I need to get a handle on the situation. Get a grip on the conflict. Hang tight to the program. Otherwise, it may all fall apart. All the hard work, effort, time put into it a waste. All down the drain. Learn how to handle yourself better.
life has just been so much lately. my plate is so full. i wish that i could get a grip. i just want to be able to slow down time..just to have a few more minutes in each day…
i couldn’t get one on it. try as i might, she had gripped my mind in a mighty, mighty vice. her lips, her hair, her eyes, my brain. twenty four seven. was this normal? was this possible? was i out of my mind?
kah-rrrrr, breaker 1-9, what’s your handle? i can handle it can you? what’s there to handle? i’m a little teapot short & stout here is my handle here is my spout! i’ve definitely got a handle on it!
handle the power, the hour to know.
The thing that you can not ever let go
Don’t be bitch, or I am a little hit
Petty pool don’t let tthe cool rule your infinte metal dome or disaster
Don’t fret the tret, swiss miss is the real confess.
Class 3 , Varsity, don’t let the man be the fan.
how to desire a memory if all you have is the memory its not two bit that’s what she said.
that secret is your THe aibilty
i drank a handle of vodka today. I felt like puking my brains out. It was the biggest mistake of my life. I need to get a handle of situations before they spiral out of control. Im fucked up.
How can I handle that which is twisted and gone in the bottom of a cetain uncertainty. I’ll tell you how; with a flick of a word and a shutter of a smile all that you know will bend and loop prance and dance and fall and call you into the rest of your life
Ricky J. Colmenero
I handle the problems well, he thinks.
They all don’t see it but I do.
Where are they going? they can’t handle it. But I can…
my life to be happy
I like handles they are great I wish I had a lot of handles so I could take them and eat them. I just want to go into my belly and pull it open like a drawer. I could re-eat things before they turn to poop.
Matt Sharos
i can’t handle this anymore…the creeping sticky feeling that you just can’t shake…she’s staring at him…practically drooling…and i know he couldn’t give her a second thought if he tried but i just wanna scream…BACK OFF OF MY MAN!!!
very useful. quite friendly. others can use it for me. even if they don’t know where i’m heading afterwards. it can come in small forms or intricate shape but still leads me to the same purpose.
handle? how do you want me to handle this? i can’t handle it. it’s out of my reach. don’t tell me that i’m supported, that i don’t need to handle things that are out of my comfort zone “you’re not a therapist, you’re a resource” don’t outright lie to me. i’m not supposed to handle these things, you are. but just because you can’t doesn’t mean you try and make my job harder. take care of yourself first before you start preaching.
sometimes things are hard to handle. but also sometimes things are easy to handle. I guess it’s like one of tthose things as in which way you look at it. So which was to you want to go today?I think it’s always best to be optimistic.
i cant handle this anymore. i want you to hold me. i want you to love me.
i love you so much. i need you back in my life.
joey. i cant do this without you.
i have always loved you and i will always love you.
i hate your new girl friend.
i hate everything you have done.
i hate how you ignore me
i hate that you love me yet wont be with me
i hate that you arnt with me
i just want to kiss you
i just want to love you.
i hate that i still love you.
I’m so secure in who I am that I will let you handle me gently at first. Then when i get to know you well, you can handle my needs with extraordinary abandon – with permission. As we get older together, and live the same breathing beside each other, you can handle my fears without me having to keep them in any particular order.
Mike P.
handle with care, she thought, wrapping herself up with the soft, fleece blanket. it felt like bubble wrap, like the security blanket that kids held onto, and fittingly, she suddenly felt dazed, detached, her eyes wandering shut.
i can’t handle how much i miss you. how excited i am to see you. i can’t handle how my insides are just dying to jump out and scream about how much i love you. i can’t handle having to sit through class on wednesday, knowing that in only 3 hours i will be with you, in your arms, kissing you.
Are the Black Crows relevant anymore? I always think of Hard to Handle, and yet, what a crap-tastic song that really is. Didn’t Kate Hudson marry the guy from BC, and aren’t they divorced now? I think so as she is supposedly with A-Rod now and there is all this speculation about their relationship, which is all I can handle, really.
tea cup shovel
why this word? Handles are dangerous. They ask you to believe that they will provide you with whatever you want, if only you’ll touch it, pull, and expect everything behind it will be okay. It isn’t. Not always.
walk, walk fashion baby work it move that birch crazy… oh, what the hell… i cant write nothing with this word… just gaga in my mind right now… I LOVE YOU GAGA, you are my life, my heart,
He tried to wrap his mind around it. How could someone just quit, just give up? Thirteen whole years of blood sweat and tears for what? Nothing. That’s what it had been for. How could someone just quit school in their senior year. Couldn’t you handle it for a few more months? Get your diploma and leave this god forsaken place.
if i had any idea why i should grab the handle, i probably wouldn’t do it. really, they lead to dangerous places that I can’t be sure of in the first place. good or bad, safe or not, i pull the handle and see what is there on the other side. I love to hate to love handles.
I wish that people could get a handle on their lives. I am not a psychiatrist and I don’t plan on being on. I’m in accounting. I deal with logic. Emotions and the like are so foreign to me that I am beginning to think I’m weird for being sane.
Ashley Carter
I’m trying to get a handle on things. A handle on my life. Which feels like it is spinning out of control most days. 5 children under 4. Handle. My sister gave me three purses recently. They’re beautiful. They have handles. They are her handiwork. I love her. It’s good to have hands. To use them. To touch. To create. To make something worthwhile. I guess that’s what I’m doing with my life. Getting a handle on things. Making something beautiful. Creating life.
Catherine Arveseth
The handle broke as I yanked it towards me, trying to turn the water back on because the living room had just caught fire. It was just turning 7:00 P.M. as I got home from my father’s house and the fire came from the microwave.
Gouldin Lion
“Get a handle on yourself,” my best friend whispered in my ear. “He only talks trash so you’ll pay attention to him.”
I nodded. My heart pounded, but I didn’t think it was Trey’s joking insult that had sped up its beat.
Ann (Shadows in Mind)
i cant get a handle on my life right now. everything is flip flopped and mish mashed. i cant study, i cant do my homework, i cant even read fro christ sakes! and i cant even utter an intelligent sentence to the guy of my dreams. it just comes out as a lame comment about math.
what can we handle? what are our limits? what defines us? to handle life? is that what we seek? to handle versus to live? they seem like they are opposite ends of the spectrum. do you want to merely handle or do you want to experience, make mistakes, grow and love? handle… for some reason the word cojures negative emotions, like someone just merely existing.
She didn’t know if she could handle the idea of losing him; he was her comfort, her shelter, and all she had known for the last five years. When he told her he loved her, had he been lying? Did he really want to grow old together? These things that used to be held as facts, were now put into question. Could she live without him?
Jessica Lynn
I want to handle my girlfriend. I miss her so much, it’s unreal, and this relationship seems to be getting to me. I don’t feel like I can handle it much longer. It’s long distance and between work and her and family… it’s just getting to be a lot. I love her, dearly, but I worry that I might not be able to keep everything up much longer
Bars are up to my chin and i can’t breathe because the water was replaced with cough syrup and the handles dig into my adams apple the one eve shoved down there. i can’t find the peddles through this thick goo. No one with find me now.
I can handle this. I can handle this. I can handle “this…”
I can’t handle this.
Life is so stressful.
i just do not know how to get one on her. she keeps me moving she keeps me moving she keeps me moving. it puts me under so much pressure, she has such swift skin, such soft eyes. she keeps me from gripping her when that is all i want to do. maybe it is because she is older. or i am older. or we come from different places.
bar. stache. i like to rub staches.
poop is brown and it fills the toliet. people flush it and use it to grow healthy gardens that feed the entire population of shitty people. Who knew that poop could be such a great discovery!
it’s shiny but still i can’t make out my reflection.
i’m a teenager. i should be able to handle, but i can’t. not yet.
but it’s okay. we’re all in the same boat.
Get a grip. Get a hold of yourself. You’re not dying. You’re just in high school. It seems rough now, sure, but believe me, there’s so much more to this world than just high school. High school is simply an unpleasant bump along the way to the rest of your life. Don’t let it effect you.
I need to get a handle on the situation. Get a grip on the conflict. Hang tight to the program. Otherwise, it may all fall apart. All the hard work, effort, time put into it a waste. All down the drain. Learn how to handle yourself better.
life has just been so much lately. my plate is so full. i wish that i could get a grip. i just want to be able to slow down time..just to have a few more minutes in each day…
i couldn’t get one on it. try as i might, she had gripped my mind in a mighty, mighty vice. her lips, her hair, her eyes, my brain. twenty four seven. was this normal? was this possible? was i out of my mind?
kah-rrrrr, breaker 1-9, what’s your handle? i can handle it can you? what’s there to handle? i’m a little teapot short & stout here is my handle here is my spout! i’ve definitely got a handle on it!
handle the power, the hour to know.
The thing that you can not ever let go
Don’t be bitch, or I am a little hit
Petty pool don’t let tthe cool rule your infinte metal dome or disaster
Don’t fret the tret, swiss miss is the real confess.
Class 3 , Varsity, don’t let the man be the fan.
how to desire a memory if all you have is the memory its not two bit that’s what she said.
that secret is your THe aibilty
i drank a handle of vodka today. I felt like puking my brains out. It was the biggest mistake of my life. I need to get a handle of situations before they spiral out of control. Im fucked up.
How can I handle that which is twisted and gone in the bottom of a cetain uncertainty. I’ll tell you how; with a flick of a word and a shutter of a smile all that you know will bend and loop prance and dance and fall and call you into the rest of your life
I handle the problems well, he thinks.
They all don’t see it but I do.
Where are they going? they can’t handle it. But I can…
my life to be happy
I like handles they are great I wish I had a lot of handles so I could take them and eat them. I just want to go into my belly and pull it open like a drawer. I could re-eat things before they turn to poop.
i can’t handle this anymore…the creeping sticky feeling that you just can’t shake…she’s staring at him…practically drooling…and i know he couldn’t give her a second thought if he tried but i just wanna scream…BACK OFF OF MY MAN!!!
very useful. quite friendly. others can use it for me. even if they don’t know where i’m heading afterwards. it can come in small forms or intricate shape but still leads me to the same purpose.
handle? how do you want me to handle this? i can’t handle it. it’s out of my reach. don’t tell me that i’m supported, that i don’t need to handle things that are out of my comfort zone “you’re not a therapist, you’re a resource” don’t outright lie to me. i’m not supposed to handle these things, you are. but just because you can’t doesn’t mean you try and make my job harder. take care of yourself first before you start preaching.
sometimes things are hard to handle. but also sometimes things are easy to handle. I guess it’s like one of tthose things as in which way you look at it. So which was to you want to go today?I think it’s always best to be optimistic.
i cant handle this anymore. i want you to hold me. i want you to love me.
i love you so much. i need you back in my life.
joey. i cant do this without you.
i have always loved you and i will always love you.
i hate your new girl friend.
i hate everything you have done.
i hate how you ignore me
i hate that you love me yet wont be with me
i hate that you arnt with me
i just want to kiss you
i just want to love you.
i hate that i still love you.
I’m so secure in who I am that I will let you handle me gently at first. Then when i get to know you well, you can handle my needs with extraordinary abandon – with permission. As we get older together, and live the same breathing beside each other, you can handle my fears without me having to keep them in any particular order.
handle with care, she thought, wrapping herself up with the soft, fleece blanket. it felt like bubble wrap, like the security blanket that kids held onto, and fittingly, she suddenly felt dazed, detached, her eyes wandering shut.
i can’t handle how much i miss you. how excited i am to see you. i can’t handle how my insides are just dying to jump out and scream about how much i love you. i can’t handle having to sit through class on wednesday, knowing that in only 3 hours i will be with you, in your arms, kissing you.
Are the Black Crows relevant anymore? I always think of Hard to Handle, and yet, what a crap-tastic song that really is. Didn’t Kate Hudson marry the guy from BC, and aren’t they divorced now? I think so as she is supposedly with A-Rod now and there is all this speculation about their relationship, which is all I can handle, really.
tea cup shovel
why this word? Handles are dangerous. They ask you to believe that they will provide you with whatever you want, if only you’ll touch it, pull, and expect everything behind it will be okay. It isn’t. Not always.
walk, walk fashion baby work it move that birch crazy… oh, what the hell… i cant write nothing with this word… just gaga in my mind right now… I LOVE YOU GAGA, you are my life, my heart,
He tried to wrap his mind around it. How could someone just quit, just give up? Thirteen whole years of blood sweat and tears for what? Nothing. That’s what it had been for. How could someone just quit school in their senior year. Couldn’t you handle it for a few more months? Get your diploma and leave this god forsaken place.
if i had any idea why i should grab the handle, i probably wouldn’t do it. really, they lead to dangerous places that I can’t be sure of in the first place. good or bad, safe or not, i pull the handle and see what is there on the other side. I love to hate to love handles.
I wish that people could get a handle on their lives. I am not a psychiatrist and I don’t plan on being on. I’m in accounting. I deal with logic. Emotions and the like are so foreign to me that I am beginning to think I’m weird for being sane.
I’m trying to get a handle on things. A handle on my life. Which feels like it is spinning out of control most days. 5 children under 4. Handle. My sister gave me three purses recently. They’re beautiful. They have handles. They are her handiwork. I love her. It’s good to have hands. To use them. To touch. To create. To make something worthwhile. I guess that’s what I’m doing with my life. Getting a handle on things. Making something beautiful. Creating life.
The handle broke as I yanked it towards me, trying to turn the water back on because the living room had just caught fire. It was just turning 7:00 P.M. as I got home from my father’s house and the fire came from the microwave.
“Get a handle on yourself,” my best friend whispered in my ear. “He only talks trash so you’ll pay attention to him.”
I nodded. My heart pounded, but I didn’t think it was Trey’s joking insult that had sped up its beat.
i cant get a handle on my life right now. everything is flip flopped and mish mashed. i cant study, i cant do my homework, i cant even read fro christ sakes! and i cant even utter an intelligent sentence to the guy of my dreams. it just comes out as a lame comment about math.
what can we handle? what are our limits? what defines us? to handle life? is that what we seek? to handle versus to live? they seem like they are opposite ends of the spectrum. do you want to merely handle or do you want to experience, make mistakes, grow and love? handle… for some reason the word cojures negative emotions, like someone just merely existing.
She didn’t know if she could handle the idea of losing him; he was her comfort, her shelter, and all she had known for the last five years. When he told her he loved her, had he been lying? Did he really want to grow old together? These things that used to be held as facts, were now put into question. Could she live without him?
I want to handle my girlfriend. I miss her so much, it’s unreal, and this relationship seems to be getting to me. I don’t feel like I can handle it much longer. It’s long distance and between work and her and family… it’s just getting to be a lot. I love her, dearly, but I worry that I might not be able to keep everything up much longer
Bars are up to my chin and i can’t breathe because the water was replaced with cough syrup and the handles dig into my adams apple the one eve shoved down there. i can’t find the peddles through this thick goo. No one with find me now.
I can handle this. I can handle this. I can handle “this…”
I can’t handle this.
Life is so stressful.
i just do not know how to get one on her. she keeps me moving she keeps me moving she keeps me moving. it puts me under so much pressure, she has such swift skin, such soft eyes. she keeps me from gripping her when that is all i want to do. maybe it is because she is older. or i am older. or we come from different places.
bar. stache. i like to rub staches.
poop is brown and it fills the toliet. people flush it and use it to grow healthy gardens that feed the entire population of shitty people. Who knew that poop could be such a great discovery!
it’s shiny but still i can’t make out my reflection.
i’m a teenager. i should be able to handle, but i can’t. not yet.
but it’s okay. we’re all in the same boat.
Get a grip. Get a hold of yourself. You’re not dying. You’re just in high school. It seems rough now, sure, but believe me, there’s so much more to this world than just high school. High school is simply an unpleasant bump along the way to the rest of your life. Don’t let it effect you.