I’m not sure if I can handle everything people are putting on my plate. School mostly. I haven’t been in a while and everything is just getting stressful. Tis to the point where I want to cry because of it. I can’t sleep because of all the stress from it. I know what I have to do but I am scared that once I get there I won’t be able to handle everything given to me.
doors have handles. i dont know what to say about handles… but love handles
I have to handle life daily. Handle the fact that my grandfather just died. My sister is engaged to a transgender woman that is 39. My dad is cheating on my mom. My boyfriend is cheating on me. I’m a full time student and a part time worker. I have to find the energy to HANDLE everything and still be a mom. I’m tired.
so anyway i was just riding my bike with no cares at all when all of a sudden BOOM WHAT THE HELL! where the hell are my handles. so i ran home and took two handels off my door and atached them to my bike. problem fixed! sorry to all christians for the referances to hell. x
I can handle it. Just continue to press on – eventually it will make sense.
get a gruip
I can’t handle the pressure.
keys handle locks, don’t take what you can;t handle, broken handle is a problem.
it’s a word, describing sth.
you can say
hanlde this situation
handle means tou must take a responsability to do this thing.
handle, it;s a verb
to handle.
you can me it an subject too
The handle on my bike shook back and forth as I tried to regain control. I sped down the steep hill, wind whistling in my ears and scenery around me whizzed by.
Gouldin Lion
I never thought I’d be able to handle the fact that you’re so different than who you were, but I am. Everyday I’m moving on and I feel better. You don’t control my life, and honestly, I’m glad that you’re not there anymore. I don’t miss you. I can handle it.
the handle of the iorn was glowing denoting it’s foul intentions and the hand had absolutely no idea
scott rob
handle, used all the time in the ancient and noble art of cb radio, now no longer with us. Meaning? a unique and usually preposterous user name
I can’t handle this state I’m in anymore… I feel useless. How do I escape this nightmare
how to handle a bad situation, take a step back from what what is happening, take a breath and look at what it is for what it is without over analysing it, do not get emotionally involved and think if you were someone that was uninvolved in the situation looking at what was happening what would they say makes sense…things will make sense
I’ve got a handle on things. Or do I. Do you? Does anyone really have a handle on things or do we just tell ourselves we do so that we don’thave to worry about not having a handle on things. Such is life. Pretending we have a good handle.
Chazz L Camino
me in the place of this.
hold on, hold on.
don’t let go.
jack, come back.
test the handle
I can’t handle it. Why bother? Sometimes it’s just too out of control. With one thing getting in the way of another I can get a good grip, hold tight, and not let go. Things get loose, fall away, tear apart. I can’t handle it. There is no way around it. It doesn’t help that others don’t understand. They can handle it. Why can’t I?
I wasn’t sure I could handle much more. First, the sociopathic mother, second, the CP kid, third, the suicidal son, and now this, the insecure husband. Oh yeah..and there’s the Asperger’s…
hall and oates – you make my dreams
‘too hot to handle’
thats all i need to sum this word up.
charlie gwitcoy
You think you have a handle on your life? Fat chance. Nobody has a handle on anything. It just doesn’t work like that. The only thing you have a handle on is yourself and even that’s a pretty shifty ticket nowadays. Stop trying to handle everything or the desire to do so is gonna handle you.
awesome. i cant handle the my stepfather’s slow, painful death and my mother’s suffering. i can’t handle my fear and the summer, how i hate the summer!
Life is hard to handle, mainly because it doesn’t need to be. I want to let go of the need to and the desire to control everything around me. I rather just be in the Universe, living life as it’s handed to me.
My hand trembled on the handle of the door. “Why am I here?” I mutter to myself. I can’t go through with this, there’s just no way. I may love her. But I’m not going to do this for anyone. I will not kill a man. I refuse.
I wish I had a handle on things right now. Life would be so much easier if I were able to grasp at least something in my life, instead of having to work a million times. I normally feel like I have a decent handle on my life, giving me a certain amount of control and comfortability that many others may not have. After college has been the first time in my life that I have not had this control.
I held theat handle. I held for dear bloody life. The ground fell before me. The air plane lifted into the air. And still I held that handle. The wind flew past me and still I held that handle. My hands and arms were burning and still I held that handle. Then I fell.
i don’t know how to handle anything. i am a failure. in the raw. handling things is for my mommmy and daddy to do. i wish i could learn how to handle things on my own. i wish my boyfriend didn’t have to calm me down every 5 seconds because i come up with some new doubt in him. handle. i wish i could manage that.
Lindsey Herre
He healed his little wounds. It hurt him so much when she looked at him like that. The wax from the candle burned him.
(Thank you, Mary Zimmerman.)
I saw the way her fingers tightened over the handlebars of her bike when I approached her. Her knuckles grew white, her face ash. Her thin legs trembled, teetering on the edge of the rusted peddles.
We hadn’t seen each other for years, but the emotion on her face was as strong as if we had just sharpened knives.
I am trying to get my shit handled. This was a rough week and I had far too much work. Tonight I’m finishing a fucking handle so I can get blackout enough to forget the week ever existed.
One time I had to handle a situation.. it was called oneword.com. I had to write about this one word called handle in a certain amount of time. The time is almost out, and I am not able to finish all my thoughts! I am not sure how I will get my point across to you, and I hope you get a handle on the next assignment.
handle it. don’t fidget complain, just handle it.
The handle of the teapot was inspiring, the ancient Greek designs on the handle were intriguing. Looking at the carvings, carefully poked by no doubt a needle. I was a proud owner of such a posession, yet I wondered whether to sell it to a museum or keep it for myself, in my own, private museum of “Ernie Winkle’s Archeology Collection”.
Emily Justem
Bramble. Open doors of psyche. Stability, solidity and fluidity. Flexibility and inflexibility. Beauty in all things. Handle
D rock
She couldn’t handle him. She hated seeing him every day, walking around like nothing happened. It bothered her to the point where she would start crying when she saw him. It was the handle on the door. It hurt her.
I’m not sure if I can handle everything people are putting on my plate. School mostly. I haven’t been in a while and everything is just getting stressful. Tis to the point where I want to cry because of it. I can’t sleep because of all the stress from it. I know what I have to do but I am scared that once I get there I won’t be able to handle everything given to me.
doors have handles. i dont know what to say about handles… but love handles
I have to handle life daily. Handle the fact that my grandfather just died. My sister is engaged to a transgender woman that is 39. My dad is cheating on my mom. My boyfriend is cheating on me. I’m a full time student and a part time worker. I have to find the energy to HANDLE everything and still be a mom. I’m tired.
so anyway i was just riding my bike with no cares at all when all of a sudden BOOM WHAT THE HELL! where the hell are my handles. so i ran home and took two handels off my door and atached them to my bike. problem fixed! sorry to all christians for the referances to hell. x
I can handle it. Just continue to press on – eventually it will make sense.
get a gruip
I can’t handle the pressure.
keys handle locks, don’t take what you can;t handle, broken handle is a problem.
it’s a word, describing sth.
you can say
hanlde this situation
handle means tou must take a responsability to do this thing.
handle, it;s a verb
to handle.
you can me it an subject too
The handle on my bike shook back and forth as I tried to regain control. I sped down the steep hill, wind whistling in my ears and scenery around me whizzed by.
I never thought I’d be able to handle the fact that you’re so different than who you were, but I am. Everyday I’m moving on and I feel better. You don’t control my life, and honestly, I’m glad that you’re not there anymore. I don’t miss you. I can handle it.
the handle of the iorn was glowing denoting it’s foul intentions and the hand had absolutely no idea
handle, used all the time in the ancient and noble art of cb radio, now no longer with us. Meaning? a unique and usually preposterous user name
I can’t handle this state I’m in anymore… I feel useless. How do I escape this nightmare
how to handle a bad situation, take a step back from what what is happening, take a breath and look at what it is for what it is without over analysing it, do not get emotionally involved and think if you were someone that was uninvolved in the situation looking at what was happening what would they say makes sense…things will make sense
I’ve got a handle on things. Or do I. Do you? Does anyone really have a handle on things or do we just tell ourselves we do so that we don’thave to worry about not having a handle on things. Such is life. Pretending we have a good handle.
me in the place of this.
hold on, hold on.
don’t let go.
jack, come back.
test the handle
I can’t handle it. Why bother? Sometimes it’s just too out of control. With one thing getting in the way of another I can get a good grip, hold tight, and not let go. Things get loose, fall away, tear apart. I can’t handle it. There is no way around it. It doesn’t help that others don’t understand. They can handle it. Why can’t I?
I wasn’t sure I could handle much more. First, the sociopathic mother, second, the CP kid, third, the suicidal son, and now this, the insecure husband. Oh yeah..and there’s the Asperger’s…
hall and oates – you make my dreams
‘too hot to handle’
thats all i need to sum this word up.
You think you have a handle on your life? Fat chance. Nobody has a handle on anything. It just doesn’t work like that. The only thing you have a handle on is yourself and even that’s a pretty shifty ticket nowadays. Stop trying to handle everything or the desire to do so is gonna handle you.
awesome. i cant handle the my stepfather’s slow, painful death and my mother’s suffering. i can’t handle my fear and the summer, how i hate the summer!
Life is hard to handle, mainly because it doesn’t need to be. I want to let go of the need to and the desire to control everything around me. I rather just be in the Universe, living life as it’s handed to me.
My hand trembled on the handle of the door. “Why am I here?” I mutter to myself. I can’t go through with this, there’s just no way. I may love her. But I’m not going to do this for anyone. I will not kill a man. I refuse.
I wish I had a handle on things right now. Life would be so much easier if I were able to grasp at least something in my life, instead of having to work a million times. I normally feel like I have a decent handle on my life, giving me a certain amount of control and comfortability that many others may not have. After college has been the first time in my life that I have not had this control.
I held theat handle. I held for dear bloody life. The ground fell before me. The air plane lifted into the air. And still I held that handle. The wind flew past me and still I held that handle. My hands and arms were burning and still I held that handle. Then I fell.
i don’t know how to handle anything. i am a failure. in the raw. handling things is for my mommmy and daddy to do. i wish i could learn how to handle things on my own. i wish my boyfriend didn’t have to calm me down every 5 seconds because i come up with some new doubt in him. handle. i wish i could manage that.
He healed his little wounds. It hurt him so much when she looked at him like that. The wax from the candle burned him.
(Thank you, Mary Zimmerman.)
I saw the way her fingers tightened over the handlebars of her bike when I approached her. Her knuckles grew white, her face ash. Her thin legs trembled, teetering on the edge of the rusted peddles.
We hadn’t seen each other for years, but the emotion on her face was as strong as if we had just sharpened knives.
I am trying to get my shit handled. This was a rough week and I had far too much work. Tonight I’m finishing a fucking handle so I can get blackout enough to forget the week ever existed.
One time I had to handle a situation.. it was called oneword.com. I had to write about this one word called handle in a certain amount of time. The time is almost out, and I am not able to finish all my thoughts! I am not sure how I will get my point across to you, and I hope you get a handle on the next assignment.
handle it. don’t fidget complain, just handle it.
The handle of the teapot was inspiring, the ancient Greek designs on the handle were intriguing. Looking at the carvings, carefully poked by no doubt a needle. I was a proud owner of such a posession, yet I wondered whether to sell it to a museum or keep it for myself, in my own, private museum of “Ernie Winkle’s Archeology Collection”.
Bramble. Open doors of psyche. Stability, solidity and fluidity. Flexibility and inflexibility. Beauty in all things. Handle
She couldn’t handle him. She hated seeing him every day, walking around like nothing happened. It bothered her to the point where she would start crying when she saw him. It was the handle on the door. It hurt her.