
November 19th, 2009 | 527 Entries

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527 Entries for “handle”

  1. bicycle

  2. She paused a moment before continuing. It seems like she always has to handle these difficult situations. Whether a middle-person or a scapegoat, she always takes on the responsibility of what is bestowed upon her to make others feel better. She pulls the handle on the door and enter the room where trial awaits.

  3. It’s hard to handle the little things in life without thinking how they will result in the bigger changes to come. I think about that with every decision and action I make throughout my day. It may seem a bit OCD but it’s what makes me see that everything I do has a purpose.

  4. He ignored the signs on the door and reached for the handle.

  5. i handle the toilet paper every day and i ha

  6. the handle of the pot was hot
    so i let the handle go.

  7. the handle on the bike is soft. i want to ride this forever but the handles will soon break off and i will no longer have a way to hold on while riding. what will i do without my favorite bicycle? the day i lose my soft bicycle handles will be one of the worst of my life.

    Shelby Smith
  8. He grabbed the handle, pulling it open slowly, wincing at the creak the door made as he peered inside.

    The room was empty but he could see the body in the bed, breathing heavy and slow. Biting his lip, he didn’t move, too scared, too worried, just too much.

  9. handle on a pan
    how can i handle anything in my life when i can’t even handle anything in general
    i’m not handling anything very well at all
    door handle
    dor knob

  10. I should be getting a handle on this situation. Like I usually do, but really, right now, I just feel like going with the flow. Letting things happen. I may nudge them according to my preferances, but other than that, I like how things are going. Except for my best friend. If I can call her that.

  11. When i was little I used to run around the kitchen looking for something to do or pick up take some where else but I would always accidently hit the handles of pots on the stove sending them spinning hot water splashing sauces scorching and to this day I love the smell and sound of liquids cooking it reminds me of home.

  12. Turn the handle, tip toe in. Undress slowly. Slink into bed beside me. Let me dream you still love me. Lie to me if you have to.

  13. fan

  14. i wasn’t sure i could handle a death in the family. at seventeen i lost my father. it was surreal and all i wanted to do was destroy my life. i stopped doing homework, attending classes, and alienated the people i loved. after my family in wisconsin held a memorial service for him on our farm, i started to heal; i simply stood next to my cousin (who is more like a brother) and we wept.

  15. what i handle with care always breaks. So handle with care does not mean anything to me. Handle on a bike is probably the only thing that I can handle. Handle somebody elses money with care.

  16. I have a handle on my addiction. I have a handle on my sup. I have a handle on my life. I do not have a handle on my friends, and that’s the one place I want a handle…

  17. There was a handl

  18. Can you handle the words pouring from my eyes?
    The gapping amounts of salt flowing into my mouth?
    Of course not, I don’t except you to.
    Because you think you understand,
    “I’ve been through it to.”
    But you weren’t in love with Jessica Bryant.
    You weren’t held the way I was by Jessica Bryant.
    You weren’t screaming after Jessica Bryant as she let you on your own front step.
    So no, you cannot handle the words pouring from my eyes.

    Alyssa Johnson
  19. Look at her pristine figure
    Tiny hands and twinkling blue eyes
    Strands of gold braided into hair
    Molded carefully with god’s gentle handle

  20. handle is a word that is widespread in it’s use, however what comes to mind when i hear handle is the idea that i can’t handle what i’ve been given. i often feel as though humans are situated on this planet not to strive and be great, or to be failures and feel shitty all the time; rather, just to handle the cards you’ve got.

  21. The handle is very obtuse. It’s golden with intricate designs. The handle is the first thing between the rest of the world and I. I’m just to afraid to turn it. To afraid to see what’s on the other side.

  22. shamndle candle i handle with care but i dont car with a pear fie even fair good to have a shmear how many apples can i eat every handle of a humanistic characteristic has been deployed by a man with no plan no can a a lack of a handle

  23. i handle things really well all my friends think so too and it feels like you are the boss of everything that you know and you get to tell peopel what to do and it feels great. it is fun yto do i love to do it with friends and with family it also means to pick up things in your hands it is so funny to do that and i can pick up dogs cats and anything but an elephant it is so cool what words mean to other people and what they think it should be and what it could me or anything

  24. a package is brought to your door, set down on the welcome mat, awaiting the sweet care that is beconing from the soon to be owner.

  25. “I can’t handle this anymore,” complained Hannah, “All I ever do is work, work, work!”
    “Life is work,” her mother replied. “Get used to it.”
    Hannah folded her arms and pouted. “I don’t want to.”

  26. everyone can use one. helpful for life, it sets us aside from animals. handle is management. life is management. handles are lifes little inventions way over looked.

  27. I want to ride my bike motherfucker.

  28. The handle was broke, “Damn” I thought to myself, I have no way into the building now. Every second that went by felt like a minute, every minute an hour.

  29. Handles are for opening things. Sometimes you need to get a handle on things, or handle with care.

  30. handles are round, you can use them to open things. door knobs are handles, sometimes you need to get a “handle” on things, or “handle things with care” handling infers a delicate motion.

  31. I’m going to get a handle on your cock, so I can carry you around by your junk! Mmm, cockhandles…

    Bob's Wife
  32. afdaf

  33. asfasdf

  34. I didn’t know if I could handle the pain of loosing him. I had coped with him breaking up with me, but how was i going to cope with actually staying away from him? Not talking to him. Not texting him. Not waving to him in the hallways. Not hugging him. Not feeling the warmth of his arms around me. Not being able to cry onto his shoulder. Not tasting his lips on mine. Not being able to love him anymore.

  35. There’s a door, there is always a door. A door without a handle…

  36. Zeke gripped the handle of the dagger and prepared to make a move, though he wasn’t sure if he would have to. His opponent was studying his moves, but he gave no sign of hostility. There was a kind of peace to his face, but Zeke never expected to this man with no shoes in a dangerous place like this. And wielding only a harp, no less.

  37. handle it! that’s my dad’s response to a complaint … well, actually that’s his response ever since he got back on the wagon. I guess “handle it” is the alcoholic version of “be strong” which is what he said to me while I was growing up.

  38. who am i i need a group to get a grip i need a group to get a grip no not this but them there

  39. I thought I had a handle on it all. I thought I would be able to manage, regardless of the circumstances I might be placed in. In retrospect, I’m glad I failed so miserably. It was a wake-up call, a reminder that I am not perfect or invincible. And, in a way, I find that comforting.

  40. Love the way it was meant to be gentle but strong respectful but forceful
