples faces including your own. I like receiving as well as I like giving. I like to give my animals food,
The essence of the world. Living, breathing, and dying organism… Why must it be so? Do we truly need so many things that we are unable to even begin to comprehend that the world has needs as well… Too bad. I would have liked to see beauty once.
this is the season of giving. give of your heart. give of your money. they tell you to give. people feel good when they give of themselves. so then why are you really giving. how and why is it that people weigh how much to give against what is expected. Someone is hungry and you say hello. that is not what the need.
Giving is selfless. Selflessness is hard to find nowadays. Not a lot of people think about it, they think it’s santa’s job. Not so, I say. Santa’s got enough on his plate to have to be the only selfless person on earth anymore, we need to do our part. Join the Selfless for Santa organization now.
John Kozloski
give a lot. give a little. give nothing. give everything. give to me. give to you. giving is better than receiving. you and me always give. we give and we give until there is no more to give. it is not charity, it is justice. it is who we are and what we are. we create, mold, transpire, and transform. our dignity is blessed and our karma is good.
time to. perpetual plan. stop and think about someone else for a change. give peace a chance. give thanks. give generously. give love. give of yourself. and give to yourself the gift of yourself. we are human, and this is our nature.
Give lovers love, so they have reason.
Give wise men wisdom so they have reason.
Give women children so they have happiness.
give a gift for christmas. give respect. give love give all you can. giva as much as you feel you can offer. give hope. give encouragement. giving is caring.
give to one another.
Christmas is the season of giving. When you give to another person, you gain so much too. You gain a sense of accomplishment, and you feel good about having helped to brighten somebody’s day. If you give, you shall also receive. So please, give a gift this Christmas. You’ll be glad you did!
“Give me everything you think!” It was certainly the most unique mugging I’de ever seen. He was not stealing my things. He was stealing my thoughts, my preconceptions. I owe him everything.
“here take it, its yours!” the girl smiled.
i cautiously took the wrapped gift and opened it slowly.
“!” i was shocked.
” do you like it?” She asked eagerly
“it’s beautiful..”
I’ve spent a lot of time in my life thinking of what to give people.
I’ve spent a lot of money on things that i’ve given to people. But as I’ve grown up, I’ve realized it isn’t the “thing” people remember, but it’s the giving. So give.
i hate giving my time to undeserving people.
It’s the season to give. It’s the cheer, the atmosphere…the life.
Life it as you please. Give as one gives you, to the best of your ability. It’s the time of cheer, the time of love…
But I don’t feel it. It’s not present in my mind this year. It’s as if I was the grinch this year. No longer the same person I was in the last. Where is the cheer?
i give it all away. even things i don’t have i just give and give and give. i have nothing left to give so i give some more. they need it i don’t so i give some more there’s always more to give it just keeps coming so i keep giving and giving and giving. i don’t receive. it makes me uncomfortable. i need to give. it only flows one way with me. out . give and give and give. it’s hard to take. so i give and then i give some more. i give to people i like. i give to people i don’t like. i give to avoid attachment. i give because i don’t need it. sometimes i take what isn’t mine and give it to someone who needs it more. as long as i can just keep giving and giving and giving. it’s better to give than receive. it’s more noble. or something. what do you need? I’ll find it. I’ll get it to you. I can’t stand people needing something they don’t have. i will get it and i will give it to you. i don’t want you to give me something back. that’s stupid. give something to someone else. preferably something you really like. give it away. let it go. give and give and give. because you don’t have anything to give in the first place.
go met cake
make raket hipe wrong mong song dong rong pong motng ding, sing ,ring jing,
Umm…. It is a four-letter word. It is orange. I don’t know what else to say about it.
To give is better than to receive, they say. I’d say that’s relative, as you can give misery and disease as well as happiness and good things. All in all, I’d have to say the pundits are right, though. Intentionally choosing to give something generally implies a good intention.
give. in giving we receive. how much of myself should i give? all of me?
so it’s christmas and they say it’s the season to give. yeah yeah whatever. i didn’t even get a single gift. okay, i got one, but only because we were required to give each other gifts. i don’t care anymore about all this giving shit. what i get i’ll give to myself. i don’t have anyone else to give to anymore. reminds me i should give myself a gift. wrap it up in really colorful paper and give it to me. yeah, i’d like that. i have me. i don’t have anybody else but i have me. nice word to think of when it’s december 25. i’ve stopped trying to give.
To give is an amazing thing. Caused by a feeling of selflessness, it is also able to create a sense of self fulfillment. Giving has happened throughout history, and will continue to happen as long as good people exist.
a lot but i cant cause im broke so ill try to make money and i hope that i can actually aford to give if i have some money to give in the first place, but i guess that go with having a good job which i had but i need to get again, economyh is fucked you know i lost my job cause my boss couldnt finde work to keep me bussy so i gues that i ran out of idesa
give me hope. give me something to work with. i just need an answer. i can’t wait forever. i’m sick of waiting. please just give me an answer. it’s driving me insane. please. i can’t do this for much longer….
give up. dont give up. everything you take must be eventually returned. i.e. give. tried? give up? try again. never give up. give what you can. take in return to give back. music gives gifts that cannot be given by the hand that gives from givers. be happy for what people give you.
I like to give. Giving is good. When I think about giving, it makes me happy. More people should take time out of their lives and think about the world around them. There are important things that people need every day that they don’t give. But if people that have more than enough took the time to care, they might get them.
giving is almost a self thing. when people give they expect things in return..always. this is a very sad thought.
give and you shall receive. give love, give greatness, give your all. give to get. give and take. give too much and you’re vulnerable. giving
more and more the days come pass. one more in which i feel underaccomplishement of ones high standards
i gave and gave and gave to those in need. i did it unaware without care and free. I love to give to love to live and see what we could be. I love this life to spend my all to love most willingly.
What can I do but spend till it hurts. to take the pain and wash the stain of your life’s injury
give me anything. as long as it’s from you i’ll want it, need it and take it. give me the world.or just your world. give me a place in your world. you have a place in mine. let me give you anything you ever wanted. let me give you everything you need. and let me give you me. I’m tired of giving parts of myself, please, take the whole thing. love me. and don’t stop. ever. thats all I want to be given. ever. by only you. and in return I will never stop loving you. I want you to have all of me.
give is like sharing part of your soul with someone else. if everyone gave a little more, the earth would be a better place. i’m not sure what else to write, i think i pretty much covered it.
It’s Christmas. The season of giving. But why do we have to wait until Christmas to give stuff to people we love or even to total strangers? Everyday should be Christmas day not because we should buy Christmas gifts for everybody but because we should give ourselves as a gift to others. We’ve been given so many blessings but it wasn’t just meant for us. It’s for us to share.
The process of letting someone else have want you have. Or to give it as a present. To give is to let a part of yourself and your effert to a person that you feel diservis it.
He would never give me that. That was the one thing I could never have from him. He’d give me the world if he could, but never that. Never his heart. It would not be for me. No matter how much I pleaded. No matter how much I begged. It would never be mine.
To give something to someone. A gift or present. You may have the intention of doing this to further your own gains…aka a marketing strategy. To give someone something is usually considered a selfless act because it implies that they are not paying for it and you are merely donating it to their life.
she’s always giving and never receiving.
in her social life as well as her sex life.
it doesn’t seem to bother her.
except for the times that she doesn’t want to.
except for the times she has to.
you a kick in the ass i don’t think i want to be doing this at all il liikwjwg djrhy toi butterfly make you fud fud fud a;sjdo eoieoeoeoeoeoeoeo aj AN D F RT YOU DON’ TH NWEED MAKR FHASLDKF FACK FACK FLA FAKE SHUFFA SHUFAA AAAHHHHHHAHHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH F DHJ A SDHJF MUSHROMOO MUSHROOMS TO ME GIV GIVE GIVE GIVE GIEV GIEV GIVE GGGIIIVE VIG E GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G IVRRRRRE . . . . . . . . H H H H U I GIV4R caps on wait……………………………………………………… ok give ……….. give
To give is to truly appreciate. We so often take and take and take when we do not realize what has be given. If we were to truly sit back and see what the gift that is given is then we can truly understand who has given and who has taken because we have given the person someone to give to and they have probably taken advantage of that.
Give, give, give is all I do. It sounds pretty typical but I mean really giving is all anyone can do. They just choose what to give whom, selfish people choose to give to themselves and selfless people to others, kinda gives new meaning to the words, because face it, when you give everything away there’s nothing left for you.
I like to give my friends gifts. It’s fun to give. It’s a very unselfish thing of a person to do for another. It also puts smiles on other peoples faces including your own. I like receiving as well as I like giving. I like to give my animals food,
The essence of the world. Living, breathing, and dying organism… Why must it be so? Do we truly need so many things that we are unable to even begin to comprehend that the world has needs as well… Too bad. I would have liked to see beauty once.
this is the season of giving. give of your heart. give of your money. they tell you to give. people feel good when they give of themselves. so then why are you really giving. how and why is it that people weigh how much to give against what is expected. Someone is hungry and you say hello. that is not what the need.
Giving is selfless. Selflessness is hard to find nowadays. Not a lot of people think about it, they think it’s santa’s job. Not so, I say. Santa’s got enough on his plate to have to be the only selfless person on earth anymore, we need to do our part. Join the Selfless for Santa organization now.
give a lot. give a little. give nothing. give everything. give to me. give to you. giving is better than receiving. you and me always give. we give and we give until there is no more to give. it is not charity, it is justice. it is who we are and what we are. we create, mold, transpire, and transform. our dignity is blessed and our karma is good.
time to. perpetual plan. stop and think about someone else for a change. give peace a chance. give thanks. give generously. give love. give of yourself. and give to yourself the gift of yourself. we are human, and this is our nature.
Give lovers love, so they have reason.
Give wise men wisdom so they have reason.
Give women children so they have happiness.
give a gift for christmas. give respect. give love give all you can. giva as much as you feel you can offer. give hope. give encouragement. giving is caring.
give to one another.
Christmas is the season of giving. When you give to another person, you gain so much too. You gain a sense of accomplishment, and you feel good about having helped to brighten somebody’s day. If you give, you shall also receive. So please, give a gift this Christmas. You’ll be glad you did!
“Give me everything you think!” It was certainly the most unique mugging I’de ever seen. He was not stealing my things. He was stealing my thoughts, my preconceptions. I owe him everything.
“here take it, its yours!” the girl smiled.
i cautiously took the wrapped gift and opened it slowly.
“!” i was shocked.
” do you like it?” She asked eagerly
“it’s beautiful..”
I’ve spent a lot of time in my life thinking of what to give people.
I’ve spent a lot of money on things that i’ve given to people. But as I’ve grown up, I’ve realized it isn’t the “thing” people remember, but it’s the giving. So give.
i hate giving my time to undeserving people.
It’s the season to give. It’s the cheer, the atmosphere…the life.
Life it as you please. Give as one gives you, to the best of your ability. It’s the time of cheer, the time of love…
But I don’t feel it. It’s not present in my mind this year. It’s as if I was the grinch this year. No longer the same person I was in the last. Where is the cheer?
i give it all away. even things i don’t have i just give and give and give. i have nothing left to give so i give some more. they need it i don’t so i give some more there’s always more to give it just keeps coming so i keep giving and giving and giving. i don’t receive. it makes me uncomfortable. i need to give. it only flows one way with me. out . give and give and give. it’s hard to take. so i give and then i give some more. i give to people i like. i give to people i don’t like. i give to avoid attachment. i give because i don’t need it. sometimes i take what isn’t mine and give it to someone who needs it more. as long as i can just keep giving and giving and giving. it’s better to give than receive. it’s more noble. or something. what do you need? I’ll find it. I’ll get it to you. I can’t stand people needing something they don’t have. i will get it and i will give it to you. i don’t want you to give me something back. that’s stupid. give something to someone else. preferably something you really like. give it away. let it go. give and give and give. because you don’t have anything to give in the first place.
go met cake
make raket hipe wrong mong song dong rong pong motng ding, sing ,ring jing,
Umm…. It is a four-letter word. It is orange. I don’t know what else to say about it.