grid is the sectioning off of squares of dirt or a scene of a crime. It’s a partitioning of your life or an object, hopefully in order to find out a deeper meaning or perhaps any meaning at all. Grid is a part of mathematics, but not enough of it, it’s just in the background, something always there, a foundation for things, but never given enough in the spotlight.
Lisa L
I always try my best being on time.
I cant smile when im in the bad mood.
When I here the music, my body starts to move.
and so on.
the grid is the top of the theatre we just learned about it in tech theatre. i ama theatre major and we have to take tecth theatre but i really dont like the class and we have to take it a lot of mmy friendsa re in it so its ok… i like being a thatre major… my friend seth is sitting next to me and jenny is over there too and i just have to type be cause it told me too and hey yall this is getting really biring beacuse i am not very creative but its fun anyways becaue i like to type obc=viously lnot very well becuase i am bad.
I always try my best being on time.
I cant smile when im in the bad mood.
When I here the music, my body starts to move.
Pinky San Juan
So, this makes me think of a racing game that i have. Its pretty awesome, very realistic. The drifting is very tough though, i remember i had to try once race 17 times just to get the gold medal in it. I beat it eventually and the endinjg was interesting.
I want to live off the grid. I want to be a ghost. You cannot find me. I am invisible.
is a way of keeping us in place, why cant we slack off the cahins that keep us from thinking clearly. How can we escape this never ending boxing -in of our own minds? How can we escape this empty complication?
Mike schafer
matrix, matrises i have no idea how i feel about grids. we use amsler grids at work for patients with macular issues, if the lines get wavy they have to call and tell us right away and then we dilate their pupils when they come in for their appointment.
grids are weird. and boring. and remind me of math class. which i was bored in. and i usually just drew on the sides of the homework because math and grids are boring and irritating, and required me to think about things i didn’t care about. however, i did use grids to draw pretty patterns in later on, that was really fun. i loved those drawings. they were very creative.
All across the grid, little lights started shining, indicating the presence of a dozen or more little anomalies. Not big anomalies, nothing like a gigantic explosion or even a car fire. Just little ones, like the kind that go up every time you light off a firework. Little pops in the night, from some group of playful teenagers.
a box containing many lines. Where you have to put things. The system. where we think. where we are contained. being locked in. Held down, rigid, closed off uncomfortable. Inorganic, horrible.
A damn horrid thing.
Traffic everywhere.
Angry people.
All the time.
Time drags out.
Sitting there.
Stupid gridlock.
Stupid rush hour.
Stupid rush.
The concept of “The Grid” in the MMORPG Anarchy Online is an interesting one. Essentially, it is an alternate dimension which can be used to travel from place to place efficiently. The most entertaining part of it is that your character turns into an upside-down blue pyramid while you are in it. I wonder if such a “Grid” could be created in the real world someday.
They had been watching us for years. Despising our waste, laughing at our behavior. Society had become so complex and yet these humans had no idea what they were doing, wasting resources, generating power, running all sorts of devices. It all relied on their grid. Slowly but surely weaknesses were introduced. The humans never saw it coming, until the lights went out.
the grid is ana mazing place, it lets you interact with people all over the world. It exists areound and within us all, especially those called technomancers, they are essentially part of the living grid itself. Of course in the olden days, grid was a non existent term, back then, they call4ed it the “internet”.
I like grid paper. With all those neat squares. I just hate doing math on it, because honestly, math PISSES ME OFF. And especially since I SUCK AT IT. UGH! But Im getting WAY better now, this year. I understand it MUCH MORE than I did before. So that’s good. But I still hate it. Lol. MATH SUCKS. Any anyone who doesnt agree with me sucks too:)
It was dark and cold, the room they sat in. A large grid shaped window stood in front of them; neon lights slipped through the bars. It was eerie, to the say the least, the way life can be ripped out from under you in just a few moments time. Nothing, no one, should deserve what they’re going through now.
He went off the grid, off the wire, everything going sideways. So they did what they had to do, what they thought they had to do. They hunted him down… only to find that he couldn’t recall their names. He stared at them with uncomprehending eyes and they realized that, for the moment, he was no threat.
They killed him anyway.
there are lines in the pattern of life. They run in at least two directions. They can guide our course, and they can support us.
Usually, one thinks of a grid as a traffic pattern, or a mesh composed of wire. It can be all those things.
A grid is so formal. It denotes conformity, thinking in the lines. French people use grids for school writing paper, did you know that? It’s so the school children can write at the same size. I always thought your handwriting was so personal. The French WOULD do that. They like putting people in boxes. Yeah, but I don’t like grids.
of sorts. Can’t stand it any longer.
a mesh of lines creating an equally balanced sheet of mathmatically equivelent spaces. I just bought millet and now my brain hurts trying to write whatever comes to my head. Stumble! is a rad program/add on…. Anyways I am at work.
i live within a grid of lights and information that boxes me in but at the same times connects me to those who also live and access others within the grid. hyperventilating claustrophobia has become routine due to the compactness of the squared interface.
well it is a lot of lines and I suppose help you keep things organized and in line and easy to work with.
A grid can also be used to measure the status of something. If its off the grid then it is way over done or really good.
Grid iron
A grid is complex. Grid’s exist in different forms. They can make lift either more complicated or simpler.
Tom Zheng
So this is the grid for writing about grid. Not a bad idea, if you don’t get too griddy about it. Or spend too much time griddling. I know of a grid in San Francisco — but no, that’s a griddle — pancake type. Maybe grid is short for griddle — hmmm never thought about that. Now how will I know when the 60 seconds are over? There’s no one being the grider who can tell me. I think this word is ridiculous, maybe even regriddulous. Every day, you know, more new words are made up and come into our language without our even knowing about it. What about that grid that shows which words grow from which stems? It’s like a chart but it’s just a football field, which is what I think of every time I hear the word grid and I think that doesn’t make sense but who says it has to make sense?
Nancy Cox
I remember when I was little anytime I would walk over sewage grids I always kinda wished that would fall through just so something exciting would happen to me.
He said he thought I’d live off the grid by now. Of course, had I known he was planning to come look for me, I would have. Live and learn.
I got off the grid to a great start and revved up as I flew down the straight someone was coming up behind but he won’t catch me into the corner now
I think of my baby. All I do is think of him I laugh I cry I smile I get mad sumtimes I think I suck sumtimes but I only think if he really loves me or jus says it 2 make me happy but then I think wat if I’m jus trippin like I normally would ….but I fear sumtimes of loses him cuz I really luv but iz dat gud enough or is it not datz wat I wonder da most…but wateva I’m still scarred andd worry dat another girl will take him do betta…then I wud be a gud girl becoming a bad girl but I’m still unknown
When I hear the word grid I automatically think of math. Not one of my favourite subjects but alas one that I’m actually decent at. Although I must admit, once I graduated from University, I never really felt the need to use math again…
The whole of society is trapped in a grid of confusion and hysteria. Everywhere you turn the visual stimulation creates a jumbled mess of chaos in our heads that can barely be deciphered. Constantly honing our senses, we strive to learn as much as we can.
What comes to mind is how small the world is.
6% of separation is… oh so true!
I have a small business but it’s so much bigger than I give it credit due to word of mouth. It’s the best advertising ever.
I’m not sure where all these connections lead to but I cannot wait to find out. time is precious and the more people I can influence with my art the better.
Living life as it should be on the coast of Maine. No better place on earth!
Math class. Grid paper, playing tick tack toe and doodling. Grid…cement pouring, I need new front steps, cement steps. Grid…Marines lined up in grid formation. I miss my husbnad, a future Marine at Parris Island.
i’m off the grid. falling and wondering who i’m suppposed to be, and what others expect me to be. how am i supposed to fit in to their xy coordinate, planned out system? graph me if you can, i’m going to stay off the grid. being an individual if the only reason for the grid to exist at all. if presents to opportunity for us to break free of it and make something new and wonderful. i’m on a third plane. i’m the only one with a z coordinate, and that’s how i like it.
Pierre Reynders
she wasn’t showing up on the grid. They had lost her signal at least ten minutes ago and panic was starting to set in. Should they have sent her on this mission? Was she ready? As he paced back in forth in front of the screen, he was beginning to have doubts. He should never have let her go. And now, she was off the grid, maybe forever
I followed the grid laid out before me. All the lefts, rights, and by way’s. And finally found myself at home.
The grid outside my house can be seen approximately 10 feet from my front door. It isn’t a grid per se, but the way it works is that it plugs into my house “grid”. This grid monitors and transmits the electrical use of my entire household. Technically speaking, I am then plugged into a LARGER grid that will then transcribe this usage into a monetary sum that is
Off the gird, out of my mind, dealing with adolescents who are totally off the gird and in the outer space of their minds. Girds hold things in–limit existence.
I always prompt to help my friends
grid is the sectioning off of squares of dirt or a scene of a crime. It’s a partitioning of your life or an object, hopefully in order to find out a deeper meaning or perhaps any meaning at all. Grid is a part of mathematics, but not enough of it, it’s just in the background, something always there, a foundation for things, but never given enough in the spotlight.
I always try my best being on time.
I cant smile when im in the bad mood.
When I here the music, my body starts to move.
and so on.
the grid is the top of the theatre we just learned about it in tech theatre. i ama theatre major and we have to take tecth theatre but i really dont like the class and we have to take it a lot of mmy friendsa re in it so its ok… i like being a thatre major… my friend seth is sitting next to me and jenny is over there too and i just have to type be cause it told me too and hey yall this is getting really biring beacuse i am not very creative but its fun anyways becaue i like to type obc=viously lnot very well becuase i am bad.
I always try my best being on time.
I cant smile when im in the bad mood.
When I here the music, my body starts to move.
So, this makes me think of a racing game that i have. Its pretty awesome, very realistic. The drifting is very tough though, i remember i had to try once race 17 times just to get the gold medal in it. I beat it eventually and the endinjg was interesting.
I want to live off the grid. I want to be a ghost. You cannot find me. I am invisible.
is a way of keeping us in place, why cant we slack off the cahins that keep us from thinking clearly. How can we escape this never ending boxing -in of our own minds? How can we escape this empty complication?
matrix, matrises i have no idea how i feel about grids. we use amsler grids at work for patients with macular issues, if the lines get wavy they have to call and tell us right away and then we dilate their pupils when they come in for their appointment.
grids are weird. and boring. and remind me of math class. which i was bored in. and i usually just drew on the sides of the homework because math and grids are boring and irritating, and required me to think about things i didn’t care about. however, i did use grids to draw pretty patterns in later on, that was really fun. i loved those drawings. they were very creative.
All across the grid, little lights started shining, indicating the presence of a dozen or more little anomalies. Not big anomalies, nothing like a gigantic explosion or even a car fire. Just little ones, like the kind that go up every time you light off a firework. Little pops in the night, from some group of playful teenagers.
a box containing many lines. Where you have to put things. The system. where we think. where we are contained. being locked in. Held down, rigid, closed off uncomfortable. Inorganic, horrible.
A damn horrid thing.
Traffic everywhere.
Angry people.
All the time.
Time drags out.
Sitting there.
Stupid gridlock.
Stupid rush hour.
Stupid rush.
The concept of “The Grid” in the MMORPG Anarchy Online is an interesting one. Essentially, it is an alternate dimension which can be used to travel from place to place efficiently. The most entertaining part of it is that your character turns into an upside-down blue pyramid while you are in it. I wonder if such a “Grid” could be created in the real world someday.
They had been watching us for years. Despising our waste, laughing at our behavior. Society had become so complex and yet these humans had no idea what they were doing, wasting resources, generating power, running all sorts of devices. It all relied on their grid. Slowly but surely weaknesses were introduced. The humans never saw it coming, until the lights went out.
the grid is ana mazing place, it lets you interact with people all over the world. It exists areound and within us all, especially those called technomancers, they are essentially part of the living grid itself. Of course in the olden days, grid was a non existent term, back then, they call4ed it the “internet”.
I like grid paper. With all those neat squares. I just hate doing math on it, because honestly, math PISSES ME OFF. And especially since I SUCK AT IT. UGH! But Im getting WAY better now, this year. I understand it MUCH MORE than I did before. So that’s good. But I still hate it. Lol. MATH SUCKS. Any anyone who doesnt agree with me sucks too:)
It was dark and cold, the room they sat in. A large grid shaped window stood in front of them; neon lights slipped through the bars. It was eerie, to the say the least, the way life can be ripped out from under you in just a few moments time. Nothing, no one, should deserve what they’re going through now.
He went off the grid, off the wire, everything going sideways. So they did what they had to do, what they thought they had to do. They hunted him down… only to find that he couldn’t recall their names. He stared at them with uncomprehending eyes and they realized that, for the moment, he was no threat.
They killed him anyway.
there are lines in the pattern of life. They run in at least two directions. They can guide our course, and they can support us.
Usually, one thinks of a grid as a traffic pattern, or a mesh composed of wire. It can be all those things.
A grid is so formal. It denotes conformity, thinking in the lines. French people use grids for school writing paper, did you know that? It’s so the school children can write at the same size. I always thought your handwriting was so personal. The French WOULD do that. They like putting people in boxes. Yeah, but I don’t like grids.
of sorts. Can’t stand it any longer.
a mesh of lines creating an equally balanced sheet of mathmatically equivelent spaces. I just bought millet and now my brain hurts trying to write whatever comes to my head. Stumble! is a rad program/add on…. Anyways I am at work.
i live within a grid of lights and information that boxes me in but at the same times connects me to those who also live and access others within the grid. hyperventilating claustrophobia has become routine due to the compactness of the squared interface.
well it is a lot of lines and I suppose help you keep things organized and in line and easy to work with.
A grid can also be used to measure the status of something. If its off the grid then it is way over done or really good.
Grid iron
A grid is complex. Grid’s exist in different forms. They can make lift either more complicated or simpler.
So this is the grid for writing about grid. Not a bad idea, if you don’t get too griddy about it. Or spend too much time griddling. I know of a grid in San Francisco — but no, that’s a griddle — pancake type. Maybe grid is short for griddle — hmmm never thought about that. Now how will I know when the 60 seconds are over? There’s no one being the grider who can tell me. I think this word is ridiculous, maybe even regriddulous. Every day, you know, more new words are made up and come into our language without our even knowing about it. What about that grid that shows which words grow from which stems? It’s like a chart but it’s just a football field, which is what I think of every time I hear the word grid and I think that doesn’t make sense but who says it has to make sense?
I remember when I was little anytime I would walk over sewage grids I always kinda wished that would fall through just so something exciting would happen to me.
He said he thought I’d live off the grid by now. Of course, had I known he was planning to come look for me, I would have. Live and learn.
I got off the grid to a great start and revved up as I flew down the straight someone was coming up behind but he won’t catch me into the corner now
I think of my baby. All I do is think of him I laugh I cry I smile I get mad sumtimes I think I suck sumtimes but I only think if he really loves me or jus says it 2 make me happy but then I think wat if I’m jus trippin like I normally would ….but I fear sumtimes of loses him cuz I really luv but iz dat gud enough or is it not datz wat I wonder da most…but wateva I’m still scarred andd worry dat another girl will take him do betta…then I wud be a gud girl becoming a bad girl but I’m still unknown
When I hear the word grid I automatically think of math. Not one of my favourite subjects but alas one that I’m actually decent at. Although I must admit, once I graduated from University, I never really felt the need to use math again…
The whole of society is trapped in a grid of confusion and hysteria. Everywhere you turn the visual stimulation creates a jumbled mess of chaos in our heads that can barely be deciphered. Constantly honing our senses, we strive to learn as much as we can.
What comes to mind is how small the world is.
6% of separation is… oh so true!
I have a small business but it’s so much bigger than I give it credit due to word of mouth. It’s the best advertising ever.
I’m not sure where all these connections lead to but I cannot wait to find out. time is precious and the more people I can influence with my art the better.
Living life as it should be on the coast of Maine. No better place on earth!
Math class. Grid paper, playing tick tack toe and doodling. Grid…cement pouring, I need new front steps, cement steps. Grid…Marines lined up in grid formation. I miss my husbnad, a future Marine at Parris Island.
i’m off the grid. falling and wondering who i’m suppposed to be, and what others expect me to be. how am i supposed to fit in to their xy coordinate, planned out system? graph me if you can, i’m going to stay off the grid. being an individual if the only reason for the grid to exist at all. if presents to opportunity for us to break free of it and make something new and wonderful. i’m on a third plane. i’m the only one with a z coordinate, and that’s how i like it.
she wasn’t showing up on the grid. They had lost her signal at least ten minutes ago and panic was starting to set in. Should they have sent her on this mission? Was she ready? As he paced back in forth in front of the screen, he was beginning to have doubts. He should never have let her go. And now, she was off the grid, maybe forever
I followed the grid laid out before me. All the lefts, rights, and by way’s. And finally found myself at home.
The grid outside my house can be seen approximately 10 feet from my front door. It isn’t a grid per se, but the way it works is that it plugs into my house “grid”. This grid monitors and transmits the electrical use of my entire household. Technically speaking, I am then plugged into a LARGER grid that will then transcribe this usage into a monetary sum that is
Off the gird, out of my mind, dealing with adolescents who are totally off the gird and in the outer space of their minds. Girds hold things in–limit existence.