I don’t think I can do this, she whispered as they walked in the doors.
I’m right here next to you, he answered
I know. She said her eyes filling. They walked through the waiting room doors and into the cold blue room
So, the doctor said, how many weeks?
she burst into tears.
i can handle this like its totally cool its possible i have no problem just please let it be right and dont let it be wrong, let it be tucker and me. handle handle get a handle. its so simple. simple simple
I can handle this. I can handle this.
If I kept telling myself to focus and didn’t look down [metaphorically, of course], why shouldn’t I be able to do it?
Melody Grace
Kann ich damit umgehen? Mit meinem Leben? Mit den Steinen in meinem WEg, den B
Eva-Maria Obermann
i can’t handle this. this whole situation is just becoming too much. i think its time to give up. this is not what i had in mind. aren’t there such things as handling too much? i think this is my time. i’m sorry. i don’t have anything.
the word handle in my opinion means taking time to make sure something is done right. or it could mean making something improved by putting a handle on it
fdsfsdf as youtube selling preteen pics fsdgsdfgsd view removed from youtube dsg sd sfgh
fragile.. with care, me softly. pull the handle gently. i can’t handle it. it’s too difficult. how can you handle it?
and one thing i’ve always known for sure, i’ll never be able to handle this kind of pain. it’s always there, lurking in the shadows, waiting for me to be vulnerable
handle with care, this pacckage is fragile
i took the handle of the wrench and threw it at the wall. i was so angry with myself and with everything. i wanted to crawl into a hole and die. i was so mad that i had messed everything up; i never meant to screw up my life with drugs and alcohol.
i can’t handl his anymore, i used the handle to open it. get a handle on things, i broke off the handle
The package read “Handle with care.” Ironic, since you’d shipped back the engagement ring and my heart along with it. Maybe we could have used that warning from the start.
I see nothing.. I’m completely inlove.. can I understand why!
oh my god what’s this! bofff
i can’t handle it.
Handle with care, and beware. I am the one, who gives you a stare. Like it? Not sure. Be well and watch the handles that lurk/
Handle with care, and beware. I am the one, who gives you a stare. Like it? Not sure. Be well and watch the handles that lurk/
I can’t handle this. We both know that. The damp grass knows it. The grey sky seems to know it. The quiet neighbors on their dark porches know it. Even our dog, who sits with his pale, murky-brown head rested on the windowsill, knows it.
But we continue eating.
The chicken tastes a little dry.
She will come to see me. She will come through the door, sexy, beautiful, smiling and give me a hug. My day will be forever better from then. All the love I can handle.
HOw to handle the death of a friend. Someone you depended on and counted on seeing their bright smiling face every day. Only to be taken away by someone else’s stupidity. Why does life have to be so unfair?
sometimes you grab me, sometimes you pull me, but i’ll always be here waiting for you to return or exit. i hope you can handle that.
I grabbed the handle and took a giant swig. I could feel my body get warm and uncomfortable. I wanted to vomit, I should have vomitted. It was like watching myself make the worst mistake of my life and not being able to stop it. I took his hand and he lead me out of the room. I could handle the handle but I couldn’t handle this.
Put a handle on it, handle it gently don’t handle me, handle him, handle the situation, don’t handle the baby…Handle is a very unusual word. It means to what exactly? Everyone has their own version of handle–so handle it!
I like handles. You can handle things if you’re in a tough situation. Pots have handles making it easier to handle the whole cooking situation. Handles are long sometimes and short sometimes, but they always help you hold things. Handle can be an object you can see or something conceptual something you ca
i dont wanna handle everything in my life. i just wanna be free. handling sth can not be the key to heavens.there should be sth else because in my mind it means struggling,screem agony and pain.
i have a handle on my door, its quite funny how shiny it is. it is also on mugs and cups, im talking about handles. some people can act like handles, only for grabbing, no real use.
Colton Nesler
i just can’t handle not having my best friend. he means so much to me and its scary having to go through such a hard time without him. i may seem okay, like i actually have a handle on things, but i’m really afraid ):
many things have a handle, including a door a cb nickname from the old days, it can be a person who just can deal with things, handle rhymes with candle and handle is a verb.
I touched it and I tried so hard to let go but I wanted to go through that door so bad and see you. I felt you there even though you were on the other side. I feel like I’m constantly on the other side and you are not here and I want you here but all I do is cry.
I couldn’t handle it. The noise that filled the air and the people shoving each other, and me. I just wanted to get away, but I couldn’t. All I could do was to go with the flow, become one with them. But I didn’t want to. I wanted to be myself.
It was smooth and sleek. Her hand reached towards it, anticipating the clink of her ring as it hit the metal. It was cold to the touch. As she grasped it to turn it and open the door, she felt something sticky. She recoiled. Her hand was red. Blood.
You can’t handle the truth! Handel? Well, there’s a lot I can’t handle, a lot /we/ can’t handle, but perhaps that’s the way it should be. Why should we be “handled”?
i cant handle this it dosint work life is impossible to with not god no real love whats next i cant handle not knowing please with some one can handle this help but i dont think any one can what else can be said no one can handle everything but “god” can if ther is one he handles all bs but you know that is life i cant handle how long this 60 seconds are im running out of ideas like hell what to wright handle wait maby this is the wrong handle im writing about mabye it like handle bars well shit i hope it isint i dont think i could handle that puny eh?
corban townsend
The bike’s handle was coated with a blue paint that curled and, occasionally, fell off into great blue flakes.
dkdkd ldldld
Get a…? The other day I completely snapped the handle off of my refrigerator. I didn’t mean to, but the shiny steel nubs that stick out are kind of cool. I looped huge rubber bands around them instead of telling my apartment manager.
can you handle me?
can you hold me tight?
can you stand me?
can you be around me?
can you control me?
can you handle yourself?
can you do what you need to?
can you do what i want you to?
can you handle this?
…i don’t think so.
i dont know how to handle living on my own being on my own being alone. im scared. what do i do. i just wish that someone would be here for me when i feel like this. someone who can not only handle me, but love me, hold me, and be there when i feel like shit. college is a mind fuck, i dont know how i will do it
I don’t think I can do this, she whispered as they walked in the doors.
I’m right here next to you, he answered
I know. She said her eyes filling. They walked through the waiting room doors and into the cold blue room
So, the doctor said, how many weeks?
she burst into tears.
i can handle this like its totally cool its possible i have no problem just please let it be right and dont let it be wrong, let it be tucker and me. handle handle get a handle. its so simple. simple simple
I can handle this. I can handle this.
If I kept telling myself to focus and didn’t look down [metaphorically, of course], why shouldn’t I be able to do it?
Kann ich damit umgehen? Mit meinem Leben? Mit den Steinen in meinem WEg, den B
i can’t handle this. this whole situation is just becoming too much. i think its time to give up. this is not what i had in mind. aren’t there such things as handling too much? i think this is my time. i’m sorry. i don’t have anything.
the word handle in my opinion means taking time to make sure something is done right. or it could mean making something improved by putting a handle on it
fdsfsdf as youtube selling preteen pics fsdgsdfgsd view removed from youtube dsg sd sfgh
fragile.. with care, me softly. pull the handle gently. i can’t handle it. it’s too difficult. how can you handle it?
and one thing i’ve always known for sure, i’ll never be able to handle this kind of pain. it’s always there, lurking in the shadows, waiting for me to be vulnerable
handle with care, this pacckage is fragile
i took the handle of the wrench and threw it at the wall. i was so angry with myself and with everything. i wanted to crawl into a hole and die. i was so mad that i had messed everything up; i never meant to screw up my life with drugs and alcohol.
i can’t handl his anymore, i used the handle to open it. get a handle on things, i broke off the handle
The package read “Handle with care.” Ironic, since you’d shipped back the engagement ring and my heart along with it. Maybe we could have used that warning from the start.
I see nothing.. I’m completely inlove.. can I understand why!
oh my god what’s this! bofff
i can’t handle it.
Handle with care, and beware. I am the one, who gives you a stare. Like it? Not sure. Be well and watch the handles that lurk/
Handle with care, and beware. I am the one, who gives you a stare. Like it? Not sure. Be well and watch the handles that lurk/
I can’t handle this. We both know that. The damp grass knows it. The grey sky seems to know it. The quiet neighbors on their dark porches know it. Even our dog, who sits with his pale, murky-brown head rested on the windowsill, knows it.
But we continue eating.
The chicken tastes a little dry.
She will come to see me. She will come through the door, sexy, beautiful, smiling and give me a hug. My day will be forever better from then. All the love I can handle.
HOw to handle the death of a friend. Someone you depended on and counted on seeing their bright smiling face every day. Only to be taken away by someone else’s stupidity. Why does life have to be so unfair?
sometimes you grab me, sometimes you pull me, but i’ll always be here waiting for you to return or exit. i hope you can handle that.
I grabbed the handle and took a giant swig. I could feel my body get warm and uncomfortable. I wanted to vomit, I should have vomitted. It was like watching myself make the worst mistake of my life and not being able to stop it. I took his hand and he lead me out of the room. I could handle the handle but I couldn’t handle this.
Put a handle on it, handle it gently don’t handle me, handle him, handle the situation, don’t handle the baby…Handle is a very unusual word. It means to what exactly? Everyone has their own version of handle–so handle it!
I like handles. You can handle things if you’re in a tough situation. Pots have handles making it easier to handle the whole cooking situation. Handles are long sometimes and short sometimes, but they always help you hold things. Handle can be an object you can see or something conceptual something you ca
i dont wanna handle everything in my life. i just wanna be free. handling sth can not be the key to heavens.there should be sth else because in my mind it means struggling,screem agony and pain.
i have a handle on my door, its quite funny how shiny it is. it is also on mugs and cups, im talking about handles. some people can act like handles, only for grabbing, no real use.
i just can’t handle not having my best friend. he means so much to me and its scary having to go through such a hard time without him. i may seem okay, like i actually have a handle on things, but i’m really afraid ):
many things have a handle, including a door a cb nickname from the old days, it can be a person who just can deal with things, handle rhymes with candle and handle is a verb.
I touched it and I tried so hard to let go but I wanted to go through that door so bad and see you. I felt you there even though you were on the other side. I feel like I’m constantly on the other side and you are not here and I want you here but all I do is cry.
I couldn’t handle it. The noise that filled the air and the people shoving each other, and me. I just wanted to get away, but I couldn’t. All I could do was to go with the flow, become one with them. But I didn’t want to. I wanted to be myself.
It was smooth and sleek. Her hand reached towards it, anticipating the clink of her ring as it hit the metal. It was cold to the touch. As she grasped it to turn it and open the door, she felt something sticky. She recoiled. Her hand was red. Blood.
You can’t handle the truth! Handel? Well, there’s a lot I can’t handle, a lot /we/ can’t handle, but perhaps that’s the way it should be. Why should we be “handled”?
i cant handle this it dosint work life is impossible to with not god no real love whats next i cant handle not knowing please with some one can handle this help but i dont think any one can what else can be said no one can handle everything but “god” can if ther is one he handles all bs but you know that is life i cant handle how long this 60 seconds are im running out of ideas like hell what to wright handle wait maby this is the wrong handle im writing about mabye it like handle bars well shit i hope it isint i dont think i could handle that puny eh?
The bike’s handle was coated with a blue paint that curled and, occasionally, fell off into great blue flakes.
dkdkd ldldld
Get a…? The other day I completely snapped the handle off of my refrigerator. I didn’t mean to, but the shiny steel nubs that stick out are kind of cool. I looped huge rubber bands around them instead of telling my apartment manager.
can you handle me?
can you hold me tight?
can you stand me?
can you be around me?
can you control me?
can you handle yourself?
can you do what you need to?
can you do what i want you to?
can you handle this?
…i don’t think so.
i dont know how to handle living on my own being on my own being alone. im scared. what do i do. i just wish that someone would be here for me when i feel like this. someone who can not only handle me, but love me, hold me, and be there when i feel like shit. college is a mind fuck, i dont know how i will do it