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Get a handle on yourself, dammit! Who do you think you are? Pick yourself up. I’m sick of that whining!
But I can’t, my heart is broken.
Manejar es tener control y el control hay que tenerlo siempre.
handles on cups of coffee are a good idea because sometimes the cups are just so hot and it’s too hard to hold them in your hand. i have a cup of coffee from a vending machine that fits that description, but the vending machine doesn’t give you cup sleeves so i don’t even know how i’m supposed to hold the damn thing! handles are a generally good idea and should be put to use on more items that might have problems being held. maybe even really cold things.
das ist genial
what can i handle in my life?
what on earth have i handled properly in my life?
everything feels out of control now.
even if given a chance to really handle things, i doubt my abilities to do so.
i don’t want to handle anything now.
escape is my favourite word.
can someone else do all the handling for me?
omg. handling your affairs, you state of mind, and every other circumstance and situation. You need to handle it. screams the others.
And it reminds me of the pots and pans handle too!
it was gold and shiny. broken at the corner, i could see my twisted reflection in it. pale skin and a single dead eye on my forehead at limply twisted around in its fury. i was monster and nothing would ever change that.
To open, to muse, to explore, to hold, to close, to protect, to polish, to grab, for teeth, for children, for privacy, for safety, for opportunity, with care, may be hot, G minor, daily to soften, with love!
Life was always rubish as a handle, the most over used item in the world and yet no one gave a crap about me. How life had become so terrible for me in this stupi place. Life life life, why am i going on about life. Lets talk about handles, love handles, ew. People taalk about handles as if there nothing, but i think without handles we would be nothing.
He grabbed the handle and yanked. The door came right off. Her eyes narrowed and his tongue stuck out. “You’ll be in so much trouble.”
His playful eyes looked at her, and he grinned. She loved that grin. That was probably why she fell in love with him.
How to handle situations? Well I always try to remain calm. A logical and rational evaluation of any predicament will usually reveal alternatives which were not at first obviously apparent.
Rory McElearney
I could never understand why she was always so happy. She just seemed to go about her life as if everything was perfect. As if her bed was always made and her clothes freshly laundered, folded and stored neatly. She seemed to really have a handle on this life. I was envious. I wanted to be her.
i have no idea what is going on, I just don’t know. this is all confusing. could somebody please let me out? please? Anybody
The part on a door that you pull to go outside.
Sometimes I have to handle the fact that my confused on and off fucked up and over relationship with this twot not worthy of being named a man, Jose, does not really love me. I’m convinced that every time he has said it was a lie__
erm, used to get hold of something, a foothold, a thingy on na drawer, a suitcase or a car door
we like handles
Do you have a handle on the situation, he asked, eyebrows raised. Don’t worry, came the reply hoarsely, I know what has to be done. He then turned and walked out of the office, the hunting knife in his right hand barely concealed by the business coat he was wearing. He walked out of the front revolving doors of the office and hailed a cab. He knew what he had to do.
handle. How will I handle this Handel award says George Balanchine, hunting for cleverness in the staid waters of award giving to a man who genius was fed on spontaneity on one not e after another.
The handle of a bag. It is held like the hand of an infant. It is held like an accessory. Is it really that important to have a bag which can’t handle a lot of stuff? The size is small.
She grabbed the handle of the cooking pot and without a moments hgesitation brought it round in a wide arc. She felt a crack and new she had broken something
Sam Collis
handling life is hard, its something we all have to learn to do, an it happens to all of us, sometimes multiple times an for some maybe only once, but learning how to handle your life is the answer to living, if you cant handle it your dead, game over, do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars, thats how it goes
Mug handles are always too thin. Too brittle to hold the precious liquid within–precious liquid meaning coffee, of course. And if I don’t have my coffee, I can’t exactly handle my day. Good grief! What will I do if I don’t have my mug of coffee with the too thin handle.
he knew how to handle this.he knew.he was always the smartest and the brightest,so,he knew.he just didn’t want to.
She could handle how he left his wet towel on the floor of the bathroom. She could accept some people hated you simply because of the way you looked. She was willing to envision the sun exploding and snuffing the Earth out in less than a wink. But she could not deal with a stray cat, and she gathered each one like a new rose for her bouquet.
Brian Slusher
i can’t even begin to handle what’s going on in my life. a move. a loss. a start. a career. a new love. it’s all so crazy i just don’t have a clue. but i know it’s good. it’s hard, but good. i’m heading in the right direction and i’m finally becoming me…whatever that means…
The handle was underneath my palm. I was terrified. Going through this door – it could either spell my death or… well, my death. But that’s something else completely. I stall slightly, my whole body urging me to let go, to stop, to not open this door.
A door handle? A bucket handle? A huge gate handle? Or is it a problem handle? Be it anything, a handle is something that supports and balances the most heaviest part of any living or non-living thing’s existence. When you handle a problem, or handle a difficult situation, gracefully, you just play the same important role.
A door handle? A bucket handle? A huge gate handle? Or is it a problem handle? Be it anything, a handle is something that supports and balances the most heaviest part of any living or non-living thing’s existence. When you handle a problem, or handle a difficult situation, gracefully, you just play the same important role.
or don`t
how did she handle herself in that situation? gallantly. so perfectly, in fact, that I almost rotted with jealousy everytime I saw that pristinely still face that showed not even the slightest amount of weakness.
I cant’t handle myself! What abuot the others?
No I can’t handle this. Well maybe I could have fifteen years ago when everything was easy and I hadn’t remembered everything from when I was a kid.
I can handle this. Fuck yeah I can. I’ll have a kid, a husband the whole nine yards. I’ll be one big happy fucked up family.
Jenn Soutar
the part which helps to hold a cup, door, tool etc; as verb it means to tackle, manage a situation, person etc.
pavalamani pragasam
i don’t know how I’m handling my life right now. I’m in school full time, internship and I’m living on my own. It’s a lot for a 20 year old to have on her plate. But it’s life, you have to handle it.
Fat papa on the beach, running in his trunks. Handle on the waist, side handles, Handle bar moustache. Hercule Poirot, that is, my favorite. Such a ridiculous look to have, better than fat boy.
ryan Hagan
She couldn’t handle the truth. That was the abominable truth of that. There would never be another chance, she thought, and she grabbed him and pulled him toward her. His lips came crashing down on hers, but she didn’t lose a moment thinking anymore. She’d wasted too many years thinking already. It was time to handle this the only way possible.
a handle is a thing that you hold something by.
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Get a handle on yourself, dammit! Who do you think you are? Pick yourself up. I’m sick of that whining!
But I can’t, my heart is broken.
Manejar es tener control y el control hay que tenerlo siempre.
handles on cups of coffee are a good idea because sometimes the cups are just so hot and it’s too hard to hold them in your hand. i have a cup of coffee from a vending machine that fits that description, but the vending machine doesn’t give you cup sleeves so i don’t even know how i’m supposed to hold the damn thing! handles are a generally good idea and should be put to use on more items that might have problems being held. maybe even really cold things.
das ist genial
what can i handle in my life?
what on earth have i handled properly in my life?
everything feels out of control now.
even if given a chance to really handle things, i doubt my abilities to do so.
i don’t want to handle anything now.
escape is my favourite word.
can someone else do all the handling for me?
omg. handling your affairs, you state of mind, and every other circumstance and situation. You need to handle it. screams the others.
And it reminds me of the pots and pans handle too!
it was gold and shiny. broken at the corner, i could see my twisted reflection in it. pale skin and a single dead eye on my forehead at limply twisted around in its fury. i was monster and nothing would ever change that.
To open, to muse, to explore, to hold, to close, to protect, to polish, to grab, for teeth, for children, for privacy, for safety, for opportunity, with care, may be hot, G minor, daily to soften, with love!
Life was always rubish as a handle, the most over used item in the world and yet no one gave a crap about me. How life had become so terrible for me in this stupi place. Life life life, why am i going on about life. Lets talk about handles, love handles, ew. People taalk about handles as if there nothing, but i think without handles we would be nothing.
He grabbed the handle and yanked. The door came right off. Her eyes narrowed and his tongue stuck out. “You’ll be in so much trouble.”
His playful eyes looked at her, and he grinned. She loved that grin. That was probably why she fell in love with him.
How to handle situations? Well I always try to remain calm. A logical and rational evaluation of any predicament will usually reveal alternatives which were not at first obviously apparent.
I could never understand why she was always so happy. She just seemed to go about her life as if everything was perfect. As if her bed was always made and her clothes freshly laundered, folded and stored neatly. She seemed to really have a handle on this life. I was envious. I wanted to be her.
i have no idea what is going on, I just don’t know. this is all confusing. could somebody please let me out? please? Anybody
The part on a door that you pull to go outside.
Sometimes I have to handle the fact that my confused on and off fucked up and over relationship with this twot not worthy of being named a man, Jose, does not really love me. I’m convinced that every time he has said it was a lie__
erm, used to get hold of something, a foothold, a thingy on na drawer, a suitcase or a car door
we like handles
Do you have a handle on the situation, he asked, eyebrows raised. Don’t worry, came the reply hoarsely, I know what has to be done. He then turned and walked out of the office, the hunting knife in his right hand barely concealed by the business coat he was wearing. He walked out of the front revolving doors of the office and hailed a cab. He knew what he had to do.
handle. How will I handle this Handel award says George Balanchine, hunting for cleverness in the staid waters of award giving to a man who genius was fed on spontaneity on one not e after another.
The handle of a bag. It is held like the hand of an infant. It is held like an accessory. Is it really that important to have a bag which can’t handle a lot of stuff? The size is small.
She grabbed the handle of the cooking pot and without a moments hgesitation brought it round in a wide arc. She felt a crack and new she had broken something
handling life is hard, its something we all have to learn to do, an it happens to all of us, sometimes multiple times an for some maybe only once, but learning how to handle your life is the answer to living, if you cant handle it your dead, game over, do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars, thats how it goes
Mug handles are always too thin. Too brittle to hold the precious liquid within–precious liquid meaning coffee, of course. And if I don’t have my coffee, I can’t exactly handle my day. Good grief! What will I do if I don’t have my mug of coffee with the too thin handle.
he knew how to handle this.he knew.he was always the smartest and the brightest,so,he knew.he just didn’t want to.
She could handle how he left his wet towel on the floor of the bathroom. She could accept some people hated you simply because of the way you looked. She was willing to envision the sun exploding and snuffing the Earth out in less than a wink. But she could not deal with a stray cat, and she gathered each one like a new rose for her bouquet.
i can’t even begin to handle what’s going on in my life. a move. a loss. a start. a career. a new love. it’s all so crazy i just don’t have a clue. but i know it’s good. it’s hard, but good. i’m heading in the right direction and i’m finally becoming me…whatever that means…
The handle was underneath my palm. I was terrified. Going through this door – it could either spell my death or… well, my death. But that’s something else completely. I stall slightly, my whole body urging me to let go, to stop, to not open this door.
A door handle? A bucket handle? A huge gate handle? Or is it a problem handle? Be it anything, a handle is something that supports and balances the most heaviest part of any living or non-living thing’s existence. When you handle a problem, or handle a difficult situation, gracefully, you just play the same important role.
A door handle? A bucket handle? A huge gate handle? Or is it a problem handle? Be it anything, a handle is something that supports and balances the most heaviest part of any living or non-living thing’s existence. When you handle a problem, or handle a difficult situation, gracefully, you just play the same important role.
or don`t
how did she handle herself in that situation? gallantly. so perfectly, in fact, that I almost rotted with jealousy everytime I saw that pristinely still face that showed not even the slightest amount of weakness.
I cant’t handle myself! What abuot the others?
No I can’t handle this. Well maybe I could have fifteen years ago when everything was easy and I hadn’t remembered everything from when I was a kid.
I can handle this. Fuck yeah I can. I’ll have a kid, a husband the whole nine yards. I’ll be one big happy fucked up family.
the part which helps to hold a cup, door, tool etc; as verb it means to tackle, manage a situation, person etc.
i don’t know how I’m handling my life right now. I’m in school full time, internship and I’m living on my own. It’s a lot for a 20 year old to have on her plate. But it’s life, you have to handle it.
Fat papa on the beach, running in his trunks. Handle on the waist, side handles, Handle bar moustache. Hercule Poirot, that is, my favorite. Such a ridiculous look to have, better than fat boy.
She couldn’t handle the truth. That was the abominable truth of that. There would never be another chance, she thought, and she grabbed him and pulled him toward her. His lips came crashing down on hers, but she didn’t lose a moment thinking anymore. She’d wasted too many years thinking already. It was time to handle this the only way possible.