Sometimes I don’t know how to handle everything that comes my way. Because there are no handles. There’s nothing for me to grab onto. I guess I’ll just have to learn how to fall off the bike and stay there.
The handle was attached to an old rusted pail in the middle of the field. I raced to grab it because it was about to storm. I couldn’t think why I was doing this but all I know was that I had to do it. For the sake of humanity.
handle on a bike. have a handle on it. handle like music. there are so many ways to use this. you can handle a situation handle, handle, handle. that word sounds kind of funny. handle, it just sounds weird.
I can handle all the complaints from the customers about the door handles being faulty but what I can’t handle is that the handles are perfectly manuafactured. I like to think that I have a good handle on things.
something that you use to open a door or your name on cb radio. Or to get a grip on something. To manipulate something. It’s a male name in south wales
can you handle a handle of rum? handle it between the roof of your mouth and the pit under your tongue that rushes its blinding path down your throat just for fun
becca Loo
I’ve lost my handle on the world
I’ve lost my grip on reality
My family, my friends.
It’s all falling down.
I can’t handle it anymore
I can’t take it
Spiralling downwards
Will you catch me?
I don’t think I can handle this
I’m not alone in my mind
Not anymore
They’re here to help me
They’re telling my secrets
Even though I trust her
She doesn’t need to know
i wish i could handle love. its such a strong thing. i wish i could handle love and hold it. if you handled something like love or peace or hope. you ccould shape it and make it better. handle life with love.
Hope Dawn
I can’t get a handle on this at all
i cant life life so far, i mean the whole thing with her and just what believe as far as life goes. jesus christ im pathetic! i just wish i wasnt so fucking lonely sometimes.
handle? you mean the one i holding? or me controling something? damit.
I don’t know if I can handle this. Je ne sais pas. But I’ll try just like I have all the times before. And even though I know all the times before weren’t worth it I hope, and pray, and think I know that this time it really is. That this is the start of something big.
There was a handle on the door, enticing me oh so very much. I reached for it slowly, my heart racing in my head. I knew there wasn’t anything good on the other side. I could hear muffled screaming faintly through the wood of the door…
bars, door, It’s hard to handle things when everything seems to cave in, come crashing down as if it were a test of your inner strength and you’re not even sure whether or not it even exists, will ever exist or if it’s just a figment of your imagination. Who knows, we never will.
I can handle most situations, there isn’t many things I can’t. The only thing I can’t really handle is humanity as a whole. Humans can be vile. Really, they can be.
I can’t handle him! I don’t even know why I let him come in and out of my life like he can just handle me like his emotional play-thing.
I wish that I had the courage to reach for that door handle and leave him for good.
handle. “are you sure you can handle it?”
“yes, I’m sure. just give it straight to me.”
“Well, Mr. Westwick, you have 2 months to live. you have a brain tumor.”
“…two months.”
“yes. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not you fault…two months.”
I don’t know how to handle it all. How am I supposed to deal with how you’re treating me – how things are going. I don’t know how to react, how to fix it, how to make things better. I don’t know how to protect my heart from all your mean words, and all the things that just hurt. I don’t know how to handle this.
S. Smile
i like to think about handles. they could smell good, maybe. i don’t know. probably not. I can handle handling handles.
I can’t get a handle on this weather. It’s like an episode of Dr Who around here with Cumbrian towns and villages melting into water. Up on a hill in Appleby it isn’t even raining.
Annabel Weir
I couldn’t handle failure. Whenever I did badly at anything when I was younger, I’d go home, slam my door, slip down the bak of it and cry for 2 hours. when my mum got home at 6, I would have gotten rid of the redness and play the perfect daughter.
I can’t handle most things. Whenever something seems out of place, I just lose it. I can’t control myself. I can’t control my world. I can’t control…
No. Get a grip. You can do this. You can stay sane.
But…things are all wrong
Bob Velez
of a mug keeps me from burning my hand on the scalding contents, like tea. I really like tea. Though it is hot. I love different sorts of tea. and the handle of the mug is a blessing.
word are center of our thinking one word can change our life its not just letter a b c its word which have a meaning that can change yourlife.
you can’t handle it.
“I can’t handle this,” she said, with her arms outstretched as far as possible in front of her, with a cat being held in the air by her hands.
“You are the worst cat-handler I have ever met,” he said, sighing and taking the cat from her arm.s
“I’m sorry, I didn’t even want to do this! It was all my mom’s idea,” she grumbled.
a handle on life
a door
a cabinet
a purse
a plastic bag
a handle on me
i love to handle big balls. teapots have handles. i mean teapots. my little teapot short and stout here is my handleeee here is my spout. i love sexy man. aka eric. aka love of my life. i love stumble upon. today was a great day. fantastic in fact. one of the best days i’ve had in a while. iron and wine is awesome.
The way people handle things.
Don’t you ever stop to think?
I got. I got it.
I never stop.
You can’t stop to handle.
Life handles you.
Come and go.
What are we handling?
Wait…aren’t we suppose to be writing?
Lost my ideas.
and then i grabbed it and pulled the door open and there he was just standing there waiting for me to do something but there was really nothing to do. I wanted to say something but i just couldnt he didnt deserve what i had to day, he didnt deserve anything
it became clear to us that, at any given moment, sweet, demure valeska would become a screaming, hysterical baby, and it was up to us to handle her tantrums for her lest she hurt herself.
Sometimes I don’t know how to handle everything that comes my way. Because there are no handles. There’s nothing for me to grab onto. I guess I’ll just have to learn how to fall off the bike and stay there.
The handle was attached to an old rusted pail in the middle of the field. I raced to grab it because it was about to storm. I couldn’t think why I was doing this but all I know was that I had to do it. For the sake of humanity.
handle on a bike. have a handle on it. handle like music. there are so many ways to use this. you can handle a situation handle, handle, handle. that word sounds kind of funny. handle, it just sounds weird.
I can handle all the complaints from the customers about the door handles being faulty but what I can’t handle is that the handles are perfectly manuafactured. I like to think that I have a good handle on things.
something that you use to open a door or your name on cb radio. Or to get a grip on something. To manipulate something. It’s a male name in south wales
can you handle a handle of rum? handle it between the roof of your mouth and the pit under your tongue that rushes its blinding path down your throat just for fun
I’ve lost my handle on the world
I’ve lost my grip on reality
My family, my friends.
It’s all falling down.
I can’t handle it anymore
I can’t take it
Spiralling downwards
Will you catch me?
I don’t think I can handle this
I’m not alone in my mind
Not anymore
They’re here to help me
They’re telling my secrets
Even though I trust her
She doesn’t need to know
i wish i could handle love. its such a strong thing. i wish i could handle love and hold it. if you handled something like love or peace or hope. you ccould shape it and make it better. handle life with love.
I can’t get a handle on this at all
i cant life life so far, i mean the whole thing with her and just what believe as far as life goes. jesus christ im pathetic! i just wish i wasnt so fucking lonely sometimes.
handle? you mean the one i holding? or me controling something? damit.
I don’t know if I can handle this. Je ne sais pas. But I’ll try just like I have all the times before. And even though I know all the times before weren’t worth it I hope, and pray, and think I know that this time it really is. That this is the start of something big.
There was a handle on the door, enticing me oh so very much. I reached for it slowly, my heart racing in my head. I knew there wasn’t anything good on the other side. I could hear muffled screaming faintly through the wood of the door…
bars, door, It’s hard to handle things when everything seems to cave in, come crashing down as if it were a test of your inner strength and you’re not even sure whether or not it even exists, will ever exist or if it’s just a figment of your imagination. Who knows, we never will.
I can handle most situations, there isn’t many things I can’t. The only thing I can’t really handle is humanity as a whole. Humans can be vile. Really, they can be.
I can’t handle him! I don’t even know why I let him come in and out of my life like he can just handle me like his emotional play-thing.
I wish that I had the courage to reach for that door handle and leave him for good.
handle. “are you sure you can handle it?”
“yes, I’m sure. just give it straight to me.”
“Well, Mr. Westwick, you have 2 months to live. you have a brain tumor.”
“…two months.”
“yes. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not you fault…two months.”
I don’t know how to handle it all. How am I supposed to deal with how you’re treating me – how things are going. I don’t know how to react, how to fix it, how to make things better. I don’t know how to protect my heart from all your mean words, and all the things that just hurt. I don’t know how to handle this.
i like to think about handles. they could smell good, maybe. i don’t know. probably not. I can handle handling handles.
I can’t get a handle on this weather. It’s like an episode of Dr Who around here with Cumbrian towns and villages melting into water. Up on a hill in Appleby it isn’t even raining.
I couldn’t handle failure. Whenever I did badly at anything when I was younger, I’d go home, slam my door, slip down the bak of it and cry for 2 hours. when my mum got home at 6, I would have gotten rid of the redness and play the perfect daughter.
I can’t handle most things. Whenever something seems out of place, I just lose it. I can’t control myself. I can’t control my world. I can’t control…
No. Get a grip. You can do this. You can stay sane.
But…things are all wrong
of a mug keeps me from burning my hand on the scalding contents, like tea. I really like tea. Though it is hot. I love different sorts of tea. and the handle of the mug is a blessing.
word are center of our thinking one word can change our life its not just letter a b c its word which have a meaning that can change yourlife.
you can’t handle it.
“I can’t handle this,” she said, with her arms outstretched as far as possible in front of her, with a cat being held in the air by her hands.
“You are the worst cat-handler I have ever met,” he said, sighing and taking the cat from her arm.s
“I’m sorry, I didn’t even want to do this! It was all my mom’s idea,” she grumbled.
a handle on life
a door
a cabinet
a purse
a plastic bag
a handle on me
i love to handle big balls. teapots have handles. i mean teapots. my little teapot short and stout here is my handleeee here is my spout. i love sexy man. aka eric. aka love of my life. i love stumble upon. today was a great day. fantastic in fact. one of the best days i’ve had in a while. iron and wine is awesome.
The way people handle things.
Don’t you ever stop to think?
I got. I got it.
I never stop.
You can’t stop to handle.
Life handles you.
Come and go.
What are we handling?
Wait…aren’t we suppose to be writing?
Lost my ideas.
and then i grabbed it and pulled the door open and there he was just standing there waiting for me to do something but there was really nothing to do. I wanted to say something but i just couldnt he didnt deserve what i had to day, he didnt deserve anything
it became clear to us that, at any given moment, sweet, demure valeska would become a screaming, hysterical baby, and it was up to us to handle her tantrums for her lest she hurt herself.