He wouldn’t able to handle her. She was a kitten and a tiger. The world never saw her bad side, because she kept it a secret. She could be all lovely one moment, but turn into a vixen the next. Her new found love was about to experience that. And she knew: he wouldn’t be able to handle it.
Well a handle is something that’s placed on something else that allows a person to pick that object up. A handle can be placed upon, but is not limited to backbacks, suitcases, and foldable chairs.
Rex Crawford
get a handle
get a grip
please, dont look down
or let me slip
through the cracks
i see the view,
a million miles,
and cling to you.
i cannot know
how it would be
to plunge into
your deepest sea.
in fact it seems
i’d rather not
have so much feeling
or so i thought.
car desk what are they called cabinetss crap! Mouse just popped in my head because I saw it closet
Once upon a time I grabbed a handle. And pressed a button. Subject change: now we’re going to talk about the button. I pressed a button and blew up the handle. There. I mean it’s done. Done I mean it’s done. It’s done mom.
The handle of the door had never worked.
Nobody knew why the handle had never functioned properly, and nobody asked. So the handle still sat there in the oak frame, limp and useless, slightly crooked. The janitor never bothered to fix it, because nobody told him to. Nobody had ever offered to replace it.
It wasn’t as if anybody used the door, anyways.
handle on handle bars?
handle on the situation?
On love? Money? Future?
on life?
The only thing I really have a handle on right now,
is my keyboard…
oh goodness i’m not sure what i’m supposed to write about the word handle. except a handle has affordances, so it’s kind of funny this came up as i’m thinking and writing about affordances, or though maybe not. oh goodness. i’m not even sure if I’m doing this right! Will this be public? Who knows? Argh! Erm, oh right I’m supposed to keep writing aren’t I hmmm maybe I don’t have trouble writing in general, it’s just writing about my book chapter that is a problem.
if we can get a handle on simplicity, our lives would begin to really make sense. Simplicity is the key to hanging on to our sanity, our jobs, our homes and our families! Once we grasp its importance, we can truly begin to enjoy life and realize the pleasures that accompany it. Get a handle on it, folks!
the funny thing about love handles – hte bits of fat behind your waist – is htat I never seemed ot have them before and htey just appeared one day. I always owndered if they were called love handles just because you could grab them whilst making love but thinking aout htatsiome more it would be a bit weird and they’d have to be awfully big
I love the banks in the world are going to handle the ways that i deposit money into their banks. First they have to hold it and “handle” it until they find it to be a good check.
and pie a song a boat the sky, a handle on my life is what I would like. Maybe when it gets too hot you have to let go but whatever. ebbs and flows, certainly nothing that can’t be fixed or forgotten
I gripped the handle bars, they keep me balanced. They make me feel safe.. a handle on my life…
a nick name. getting a handle on tings means understanding it. Can open doors and cupboards is made of differen stiff
The handle is very obtuse. It’s golden with intricate designs. The handle is the first thing between the rest of the world and I. I’m just to afraid to turn it. To afraid to see what’s on the other side.
there’s a handle on my guitar case that was put on by a shoe repair guy – it saved the guitar case for $4 – I hadn’t used it for months and was thinking about buying anew one
i love you… life is amazing.. i dont feel good… i kinda love school… we have a pepperally today.. i want to spend time with my boyfriend tonight but idk if my parents will let me…
I don’t if I can Handel the Messiah. Can you?
Joseph Leff
a handle to a door, could be round or more of a hook shape. My favourite colour is gold but it can look tacky. My door hadle is fading in colour and currently is a dull goldish brown colour that depress even the biggest handle enthusiast.
I dont know how to handle you, hot and cold. But whatever. Does that mean I love you, or hate you. In all reality I should just leave you as a memory, of happier days. Alas I seem to enjoy torturing myself. Whatever. I guess
The handle on the suitcase snapped along with the locks, sending clothing and niceties flying across the airport terminal. With an anguished shout, I scrambled to collect my things. First I practically got strip-searched by security, and now this?
the door handles is just small and round unlike everything you see, or to handle a speical situation its not what you want, but its what people wnat for you. Like a dieasire or man or woman depending on who you are. Time is runniong out but who cares when its the word you have that you are trying to write about. like what im doiung now what it is insane.
basketball players need to have a good handle on the ball. This allows them to have full control of the ball and to be able to do what they need to do with it. Without “handles,” a basketball player will embarrass him or herself by looking like they have never held a ball before
Stephen Cabalatungan
handling everything that you have to handle in ur life is what makes life worth living, and shouldn’t be a burden.
gdfg sdfg sdfhgsg hardporntube fsdfsdg d sexy utube gsdg sdfghs
hold be held rhymes with candle this is really weird lol uhm, ljsfs s i dunno what else to say, i like to handle soft stuff? hmmm, lever to pull something you have to hold it, and then you can also handle somthing if you don’t wanna drop it
handle me with care and love
car handles are interesting. except for when ice is frozen on to them. there’s nothing more annoying than standing in the frigid weather trying to open up your car door, only to find out that the handle is frozen shut. then you have to run inside like a fool to get some water to defrost it, only to climb into an equally freezing car to turn on a heater that only works a few minutes before arriving at your destination.
It’s hard to do. It means having something in your grasp. Control. A gun. Hands wrap around. Togetherness. It rhymes with sandal. The verb is an important quality in life.
I was walking about and I saw this magical looking door with an equally magical looking handle. Befuddled, I proceeded to open the door with said handle, expecting to find a world of magical wonders beyond. However, to my surprise, I did not find a world of magical wonders; rather, I found the bakery.
handle handle handle handle handle
door handles are kinda spiffy i guess? i mean theyre shiny sometimes and one time i had to clean these door handles with a wire brush to get all this white paint off. took me four weeks to do six handles because they were so dirty. my hands kept bleeding and all that jazz. i dont know it was wierd but they sure did look super amazing when i had gotten done with them it was a really nice touic to our bathroom
To touch. To handle something is to interact with it it, to use it.
HANDLE HANDLE HANDLE. My friend accused me of having love handles todya, but I showed her I didnt so it was ok. Om nom nom nom…
i like to handle many things. i handle my penis when i masturbate and i handle my pencil when i took my exams today. I dont think did very well and handeld the situation very well but thats ok. I handled your mom last night. I have to handle this crap.
I don’t know what to say about handle…. handling things? I’m not sure how I handle things…. I feel like I do pretty well, but who knows. I tend to get really really depressed… I always think it’s for no reason, or for some single reason that sparks me to think everything is terrible. But really, it’s probably just how I handle things… stress and lonliness and all that jazz.
heaven knows i’ve got the handle, natty’s got it, on the bus, tube
I love to make bags.My friend gave a hadle but it’s useless.I can’t handle it. I like bamboo handles. I wish i had some. I lite to make my own handles.
Handles on bikes. Handle of liquor. Get a handle on your life! Can you handle it? Han-dull.
He wouldn’t able to handle her. She was a kitten and a tiger. The world never saw her bad side, because she kept it a secret. She could be all lovely one moment, but turn into a vixen the next. Her new found love was about to experience that. And she knew: he wouldn’t be able to handle it.
Well a handle is something that’s placed on something else that allows a person to pick that object up. A handle can be placed upon, but is not limited to backbacks, suitcases, and foldable chairs.
get a handle
get a grip
please, dont look down
or let me slip
through the cracks
i see the view,
a million miles,
and cling to you.
i cannot know
how it would be
to plunge into
your deepest sea.
in fact it seems
i’d rather not
have so much feeling
or so i thought.
car desk what are they called cabinetss crap! Mouse just popped in my head because I saw it closet
Once upon a time I grabbed a handle. And pressed a button. Subject change: now we’re going to talk about the button. I pressed a button and blew up the handle. There. I mean it’s done. Done I mean it’s done. It’s done mom.
The handle of the door had never worked.
Nobody knew why the handle had never functioned properly, and nobody asked. So the handle still sat there in the oak frame, limp and useless, slightly crooked. The janitor never bothered to fix it, because nobody told him to. Nobody had ever offered to replace it.
It wasn’t as if anybody used the door, anyways.
handle on handle bars?
handle on the situation?
On love? Money? Future?
on life?
The only thing I really have a handle on right now,
is my keyboard…
oh goodness i’m not sure what i’m supposed to write about the word handle. except a handle has affordances, so it’s kind of funny this came up as i’m thinking and writing about affordances, or though maybe not. oh goodness. i’m not even sure if I’m doing this right! Will this be public? Who knows? Argh! Erm, oh right I’m supposed to keep writing aren’t I hmmm maybe I don’t have trouble writing in general, it’s just writing about my book chapter that is a problem.
if we can get a handle on simplicity, our lives would begin to really make sense. Simplicity is the key to hanging on to our sanity, our jobs, our homes and our families! Once we grasp its importance, we can truly begin to enjoy life and realize the pleasures that accompany it. Get a handle on it, folks!
the funny thing about love handles – hte bits of fat behind your waist – is htat I never seemed ot have them before and htey just appeared one day. I always owndered if they were called love handles just because you could grab them whilst making love but thinking aout htatsiome more it would be a bit weird and they’d have to be awfully big
I love the banks in the world are going to handle the ways that i deposit money into their banks. First they have to hold it and “handle” it until they find it to be a good check.
and pie a song a boat the sky, a handle on my life is what I would like. Maybe when it gets too hot you have to let go but whatever. ebbs and flows, certainly nothing that can’t be fixed or forgotten
I gripped the handle bars, they keep me balanced. They make me feel safe.. a handle on my life…
a nick name. getting a handle on tings means understanding it. Can open doors and cupboards is made of differen stiff
The handle is very obtuse. It’s golden with intricate designs. The handle is the first thing between the rest of the world and I. I’m just to afraid to turn it. To afraid to see what’s on the other side.
there’s a handle on my guitar case that was put on by a shoe repair guy – it saved the guitar case for $4 – I hadn’t used it for months and was thinking about buying anew one
i love you… life is amazing.. i dont feel good… i kinda love school… we have a pepperally today.. i want to spend time with my boyfriend tonight but idk if my parents will let me…
I don’t if I can Handel the Messiah. Can you?
a handle to a door, could be round or more of a hook shape. My favourite colour is gold but it can look tacky. My door hadle is fading in colour and currently is a dull goldish brown colour that depress even the biggest handle enthusiast.
I dont know how to handle you, hot and cold. But whatever. Does that mean I love you, or hate you. In all reality I should just leave you as a memory, of happier days. Alas I seem to enjoy torturing myself. Whatever. I guess
The handle on the suitcase snapped along with the locks, sending clothing and niceties flying across the airport terminal. With an anguished shout, I scrambled to collect my things. First I practically got strip-searched by security, and now this?
the door handles is just small and round unlike everything you see, or to handle a speical situation its not what you want, but its what people wnat for you. Like a dieasire or man or woman depending on who you are. Time is runniong out but who cares when its the word you have that you are trying to write about. like what im doiung now what it is insane.
basketball players need to have a good handle on the ball. This allows them to have full control of the ball and to be able to do what they need to do with it. Without “handles,” a basketball player will embarrass him or herself by looking like they have never held a ball before
handling everything that you have to handle in ur life is what makes life worth living, and shouldn’t be a burden.
gdfg sdfg sdfhgsg hardporntube fsdfsdg d sexy utube gsdg sdfghs
hold be held rhymes with candle this is really weird lol uhm, ljsfs s i dunno what else to say, i like to handle soft stuff? hmmm, lever to pull something you have to hold it, and then you can also handle somthing if you don’t wanna drop it
handle me with care and love
car handles are interesting. except for when ice is frozen on to them. there’s nothing more annoying than standing in the frigid weather trying to open up your car door, only to find out that the handle is frozen shut. then you have to run inside like a fool to get some water to defrost it, only to climb into an equally freezing car to turn on a heater that only works a few minutes before arriving at your destination.
It’s hard to do. It means having something in your grasp. Control. A gun. Hands wrap around. Togetherness. It rhymes with sandal. The verb is an important quality in life.
I was walking about and I saw this magical looking door with an equally magical looking handle. Befuddled, I proceeded to open the door with said handle, expecting to find a world of magical wonders beyond. However, to my surprise, I did not find a world of magical wonders; rather, I found the bakery.
handle handle handle handle handle
door handles are kinda spiffy i guess? i mean theyre shiny sometimes and one time i had to clean these door handles with a wire brush to get all this white paint off. took me four weeks to do six handles because they were so dirty. my hands kept bleeding and all that jazz. i dont know it was wierd but they sure did look super amazing when i had gotten done with them it was a really nice touic to our bathroom
To touch. To handle something is to interact with it it, to use it.
HANDLE HANDLE HANDLE. My friend accused me of having love handles todya, but I showed her I didnt so it was ok. Om nom nom nom…
i like to handle many things. i handle my penis when i masturbate and i handle my pencil when i took my exams today. I dont think did very well and handeld the situation very well but thats ok. I handled your mom last night. I have to handle this crap.
I don’t know what to say about handle…. handling things? I’m not sure how I handle things…. I feel like I do pretty well, but who knows. I tend to get really really depressed… I always think it’s for no reason, or for some single reason that sparks me to think everything is terrible. But really, it’s probably just how I handle things… stress and lonliness and all that jazz.
heaven knows i’ve got the handle, natty’s got it, on the bus, tube
I love to make bags.My friend gave a hadle but it’s useless.I can’t handle it. I like bamboo handles. I wish i had some. I lite to make my own handles.
Handles on bikes. Handle of liquor. Get a handle on your life! Can you handle it? Han-dull.