
December 27th, 2008 | 187 Entries

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187 Entries for “gloss”

  1. It is an interesting word. Glossy stuff are shiny. I like shiny things. Like gold. Or diamonds. You can even see your reflection in them! Or not.

    Oussama Bakry
  2. “I fucking hate this shit.”

    Leon looked at her over his shoulder, leaning on the window. “Then why did you buy it?”

    “Was all that fucking place had. Fucking chapped lips.”

    “Is that a Disney princess?”

    Jen Head
  3. gloss in the eye Gloss is what I see in my eyes the gloss of hate and laziness. I see it in me and I try to tear the gloss apart. with the fallen gloss I finally let go of my fears each piece riped away i

  4. High gloss sheen on these pictures, hot sexy pictures ahhh almost laminated with sweat and desire. All girl action for me and me alone; you are my sweet CMYK angel!

  5. Gloss? When I think of gloss, I see rows of shiny, layered sheets. Of girls wearing the sort of gloss that goes on their lips, full and pouty, thin and drawn back. I see glamor, I see shine, I see fame. I see rose-tinted tragedies. I see finalized hope and dashed dreams, cast high.

    Sean Driscoll
  6. Gloss is something smooth and silky. Photographs have a gloss to them in most cases. We also use them for creating beautiful cards.

    Barbara L.
  7. my lip gloss is poppin comes to mind and my friend who cant live with out lip gloss and southern girls don’w sweat they glisten lol. I guess I am not lady like enough because I dont apply lip gloss to my lips every thiry minutes altohuigh it is tasty

  8. I wear lip gloss everyday now because I hope that we will kiss, a preventative measure against our blasphemy, a hope for better moments when our lips meet. hard. soft. wet. together.

  9. the shine that makes your lips beautiful
    The light on wet wood after a rain
    the superficial glow to your lies

    nancy palmer
  10. when a woman has gloss on her lips it makes me want to kiss her. i may not know her but its sort of like a weak spot for me. im a biter when it comes to kissing not too hard though gentle bites that make her want more.

    Marco Antonio
  11. there was a time when there was gloss in my shoes. then i walked so far with them that the gloss faded. town after town it felt like each step took a chunk of that black gloss that gave the shoes life. By the end of the journey they were all dull and without life then all i could think about was the times i had fun with these shoes in those towns. every scratch was a great memory of each of the towns

    Francisco Lucero

    Suzanne Marie Carl
  13. oh no started too late gloss what the hell yeah nice and shiny shiny like a star made of burning gas millions of miles away like glass made just down the road at a quaint little shop lik ehte finger nails of a girl like the chrome on a muffler

  14. Lips, fingertips, painting my bathroom,to make a bad situation seem better than it is(gloss over).

    Tommy Mounkes
  15. The other day I was daydreaming about french kissing a french man named Pasqual. His lips were covered in my cherry lipgloss and it made him taste all that much sweeter. I swam in his intense blue eyes and could feel his heart beat underneath my hand.

  16. lip gloss makes your lips shiny. you can gloss over things and make them seem not so bad. gloss is pretty. gloss takes time and a little bit of effort but has big rewards

    Martha Eskridge
  17. Open the cellophane, sear the waters – hold the turkey – pass the butter, knock me down. Mudddy water clogs the nose.

  18. lipgloss. womens beauty. their inner beauty concealed by an artificial and different beauty used to seduce. gloss, like a paint. basically, concealing, enhancing, beautifying. Giving a shimmer and shine to anything it touches, like magic touches eyes to give them their shimmer, magic such as love or friendship, just ..

    hell yeahh
  19. gloss is like lipgloss something special! some thing shinny!

    saint lia
  20. shines.
    beautiful sunshine.
    glossy, wonderful.
    my love.

  21. Once upon a time I took this shiny new lip gloss out of my purse. I never thought that anything so simple could be so grand of an ideal. We always want that coat of shiny. Shiny gloss for our lips.. for our nails.. for our cars.. for every little thing that begets us. Because men are obsessed with shiny and that’s what we insist on giving them.

    Jennifer Stavros
  22. i absolutely hate gloss. from my computer screen to my candy. ive been an avid anti-gloss kinda guy my entire life. i solemnly swear that i will never purchase anything with gloss if given the choice between gloss and non-gloss.

    Gerard Schmid
  23. Gloss again! I already glossed it once! Gloss is getting annoying! A new word is needed!

  24. Gloss is like glassy. Glossy eyes and glassy eyes are the same thing. Gloss is not the same as glass, which is made out of sand. But what is gloss? Does anyone really know?

  25. Gloss is a paint, It’s shiny. You can have glossy hair. Gloss is what plastic looks like. Gloss is a word that sounds like it’s German. You can cover a story with a gloss coat if you’re making it sound better than reality.

    Garion Bracken
  26. lips, shiny, clear or colored, still waters, help for dry weather, enhances lips and lipsticks, pictures can be finished this way, words can be this way, too…

  27. woke up early in the morning and your lip gloss was all over the sheets. now i have to take them to a washing machine before it stains forever.

  28. gloss? what the fuck is that? Remembers me of that time a bold guy tried to teach me how to swim in apricot blue thorns. I didn’t like it too much. But it was fun alright.

  29. shiney, of a smooth outer cover which subsequently reflects light easily off its surface. Lip gloss – to make the lips shine and easily reflect the light. An appearance most unnatural.

  30. i love glossy screens on technology these days…..IS WHAT I WHOULD SAY IF I DID!… glossy screens SUCK i mean ur in the sun you are fucked and will not be able 2 see anything. I would rather take 3 sticks of lip gloss and eat them.

    Andrew Esposito
  31. The sun seemed to glare of the thin layer of colorless paint applied over top of the first layer. The object it was used on had been placed in the most desirable position to catch a glimpse of the sun.

  32. shiny silver wet slippery christmas icing cover smooth

    sue krook
  33. Gloss looks so unnatural on a girl’s lips. I hate the way it feels. Your lips aren’t suppose to sparkle or shimmer coral pink or what not.

    all natural
  34. The glossy paint spilled over the window, splashing into the patients eyes. It was golden, just like the small bits of dust raining onto the floor. It all happened in minutes, yet when it was over, when the burning ceased, the shock remained.

    “I fucking hate you,” the boy spit, letting anger fill his voice.

  35. There aren’t many things I’m looking forward to. Mostly, I’m alone and helpless. When I apply the gloss, it makes me feel whole, and purposeful.

  36. Gloss.The shiny surface or the quick information? I wonder how deep a glosss I cab get. Gloss is shiny soft and tasteless. Is flavor the same as bias? I wonder and I paint gloss only no matte.

  37. He scurried back toward the Hole, mindful of the barbed wire and rust. His wounds were shallow, and had stopped bleeding some time before, so he left no tracks. Unfortunately, the troops were nearly upon him, and the Hole was so far away… and that’s when it happened. His feet left their stable position beneath him and he slid faster than he’d ever imagined he could, and slipped into the Hole with just enough time to cover it back up again, whispering in his mind a silent prayer.
    Thank god for gloss.

  38. hmmm. gloss, like lip gloss. it’s ummm. hydrating. my aunt bought me like 3 tubes of lipgloss from victoria’s secret for my last birthday. it was humorous. they were flavored. gloss could also be like in terms

    Coral Mansfield
  39. fuck gloss its the dumbest shit ever, the last time i saw gloss i was sucking dick and thats not very straight is it i have to say that john is a faggot and likes to suck big meaty elephant dicks while eating shit pies and taking stools up tha ass> gloss.

    John Nielsen
  40. when I think bout gloss I have to wonder why the world needs gloss, it truely saddens me that gloss is so important in day to day culture. I cannot stand to watch tv as it is incredibly lame ass and entitely based on glossing over it’s cheapness and weak showing with lame ass unintelligent gloss. Fuck Gloss! Fuck Sheep! Fuck all of your quote un-quote counter culture crap that you spill out like you actually think about things as opposed to the regurgitated lies.

    Bob Lieuinski