
April 5th, 2009 | 161 Entries

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161 Entries for “hanger”

  1. Instantaniously,
    She starts to cry
    Remembering the night before.
    What had happened?
    She could not remember.
    All she knew was that the hanger had done it.
    And that is what he said
    “Hang ‘er.”
    There she was.

  2. Clothing that fits is a good thing. Airplanes are fun to ride on

  3. The thoughts in my mind go back to that one time — looking out my back window and seeing your jersey on a hanger. How I knew that was the beginning of the end, I do not know. I looked back again, I cried. I looked forward and a parked car was in front of me. The crash blew my mind — that is, it blew you from my mind.

  4. you could have a coat hanger and hang things with it. Hanger is made of the word “hang” which could be to hang clothes or hang a person. Hanger…6 letters. That’s about all I can think of. What are you meant to say really?

  5. its the thing you put your clothes on
    a person who hangs around
    a place to keep your airplanes
    and you do like your airplanes dont you
    you wouldnt want them to get mouldy
    and mouldy thats a terrible thing to have happen
    no you dont want that
    but hangers
    they’re a bit like clangers the old tv show by with an H

  6. The airport. You know you have to fly to get from here to there. No matter what, your life is dependent on the condition of those planes. You put all your trust into American, hoping you’ll live to see another day. Things will get better.

  7. clothes hangers hang from a line. and then you take them off. the clothes that is and wear them. or not wear them. sometimes you can just throw them on the ground. Oh hanger… don’t poke my eye out please. that tangy metalic taste when I put them in my mouth. It’s been years since I’ve untangles so many hangers.

  8. and i hung up my clothes. still damp from the sun setting before they could dry. i hung them up in my closet. smothering each other as if they were people crammed into an elevator just after a rain storm.

    Casey McManus
  9. world war two tree noose french revolution air planes and bombs with bullets and war, pacific islands, hanging hanger with miles davis

    iggy cosky
  10. world war two tree noose french revolution air planes and bombs with bullets and war, pacific islands, hanging hanger with miles davis

    iggy cosky
  11. Who decided that clothing needed to be hung? And who invented the hanger? How much money did they make? Did they ever drop their money in water, and need to actually use a hanger to dry it off? Has hanger ever been a slang term for something else? I’d really like to know. Don’t leave me hanging.

  12. I looked down at the items in my pocket, stuffed there and stolen from my earlier visit to Miss Barkley’s house. I wanted everything about her to stay with me, the little cello, the little window curtains, the dresses, the hangers, everything. She was the greatest dollhouse artisan in town.

  13. hangers on the floor, hangers on the rod, hangers… everywhere.

    it’s like a sea of clothing, wading through our rooms. it’s like walking on a heaven of material, only to find you stepped on the stilletto of a shoe.

    only when you see carpet, you say. well everything is on the bed now and move it on the floor when we sleep tonight.

  14. Your mom’s loathsome gape of a birth canal is as wide as an empty airplane hanger. It’s like chucking a hot dog down an empty hall way. It’s like riding a pathetic tricycle in the middle of the baring desert with a sandstorm looming over the horizon.

  15. He hung his coat in the closet from and old wooden hanger and turned to look at her with a seriousness in his eye that she’d never seen before.
    “I have to tell you something,” he said. “Last night wasn’t the first time that something like that happened.”

  16. I tried to use the key to unlock the door, but the hanger worked faster. From now on I would grab the hanger on the way out — I made this mental note to myself. But, once I got the door opened, boy!!! I was afraid for my life…who knew THAT would be lurking in the darkness. Of course the hanger did NOT unlock the door from the other side and I was stranded in the darkness with THAT breathing down my neck…

  17. I fell off the hanger. I didn’t mean to do it. But I”m made from such fine slippery material that I just couldn’t stay put. I fell off the hanger and onto the floor, where I got dirty. I will have to be washed again when I’m discovered here, a dirty shirt.


    Joanna Marie Salinas Sison
  19. I would like to have a hanger for my soul, so i wouldn’t have to care for it anymore, a soft hanger which takes good care of it.

  20. My blood runs cold, as i lifelessy hang from the closet. I am forgotten. I am unwanted. I am alone. Eternally. I can open up again, if you allow me.I can blossom and grow. I can be one again. A moment not alone. A hole is what fills me. I am full of nothing. Miss me, damnit. Love me. Hold me. I am here. Waiting.

  21. On the hanger, he draped his brand-new tailored suit. He had just worn it to his first job interview, and it had served him well. The first impression the suit made was sure to impress many employers to come, and the hanger was sure to take excellent care of that suit.

  22. I went into my closet what to wear, what to wear? I was wondering when I saw and amazingly cute outfit, a punky skirt and a a black corset. I picked it out and 0n the hanger it said” I’ll always be your penguin.”.

  23. Oh man, do I have to admit this? Hanger reminds me of hangar which reminds me of the movie Armageddon when Ben Affleck proposes to Liv Tyler. Oh well. A real hanger reminds me of who I wish I could be. I’d like to just hang all the time, especially if I could hang from a hang glider once in a while.

  24. I have a lot of things hanging in my proverbial closet. Outfits I saw that I thought were so fantastic at the time. That I know will suit me if I could just figure out how to wear them properly. I never get round to it though. I always plump for the comfy jeans and t-shirt combo. Wouldn’t want to leave my comfort zone now, would I?

  25. sitting one the steps,
    everyone is silent,
    but a few small crickets that are tiptoeing around you and you sigh as he comes up to you.

    “he’s gone.”

    maybe it’d be nice to stick your head
    in a hanger.
    and die.

    or not,
    maybe you’ll survive.

    (i think i like the first idea better.)

  26. the hanger was sitting right there. the dim light cast the metal in an eerie glow. She knew what she had to do but that didn’t make it any easier. as the lamp light swung back and forth casting shadows on the walls, the picked up the hanger and lifted her skirt. Mexican abortion style.

  27. There’s always too many clothes and not enough hangers. I should always just say yes when they ask me in the shop if I want to keep them. On the other hand I barely wear any of the clothes I buy, so it doesn’t matter if they’re on the floor. I only buy them so people notice me, but all they’re gonna notice is the creases. Story of my life really.

  28. he found a rusty coat hanger in the garbage behind his house. he unbent it slowly, taking a deep breath, and pushed it under the door, twisting slightly to correctly orient it. With some effort, he was able to unlock the door to his house, the house he drunkenly locked himself out off.

  29. i like warm clothes that jus come out of the dryer.but i hate having to put them up on hangers later on. for the mean time… i’ll just rub my face in them.

  30. The plane levels out on the runway.
    It slows down and hits his gears.
    The brakes screech.
    They slowly stop. They taxi away.
    They pull into home The planes home.
    The Hanger.

  31. Clothes are hung on this, planes are stored in this, and fetuses are aborted with this.

  32. coats, closets, suicidal kids who hang themselves haha get it? hangers-on, hang man, wire hangers, fancy hangers, plastic ones that come in different colors

  33. “Hanger”, That’s what she said to me. “Pass me a hanger”, so I did and she thanked me for it. I went on about washing my clothes. She asked if she could borrow my empty cart all the others have peoples’s stuff in them.

  34. a hanger is something that can be used to suspend clothes and other variables in the air to dry or make it so no wrinkles appear. They can also be used to break into cars if they are wire ones. you can make mobiles out of them too

  35. hanger, hanger, oh dear hanger of mine. the way you hang my clothes on the line. sometimes when i’m sad, i look at the clothes on my hanger, and oh hanger, hanger, little hanger of mine, you make me feel so fine. when the wind blows and my clothes get lost, i know the hanger has not been tossed. the earth can spin around and round, but my little hanger, will always be found. little hanger of mine, will you spare some time? will you dry my clothes in time?

  36. hanger airport plane the plane took off at six o’clock. I like to fly in planes. Planes are fast and are cool.
    Hangers are where planes are stored this thing is really wierie

  37. It strikes me how many hangers are in my closet whose origins I have no idea about. Especially the wire ones. Have they been accidently passed down through families on moving days and in first apartments like some defunct heirloom?

    Shannon Purdy
  38. isolated in the dark,often donning a new set of clothes. Adopting a fashion sense similar to that of its owner, hanging by a single arm like that of a hang glider. this is something which everyone would have developed an affinity for. something which you see and touch everyday. A clothes hanger

  39. The hanger was alive with the lastest buzz in town. Converted for tonights party, the bubbly flowed as did the bragging and lies. Sophie stood quietly in the corner

  40. today i hang someone with a hanger and juabbed it through his stomach then wack it upon his face and just as i expected,he farted,ha ha ha then he wack his butt open with a chopper,how cool!!!!!
